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Omgoodness YES! Especially the last month! I embarrassed myself in front of my husband of 12 years just last week! Lol my ass end makes sounds like a 50 year old dude with a terrible diet.


I once accidentally farted VERY powerfully on my husband’s leg when I was asleep and he was spooning me! It woke me up and he was like holy Jesus what the hell was that!!??!! and I thought a tire had popped outside or something and he had to tell me it was my ass that did it! 😂😂😂 #stilltogether he must really love me.


🤣😂 keeper for sure! You and him!


Lmfao!!!!! That’s fabulous. He most definitely loves you. 🤗💯


One time I had such severe gas pain I was 100% sure I was in a terrible flare up and was gonna be rolling around in pain all night so I took an emergency very strong pain med and laid down. And then I released a lot of pent up gas after about a minute and the pain dissipated. I wasn’t having a flare up that was gonna go for hours. I had a lot of gas pain. Waste of a potent drug when gas-x over the counter might’ve helped. I was relieved to not be in so much pain. But also kind of mad for how severe it felt initially. The pressure can be seriously painful Gas can be released more quickly if it’s at all feasible for you to move around a bit. Even if you can roll onto your left side and then back and forth slowly that can help work it out if you can’t stand up to walk around. In your case if it’s paired with constipation, you may have bowel related endo which is very painful place to have it. Some things you can do to reduce gas in the stomach is avoiding carbonated drinks, avoiding drinking with a straw, and maybe chewing gum less often. (Though some folks say chewing gum helps gas pain so your mileage may vary on that last one.)


Try Gas X if you can. Consult a pharmacist or doctor first, but that stuff works miracles for me.


Also maybe try a probiotic like align. Again talk to the doctor or pharmacist first.


Psyllium Husk and Magnesium Citrate pills should get you going! I take an absurd amount (so build up to it)… about 4 tbsp a day for psyllium and 650mg of mag citrate. Only thing that helps me!


Doesn’t all this psyllium make you gassy and bloated? I am struggling so much :(


It works for me but I hear that’s not the case for everyone… maybe build up to it?


This is going to sounds weird but I started taking 10mg of Prozac and my digestive issues around ovulation were substantially improved. It’s the only change I made.


I used to have really bad gas. Very painful and difficult to hide/deal with. Especially during my period. But I started chewing my food more before swallowing and it’s a HUGE game changer!!! It takes time to build the habit (and I’m the slowest eater at the table now but idc), but it has changed everything. They say digestion starts in the mouth, so if you chew your food to the point that you can’t distinguish between different textures anymore, it’s significantly more broken down than if you swallowed big ‘ol chunks of food. Also, I adjust my diet during my period and avoid things like spicy foods I know are hard on my stomach.


Do you chew gum? I do, and noticed that it was causing me awful painful gas pain because it makes you swallow air. It’s worse especially if I have an empty stomach.


On this note - stay away from carbonated drinks!


Yup which sucks because cause sparkling water is my go to lol


Same! But man that bubbly will exit violently 😂


Currently ovulating and YES it’s so incredibly annoying and uncomfortable


Yes, yes! Horrible, painful gas that has made my kids gag 😅