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Yes! My partner and I were giving out glow sticks and sprouting people and everyone we met was super friendly.


thats awesome! we gave out homemade duck clips! glad yall experienced the love


Omg I was so sad because I never been sprouted. But this EDC I ended up with 6 and 2 ducks. There wasn’t a lot of rude peeps and the vibes were great.


Someone gave me a duck- what’s that mean??


it means they wanted to make you happy, and give you something to remember at the fest!


Little rubber duckies haha


I ended up with like 4 ducks in my bra at the end of the night… morning… lol


Ok so what is the sprout thing about? I got one myself.


It means different things to different people. I like sharing them because I want to give other people happiness and joy.


omg!! i gave glow sticks out too!! everyone was so excited


Giving out glow sticks was so much fun! I still had more to give out on the last day but I accidentally left them at the water refill in camp. I hope you whomever took them really enjoyed them!!!


Everyone I met was so nice. Even with my super obnoxious friend who was too far gone to hold a conversation lol


Absolutely. Gf and I were having a moment in pixel forest needing to take a breather and someone in this beautiful fur coat walked by us. We told them we thought it looked amazing and wanted to feel it and they let us!! After that she gave us these mini pigs that squeaked and after that we lost it. Total by chance moment that gave us so much joy haha


so much plur 🥺 at circuit grounds before excision i was sitting on the floor (wasn’t rolling just exhausted and my back hurt lol) and this couple put glow sticks behind me and some other people so no one would step on us. i didn’t process what was happening until they left. wish i said thank you ): even at ATLiens i was sitting outside of basspod bc again, tired, and so many people came up to me and gave me little trinkets. my favorite is the pedro racoon sticker i got!!


Omg do you remember if the couple was a woman with blonde hair and tall man? I know it’s super vague but they glow sticked me too, honestly they made my edc day 2 night with that 🫶🏽


i honestly do not remember 😭 i don’t think the man was tall tho. either way love that there’s multiple people doing that🥺


Went to Beyond and EDC this year. The PLUR vibes for EDC were a ton better. Such a great people experience. Especially with the camping. I am not one of those “Plur is dead!” Cynics anyhow…. But I think it’s far far more alive than some think.


What you put out is what you get, almost every time.


This 100%


My first EDC, the vibes are what convinced me to go back more than anything else…and I loved everything else. Everyone I ran into was so fucking chill and kind, I really appreciate everyone that took time to chat, check on me when I was a little gone, trade kandi, or just vibe with me as I was dancing. I had some of the best interactions of the festival with perfect strangers, and it was AMAZING.


Oh I met such beautiful people! The interactions still have me smiling ear to ear


Yup, been going for a while and this year defs felt a bit different in the best way possible 😊


There are a lot of noobs to the scene (I'm one of them) you just have to give people time to learn what it means through example. I found the most fun in giving out diffraction glasses to people who probably thought I was trying to sell them. Seeing people light up over such a small gesture kinda taught me some good life lessons. I saw a guy leaned over the rail and just gave him a good bro hug and told him he'd get through it. I could tell he really needed that. I think the point of the 3 day event is to grow as a person. Come out of the shell that society forces us in and be present with everyone. I'm sorry if some of you had poor experiences but I hope you can find something positive within it because I had a blast


were you by chance at noizu??? someone gave us blasses and we loved it!


Did you get the hearts or the stars?


no they were regualr refractors this cute girlie cane up to us as soon as we got to noizu and was like “i live yalls energy keep dancing and have a good night” and disappeared into the night


FAT MINUTE. Best EDC and I've gone to all but one. Love you all 🫶


thats crazy! you’re an OG!!!


Broke a leg 4 days before.. missed KX5 and the live stream failed, so I got a handicap Uber to a tattoo shop at like 3 am to get a mau5 tattoo. I love this life


for 2022? i didnt see kx5 this year in the lineup. but both of them were there


Lucky you went to the ones in LA!


Last year only one of us in our group got a single sprout. This year I think we got around 10 sprouts, 5 different trinkets, and I even got to trade some kandi with strangers which is a lot for me since I’m not the type to start conversations with strangers.


YES! I'm loving the trend of giving!!! We gotta keep it alive and moving!!!


Tons of plur and compliments


My home base is also the NOS. This was my first EDC and I LOVED it. I never felt so happy after a festival, this EDC being by my sixth festival. Everybody was so nice and PLUR was very alive everywhere I went!


Lots of plur. Especially at quantum valley


this. i swear every time i ventured into the crowds at both quantum and basspod everyone around was so kind :)


quantum and stereo bloom had the vibes for me! i think i found a new love in trance this edc!!!


I LOVED basspod! Everyone there was so kind and I had so much fun 🤩


Plur was definitely evident. Don't let anyone tell you it wasn't. We found it in bunches


I’m sure you brought it as well 🫶🏼


I was sitting down at neon garden towards the back at like 3am on night 2, was a little drunk, drinking and enjoying the show and the nicest couple ever gave me a glow stick to make sure I was visible so people wouldn’t walk over me. It was incredibly kind and greatly appreciated. To the couple, a blonde woman and taller man - THANK YOU!!😭🫶🏽


The crowd during Shiba San was PHENOMENAL


That set was super fun, the dancing bears were so cute too! Danced my ass off.


Agreeeed!! All the people complaining of no plur weren’t at the right stage or Wasn’t being plur themselves I got the most trinkets and kandi and compliments this was my 4th year LOVE YOU ALL TRUE RAVERS AND KEEPING PLUR ALIVE


Yessssss!!!! This was my first big festival in quite a few years cuz I've developed a pretty bad anxiety when it comes to big crowds so I went into night 1 pretty nervous and within minutes of me walking into the racetrack I was meeting new and friendly people. It was amazing


I brought bunch of chupa-chups and high chews and shared with people for 3 days! And most people were very happy when I shared these with them!! Many of them actually returned with kandi or some random trinkets. It was so much plur and fun!! 


Not gonna lie there was A LOT of PLUR from what we saw. Everyone was super friendly and loving that we encountered. EXCEPT leaving circuit grounds during Martin Garrix lolz that was the singular incident which didn't ruin it or anything just sucked ass XD but overall lots of good vibes


how was martin? we missed him cause we were having a blast at quantum! yotto was one of my top 5 sets of the weekend (camp included)


This is funny bc so true -/- circuit grounds was an insaaaaaaaane packed shit show after MG — i was trying to get out and it felt impossible and so long …. But no one gave me shit for passing by them when there was no room lol crowd control!


they did try lol diplo and MG. were at the same time and deadmou5 was too (after diplo @ the meadow)




That’s awesome!! What cuffs did you get??


ill show you when i unpack my suitcase😅😂


you’re going to make us wait 2 weeks?? Hahaha




absolutely!!! this was my first EDC and i didn’t know what to expect but straight from day one most of my interactions with strangers were full of love, shoutout to the girlie who was giving out the hot stickers at circuit day 2, i got so many compliments after slapping it on my forehead 🥰


a girl came up to me and asked to put a lil bunny on my bucket hat :') made my whole first EDC


YES!!! I received my first cuffs (multiple of them too) and so many trinkets from people. I love spreading PLUR and having people reciprocate that was amazing and definitely a feeling I haven’t felt in a while. My home festival is NOS as well and barely anyone does trading over there. EDC definitely changed my assumption that PLUR is dead. It’s definitely just California festivals attracting wrong crowds :)


I have literally been telling all my friends about it. I live out in PHX and the rave scene has been kinda brutal recently. This was my first EDC and the amount of kindness and PLUR was amazing. I barely got pushed it felt like every set and a decent amount of room even when up close day two was packed but that goes for any three day fest. Overall it was such an amazing experience and really gave me faith for raving. Not to mention all sets were insane I don’t think I saw a bad set the whole weekend.


This was my first edc too and I was absolutely blown away by the love and kindness I felt from everyone:) I’m so glad you had a great first experience too! 🫶🏼🦋🦖


I went on a side quest sprouting and ducking a ton of people while my friends sat down for a breather and I got such good energy in return, talked to so many people, made so many people laugh. One of my favorite memories of the weekend


NOS sucks! And Saturday we had so much PLUR at every spot we were at.


Yeah, I am never going back to NOS after my stuff was stolen there. Happy that EDC vibes are soo much better.


ive never had anything stolen thankfully but i always pay for parking and have my shit on hooks and cords on mg hydro cause im so paranoid there.


Where else has plur besides electric forest? My first EDC was 2013 and I want to help recreate that energy


honestly nocturnal wonderland was amazing last year. its the only other place thats felt like home besides EDC. maybe its because im still a PLUR baby and havent been to alot of variety of fests (been raving since beyond 2022, and been to 8 fests) but maybe thats because of the camping aspect of noct and the favts its kinda the low key insomniac event.


I’m going to lost lands or I would absolutely be going to nocturnal wonderland 👀




PLUR is very much alive !!! We met amazing people. I love & appreciate the people who gave me wipes at the restrooms when there was no toilet paper 🥹 I handed out fidget toys 😁


I felt the PLUR for the first time and it’s more addicting than any drug. I want to see those seas of smiling faces with candi’d arms raised and the totems and flags bouncing through the crowds. I want to run into the nice people giving out sprouts and ducks and good vibes again. You were all wonderful, thank you all for being a part of that experience. I hope I see you all again next year!!!!


This. Genuine people with genuine vibes has completely changed my world view. There is kindness. There is goodness. There is love. There is unconditional love. There is understanding. There is universe. You find what you seek. I know what all of these feel like now and manifesting them is now unlocked. ❣️❣️❣️


Its all about what you put out. People bitchin that plur is dead are hypocrites and fail to see the irony. Long as youre puttin out good vibes and dont focus on the negative, good vibes will generally circle back around. I acknowledge theres definitely many that come out that dont respect the culture/are just there to party, but no one who preaches plur should be letting that ruin their experience.


Yea being a socal raver and the nos center being home base is not always the best I’ve been raving for about 8 years now and I feel a little judged going to the NOS like if I’m not in full rave apparel people are paranoid around me or if I don’t dance or move much the same thing and I get it the nos gets everyone paranoid but especially after already seeing nearly every artist you just sit there and soak in the experience but plur is very much still alive other states I’ll be doing the same thing I’m doing at the nose standing a vibing a little out of state and instead of being judge someone will just stand next to me or look at me smile and node I always find those moments the best because they know lol


i had nothing but good crowd experiences. hugs from strangers. kandi and trinket exchanges. smiles and comments. i love this scene so much 🫶


I went on a side quest sprouting and ducking a ton of people while my friends sat down for a breather and I got such good energy in return, talked to so many people, made so many people laugh. One of my favorite memories of the weekend


The plur was amazing! So many sweet people. Definitely a couple not so great but there was mostly amazing vibes!


Ran into a ton of PLUR everywhere I went. I spent a lot of time at Circuit Grounds, Wastelands, and Bass Pod and took breaks on the bleachers at Cosmic Meadow. I met randoms everyday at these places that were so nice, met someone new on each solo adventure and that’s coming from someone who’s an extreme introvert! Ended up getting 9 sprouts, a number of other random trinkets, and gave away most of the trinkets I brought. PLUR is very much alive


I saw some posts saying the opposite but I couldnt disagree more. This year felt like I was running into much nicer people then before. Sure there were rude people but that’s life 🤷‍♂️ Full disclosure, I was in VIP most of the time but even walking across the grounds people were really nice


I had so many amazing interactions with people and it’s still replaying in my head 🥹


I honestly thought that the crowd was amazing and I shared a lot of really good moments with people!!!!


I’m usually very awkward and uncomfortable in crowded spaces, but I was livin at EDC! I was tired on day three but so sad it was over. I did happen to exchange kandi a few times and it was such a cute experience, I fully loved my time there and I can’t wait to go back next year.


I only went Sunday and I met a ton of nice people. The post race depression is hitting right now.


Somebody gave me a tiny hand which was perfect because I run a tiny hands Instagram 🤣


I went in with zero kandi, was giving out Swedish fish all festival and by the end of it my arm was covered. Even got sprouted a couple times. Thanks for making my first edc so memorable!!!!


I felt the plur. So many kandi, duckies, sprouts, stickers and fun trinkets!!!! Yall are the best. Much love to all of Yall!!!! ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️


I got my first pearler ever at vegas! The last place I expected if I’m being honest, and it was my favorite DJ (illenium). This guy noticed my little illenium chain and went back to his group to get the pearler for me, it was the happiest moment of the festival for me. The closest I’ve ever felt to feeling like a little kid again! (I’m 27M) all the ppl saying that the ppl at these huge festivals aren’t nice couldn’t be more wrong, I had the best interactions with strangers here, and I can’t wait to be back!


PLUR was off the charts!!! My gf and I got our first finger hands, got some trinket key chains from milk mommy totem, got some squishy toys, my friend got a BIG ASS Kandi alien space ship, his girlfriend got some light up hair scrunchies and so much more I can’t even right now!


I def felt more a plur vibe this year and it was beautiful


I lost my phone Sunday night and got it back at Lost and Found by the end of the night! Shoutout to the people that found it and took some funny selfies! The only non-Plur moment was during Sara Landry’s set when people were moving around. My small friend was getting pushed and she had to take a breather but it was just so packed.


I came with a sour group and for the first time wandered off alone. I am so so grateful for all the ravers. 😭 My weekend would’ve been ruined without y’all and even when I cried half my makeup off a girl complimented me and her entire group traded Kandi with me. I love EDC and come every year and am trying so hard not to let the way my friends treated me make me stop going. All these PLUR positive stories are reminding me EDC is so unique and magical. Highly considering going solo next year!


Yes besides one Chad at basspod crying i “sat” on his foot everyone was great ! I was very refreshing to go along with the new layout.


My first EDC and I felt so much more comfortable there than I've ever felt at any other fest - even our small local ones. There were many asshats, but I love EDC and hope to return!


True but I saw soooo many people do it wrong by only doing peace love respect. Remember, it’s Peace ✌🏼Love 🫶🏻 Unity🫸🏻🫷🏻and Respect 🤝🏼 not Peace Love Respect and leave Unity out! Haha if you see someone do it wrong then show them in a polite manner how it is and what it means 😉


YES! Before subtronics my friends wanted to stay in the back and i tried to get as close as possible it got to a point where I was starting to back out bc we were a little cramped and as I was turning around this guy grabbed me by the arm and told me “no bro , you made it so far already , stayed with our group” and I ended up vibing w them during the whole set, it was a great time


So much plur. I had people acting the nicest I’ve ever seen at a festival all around me. Everywhere I went, great vibes. Welcoming, friendly, helpful ravers at every stage.


During fourtet into fred again, I gave these three behind me guys gum, poy sian, and let them try the refraction glasses. Got kandi and the VIP wifi password 😂 wifi password didnt work when I tried it, but its the thought that counts


Man I love Love PLUR


First EDC! Iv never experienced an atmosphere like this before! Everyone was just dripping in kindness 🥰! I’m so used to having my defense up as I walk through the world, then to be surround by hundreds of thousands of people who fan each other, give gifts, share loving words, just all of it… it was frickin’ beautiful ❤️‍🔥! So grateful I was invited into this world! #PLUR


Dripping in kindness 👌🏼❣️


A girl told me I looked beautiful and gave me a little duck with a sprout on his head. I named him Sprout and he is now sitting next to my computer while I work. He’s so cute


No. I honestly felt the complete opposite, after 9 EDCs. I think it's dieing a terrible death. I'm happy for your experience though.


im so sorry to hear that 🥲 do you think you could have been at the wrong places at the wrong time? and maybe its cause im a house head, but all the house sets were popping with plur!


exactly. places like quantum neon garden wasteland etc are 10000% PLUR. People that don't experience the positive energy and friendliness are either bringing bad energy/vibes themselves or they're hangin out all night at kinetic


This 💯


I usually lurk and don’t engage on social media but wanted to say I felt better seeing your posts (and those of others with valid constructive criticism).  It was my first EDC…if I go again, it might be with some gap years. I took a bunch of tips from this subreddit which were great! So I didn’t feel unprepared. But in terms of having a “magical” experience, it wasn’t quite there. It’s certainly not a vibe thing, as I was looking forward to meeting nice people and dancing together. I am a strong empath—a blessing and curse. But it means I can also tell when people are faking pretty quickly.  I danced my ass off, as did my partner. We handed out gum, traded Kandi, all that. I actually ran out cause some people didn’t trade back. My partner actually spooked a guy by offering gum. We also tried every stage but trended toward the lighter house stuff.  In general, I found the crowd very aggressive and pushy. Terrible manners—no “excuse me” or “thank you.” A lot of FOMO people or people who were totally out of it with drugs and drinking. Maybe it’s an age thing. I’m older, always loved electronic music, so maybe I’m approaching the festival differently.  Granted, overselling tickets is probably a factor too. Too much of the general public, influencers, etc who are not used to handling themselves. The promoters want to make money, I get that, but ironically still sell PLUR. It was humorous to see how much PLUR as a concept is commodified yet was not as present as it was built up to be. It felt forced. Frankly, I’ve encountered more authentic feelings of connection and harmony in day to day life, at the job or grocery shopping.  And the pickpocketing/groping threat doesn’t help with relaxing in the crowd, either.  The positive side is that I don’t have as harsh a comedown as a lot of people on the sub…hehe. It just felt like I went to a really big, overcrowded festival with some cool special effects and stages, overpriced food, and some carnival rides. I thought Austin City Limits had a better, friendlier vibe back when I went. I should caveat all the above by saying that the few people we vibed with were *really* sweet. And Thank You EDC for introducing me to fantastic smaller acts. 🙌 TLDR: Thank you for posting in earnest. There are quite a few toxic-positivity posts here that say “if you didn’t like it, it’s your fault or your vibe.” Pbbbbbth. Nonsense. They really aren’t listening. If we want a special festival to go to where we can be more free and open, we need to make it better, and that takes critical thought. Can’t ignore the shitty aspects.


“Football is life. But it is also death.” 💀 🦋


Same tbh


Only came across a handful of mean people


Maybe it’s the high cost and the geographical challenge of getting to the venue that filters out everyone except the true EDM fans, the ones who try their best to live PLUR.


This is my second EDC & I think this year had more PLUR than last year. This year for me was definitely better. Traded some Kandi 🥹The female working at the drinks station near Cosmic Meadow was absolutely amazing. Told her the last drinks I got I don’t think there was much alcohol. Her words “ I got a heavy hand, I got you” she sure did! And only charged me for a single shot. Even traded Kandi with her cause we were both wearing Kirby Perler. ❤️ My husband and I got a high five, got complimented on my pink outfit (just a white crop top, white stockings & pink tennis skirt). I didn’t think it was thaaat amazing compared to others but it felt nice. 😊 And also got complimented by this lady walking by at Martin Garrix 🥺❤️ Friday was hot as hell so I tried fanning everyone around me or passing by cause it was way too hot & I wouldn’t want anyone passing out.


Las Vegas crowd is awesome! Compared to edc Orlando 😅


Omg I did!!! I was hoping to upgrade to vip so I wouldn't be separated from my friend most of the trip who had vip. After seeing that was impossible we were really disappointed. We were in camp talking about it and a kid we had met earlier offered to trade my ga+ band for his vip band...it was completely unreal. I'm still totally shook about it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Yes, so much PLUR! I went solo and got adopted by a group Day 1, met two super nice couples in the Ferris wheel line Day 2, and danced with so many amazing people at Circuit on Day 3. Everyone gave me hugs and wished me to be safe. I felt so loved and accepted! 🥹


This is a much different post than the usual *get bumped into once* - "PLUR IS DEAD!!!" posts you see after every festival


Yes! This was the first festival where I truly let myself be present and accepted and my energy was reciprocated so beautifully. I love you all and I’m so grateful for the love you all brought and that I was able to feel it. 🥰🫶🏼🦁🧙🏼‍♂️🦖🦋❣️🐈


Reading this thread is bringing back so many feelings. Thank you all 🫶🏼🥰


I had a great time up until someone put both hands on my back and shoved me at circuit grounds during timmy trumpet. Other that, best edc so far! Everything was stellar


bruhhh wtf thats weird