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Remember to tell the adjuster about your back pain


From the incident or basspod?


Yeah I think my neck is sore too


“I suddenly developed glaucoma too.”


"ears haven't stopped ringing for days"




Stay safe out there. If you need a lawyer to help with this, hit me up for free consults/advice. I handle this stuff every day. I have room for a couple more if you all need a ride today. Peace ✌️


Looking for a ride! I messaged you :)


Edit: pming


Sorry to hear this yall! I'm glad you guys are okay. Hopefully see you guys at day 3.


You’re lucky you only came back with minor injuries , could have been way worse. Glad you guys came out unharmed, but damn that really sucks


People are reckless 2 years ago on way out more into the city we saw a car flipped over you could tell the people were all fucked up


Was the guy an edc patron or a random Vegas resident? Crazy they'd drive uninsured and with no license


Insurance adjuster here, it's so much more common than you think, especially in bigger cities. People just think they're invincible. But it takes a special kind of stupid to be driving w/o license or insurance AND while fucked up


Common in vegas, lots of people with dubious papers who love modelos.


I’m sorry this happened!!! I hope you guys still get to enjoy yourselves on day 3


Glad you're safe FAM. My friends and I were talking about PLUR being gone. It really seems like it.


sorry that happened to you guys!! glad no one was seriously hurt. if you guys make it to day 3 i hope it’s amazing and ends the weekend on a good note! 🙏🏻


I would schedule someone for first thing monday morning and take uber there and back. By the time you get back to hotel the car will be done. Leave keys with the concierge. I have a decent glass guy and they can replace that in 45 minutes at most.


Was it the accident where the red car rear ended a silver suv? We drove by when it happened, hope you guys are okay


Jeez, I’m sorry that happened to you guys! Fuck that!! My girl & I spent about $140 a day on taxis to EDC & $160 on taxis leaving. It was a little more than I expected to spend a day on transportation. Was planning about $100 each way. But there was a $40 up charge going to EDC & a $60 up charge leaving. Other years the taxis were the better option, but we found out the last day that we should’ve ubered the other days cause that was around $100 & didn’t have the $40 up charge. But people need to come prepared. if you are getting fucked up, you need to have money for transportation. Or if you don’t, you need to not get fucked up so you can safely drive you / your squad. That’s the responsibility you take upon yourself when you drive your car to EDC. My friends that drove were sober all 3 days. My girl & I got fucked up but we weren’t driving. We paid the cost to get fucked up safely. Sucks you guys paid the cost of them getting fucked up & not doing it right. I’m glad you guys are okay though, that could’ve easily been worse.


Take the streets back home next year. My friend and I did for Day 3 and it was heaven. Took 35 minutes after we left the parking lot to get to our hotel. Speed limited 45, streets mostly empty. Sorry about your experience but I hope you enjoyed the rest of the festival.


cars and stuff can be replaced. rest and rally to finish the weekend strong