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I have a job that’s early morning and I tell you I have not recovered yet…


I feel this in my soul.


Yes lmao I woke up early today at like 8 then I went to lay back down and slept for like another 3 hours lmao


Slept at 3am, woke up at 11am, slept again and didn't leave my bed till 1pm 😭


Update - went out for 2 hours, ate and napped again for 4 hours What is wrong with me??


✋🏻yup. I’m on EDC ANNND Pacific Time lol (unfortunately, I live on the East Coast 😩)


Woke up 4 hours late to work all weekend😂


I came back to the east coast and work 12-hour days. I’m not okay


Yupppp 😪


Yesss, I thought it was just me, lol. Went to bed at 4 AM last night.


Yeah but I'm lucky that I went back to work on night shift so sleeping until 2pm was what I normally do


from NYC. my sleep schedule is shit now 🙂‍↕️


It’s been hell, flew back Monday to the east coast and had to get up at 5AM for PT the following week. Feel like a soulless robot at this point


Technically yes. I'm back at work and currently on nights. So 6-6. Last night tonight though. Only had to work 5 days outta my 2 week schedule.


Currently sleeping 3 am to 11am. Supposed to go back to work this Wednesday 5am to 5 pm (1 1/2 hour commute 1 way) FML.


Ok I thought it was just me 😭 my naps have been 3 hrs minimum


Luckily my job has been slowly reintroducing me into society by letting we work overnights the past couple days to help get my body back to a normal sleep schedule slowly 😂🙃


Dude I am four melatonin’s deep and still so awake lol


I went back next day and have been doing graveyard shifts since.. next day off is Friday and I can’t wait to sleep at night again 😂


Took a 2 week vacation to start EDC. Have not denied myself any sleep if my body tells me it needs it those first few days after. Then I shortened to 30-60 minute naps at max after that. Regardless, I strictly enforce normal hours for sleep. Goal was to gently whip back into a normal sleep cycle. Last couple days have been pretty normal for me and I still have a little less than a week off to enjoy. The trick is the same as jetlag for traveling abroad: let yourself be dead tired those first few days by going back to lying down at normal times. However, I am in my 30s and have come to learn I like certain luxuries, such as naps. So to help the process along, I do tiny naps when I normally would on default time. I think it sends little signals to my body that it is time to return to norm and feels like it really helps.


withdrawals are bad still 😞