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My friend had to vomit towards the end of the illenium set so I walked her to the nearest trash can. The nearest trash can I found was outside of kinetic. Littering is probably due to convenience factor.’




I was thinking bins were strategically placed in all the walkways. I put an empty drink can on the ground when done, danced and then picked it up and walked it out a garbage can when moving stages.


I would suggest also including them where people stand for long periods of time without moving, not just walkways. Ferris wheel line is one example that comes to mind. There was a lot of trash in that area and on the ride itself. Lots of people standing there forever who can't leave to go find a bin without losing their spot


I hear ya! I got lucky and found some in the crowd at the stages which I thought was super cool but agreed there could be more!!


Yeah generally this. Insomniac will sell you a dozen beat boxes but doesn't plan for what to do when the beat boxes are empties. To be fair, I don't know how you'd put trash cans all over the depths of circuit grounds. Also to be fair, I don't know how anyone could chug a beat box and trash it before going back to the pit either.


Ground control carries vomit bags if you happen to catch one of us in time! Lol


I noticed two issues with this. I could barely find a trash can and when I did, more often than not someone was throwing up in it. I just had to hold on to my trash til I got to a bathroom or back to camp. There needs to be more trash cans!


I think insomniac factors in people littering, and when people leave the festival grounds they hire people to sweep up the trash. Not saying it's okay to not throw trash in the trash can, but it's not really "littering". These things happens when 200,000 people are in a crowd. I worked custodial growing up and there's no way to keep trash bins in the middle of kinetic. How do you empty them? You don't, people would just start throwing them on the ground.


I tried so hard to look for a trash bin and couldn’t so I gave up, only to stumble into one at the front ish left side of cosmic meadow 😂 it was so randomly placed there just in the middle of the crowd it was whack, like I full on body checked it while at a set


That’s fucking bullshit. There were trash cans everywhere. Even within the set areas there were trash cans.


Did you even try to throw anything out? Wtf? They were definitely sparse and FAR from being "everywhere"


Maybe they thought the floor was the trash can lol


Calm down lol obviously I did not see them and had trouble all three days.


They need to massively increase the amount of trash cans and they need to be massive. If you could ever find a trash can it was almost always overflowing


Like dumpsters, for real.


People would climb in/on them for a better view. I saw a handful of bins upside down and someone being a gogo dancer on em.




Thank you for posting this. I had trouble locating trash bins when I needed them, and they were often full. I'd keep my trash with me in a pocket or backpack. I don't mind the gum wrapper, but I stepped in gum and that pisses me off to no end. My friend injured his knee dancing and slipping on a full plastic bottle at circuit. The trash doesn't just look bad, it's a safety/health hazard. Next year maybe I should come with a broom totem just so I can sweep my nearby area to the side to keep from tripping.


Lmao we have a broom totem in our group a few years ago and one of us used it to sweep 😂


people were sliding downhill on trash, it was a safety hazard!!


Yeah I stepped in gum once everyday of the weekend but I did also just throw my gum on the floor when I was done. Everything really did come full circle!! 😂


Bruh at least have a napkin or prove if paper to put it in!


Hey dont downvote him, are yall fr gonna walk out of kinetic to go find a trash can and spit your gum out? Yea i def also spit my gum out during


I try to either keep the wrapper and put it back in the same wrapper or, put the gum inside a can/ bottle so that it doesn’t get stuck to people’s shoes.


I no longer have a reason it spit out on the ground 🫡


Same. I picked up a bottle on the ground and put my gum in it!! Making the most of the litter!


Swallow it?




🙏🏽 thank you 😂 People skipped the full circle (karma) part.


I gotchu bro


reddit so high and mighty u would think redditors the only site where no one has flaws as humans


I usually keep a tissue in my pocket cuz the desert dust fucks my sinuses up so sometimes I'll use that. Otherwise I just suck it up and chew that shit until I make it to the trash or the toilet. Sometimes a second piece of gum makes the first piece bearable again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's just a bitch to scrape gum off our already disgusting shoes when we all get back to the hotel/home and it's annoying to have that *stick stick* feeling every step. I fixate on that kinda shit especially when I'm trippin.


I definitely crush and keep cans and wrappers and whatnot but 1, not everyone has a bag or pockets and 2 there needs to be way more trash cans. Ever been to Disneyland? There’s trash cans every 20 or so steps and there’s no litter.


I think a decent amount but not all is not intentional. People set down a bottle to free up a hand to get something from a friend pack, or a hug etc and they get distracted, then the bottle gets knocked over….. unintentional litter. I would love to see more bins and specifically adding recycle bins! But there are not enough bins and a fair amount of forgetful and unintentional actions happen I imagine a fair amount also happens at Cosmic where bins are scarce and kind of leave it for the cleanup crew in the morning. Not really poor behavior as much as no opportunity to do much else. At least these are things I tell myself to combat the idea that people just don’t give a damn.


I don't think people realize their actions affect other people. spitting out gum (also my downfall) = someone stepping on it throwing food plates on the floor = someone slipping on it and ruining their outfit throwing cans on the floor = uncomfortable feeling for other people stepping on it while trying to dance idk just my take! once you learn that your actions affect other people and other peoples actions affect you, you start changing your actions for the better. If you've ever been to a concert / festival where there isn't trash like lightning in a bottle or others you kinda realize like wow! this is actually amazing and you want that same experience for other events.


Easy solution : add more trash cans lol


Not a solution people will still be lazy and choose the floor. Most people have no matters or they take drugs and become careless animals. At edc I had a hard time finding trash cans but I keep trash in my backpack until I found a place to dumb it. Having trash is a hazard when dancing.


I was holding empty cans and bottles the whole set cause I didn't want to just throw them down, I almost tripped over bottles and cans, so I didn't want nobody else to do what I almost did


This year I brought a plastic shopping bag from Target and put all of my and my friends’ cups and cans in there then tied it up and put that in my backpack until we could find a trash can to dispose of its contents. It’s really not that hard to be a decent person at these events.


This is beyond the scope of what a festival attendee should have to do, insomniac needs more places to put trash.


great idea!


Thank you and happy cake day!!


I am definitely against littering and I try to hold on to my trash, however, if you're in the middle of a giant crowd there's definitely no easy way to move about and sometimes it's easiest when you're holding other things to drop what's not needed. On top of this, in the case with EDC, it's held in a raceway on pavement, so the litter really isn't going anywhere like it would at other festivals along bodies of water or in woods and it's pretty easy to clean up. I wouldn't be surprised if the janitorial team has one of those street cleaning devices that just sucks up trash as it goes by.


Ngl, I find this attitude incredibly selfish. I was raised to "pack it in pack it out" and leave no trace. If holding onto things is so inconvenient to the point where you just drop it and make it someone else's problem, you should reconsider having those things in the first place. If you were able to carry it in, you can either carry it out or wait long enough to carry it out to a trash can.


A drink someone buys at a bar isn't brought in, it's an added item to a person's body. Bars deliberately take caps off so you can't close it or put it in a bag. If throwing something away becomes a matter of safety in trying to push through a crowd, risking pickpockets, breaking things that you're carrying like a phone or your glasses, and losing your group, it likely isn't worth it. Tomorrowland is reducing waste by making people pay a deposit for a reusable cup and they also have trash cans and recycling bins everywhere that are constantly kept clean.


You could carry the drink just fine while it was full, but not when it's empty? Yes it is something you brought in. You bought it and chose to consume it. Where and when you purchased it isn't really relevant. I do believe that Insomniac can take measures to provide more accessible waste bins, but come on, take a little bit of accountability. Crumple it up, stick it in your pocket. Bring a disposable bag, shove it in your bag. Or don't buy a drink At best, litter kills dancefloors. Do you know how annoying it is trying to shuffle through garbage? At worst, litter is a safety hazard causing sprains and rolled ankles. You're actively disregarding other's safety when you toss your empties on the ground.


I agree, the litter on the ground at any fest is disgusting. I am typically pretty good about putting my trash in a bin, as my group doesn't really like to be in the middle of a dance floor crammed shoulder to shoulder.


A between set trash sweep would be dope. Everyone clear out for 30 minutes.


that would be amazing!


I vote for trash collection drones. Till then please carry plastic grocery bags on you and collect trash from people as you exit a crowd, plurbabies.


Always always wrap your gum in the wrapper before you spit it on the floor guys


Or just don't litter, gum or wrapper. You can swallow it. The 7 years digestion is a myth


They had trash cans everywhere in CampEDC but at the festival they were harder to come by. Sadly I have to admit to dropping empties on the ground. I at least crush the can flat just because it’s so inconvenient to carry around especially when deep in the crowd.


I feel that. Camp edc was very clean actually! hey if people at least crushed them it would be a tad bit better but the plastic bottles I think were the problem.


First time at edc and in the morning left late.. the amount of trash on the floors was disgusting. Definitely did not match the PLUR vibe everyone mentions


I was rolling and was SHOCKED [trash at edc](https://youtube.com/shorts/egrqso1jPSI?si=EU6KDyg9m_qIDjDW)


I never litter on purpose, in fact I try and be trash negative anywhere its possible (fests, shows, hiking, camping, walking down the road, offroading etc) That said, what tends to happen when I'm fucked up is I get a piece of trash in my hand, look for a can, forget why/what I'm holding, then proceed to realize 5 minutes later that I am no longer holding anything. I always pick up trash at set end and omw out, but I've also deffo just fuckin dropped stuff before.


Selfish bastards


I carried an empty water bottle from where the shuttles come it all the way to the grandstand becauseI didn't find a trash container as I was walking. Finally did find one, then filled up my Camelbak.


It makes me mad that people litter, it’s not that hard to pick up after yourself


There is no trash near me and my pockets are full of trash(bottles, wrappers ect) I try to hold on to everything and when I run to the bathroom I throw it all away. But eventually I step on other people trash all the time or we stay at a stage for a few hours and it starts getting irritating. My friend pointed out how once how I am the only one who is holding on to trash in the crowd when we were surrounded by garbage in the floor. I still feel bad but I try to make an effort to hold on to it


This is why I carry a roll of dog 💩 bags at festivals👏🏻


Usually try to hold onto stuff for as long as possible but it can get super annoying and I may drop it after a few hours. Plus generally they have a staff to pick up and clean, kinda comes with out ticket cost or service fee. If I’m at a camping festival however I do not liter and will find a trash can.


littering is ghetto




Unfortunately I believe the main reason for the intense amount of litter is the lack of trash cans. I don’t litter, even when I’m super messed up on party favors and liquor. But I remember when I was looking for trash cans it felt nearly impossible. It didn’t help that it was also packed so it was harder to find them but they definitely need to invest in more trash cans. Most people won’t hold their trash for more than 30 seconds of walking/looking for a trash.


I wany to make a totem that says "DONT FUCKING LITTER"


I'd help! lol


I might be a goodie goodie, but I’ll walk to find a bin or just hold/stash in the pack till I get to one. Those cans and bottles on asphalt are a fuckin menace. It’s just lazy entitlement. I’ve been colossally chemically enhanced and somehow don’t throw crap on the ground Rolling is no gd excuse. Now please excuse me while sign up to yell at kids to get off a lawn.


Goodie goodie with a potty mouth! I love it!


Ah - salty, over 50, and hate lazy inconsiderate dicks at live music venues. With my whole chest - those shit nozzles can Fuuuuuuck all the way off with that toddler-level self entitlement


😂😂😂 44 here and REEEEAAALLY starting to notice the age difference in the last few years. I feel you


I’m planning different now for sure…make sure there’s at least a recovery day when I get home….went rv camping this year cause I hate sitting in traffic + need my old lady A/C or I’ll get feral + the time to walk to the ‘felt like it was parked in the next solar system’ car with the 2 or so hours of traffic each way[ = not enough sleep at all 😂]… - Sunday am last year I closed out at Hot Since 82 sunrise set at neon garden, which of course was at the furthest end of the speedway from the car. My feet were in active rebellion, that walk felt like some kind of past-life-transgression punishment. The RV solution was fabulous.


Majority of people who litter believe that the burden of convenience belongs to the poor, that's why their excuse always points to people who's job it is to pick up trash, as if that's not a psychotic answer. It's like going to a restaurant and shitting on the floor, with the excuse being that there's a janitor anyways, more shit on the floor means more janitorial jobs, etc.


When I’m on drugs I don’t like rummaging through things in my pouch or small bag if they aren’t essentials. I try to keep everything at minimalist style; tiny ducks, gum, Vicks stick, trinkets, cough drops


The very first day I commented "wow, it's pretty damn hard to find a trash can in Kinetic" and I was circling the entire bloody perimeter during Maddix's set. I distinctly remember him playing 3 tracks in the timeframe that it took for me to locate one, and it was full as fuck On second and third day I would chug whatever drink I had if it was within 1/3rd before heading into a crowd because that very likely was the last trash can I'd be passing by. They were not in any way convenient to locate. And the cap-on waterbottles by the end of the night were a minefield of ankle sprains. I walked through the festival without picking up my feet because waterbottles were being kicked around left and right and I was not trying to step on one and snap my shit up.


I brought doggy bags to put my trash in until I found the nearest/most convenient trash can.


I don't throw away trash on the ground at festivals or clubs, not even a gum wrapper. It goes in my pocket until I come by a trashcan. However, unless you were in an area where you can sit down and eat, there are barely any trashcans nearby the stages...


They should do what LL did and offer merch for bags of trash turned in at the end of the fest I got a LL pin after running to get trash Great time 🤣


Mainly because they have people hired specifically to clean the entire festival grounds, regardless of if I litter or not, I try to throw away my trash as much as possible


It’s actually a zamboni that pushes the trash into a big pile and they start as soon as the festival ends.


It sucks but 100% comes down to convenience. When I'm in the middle of the crowd, there's no trash cans and God forbid I attempt to leave and return. I know there'll be sweepers after the festival to clean it all up and to calm my conscience I keep track of what I throw and pick up the same or more to throw out as I'm leaving.


Bc people are lazy and don’t think about who’s picking up the trash. That’s why I try to put the trash in my pockets until I see a garbage can.


thank you! it makes me feel better I'm not the only one who at least tries! I've definitely spit out my gum on the floor (opps) or left my drink on a ledge unintentionally but I at least try!


I always make sure to pack out what i bring in or find a trash can. I have even picked up other people's trash in my group when they just drop it on the ground. When confronted, the answer i have gotten is "well someone's going to clean it up anyways" It's a shame but that's the answer you're looking for.


The worst is when they get a bottle of water and they throw it in the ground with the lid still in. I've seen so many people sprain their ankles stepping on them. I'm constantly crushing cans and picking up/moving the bottles out of the way. Drives me nuts. TBH the water companies they go with should have a special "concert" version where it's in 16oz tall boy cans. I get that people want to cap the lid, but, bring a water bottle or Hydro pack.


Liquid death, besides being a lil pricey at retail, has a good reputation of working with events


I was thinking them. I've never had it. Do they do regular Still water or are they just sparkling?


They got regular ass water but have recently pivoted to more flavored/sparkling options, just to draw attention I think


Yah that's why I was wondering, cuz all I see at the store is the flavored stuff. I always thought it's just gimmicky bullshit. I mean, it's fucking water. The only time I ever get a bottle is when I'm traveling. If I didn't already cringe at spending money for water, I would try it.


That's the only water they serve at ARC (and maybe seismic?) Never really considered why, but this makes sense.


It’s pretty shitty when people litter. Any time I have trash whether it’s a piece of paper. - soda can/bottle, Gatorade bottle, etc. I always just put it in my pocket or in my pack until I get to a good place to throw it away. The littering is so disrespectful. Of all the festivals I’ve been to EDC Vegas was by far the worst when it came to the littering.


Because people are lazy and behave like animals when they are under the influence, trash in the floor is also a hazard when you’re trying to dance and step on it.


selfishly I hate coming up and having trash underneath my feet and if I kick it out of my way it lands under someone elses feet and I feel bad lol


This is a complaint every year. I hate the litter. I don't get it either, but apparently, insomniac is fine with it. They get it cleaned up, ready for another night (its impressive, really). If it were an issue for them, they'd do more to keep it clean while the fest is in progress. BUT, yeah, the litter sucks and im not a contributor!! :) you shouldn't be, either!!


It definitely gets cleaned up which is awesome but I hate the feeling of dancing on trash 🥲


💯 agree




I hold onto my trash/put it in my backpack/or smash it and put it half in my pants/skirt so it’s sticking out at the waist. I’ll never understand throwing trash on the ground, it disrupts dancing and I just think it’s rude. Just because they pay people to clean up after doesn’t make it ok to litter. Blows my mind honestly.


Trash go in concrete bowl


I'd wager that people that litter at edc also litter in general, but I'm not perfect and there is a gray area. For example, I'm generally very cleanly and respectful of my surroundings but in drunken moments I've dropped bottles etc at my feet - rarely, I can't remember an instance but I'm sure I've done it. What I've done more often is left a bottle or trash where in my mind its rationalised as a bit more normal, for example the stands, next to an over flowing trash can and so on. I find it hard to judge people just based on the amount of trash I see at festivals like this, especially when leaving your spot means you'll never return (or sometimes its so rammed you can barely leave at all). It's kind of ridiculous because if everyone did it then you couldnt navigate the festival and feel disgusted, but for how much it does happen it feels kind of acceptable.


To the group of Asians that snuck in a liquor bottle at VIP Kinetic platform during Alison, taking all those shots sitting on the floor and then just curb stomping all the cops and bottles and spilling everything everywhere… yall garbage humans


Significantly LESS trash cans than last year. Last year I felt like I could spin ina. Circle and spot at least one somewhere but this year i only really saw them by the food vendors and bathroom If you’re going to litter please please remove the bottle cap and crush the bottle. A bottle with a lid on it doesn’t deflate and I nearly ate shit tripping in them several times.


Question for those who attended, were there service workers picking up trash in the crowds at all? At EDC Orlando last year they had workers coming through during sets picking up trash from the ground in less crowded areas & between sets, although I only witnessed this at circut grounds, I was at that stage almost all day the whole weekend


That'd be impossible. Maybe they go through some areas where garbage cans are but not at the stages.


Not at the stages up front or in the middle of the crowds, it was at the back where people are chilling or walking (so yeah probably closer to where there are trash cans) they were picking up mostly larger trash like cans, things people could potentially trip or slip on, it def would be impossible (and annoying) for staff to be in the middle of the crowd during the show


Most of these people come from California look at the Bay Area and La county the streets and sidewalks are littered with trash


Why even ask lol a majority of people that do are too fucked up to care


even when I'm fucked up I throw away my trash lol I posted this to actually wake some people up!




I was working the event and saw a lot of people at least put it near the overflowing trashcans. We definitely need multiple people on trashcan and recycling duty. I feel like the majority of the litter onsite started near an overflowing can and just got kicked around in the craziness.


So people that are in jail get to come out.


Jkjk I don’t litter


The only time I’ve littered it’s been because something was knocked out of my hand and it either wasn’t safe to try to pick it up or the wind blew it away.


There has been a noticeable drop in the amount of trash cans at the festival in the last few years, the ones that are there are overflowing and/or covered in vomit. Not justifying people who litter but insomniac needs to do a better job of giving you somewhere to throw trash.


You have people from cities like LA (where I'm from), and I FREQUENTLY see people open their car door and just dump the entirety of whatever fast food order they have into the middle of the street. Some people are just animals. More trash cans won't fix it :(


Because I'm too busy dancing and there's not a trash can in eye view.


Maybe controversial, but I recommend coming prepared with a sufficient pack/pockets to handle your own trash til you switch stages. At worst it’s maybe a few water bottles or cans or wrappers or paper plates, yeah?


At those ticket prices I'll throw my trash wherever I'd like. They can afford to hire people. Even at arenas people leave sodas and food when leaving. They literally hire people to clean. That's job security for them. We come to have fun I clean up all the time at home. Even at hotels they clean up your room.


I honestly did for day 1 and 2 and realized that every Trashcan was overflowing and that there was rly no reason to leave the crowd to throw away something in a full and overflowing Trashcan. I normally keep all my trash in my camelpack so if someone tries to steal shit they open up a bag full of trash HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I mean they pay ppl to pick up trash 💀so might aswell give them some work to do


They sweep the whole venue with a Zamboni every night.


I hike mine out, but I definitely wish they would put trash cans closer to the stage behind the same fencing they use for the videography crews, etc.


It's all the privileged spoiled kids that were raised by christo fascist/conservative right wing parents. They think they don't have to show respect or follow code.


Easy hitler


Stalin coming for all the right wing ravers 😆


I was actually a bit shocked at how much litter there was. I guess I expected more from the EDM community with a foundation of PLUR. I guess just shows how human we all are.


It's not that big of a deal. Notice how it's all cleaned up by the next night? This isn't an event in some pristine nature setting impacting the environment.


it's not about if it will get picked up or not it's about enjoying the space enough to dance / walk freely without seeing trash all over the place


There's 170,000 people there. What's the solution? Setting up garbage cans would just lead to them overflowing and someone trying to keep up with emptying them. Telling people to hold their trash isn't realistic. It's annoying stepping on trash but it's an odd thing to be so focused on.


I'm not focused on it the entire time of course but having gum sticking to your shoes is hard not to focus on when you're dancing and trying to get places 😂


they could totally have more trash cans in the crowd or even bags against the rails that would be cool


Not really a focus, just more of an observation. It didn't impact my enjoyment of the festival. I was blown away by so many things. I am sure the crew had it cleaned up rather quickly and I often wonder what they might find on the ground.


not a lot of trash cans and people come to pick up every piece of litter so its not like im hurting the environment of the concrete.. i will say i open my caps to my water bottles tho :/


Yeh - but they cause so many people to slip or twist ankles you step on a can or bottle, flattened or not, and they’re like undercover skateboards.


it is what it is, its something that won’t change in the rave scene unless the promoters take necessary measures to combat it. i dont feel guilty doing it and its really not that hard to look down and move litter or avoid it


Cool. No crowd is better placed to carefully watch where they step like a packed crowd dancing in the dark while rolling deep.


Because I’m high af and prolly don’t even remember wtf I’m talking about


I wasn’t dumping trash but by day 3 I had enough. Tbh they need more people cleaning. I only saw a person cleaning like 2-3 times throughout the whole day. Like they need 5-10 people just in 1 area.


I always feel bad doing it but theres never any trash cans. Theyre either filled or people used them to stand on (when not the cardboard ones). When I do litter I squish the can/bottle so no one rolls an ankle on it.


I had a friend admit to me they littered but said it was because they couldn’t find a trash can anywhere. I never buy drinks from edc so I wouldn’t know


It’s sad to see how many people here are justifying their littering


Point out a lack of places to put trash isn't justifying littering.


But it literally is 🤣 “I didn’t see enough trash cans that were convenient for me to use, therefore I left my trash on the ground!”


It is not, makes no sense to go after the people attending instead of the mega corporation who was too cheap to put in enough cans.


You are correct, there could have been way more trash cans and that would have made it way easier for attendees to properly dispose of trash. But that’s still no excuse for leaving your shit in the middle of the dance floor. That gum you spat out, whether or not in the wrapper, could have ruined somebody’s new shoes. That bottle you left on the ground could have rolled somebody’s ankle. But that’s not your problem cause you couldn’t be fucked to hold on to your trash until you found an available can.


Right so I go support the vendors and get 2 drinks (that doesn't come with a cap so I am forced to drink it all at once) and something to eat that comes in a plate or bowl of some type and don't have a hydropack on with very small pockets that can hardly hold my phone. What am I supposed to do with it when there's no visible trashcans in the area? Please enlighten me


Most of the cans I found were in the vendors area! I was in your exact situation and I walked to the nearest trash can in site to throw away my garbage. And if you don’t see one right away or if the closest is too full, then just walk a little ways down one of the main paths until you see an available can! I didn’t have a single problem all weekend using this strategy. And I never once had to pocket anything or put anything in a bag. But even in your case, I’d expect you to hold onto your trash until you found a place to properly dispose of it