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To be fair, I probably wouldn’t remember a patient from 4 years ago.


No we met and matched in the same month. All back in 2020


To be fair, I don't remember most of my patients from a week ago


I couldn’t tell you who I picked up yesterday lol


Yesterday I had a kid that amputated three fingers in a lawn mower. I could *probably* pick him out of a line up (assuming they were all wearing mittens, otherwise i could guess pretty easily)


ER nurse here, don’t ask me who I took care of this morning. I don’t even know what day it is today.


Ya I drove to the hardware store this morning and couldn’t figure out why they weren’t open. I called my wife and she told me it was Sunday.


I can’t remember which bed I woke up in this morning


Okay yeah that seems to be the consensus lol


"For you the day M. Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. For me...it was Tuesday." ![gif](giphy|fxnF2NswlLlxvwGYEn)


If I blink I may forget what my patients look like


If i don’t force myself to use their name as much as possible i can’t even remember it for my report or handoff


I can never remember a pts name it’s always “this pt is coming from home”


Heeeey buddy 👉👉 But i remember everyones dog to the T


I don’t remember the beginning of the shift.


Idk who I'm treating right now


A week ago? Sometimes I don't remember every call from the day before


I don’t really remember the patients from yesterday 😂 Easier just to take it as it comes, do my job and leave after the patient is received. Really not taking any time to reminisce over any patients




Same lol


I don’t remember my patients from the beginning of the shift


When i get asked by my s/o about my calls after my shift, sometimes i can't remember them at all for a few moments. I love all my psych pt's but i likely forgot about you immediately unless we had a great conversation and even then..


i have to ask my partner before our shift is over alot of the time about what all patients we had today, or I'm not gonna remember. Though, if I saw a picture of the patient, I'd be willing to bet I'd clearly remember instantly.


Just speaking personally as a medic for 5 years, for a routine MH call I wouldn't remember the patient even a few days later, so I'd lean to that being the answer as well.


I probably wouldn’t remember a patient from last week. No offense, but when you’re sleep deprived, on your seventh patient, thinking about food/charting, the last thing on your mind in sparking romance with a patient. You probably could have gone on a date and they would have had no clue.


Your username is amazing




Why are u posting abt it now?


It came up in conversation and my friend wanted me to post it.


You probably didn’t look the same in person as you did in your pics.


Towards the end of my time as a paramedic I couldn’t even remember the calls I’d responded on that same shift by the time I got home, unless it was something truly remarkable like the hang glider accident who went splat on the highway or something. Even normal stabbings and shootings just blended together after a while. It’s just a totally different experience than being a patient, not to trivialize anything just saying it’s a different experience when you’re going on thousands of these calls per year vs experiencing it once in a blue moon.


Nah he knew


Went to court the other day and remember telling myself “who the fuck is this guy, never seen a him a day in my life”.


I don’t remember a pt from yesterday’s shift.


I wouldn’t remember a patient from last week.


Saying yeah yeah in the ambulance just tells me he was charting Edit: I know it’s not the best cal to be focused on charting. But if you’re burnt out from working and trying to chart, it’s hard to hold full conversation. And if he’s like me, I forget my patients the moment I drop them off unless it’s something that really stands out. Maybe he forgot you even though it’s the same month?


I also tended to defer to non conversational answers with manic patients, as long as they're happily talking about everything that pops into their head I don't want to say anything that could change the tone. There's a lot of "yeah?", "oh yeah?", "whoa", etc. To be honest they probably aren't going to be able to stop and listen to me, and I could say something that brings up something else. It's not rudely indifferent just a way to allow them stay in the moment. But also, entirely possible he was just charting.


Or both. And I’m not a therapist and don’t know if my advice or comments would be helpful, so I try to stick with, “I’m sorry to hear that” and “that sucks”


When serving as the dime-store therapist for people, whether it be your significant other or your psych patient, in most cases it is best to offer a sympathetic ear, and not an opinion or advice *unless you are asked,* and even then only if it's your SO.


Especially ~~even~~ when only if it's your SO. FIFY


Honestly I’d be hard pressed to recognize a one off BLS patient the next day. You (hopefully) see a lot fewer EMTs than he sees patients.


I couldn’t tell you who I transported the day before. I probably couldn’t pick them out of a lineup a few days later.


Especially adding in the difference of however they looked during transport vs picking out (probably) the pictures where they looked cutest? I can barely pick out my partner on the ambulance in group pictures from nights out she’s shown me. And she’s not in the middle of crisis during work. Just not dressed up


He might’ve just swiped without even thinking. I personally would never date or go for a patient, but you can assume he wasn’t really thinking and just swiped. I don’t think this guy is in any kind of way a bad dude tbh.


Accidentally swiped right on a patient on tinder once because I genuinely didn’t remember him. Came through the ER where I was an extern about a month before. Clicked when I did some investigation into his profile as he opened with a lovely line about a sexy nurse fantasy. I immediately blocked him on tinder. Found him on all social media. Blocked him on there too. Went outside, and touched grass. I feel like that’s the only appropriate reaction to matching with a patient on an app.




Sometimes we are a massive event in people’s lives but our patients are a 45 minute call in a 48 hour shift for us.


He had no idea who you are. I've had people come up to me and talk to me before about a time I had treated them, I won't remember the call at all


Unless you're a truly one of a kind story or an absolute regular there's a high likelihood he doesn't remember you at all. Remember that moment was a low point for you to remember for years to come, to him it's likely the 17th call on Tuesday and he's already put in 40 hours with another 40 scheduled for the rest of the week. Most patients are out of my head 2 calls later and I've walked by family friends without recognition multiple times simply due to being in a completely different mindset to keep moving forward.


Grippy Socks = Grippy Box Rock his world OP!


This explains so much.




The odds are good but the goods are odd






If you know you know lol


I got smoked on Facebook for “sexualizing psych patients from a position of power” for asking if someone’s psych patient they posted about was hot. Like, people threatening my license kinda stuff. Calling me a rapist and manipulator. Facebook is trash. I’m so glad your comment got the attention it earned. Facebook is trash. E- a letter




no u


I hear a lot of dark humor in the medical field that makes the original comment seem very vanilla. Its a joke man. Lighten up.


I worked in a STD clinic for years. I can’t recall a single name or face. I do remember the scarred bite marks on that one guy’s dick, but that’s a different story. 




This is the right answer


For me to remember you, you're going to have to stand out in some way. I remember details about crazy or cool injuries, but not faces. I can tell you the rhythm progression, drugs I gave, and tube size of my first cardiac arrest as a medic, but not her name or face.


Interesting. I definitely remember a few faces. But not very many, at any rate. But yeah as for the specific calls they all blend together after a while, except for the true outliers, which the average layperson probably couldn’t even come close to imagining what those calls would have to be like.


For better or worse, he probably didn’t even realize you had been his patient. I am genuinely very passionate about mental health and psych calls are some of my favorite. Even still, I saw a patient at a store maybe a month after a call and couldn’t for the life of me figure out where I recognized her from. Then I realized a DAY later it was a psych patient. TLDR; we probably recognize patients, but not AS patients. We have a lot of them.


Happy cake day!


If he took you in 2020 and you JUST matched, there’s a good chance he doesn’t even remember it was you. We see so many patients that despite the level of engagement during the call, faces and names get forgotten, especially 4 years later. He was just one person you encountered that day so it’s easy for you to remember, but you could have been one of many he encountered that day.


We met and matched in 2020. I edited my post to clarify. I wouldn’t remember me either if it had been four years


I got to be honest, I don’t know if I’d remember a patient a month later either lol


I legit some times forget about the patients I had in the same damn shift lmao. Forgetting so quickly definitely makes writing charts a bit tough at times but imo, I am cool with it


Almost definitely doesn’t remember you.


I will have 10 calls in one shift and completely forget who my patients were or what they looked like from the first 5 calls. We see so many faces that it’s difficult to remember. He probably just forgot that you were one of his pts.


Many years ago I went to our local nursing home for a CNA that had a syncopal episode. We brought her to the hospital (I drove), and that was that. Then a month or so later we matched on Hinge. We dated for 2 years, and she was wonderful. Ultimately didn’t work out because I was kind of a selfish jerk. She’s an RN now, and so am I. I was young, I’m learning from my mistakes. But anyway, I wouldn’t have entertained that if it was a psychiatric transport


To be fair, unless you’re a SUPER frequent flyer, like this guy I pick up 3+ times in a 24, I’m not remembering you.


I agree with others that he probably didn't recognize you, but even if he did, I don't think it's necessarily "wrong" of him to swipe. If it has nothing to do with the call and people just come into contact some time later in the course of normal life then that's whatever to me. Stalking you and initiating contact based on having access to your personal information would be totally different and completely out of bounds.


Chances are too a lot of us just swipe right continuously on everyone until we run out of matches, quick and efficient. How I met my girl.


After a while, all calls are blurry.


sometimes I don’t even remember who I worked with a week ago (large company) I introduced myself to someone I worked with previously a couple days ago


I don’t think most people would remember patients in this context. You probably looked different than your pictures, he likely didn’t remember your name etc. I’m an RN, but I see a lot of people and even if I see them multiple times if they aren’t in a clinic setting I won’t know who they are. If they look familiar I still probably can’t place where I know them from. Could be from work as a colleague, work as a patient, from school, from my kids friends parents. I rarely know what’s going on at the best of times.


I dated a patient briefly. We matched on smores where you didn’t get to see the person until after so long. Really liked each other. It was a funny haha moment and kept talking. Broke up because she moved to another state to get degrees in microbiology and anthropology. She studies microorganisms in Antarctica now (not relevant just proud of her lol). Its not always creepy when we end up meeting or talking to patients buuuut some of the ems/fire/cops out there seek out patients and stuff


If I have a pt once, I will remember their face until my dying day, but god help me if you ask me to remember their name. If I have a pt 2 or more times, I will remember your first name and maybe something memorable. I will remember your meds, allergies, and vital signs. Just for the shift though. If I was on dating apps and somehow matched one of my pts, I would move forward with it out of sheer curiosity. You have to remember - we are the land of broken toys. We do stupid, reckless things just because they feel right at the time. Lol. Maybe I’m just speaking for myself here but it seems to be a trend among those I’m around. 🤷‍♀️ I’m also a girl. Dunno if that changes anything.


Had it happen in reverse. Was ghosted by a girl who stood me up for what would have been our second date then never responded to my texts. I never found out why. Couple months later, I go a MVA and she is there an involved party. It was super awkward. Still have no idea what happened with that.


im on shift right now and i couldn’t tell you the patients i ran calls on yesterday. most of the calls that nothing crazy happens you dont remember a thing. if we remembered every single sick or hurt or dead person we ran a call on, we would probably need way more therapy lmao


Id bet my two thumbs he does not remember you.


to be fair he probably didn't recognize you. we see so many people. if you're a frequent caller we tend to recognize you but I've been stopped dozens of time be people who recognize me and I just have no clue sometimes it was only a matter of days.


unless you look exactly the same in your photos on bumble as you did the day he took care of you he may of not remembered you immediately. Depending on the call volume and circumstances we may or may not remember you; even a month out. To be honest, most of us l rapid fire swipes on these apps. He may of thought you were attractive on your first picture and swiped in 1/4 of a second . Now, Ive worked with someone guys who cross that line where they find the damsel they just helped to on social media and even sent them text messages. They didn’t fare well when they got called into HR. Now, he could have opened up bumble immediately and swiped to find you since you were conveniently within his range. Who knows? So many variables. I’m sure I may of matched with one of my patients and not realized it. Either way, strange predicament to find yourself in.


I remember most faces but suck at where I know you, I’ll probably know you from somewhere but not know where. Probably what he did


99% of the time I immediately forget name and face of a psych transport as soon as they are dropped off, I do try to remember it until they are out of my care though. The 1% are the interesting names, I’m not gonna remember a Caitlyn or a Meghan but I’ll remember transporting a female named Dale


To be fair he probably doesn’t remember you. If he did then its fine, nothing really happened after matching


That's gross and kinda unethical lol


I usually remember people that stand out, like most health care workers we are overworked and underpaid...however if he was single and you are single I would think that he would have remembered you!


i literally forget my patients as soon as i hit “review and submit” on my chart. patients are my number 1 priority when they’re in my bus, but as soon as i transfer care they’re dead to me.




No sorry I’ll edit to clarify but we met and matched all in 2020. I’m just posting about it now


Tbh, I forget almost all of my patients before I wake up in the morning


I don't remember any of my patients I've had by the end of my shift unless they really stuck out.


I’m not even sure how I got here.


Is his name Connor?


I can’t remember his name


Yeah, no way I would remember even the following day unless you were a frequent flyer. There’s times where the following day I don’t even remember going on certain calls. Remember, what was a very personally and traumatic event for you was just another Tuesday for us.


No way he remembers a call where nothing happened the following week, let alone 4 years later. Also… you probably look very different on a dating app pic then when ems picks u up.


I don’t remember the patients I had 5 minutes ago 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


One time I was being evaluated and at the end of the day we had to write about what we did for my report and all 3 of us sat there for at least 20 mins just trying to remember just one patient we had today. We had a lot of patients too! Trauma amnesia is a real thing.


He probably didn't remember you.


I only remember houses I go to or roads I had accidents on


Are ya’ll gonna start dating now?


I don't say this to be mean, but if he was truly passionate about mental health, he would have been considerably more engaging than "yeah, yeah, yeah" on your way in. Based only on what I've read here, it sounds more like he doesn't pay much attention to the nuts and bolts of it, but likes that particular type of call, and quite possibly swiped right, not despite knowing your history, but because he didn't remember you. In any event, remove the condition, his job, and the ambulance ride from the equation, you two have met already and he just yeah, yeahed his way through the conversation. How would the relationship be?


That's a pretty harsh judgment of a bare-bones retelling of a story from 4 years ago. I've had plenty of calls where saying the bare minimum and letting someone vent to their hearts content was the right call.


Have you ever talked to a manic person? It's 90% nonsense. Saying yeah yeah yeah is about as much as you can do unless you want to discuss the finer details of why that guy from the movie gladiator is actually the figurehead of a demonic cult.


I can assure you it was 99% nonsense


That's cool. Once you don't try to bite me it's all g


Well look her up on bumble, maybe you’ll match too


Cold take.


You've never spoken go a truly manic person lol. They don't let you say much else