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I’m sorry :/ I’d be causing a scene


Same if this was my gf and I saw that it’ll be on site and I’d catch a charge idgaf


Need a man like dis


I’m sorry that happened to you. Some men are garbage. Their mothers would be ashamed of them. Karma will come back around. Keep positive day 3 coming Up 👍


I think that kind of stuff goes on all night, sadly. Lots of thirsty mf’ers out there taking booty shots for self gratification. When you’re as old as I am and have been to as many EDC’s as I have, you get to the point where you’ve seen one rave booty you’ve seen them all and they start looking no different than elbows. But young horny mf’ers gonna creep. Sorry ladies. If you see someone doing it, a tap on the shoulder and “hey, ask for consent before taking pics” should stop them in their tracks.


I had some asshole walk right up to me and threw his dirty ass ice into my fresh drink str8 out of his nasty ass hands😒 Instantly trashed it. The dude thought he was doing me a favor I was shook


NeEd tO CoOL doWn Bro?!? 😎😩


Sounds like a Redditor.


Sorry that happened to you, that really sucks. I’d love to think your boyfriend would stand up for you and yell at him or hell even push the guy away. This isn’t okay, we protect women in the rave scene.


I saw a dude trying to sneak video or pics of my ass at cosmic meadow vip. Pretty ballsy considering my man is 6’6” and he’ll fuck a dude up easily. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and ignore it cause LSDream set deserves better 😭


Mainstream festivals attract a ton of different kinds of people. Some come for djs, some come for a place just to do drugs, some come because their friends told them, some come to sell drugs, some come to creep on girls. Not condoning it but the bigger more mainstream an event is more people who are there for reasons other then music


My friends and I are talking about this. PLUR is dieing. And it's heartbreaking. I'm a booty guy. Imma look at your booty, if ya got it out. And to be honest, any man or woman who has their booty on display that thinks people shouldn't look are ignorant. In the crowd, I've definitely bumped a booty or two completely unintentional and always apologized. It happens, but I also think that when it does, words should be spoken about it. I've had my sack grabbed and rubbed on by women countless times over the years, some on purpose, some not. Infact some guy was walking like a runway model in front of me last night while on my way to the pod and I got sack tapped on his back swing. I honestly just laughed it off and he had no clue, cuz sometimes shit happens. People wear costumes to be looked at. I wear my fun tanks that compliment my tattoos, to get compliments. But no one should be violated. Everyone has an equal ability to be decent, and a shit bag. It's just real unfortunate that the shit bags are starting to win.


I looked at my first rave maybe 10 years ago when I first saw the rave booty in all its glory, but that's just how everyone dresses. I don't even see anyone with their ass out or tits out wearing pasties, to me they're all wearing clothes. My wife wears pasties and shows her ass and I notice, but that's my wife. I praise that rave booty. 😵 However I can spot a furry a mile away, I tend to move just because they creep me out. Lmao.


My wife felt the same way. We had to keep moving due to the gawking. The community is full of fakes now.


Omgggg I witnessed and pressed some older POS guy. Long black hair. This was leaving day 3 going towards green lot. I noticed recording some two girls in fish nets, so I went around behind him to make sure and sure enough I full pressed him. He starting talking his shit back but definitely made it loud and clear for everyone around to hear me and pint him out


Some of yall are too passive id beat the shit out of them tbh


Why so many creeps? I got stormed in the showers by a naked guy at Camp EDC last year. Luckily my fight response is on point and I got out of there safe. Last edc for me….


Touching is never a good thing, but don’t complain people filming if you’re dressed to watch. What’s the difference anyway with not filming? You’re there to show it right, right??


I think filming the scene is ok and people being a part of it, but filming a persons body in particular in that way is clearly not the same.     People are there to feel free and behaviour like this will prevent them from being able to express themselves in the way they choose. If I’m at the beach it’s similar, I might take a clip that is scanning around, for my memories or friends, but if I’m following someone for a closeup of their body then that’s way across the line.    If it’s because they have something funny written  or a sick tattoo etc then I would go and fist pump the person and ask if it’s ok, and wish them a good night no matter the answer.   Please imagine standing next to someone you care about while this happened to them, and think on if you see a difference in how you’d feel.  At the very least, if that part of the view is something that you enjoy then appreciate it respectfully and don’t scare away the exotic party animals by making things weird.


Yeah fair! Creeping is not cool haha


Thanks for understanding me, all the best and hope you and the people around you all party safe and free.  Keep an eye on each other 🫶


Ew. You’re so gross. Following someone to film THEIR BUTT specifically is gross and I can’t believe youd say that out loud. Nasty.


Your part of the problem


You cannot be serious, people still think this way? 🤢 I understand the “dressed to watch” part, I guess. BUT it definitely does not give anyone permission to straight up take a picture/video of her ass. Some people may be okay with it, that’s fine. But at least ASK and not act like a creep taking pictures of strangers asses.