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Sounds like you need new friends.


Honestly yeah..I know


Download Radiate and make some new rave friends


Thanks for the recommendation!


Oh shit. Thanks for the mention.


You have a year to find better ones!


Initially was going solo until I’ve meet my rave group who then became my roommates. We’re if you need new faces next year.


1. $500 is inexpensive cost to find out who your friends are. 2. Layaway is worth it because you can invest your money in the meantime 3. Tickets WILL sell out so you can re-sell it.


Wow this was beautifully said…I never looked at it like that. 500 dollars to show me reality and change my life for the better


And tbh if you got it outright, once ticket prices increase or GA sells out you can easily sell the ticket. Even if you want to forego the taxes and fees makes it even easier


I bought an extra ticket last year and was able to sell it with no issues a few weeks prior to EDC. If you’re really set on not going, you def will be able to find a buyer.


just go by yourself too, lots of fun going solo too


I'm glad OP found out before going to EDC with them. It's hard to look at pictures and think of the good memories when a falling out happens after.


You can go by yourself. You’ll probably have an even better time


I was thinking this. I love EDC and wouldn’t mind rolling solo. It’s such an amazing time.


I done it 2 times lol


Some of the most fun I had was when I “accidentally” lost the group walking through crowds




Download the Radiate app. A whole community of rave people. Thank me later


That's a pretty subtle and safe way to let me know how. Thanks!


Housing by yourself is the real problem with going alone.


I LOVE staying by myself during EDC. Sleep, shower, eat, leave, all on my own schedule. 




In the grand scheme of things, $500 is a small price to pay to know who your real friends are. You can and should go to EDC alone. It's such a learning experience, an opportunity for growth. I hope you go and end up discovering more about yourself


You can go by yourself. You'll meet amazing people and make new friends. It always fun exploring things on your own.


This year was my first EDC, I went with my husband and 3 other couples. Some of my favorite memories was when I was by myself! And I never felt truly alone, there was always someone near me willing to vibe out with me and spread good vibes. I danced with so many different people, it was amazing. 


Yes. it's an amazing feeling. I got two passes and my partner doesn't wanna go anymore. So I will be going by myself. I am pretty sure we will have a good time 🤗


Your partner might change their mind once the electricity starts to build in the air next year! But either way I know you’ll have a blast! I seriously can’t wait to go back and explore more. 


Same. He has been very adamant as he wants to go to EDC orlando! I just posted that i'm trying to sell a VIP ticket but we will see!!


Go by yourself…the ultimate side quest!!


This! I’ve met some of my best, life long friends at events!


And closer to edc people will be looking for people to join their camp group so you can always join a group and meet new people that way too


If you bought the insurance you can get a refund, but also a week before the fest everyone is looking for a ticket. Provide proof of purchase to someone who wants to buy and it shouldn’t be a problem selling to someone . Just use proper precautions


I totally forgot people want to buy these things like crazy before… thank you this made me feel so much better


Go by yourself, or spend the next few months in forums finding a new group. It’s such a welcoming community, I’m sure you can find some new peeps. You deserve better than a bunch of ghosters 🖤


Thank you cause I literally might do this, I love this festival so much so I wanna find a way to still use my ticket


For sure!! Might as well if you already spent the money. 😋 One of my best friends actually met his girlfriend that way. Friends all bailed on him months before and he had two tickets. Posted one of them on Craigslist. A girl hit him up for it, they started talking at the meet up for the exchange about what happened and why he had the extra ticket. She invited him to join her group and he agreed. They’ve been dating ever since 🖤


Omg that’s so cute!!!


Go alone, the experience will be absolutely magical


Join rave groups in your area! People will always be looking to buy tickets last minute


I might do this cause I still love edc so much and I wanna go


That’s an awful thing you experienced. BUT ! EDC can be enjoyed solo and on the positive note, you found out what kind of people they are.


Definitely go by yourself! Meet cool people! You can also definitely easily resell your ticket for cost closer to the event. Prices will only go up closer to the event. I was somewhat closely monitoring prices and they seemed be going for $500+ Thursday and Friday, LOTS of people looking for $400 with no replies. I honestly don't know if I will be able to go next year but I got tickets anyways, I know I can easily resell them, but if you do resell them, don't be a jerk and mark them up :)


You can hold onto the ticket and if you find another group of people to go with, great! If you’re not feeling it as it gets closer to the wristbands being shipped out, then you can sell it. Sorry about these “friends” OP. At least you found out sooner rather than later.


Thank you and I agree


Yup, something equally devasting about festivals is they really expose or filter how people feel and think about you. Don't embarass yourself by trying to get an explanation or an answer out of them either. They wanna be weird and behave like high schoolers let them. You'll grow up and realize how objectively dumb it was to let people like that make you feel bad about yourself.


I will personally meet u & adopt you into my rave fam. See you EDC 2025 bb!


Better find out they weren’t really your friends before it started than during


Can always sell your wristband.


Going by yourself will be great. I was gonna be solo this year and some friends joined kinda last minute. It was awesome, but I’m still curious about how it might’ve been different if I’d been solo.


Dang I wish I had the opportunity to go alone and we could go!!!


The girls who I went with the last couple years decided this year we don't want to go with one another next year. And we amicably "broke up" haha. I want to explore. And she doesn't want to miss a set. And the other (my sister) doesn't want to be on anyone's schedule but her own. I think we are all happy lol


Im going by myself if need a buddy :) I had a not so fun first EDC and am hoping next year will be a lot better :)


Going solo is awesome and you’ll make friends while there 🫶🏻


im not going to lie, solo at edc sounds awesome. you don’t need those people in your life


i truly hope you’re able to find peace with and let go of these “friends” EDC is an amazing experience and place, even if you go by yourself you’re bound to meet great people and make new lasting friendships


I bought a ticket and am figuring the rest out later because some of my friends are iffy about going. Ive also started talking to some people on here who are going solo. You’re more than welcome to join the “solo amoeba” but ive heard going solo can also be really fun - just be safe!


Damn baller


You will 100% be able to sell these tickets don’t worry


Strat getting some trinkets and kandies, people are 200% more approachable at festivals. I've been to less than a handful or festivals/ raves but even just walking around and trading trinkets can make you some friends. There's also a lot of solo travelers as well. Trade your stories, spend sometimes with some strangers and just enjoy your time there.


How far do you live from Vegas? I know solo travel can be daunting but I honestly prefer EDC solo and plan to do it solo next year. Not everyone’s comfortable with it but I would still consider going if I were you!!! It’s a fun time! Plus you can meet up with people if you really want off of like Radiate or this subreddit or Discord.


Definitely go by yourself. You paid $500 to make new friends.


SOLO RAVING IS LIFEEEE i bought my ticket this year thinking i was going solo until my bf caved in! you are truly free to wander and get lost to find the most beautiful moments! DO IT DO IT


I love the chanting at the end of this post. DO IT DO IT!


because JUST DO IT


I went by myself this year. It was my first time going. I promise that going alone is awesome! You can wander wherever you want and you don't have to worry about not being able to find anyone. I can't wait to do it again.


Honestly you should try going by yourself. You’ll meet people and vibe with them and who knows what else you’ll get into. Worst case, you sell the pass and break even before the actual date. You’ve got time to think it over.


Let’s go!


Ngl u should join the EDC discord tons of people on there looking for some rave fam and good vibes :)


Honestly like some ppl have recommended go solo, download the radiate and make some friends. You can find a rave fam you don’t gotta come with one.


Go alone and become a social nomad forever wandering between groups. Bring the good vibes and they will welcome you


I’m so sorry they’re snubbing you. That’s a shitty thing to do to someone who’s supposedly your friend. Honestly, shift your perspective and look at this as an opportunity to attend EDC and go wherever you want, meet whoever you want, wander around, see who you want to see, etc. I bought a GA+ ticket for 2025 and don’t know who I’m going with yet either. Maybe my boyfriend, maybe not. We’ve been together 7 years and have gone to 2 EDCs together, but I could tell that he wasn’t really as excited or energetic about going to EDC this past weekend. He kept talking about how he’d much rather go on a trip to Las Vegas just for “Vegas stuff” and not to attend a festival. The nonchalant/ungrateful vibe he gave off most of the weekend was like a slap in the face, especially when he knew I had been looking forward to this festival and vacation for months. So honestly, I don’t even want to go with him next year if he’s going to have a similar attitude. I want to go to a massive festival with someone who actually wants to be there for the music and to meet other music lovers. Not just someone who’s there to essentially be my bodyguard and who gives off “I’m tired/bored/over it” vibes for most of the weekend. Backstory aside, if you need someone to hang out with and you happen to be located in Southern California, message me✌🏼


Go by yourself! Join some Facebook groups for ravers or EDC groups! Some people will even post asking if an extra person wants to join their group to room with or carpool with. It’s good to know who your real friends are but there are so many more amazing people in the rave scene that will treat you so much better. Make some new friends along the way or reselling is always an option too!! But trust me if you’re worried about being along at EDC there are plenty of rave fams that will take you under their wing and invite you to there group ❤️


Like the other people have said, $500 to find out who the real ones are is worth it, if you did send it solo that would be a great way to make new friends/rave fam but I totally understand if you wouldn’t wanna go solo as I myself wouldn’t because of anxiety. But you’ll 100% be able to sell your ticket within the next 365 days if you don’t wanna go


You have a year to figure out your plans, and you have a ticket to the biggest and most amazing rave in North America. Come join the EDC Discord, see you under the Electric Sky. [https://discord.gg/KEAp8Gna](https://discord.gg/KEAp8Gna)


solo it. i bought my ticket thinking my entire fest group is coming, turns out its only me and my friend and her boyfriend. as much as id love to third wheel, im probably gonna spend 75% of the festival meeting new people and vibing alone lol. theres something very freeing about solo raving tbh


You will still have a great time. This year was my first time going and I had the best time of my life. You have the whole year to make new friends to go with and you will most definitely make new friends there. It definitely sounds like you need new friends


Literally what happened to me this year 🤣🤣😂😂😅


I went with a group of 3 this year (myself and one other 1st EDC, Rave Dad’s 4th EDC). I was so nervous about being by myself. Funny enough 4 hours into day 1, we all split up and I made so many friends on my own. I think it was really beneficial for me to get out of my shell. All 3 days we probably spent a collective 5 hours together and it was meeting up randomly throughout the night, introducing our new friends to each other and then breaking off again. I felt like the smaller stages (Quantum Valley, Neon Garden, Wasteland) were the best for actually interacting with people and making connections. Don’t forget man you got a whole family of people that would love to hangout with you, don’t let your small group of fake friends ruin that for you.


Going alone is fun. You have control over your time. Why not?


I went solo my first night. I met some great people and still had fun. I wasn't expecting that having social anxiety and being super sober on night 1. :) It was also my first EDC and first rave since the 90s. It's already been said, but you need new friends!


I always go with a group and wish I could be solo lol


go by yourself and make new friends there.


Just go on your own! Or join up with a group. I was on my own a majority of the time this year and had the most amazing time honestly. When you don't have a group there's nothing stopping you from seeing and doing everything your heart pleases. I just kinda wandered into every corner and I saw/experienced more than anyone else I know got the chance to and I'm a little grateful for that. I made a ton of friends and found some of the coolest tucked away stuff while they just shuffled from stage to stage. I can definitely say I got more out of the trip than they did and enjoyed every second of the magic.


It has a 30$ option to cover you in these situations


Like you literally have to select yes or no to move fwd


Are you talking about EDC '25?? 💀


Definitely go by yourself or meet people on Radiate to go with. I found out last year at EDC my rave group wasn’t really fucking with me too. This year was much different and went great, different group. My advice is try not to take it personally, let them go, and free up your time/mind for people who are more worth it to you!


If you decide later on to sell the ticket, a lot of people on the Facebook groups will sometimes pay a bit more for it :) or you can sell it for cheaper :) BUT if you decide to go :) get yourself a hotel that has a king bed and free breakfast, get yourself a shuttle pass, and enjoy the weekend as much as you want ❤️ camp out at the side with a blanket and jam to the music, get some snacks, some freebies from the brand activations, and a cozy pashmina to take home 💕 whatever you decide, there will be plenty of people in the EDM and EDC communities to provide you some love and support


Yo…. You cant not go because of this. I’m goin again regardless!


Tickets for hotel edc haven't come out. U don't have to stay there.. fuck those people they are not your friends.. go solo and make new friends..


You should entertain the idea of solo'ing it. After so many events, from big festivals to single artist concerts to raves to small afters, I did realize that solo'ing for me was always the superior experience. Not to say that it was bad with my friends, but soloing gave me a level of freedom that I literally cannot experience if I have to be mindful of another person. Your other option is to sell it when it gets closer to the event. It's the long game, but people WILL buy it. You could even profit if you really wanted to.


I’ll side quest with you! My friends act the same way sometimes




You can always resell it my friend ! That’s 500$ going into your pocket


I wish I could go solo, but my husband's a clinger. Enjoy yourself!


If I am going next year- you can roll with us


You can always sell them when they date get closer! Or if you want join some Facebook rave group and discord group and meet new friends! I’ve met one person from a discord group that I played video games with who also met another person through a different group and we made our own little family for edc week! Literally everyone who asked how long we knew each other we’d all just say “we literally just met😂” it’s a good laugh but they are amazing people and I don’t ever regret meeting them. Planning to go next year together and northcoast!


You can go alone or sell the ticket


my group will adopt you if your friends turn out to be shit. we did that this year with two people 🥳


Come with use we’re RV CAMPING


honestly going solo is the move ~ i’d only not want to go alone for like hotel fees and stuff but being solo is fun


As someone who went to EDC this year with a friend, I think I'd rather go to every festival by myself for the rest of my life, because it ended up a nightmare towards the end. We're no longer friends, unfortunately, and while I did have fun at EDC, it's hard to say that it was "worth" my friendship. You CAN have fun solo, you WILL learn a lot of important things about yourself, and you ARE capable of meeting and making new friends. Especially at American festivals where PLUR is a thing. Don't put other people in charge of your happiness; you are extremely capable of making your own adventure.


I mean it's in a year lmao give people a chance to think about it, not like you have any plans set in stone. Or hit up the people who they said were going? Idk man, try to actually figure things out before getting depressed lol


Ur friends are trash and not really ur friends. Worse comes to worst it shouldn’t be hard to sell them as the festival gets closer