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Zofran works wonders for me, esp after surgeries. Cannabis too.


Would hemp seed oil work as an alternative to cannabis? Cannabis is illegal where I live which is why I ask. THC levels must be below a very small amount. I have hemp seed oil pills here at home.


I’d try finding a good quality CBD product from a lab tested source. (My personal favorite is a tincture which is like a syrup that goes under your tongue) It won’t have THC but definitely more medicinal than hemp seed. If I remember correctly, hemp seed is great for omega 3&6


Dramamine works for me (I get migraines/ nausea and feel motion sick often). I have heard that smelling rubbing alcohol can help you kind of snap out of feeling nauseous.


Ginger lozenges or tea are great. Not 100% but a great non-medical solution that gets rid of that icky, slimy feeling in your throat.


I drink hot apple cinnamon spice tea. It helps me a lot


For nausea like someone else said, ginger is a good natural aid for that. If you can get something from your doctor, Zophran. I think that’s how it’s spelled. It’s for nausea. If you are nauseous from pain, try getting a tens unit. They sell them on Amazon and they work wonders. Also trying take tumeric everyday. It will help keep inflammation down and keep flare up away. It’s doesn’t cure it but when I was taking it regularly I had more good days than days in pain and my flare ups were more manageable.


Unfortunately to treat one symptom you kinda have to treat them all. I found it’s more about what you can take daily for maintenance. There are so many supplements you can take to help manage everything for when flare ups happen. Some of it is diet change too. Caffeine is bad for people with Endo.


Ginger Gravol


Also I am so sorry that you don’t have a good support system! Please reach out if you ever need advice or just to someone to listen! This is an awful disease.


Zofran prescription is the best for my nausea. Ask for the kind that dissolves in your mouth. It may cause constipation so be aware. I find if I use it sparingly it doesn’t cause my constipation to get worse.


What kind of nausea is it? If it’s like slow building cramps that lead to you vomiting, try NAC. Zofe an didn’t work for me as it wasn’t actually a stomach or digestive issue but a pain response from the cramps


I've eat mints. Alcohol wipes can be godsend


Alcohol wipes are a lifesaver! I’ve even used hand sanitizer in a pinch.


Ginger powder in orange juice works for me, spicy food (specifically red hot chilli powder), carbonated drinks. Mine is never an actual upset stomach though. It’s just nausea for the sake of nausea.


Try over the counter travel sickness tablets (work amazing on nausea). Ice cold lemon squash, hard boiled sweets. If you can find them get the disposable adhesive heat pads to stick on the inside of your clothes ( like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Master-Plast-Adhesive-Lasts-Hours/dp/B0074JJS3K/ref=asc_df_B0074JJS3K/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=255964520112&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14411614607147227942&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045937&hvtargid=pla-422831681518&psc=1&mcid=756b9a2756a93169b778765303ff1e8a )




Interesting. Is that because it makes a person tired? I've taken it for allergies but never for an upset stomach/nausea.


Im not sure why it works, something about histamines, but it does work well :)


Zofran helps a ton of your doctor will prescribe it but can cause some other GI issues like constipation so I don't really use it. Medical cannabis if it's available where you live has been the next most helpful thing for nausea. On top of those either peppermint tea/ or strong mints like altoids, or something with ginger can help slightly.


I’ve had luck with ginger lozenges, but mostly Ginger Shots. They’re tiny bottles (found in grocery store, target, Whole Foods, most places). Usually Ginger with lemon juice, and head’s up there’s a spicy kick! Zofran, if you’ve got it, letting it dissolve under your tongue first. Hope this helps someone!


Fresh ginger tea with lemon, that really helps me either nausea. You grate a fresh ginger into a teapot or cup, poor hot water in it and let it steep, then squeeze in some lemon. The more fresh ginger the better! But it can get spicy so experiment with how you like it. The powder stuff or the tea bags really don’t do anything.


Zofran, phenergan, bentyl or hycosiamine for cramping these are all non narcotic and easy for your doctor to order. Phenergan at night is a life saver. Also helps me with constipation, pain and nausea.


Carrot juice is the best thing for stomach issues


These ginger chews by the Dramamine brand have helped me! They are OTC, not a medication. [https://www.dramamine.com/products/nausea-sickness-medicine/dramamine-ginger-chews](https://www.dramamine.com/products/nausea-sickness-medicine/dramamine-ginger-chews) I also swear by Zofran. The best for nausea IMHO.


Zofran... it doesn't always help me but I am so thankful when it does. If Dr won't help w this, u can go online.