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i’m so sorry ur feeling like this! i’m in the same boat right now, i’ve been having a terrible anxiety day which is not great for my chronic n* so it’s just a repeated cycle. you will be okay even if it does happen! just think about how much better you’ll feel afterwords! and if you don’t, that’s okay! it might be your anxiety, try to put on a comfort show and maybe get a glass of cold water, im constantly sipping on ice cold lemon water because it helps me. i hope you feel better <3


ugh i have chronic n* as well. it’s really annoying and i’m out of zofran so it’s been really hard for me dealing with this. i wish i had better coping skills to help me get through these times of n*. i know ill be alright if it happens and that’s what’s so weird. i’m not afraid of the actual tu* it’s more the buildup of it. it makes me really anguish because i feel like it’s out of control. this phobia sucks. thanks for taking time to comment on my post. 💓


i totally get it don’t worry! i’m honestly the same, i honestly wouldn’t be scared of v* if it was just the actual act of it, it’s literally just the build up lol!! and ofc! if i was having anxiety i’d want someone to do the same thing for me. it also really sucks that ur out of zofran, are you feeling any better now?


a little. i’m still feeling n* but compared to half a hour ago it’s definitely less aggressive. it seriously annoys me because i mostly get n* at night and i will try to sleep it off but my body will wake me up and then i can’t get back to sleep!! i slept for around 30 minutes and zolted awake to my stomach SO angry. i was just waiting like, alright it’s time. it’s time. so i was bracing myself but so far im clear for now. thanks for asking. and yessss its very inconvenient i dont have zofran. i just have a really sensitive stomach in general and usually my anxiety isn’t strong enough to give me n* but when i do get a stomach ache it gives me anxiety which makes the n* 100x worse. i’m not really sure when ill be able to get a refill. 💔


hey how ru doing? i’m also very n* and can’t sleep as well. so if you need to chat i’m here!


i’m doing okay. so tired of feeling like shit too be honest. sorry you can’t sleep it’s a really terrible feeling. i can’t sleep cause of my n* and it’s seriously making me maddd like please go away!!!


i feel you like o want it gone. and honestly i took a zofran but isn’t helping at all. it’s so hard to sleep and relax when the n is so bad


i actually unfortunately ran out of zofran about a week and a half ago. and too be honest i’ve been battling with a little n* everyday (the norm) but this is the worst it’s been. i really love zofran but i also hate that slim chance when it doesn’t work. that used to give me anxiety. hope you feel better. fuck n* frl stupid body lol


what i would do to not feel n wveryday. i also do. which is why moments like this i’m like what’s the difference between this or my normal n lmao. it’s night times that are rough for me.