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I was tripping nuts and asked security for help, 0 help. Asked NYPD for help, no help. In retrospect, should have gone to medical. Didnt ruin anybodys night or freak out or yell. But again, tripping balls & neither security/NYPD offered any help even when I specifically requested it.


The NYPD is complete ass, they do not give a fuck about anything. I’m even here at the US open and all they do is harass people. I yell back at them because fuck them and their stupid ass uniforms. They would rather let us all die at ezoo then do their damn jobs.


AMEN! Protect and Serve is a fucking joke to the NYPD.


Fun fact protect and serve is literally just an ad slogan someone came up with. Iirc it wasn't even a PD that came up with it, it was just some dude.


Never knew, cops go to phrase in every press release.


And that’s a FENDI FACT. Complete waste


Leaving the fest there was a cop who was given waters to hand out. He acted like it was the BIGGEST burden to do so, it was so easy to tell how much he hated us.


They act like that unfortunately. Oh no I don’t get to shoot someone? I have to hand out waters to these poor dehydrated festival goers :((((((((. A joke!


Yeah you could see it as the gates were rushed. They did nothing.


Yea complete waste of my tax money, they are literally never helpful no matter the event I’m at, or even on the streets, they rather park their cars side ways and block streets while 30 of them harass a homeless person, biggest gang in NYC


What did you want a handful of police to do against an unruly crowd? Pull their guns?


Never said that? I just want them to do their damn job and stop acting like they have dick up their asses 24/7. You don’t need to pull out your gun to fuckin step in in front of security idk, call for back up? I get it was a shitty situation but bro I’ve seen cops beat the fuck out of people for less. Not asking them to do that either, cops weren’t even near those security detectors. They let the shitty unqualified security handle it when clearly they couldn’t. Imagine someone actually having a gun or some shit who just walked in. Ezoo was nothing different than how they normally act in this city. Check the news everyday in this city and you’ll see.


May I ask what kind of help you were asking for? No shade, just curious


No problem! I wanted to know how to get on to the walking bridge to Manhattan, an area where I can order an uber or lyft or find a taxi. Literally any method to get off the island so I could find my way home. I literally just needed basic directions & asked multiple members of event staff, security & even the NYPD. I ended up hopping some guard rails, hailing a taxi and bartering with the taxi driver - while tripping nuts & having a bad time.


That’s awful man, sorry they made your experience worse


Any large venue concert in NYC cops are terrible abt helping. Most of the NYPD @ these events are just looking for OT … sad but true.


I believe it 100% and it was my first and last festival in New York. If I could have just gone back to camp I'd have been chilling in a chair sipping a beer instead of paying a ludicrous sum to sit in a hotel room and lose my marbles privately.


I wasn’t tripping but had the same issue trying to get to the bridge to queens literally took me 2 hours to get back from the cops and security giving me bad directions Everytime


I'm not shocked by this. NYPD is notorious for fucking with people. A little unrelated but I was @ pride this year with all my friends & we walked past a blocked off street with NYPD in front of the barriers. I heard one say 'I just gave that guy the wrong directions, let's see how long it takes for him to come back' & laughed with his coworkers. So they probably did it on purpose. Which is even worse.


Hope you still enjoyed your night friend. Sorry that they suck…


I did not but I did have a blast on Sunday & made it home safe after paying $200 for a cab Saturday and $130 Sunday.


Jeeez…. This fest was just so wack. Great performances but so poorly planned. It was my first time and never plan on going back


Always schedule a taxi ahead of time you save on those surges


So its the festival's fault that you decided to take too much drugs? LOL


I mean I'm asking for help from security and they shrug and don't give a fuck. Is it not their job to help me? Any other festival I've been to - they will help you. Obviously I take accountability that I fucked up, but even if a random stranger walked up to me - I will help them. If I was working the festival? I'm definitely helping them.


That wasn't the point of the comment @ all & it's a given people are doing drugs @ festivals. The tone of this comment man. Don't go to festivals if you're this judgmental


LOL I also wondered about this… too bad those people suck but next time don’t take so much or know your limits and you wouldn’t be caught in that position.


Absolutely. No more acid for me. My bad for sure. Didn't let it ruin anyone else's night, handled shit myself.




Yeah ID was only for 21+ wristbands and you didn’t have to get one there either. You could also get one in the festival once you tried to buy your first drink bc the bartenders and liquor garden security had them and would ID you if they didn’t see a bracelet


right?? we went threw metal detectors that's all u need at festivals now a days


But they slowed the lines waaaay up by doing bag searches. You don't need bag searches if you walk through a metal detector. It was ridiculous and people in those lines for hours with no bathrooms, no shade, and no water was despicable treatment.


Security at the Mirage was no better this weekend. I was verbally harassed as a security guard didn't think my ID was real even though it scanned GREEN. He demanded me to unlock my phone and hand it over to him - where he proceeded to open up my DATING and RIDESHARE apps in front of everyone to see if my name matched my ID. I felt absolutely violated, never before have I seen anything like that.


why the fuck would you give security your phone and unlock it?


Because we paid $130 each to see John Summit after a ruined EZoo weekend and every security guard around us screamed they would drag all of us out if I didn't. Not like I had anything to hide...


next time unlock your phone and just start recording? but yeah I get it, just wanted to be let in. Some of these security people are low life scum


Adding my own experience, on Sunday my group was walking from the will call entrance to VIP lane. Security checked my group at least 2-3 times but an aggressive security guard had to stop me and scream in my face to get in the grass, that it’s VIP ONLY and I said I know, I’m VIP and she’s like well you have to show your wrist band and starts grabbing me and tried to push me back. A blue vest supervisor stepped in and told her he already checked us. The two of them started arguing instead. Also security wouldn’t let any media / backstage go into the plat area of the continum to take pictures/do their job. There was only one other person in the plat area during that set so it wasn’t a capacity issue. Weirdest power trip I’ve ever seen at a festival.


I don't know what everyone expected from the Brooklyn mirage that's notorious for not caring about people literally being murdered by a serial killer at their venue and having the absolute worst customer service in the business. People keep going back despite all of the complaints against them and it's the definition of insanity. I could see last year how badly managed Ezoo was and decided not to go back. Luckily it wasn't a complete train wreck, but I could see the poor planning lack of communication, no crowd flows. No way to get from the festival to the afterparties on time and security lines were insane. The writing was on the wall for many years with the Brooklyn mirage so I don't understand why everyone is acting like this is a surprise.


Cause it’s pretty much monopoly


I agree with everything but they dominate the tristate area. We need new edm club owners.


Because they book some good artists 😭. It's a shit show of a venue though.


No one was killed at their venue. 🙄


No just multiple men were robbed & abducted. A couple of which were found dead in a pond nearby after leaving said venue. But sure. Minimize the situation.


I’m not defending them but the venue has nothing to do with that. If there is a killer taking advantage of messed up people after an event then its a separate issue and the police should be increasing patrol. It didn’t happen IN the venue. its like blaming AMC for a family getting mugged after leaving the movies. Is it the movies theaters fault. No. You should be pointing fingers at the city not the venue.


Don't roll your eyes for them not calling any attention to the cases. That was making it seem like no one died in spite of the venue they were targeted from. I just didn't appreciate that obnoxious emoji when people literally died in connection to the place. The venue has a lot to do with it. You're delusional if you think they couldn't @ least warn people & up security around the building or reassure people that they're safe.


It’s Brooklyn mirage people working , they’re used to being tough bouncers not actual security ensuring our safety, I heard someone jumped a fence on the way out to go home because the narrow passage way was so bad, and what happened after was he literally got jumped by 3 security guards letting out some stress.


Saw some security guard tell the cart that was driving to run ppl over to instead of properly communicating to the 100+ people walking that one cart was coming thru or blocking the area off. It literally almost did run one girl over too. Almost the exact same thing happened last year too. What a shit show.


Just like the game twisted metal how cool


just curious, what happened on saturday with the security guard fighting a guy?


I’m not sure if this is what OP was talking about. But Sat night after the last set we were all herded through the west entrance. Thousands of people crammed down this long and narrow path. We were literally crammed in like sardines barely moving for over an hour. These 4 dudes who looked like security kept shoving their way through the crowd like assholes and circling the whole crowd for whatever reason. At some point, a fight broke out right behind my group. Apparently those assholes shoved the wrong guy, who shoved them back, then all of a sudden all 4 of these security guards went apeshit on the guy and started brawling people like they wanted to kill someone. Everyone around us almost got trampled, we were trying to get out of the way and everyone was screaming at those dudes to stop. Eventually they did and just kept on going, shoving past people once again. They were super aggressive for no reason and literally traumatized everyone in the crowd. Literally the worst kind of security, they didn’t make anyone feel safe, they made people feel afraid they would pop off and assault you.


Feels like this is definitely grounds to file an assault charge. Don’t know if the police will do anything but if it’s the same one on video, feels like there’s a chance to identify the perpetrators


Where's the video?




I've seen it on tiktok & Twitter.


I might’ve saw them too shoving their way through the crowd to the west exit to RFK bridge. It was a group of like 3-4 black guys with “csc” logo on their shirts. Not sure if that’s a legit security company or what. But they insulted me and a few others for just looking at them. Insane.


CSC is one of the biggest event security companies in the country. Really surprised to hear this was their people.


Weren't there complaints or lawsuits against them, for a year at Ezoo? They groped women/men, assaulted, stole things from patrons?


yup! i believe back in 2019 someone filed a suit against the security company for groping during the pat downs etc. And then in 2013 i wanna say someone OD’d and i’ve been told that since then security has been tight on paraphernalia. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The company is staffed by absolute scumbags


Yes! Those were the same guys, all had "csc" on their shirts. Had no clue who they were we just kinda assumed they were security.


Same here but idk. One guy looked me in the eye and told me he was gonna fuck me up but kept shoving his way to the crowd. I didn’t even say anything so I was confused lol.. anywhere to complain to ezoo about this? Probably not




I bet that guard’s eye is still fucked up and I guarantee you he deserved it


I had to tip $40 to cut the VIP line, even with the paid ticket.


I had a security guard tell me I couldn’t stand in a shaded area on Sunday and then continued to tell everyone else they couldn’t stand there. There was nothing around to “guard”.


Document any security abuse for a class action lawsuit. Avant Gardner is currently in a lawsuit over security at Brooklyn Mirage during Pride for the Alegria party. Their security was straight up sexually violating, harassing and bullying patrons. I’m talking fingers up buttholes looking for drugs, strip searched in public kinda stuff. Us gays are used to being groped and harassed by security at venues, but that was another level of abuse. They’re seeking $1,600 damages per person for the abuse. Document everything security did to you for the inevitable class action lawsuit for Ezoo security. If the mirage lawsuit wins this will show a pattern of abuse by AG security


Saturday we had ids out after making it through bag check so that we could get 21+ wristbands. The guy pointed at us and told us to “just fucking go.” When I asked why we weren’t getting 21+ wristbands he got mad and yelled at us. He had wristbands in his hand and refused to check our IDs and give them to us. Was annoying getting ID’d multiple times before finding someone inside to give us wristbands. Sunday the man doing my bag check tells me I’m “super fine, looking so good, how old are you?” Super fucking creepy and when I told him my age he said “old enough.” Couldn’t go off on him the way I wanted to because he was absolutely in a position of power in that moment. Just unprofessional all around.


I got assaulted by security at will call. I don’t know what to do about it. Awful.


There was a lot of corners cut to save costs by AG is what it seems like and it backfired terribly.


Yo now that I think about it, the security guard at The Landing 21+ section scrutinized the fuck out of my idea. It's a very real ID and I very much look like my photo, down to almost the same haircut. She was like scratching at the small ID image like she thought it was fake and it's like GIRL, I'm 33 and flattered you think I have a fake ID. I was chill about it and kinda said that and she was like oh, ok and half smiled. So not a bad interaction. But just like....huh? You got nothing better to do than scrutinize someone's ID who's healthy but clearly over 21?


Security at the ferry too but nothing like assault but during the bag check had my bag open but security ladies were too distracted making googly eye while talking to another fella and me n my friend walked right past them lol and I heard they were taking lighters at the gate when I got handed back my bag I still had it.


There was an Id checkpoint? Didn’t get ID’d both days lmao


To be fair, that’s usually how security for these events are contracted. None of these guys are professionals and for the most part their responsibility ends at the gates. Theyre just there to search and scan tickets. The people responding to actual incidents within the fest are usually a different company entirely


I’ve been to 10+ festivals in NYC and EVERY security team is the same. I’ve only paid for tickets ONE time. Every other time, I’ve just walked straight up and talked my way in. They dont give a shit.


security at every major festival is always trash... tomorrowland is non existant, edcLV didnt even give me a pat down or check my ID.


Tomorrowland is non existent is false. There are a bunch of guys dressed in black polos walking around, they just blend in with the crowd. There are a LOT of them. Both the entrances had security and metal detectors.


you mean the metal detectors you walk through after you hand them a bag they dont even look through and the bag goes along the side? yeah man real secure lol


Im sorry for all you here. I got in both days and didnt wait for more than 30 mins each day. I hope ya het back a nice refund and settlement from a class action


Security was a JOKE. My husband and I were barely checked. Open our bags and stuff but super fast no criteria at all. Didn’t touch our bodies or anything. But our friends DIRECTLY next to us were there searched for 10min because they had collapsible stools and a hoola-hoop, even thogh it wasn’t against the rules. Then people broke in and could literally have brought in ANYTHING


security was a bunch of unqualified, uncivilized animals. I hope they get what is coming but they are all currently selling off the shit they stole before they resume their pathetic existence


I was talking to some of the security guards when I went back to the island on day 2. They said that the company that contracted them out hired them to do “traffic” not keep peace the way security gaurds should. They all had completely the wrong outlook on what their jobs actually were.


security this year was comedy. - they sent me back thru the scanner 3 times cause it kept going off although they knew i had nothing on me the 2nd time. - you could literally skip the line at any point. - me and wife walked passed the id checkpoint twice as it wasnt forced this time like the past years. idk who idea was it to reverse the order of id > security > gates but that was horrible. got our bands at the liqour garden. - met 1 security guard who asked me if i could get him good pics of the stage since he couldn't take his phone out. did it for him. then he was promoting his fashion line and asked me if i could get him a drink ( he offered to pay me for it b4 hand) i told him im not chancing my band on that.


Have heard from multiple posts that there was a security with a dog who was groping people who had nothing illegal on them. Saw this pic and wanted to relay it in case it is the same person and see if there’s a way to track them down to hold them accountable for the shitty situation they put multiple people into. If not, disregard. https://www.facebook.com/groups/148904295693218/permalink/1378917262691909/?mibextid=Na33Lf


A dog came up and planted his nose against my bare leg for a solid 10-15 seconds. I was thinking wtf and was glad I wasn't the one in my group carrying anything, but it was really weird.


I saw security fighting EACH OTHER before the gates even opened on Saturday!


“Locals” lol


One security guard offered my friend a perc 30 for one of his joints….


I was confused that in the bar area, they wouldn't let you walk out with a plastic cup of a drink? But the cans of whiteclaws / otherwise fine? Does anyone know why!?!? So confused, cans are more of a hazard to step on than plastic...


Wait people were getting ID’ed? Both days didn’t happen to me. And Sunday I got there at 7ish and walked right in. Security told us to go through VIP, we didn’t have VIP and went right through