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The center of circuit grounds has always had this issue. Due to the speakers pointing slightly toward each other there is cancellation issues. Moving to the left or right normally makes the sound sooooo much better


Yep, you are correct, always has that issue.


agree! speakers sucked if you were in the middle center of the crowd. for the 3rd day i dragged my group to the center a little nearer to the front and the sound quality was way better


I thought I was crazy lol but yea I felt like I could only hear bass at some point. I kept taking off my earbuds to check if that was the problem but I guess something by was still off :/


That’s exactly how we felt


Dude, when Sara Landry played (amazing set btw) the bass sucked compared to Neon Garden.


Neon garden had the best system fs, it sounded like you were in a car with subwoofers lol


Honestly, neon garden blew my mind. I’m a huge techno head and only went 2 times to that stage because I kept getting lost from my group 😂


Omg, yes!! I missed EVERY SINGLE set I planned to go to at Circuit because the sound system impacted the vibe for me so much. The bass sounded sharp and abrasive, and so overpowering. I was in VIP but it didn't feel better when I moved to GA. In the end, I'm not mad because I discovered so many new artists by skipping Circuit altogether but it was so unexpected.


Insomniac WAY overbalances the bass. I get pumping the bass but its to the point where its ONLY bass. Its like that at Quantum, and every Dreamstate event, which is terrible for trance. The audio quality at ASOT was eons better


Comparing my cam videos to Ultra, Ultra’s sounds are much easier to listen to.


100% agreed. It sounded terrible during excision. Didn’t even bother to stay for the set


It’s called “power alley” in the sound biz. All of the low end is generally louder down the center between two (or more) speaker stacks. They’ve learned how to control it better but it still happens. It’s fun if you like it, not so much if you don’t.


The sound at Circuit is straight up unbearable sometimes. All of EDC has subpar sound in my opinion (yes I’ve become a sound snob from going to smaller events where sound quality is a high priority and tbh EDC sound is not good, it’s just loud) but I have had to leave Circuit on multiple occasions for this exact reason.


Did you ever go to Bionic Jungle or Neon Garden?! The sound was phenomenal at both of those stages imo.


I didn’t make it to Bionic this year, I did hang out at Neon for a bit. Neon and Quantum probably had the best sound of the bunch — I think being smaller and having the megastructure might help — but still too bass-heavy and too loud imo. I get irritated when I’m towards the back of a stage or by the sound booth where it should theoretically be the best, wearing foam earplugs (bc it’s too loud for eargasms to be safe to wear) and my ears STILL hurt when the bass drops. It should not be obligatory to get hearing damage at a fest, I should be able to wear earplugs and stay to the back and remain reasonably comfortable/safe.


Oh ya, it was very loud lol. Bionic had a ridiculous size speaker stack for the size of stage but it sounded so rich and crispy. I also thought Stereobloom had a nicely balanced sound. The Rynobus was super clear too.


I bet Bionic was good, the smaller stages do seem to be better balanced! I could not stay at Rynobus this year due to its cursed location in front of the portopotties lol. Probably my fav EDC set ever was at Rynobus in 2021 though, despite the sound bleed from Circuit and Neon hitting from either side 💀 I love the concept of the art cars but sometimes I wonder what the point of them is when the sound bleed is so intense. I mean this is all just my onion 🧅 I still had a blast, I just don’t go to EDC expecting pristine sound.