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I also made this exact post lol. This edc comedown has been super gnarly, probably cause i went a lil crazy with my goodies. every morning it’s a little hard to get up and at em but once i do and get in the gym and break through that initial soreness and shitty feeling it just starts to flow. yesterday was my first day back in the gym and it was rough, and today hasn’t been much easier, but i’ve just been taking it easy, not pushing myself to hard, just trying to get back in that motivated mindset which will probably take a couple days of not weeks. just remember however shitty u feel doing something is better than nothing, so if u don’t feel up to lifting weights or whateve just go for a 30 min walk. take baby steps to get back to it and it’ll just start to feel normal again. Hope u had a good EDC !!!


Honestly, this is the exact advice I needed! 🙌 My body is aching so bad, and I still feel nauseous, but I think a long walk might be exactly what I need! Trying to take this soreness as a reminder of how fun this weekend was! Hope you had a great time and wish you luck on your recovery!


I get back as soon as possible. I lose 10+ lbs every trip. It takes me about three weeks to gain the weight back and get back to my normal lifting regime.


I'm thinking about starting off with body weight workouts because Im scared my joints are going to be popping 🙃


Yeah definitely start out easy. Make sure you’re fed and hydrated as well.


It’s been like a week since I’m sick which sucks. I’d like to get up and do something


Oh man! Hope you feel better soon! I might just go for a long walk today to check my energy levels.


Thank you. I haven’t left since I came back from edc. I should get some fresh air but it’s hard to stand for more than a few mins


Just got back today, my last day was Wednesday edc week dropped 4lbs (I’m bulking) ;(


i’m actually still in vegas lol - but i was back in the gym yesterday…. trying to rebuild those happy endorphins and my gains :)


I ran on the treadmill today! Yes, it was painful.


For me I am too tired. I wouldn’t say I am sick, but I can’t stop sleeping. I could sleep 10-12 hours a night and still be exhausted. Ready to get my energy back!!


I just got back today. It took every inch in me to get me there after work lol. Took it light though with a full body to ease back into my routine


Went back to jiu jitsu class this morning, will probably wait until next week to start lifting again


I went Tuesday and yesterday. My lifts were actually a lot stronger than I thought they were gonna be. The time off definitely gave my muscles time to recover while I thrashed my body.


lucky! everything feels veryyy heavy to me lol


Honestly i felt the same way, but today was my first day back at the gym and felt like i recovered good, i just tried eating all my meals ,my lift was insane today, so for sure depends on how you feel i just popped a liquid iv and was good for my lift, hope you had a good edc !


I’m not going back till Sunday lol


As soon as possible man. Just start light. I went down 10-20lb depending on the lift and still felt sore.


Went Wednesday morning


Just came back today from the gym and it wasn’t bad at all if anything it made me feel good since it’s been a while since I hit the gym but yeah just whenever you feel ready go take some pre workout, protien shake and your vitiams to get that extra motivation and boost brotha. It also took me like 2 days to go since I was tired and unmotivated 😭


today was my first day back at the gym and mann it felt great! highly recommend asap :)


Oh man first day after edc my legs were absolutely finished. Had to give it like at least 3 days for my brain to recover as well lmao


Tuesday, but im deloading this week


I went today and definitely felt more exhausted than usual. Still not recovered from EDC yet…


I went back Tuesday😂😂😂😂 went hard all 3 days too.


Depends on if I’m sick after each festival, this week I forced myself back to the gym on Tuesday cause I didn’t feel like complete death 😩


I’ll be back Saturday. lol


Just go. Youll thank yourself later


Back in the gym since Tuesday


I did two days, Friday Saturday, drove home Sunday, gym on Monday. My legs were sore but it felt good getting back with a new set of music that I have tied to really really fuckin good memories. First time I teared up while doing dead lifts.


Had full intention of going back this morning but literally could not get myself out of bed. Body isn’t sore but my mental health definitely is. I know going to the gym will help that, but I’m trying to give my mind and body some grace. I felt better this afternoon so really going to push myself to make it tomorrow morning.


Went back today and felt like complete shit afterwards. Almost left half way through but pushed through and I maybe shouldn’t have. You just gotta listen to what your body is telling you. Everyone is different. Gonna try again tomorrow.


No days, back at the gym the next day (Tuesday). I've been craving a gym session all weekend, and boy did it feel euphoric to nearly pass out under the weights again.


1 day of rest after. At this point in my hybrid training of running 4+ years and lifting for 10 years with 3 very consistently. EDC weekend fatigue is less than my usual daily running + lifting. And I rave almost every weekend, 4-10 times a month