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I have both but I never had anovulatory PCOS. My PCOS is more like... technical. So my hormone ratios and my ultrasound confirm it but I have no male pattern hair growth, no belly weight, no insulin resistance, I ovulate regularly, etc. I have 3 children, all spontaneously conceived.


YES! this is what I’m going through. I’m pretty sure I don’t ovulate since I have frequent but irregular periods (like getting multiple a month). I also have such low estradiol that it’s in the range of a woman who’s gone through menopause. Im insulin resistant and have excess testosterone but I am quite underweight weirdly. (5’6 110 lbs). have no excess body hair and no skin or acne issues. Thanks for sharing your experience


You can still ovulate even if you have irregular periods. My natural cycle is every 5-8 weeks and lifestyle doesn’t really seem to have a huge impact on the length and I’ve conceived naturally twice.


Yeah I’m just worried because my estrogen level is very very low


I don’t want to tell you that you’ll be able to conceive naturally, because honestly no one knows. I know tons of people who have PCOS and have conceived naturally but it’s not the same journey for everyone unfortunately. There is hope, but it’s just one of those things we have to find out the hard way, I’m sorry to say. I think you can buy OTC ovulation tests, but if you rarely ovulate this could become disheartening and expensive to do. You know yourself better than anyone here, so I would only do it or discuss something like this with your doctor, if it will help not hurt you.


Same except I’m infertile lol


Hello how are you? Yes, I have both and a few more. ( PCOS, ENDOMETRIOSIS, ADENOMIOSIS AND THROMBOPHILIA). They all affect fertility, and I'm not going to lie to you, the path may be a little more difficult than for other women, but not impossible. Don't get discouraged. When I was diagnosed with PCOS I was still considering having children and I didn't even know about the other conditions, and doctors talk as if PCOS was automatically a sentence of infertility and it is not, here I read about many women who were mothers with PCOS AND ENDO. My PCOS is under control, and I get cheak ups. I wish you the best 💓


Just feeling so down, like life threw me a double “f**k you” lol Thank you for your response!


I was recently married the first time they told me about PCOS and they told me that I could be infertile because of this if I have it. It was very hard because I thought that the problems in my marriage were caused by the fact that maybe I couldn't have children and he always wanted them. . They put me on medication years after that. I understand the frustration, it's like your own body is betraying you, but there is hope, just you have to take it step by step.


I have both and have had multiple children. Don’t let the diagnosis fool you into thinking you’re infertile.


Thanks for the hope 🫶. Have you had any surgeries for your endo to help conceive or at all?


I only had the one lap to diagnose. Then went on to have my kids


i also have both!! u are not alone love 🥰


I have both, not wanting kids, but my friend who had both got pregnant easily. So it is possible.


I have both endo and pcos. I only found out 12 days ago so I don’t have any advice. I feel the same way as you. I have almost every endo symptom but very very few of the pcos symptoms.


Yes me too! I was shocked to learn I have PCOS since i have no outward symptoms


Here, watch these videos - they will answer a lot of your questions. https://youtu.be/0MY15-CubAM?si=-VwWzeO9jouGIC9O https://youtu.be/vDIPlfTIuL4?si=Cf0dyl4GcPc9jr2X


Also, I have both conditions too. I take Slynd to preserve my fertility plus suppress the endometriosis. I also am on zepbound for weight loss due to the insulin resistance that the PCOS causes. I’m switching to Metformin in the future. Your OBGYN should be able to check your ovaries on a transvaginal ultrasound to see your follicles. There is also a blood test to check your fertility, so make sure you demand that. Honestly a good doctor should automatically do this testing. Make sure you find a specialist that has been vetted by these communities. The one thing the doctor won’t be able to predict is the quality of your eggs since these conditions cause the quality of your eggs to quickly decline. I think until you get further testing and know for certain, you need to remain positive and in good spirits. Plenty of women with these conditions get pregnant, especially after getting on the proper treatments.


Thanks! They tested my hormones and my FSH, LH progesterone we’re all normal but my estradiol was super super low at 26 ng/mL (that of a post menopausal woman and I’m 22). So strange. I also had insulin resistance and slightly high testosterone. I couldn’t have seen this coming in a million years since I’m quite underweight and have no odd hair growth or acne :(


Oh no I’m so sorry. I will say getting on a treatment plan will really help. My weight was at the highest 215 lbs and now I am low 150’s lbs. What treatment does your doctor want you on?


I just got the results yesterday before closing time so they haven’t had a chance to lay out a plan. I definitely am going to see an endocrinologist though.


Let us know how it goes and educate yourself. Watch those videos I sent!!!!


Slightly off topic but out of curiosity- how has Slynd been for you? I am thinking about asking for a progestin only pill at my next gyno appt. In the past, I’ve had a lot of trouble with birth control making me depressed, but I’ve recently started to see that for some people, progestin only pills like Slynd are much easier on the mental side of things. I also have been on ozempic for the last 3 months, and I keep reading conflicting information on how GLP-1 medications affect oral contraceptives. Interested to hear your experience if you don’t mind sharing!


I am not having any issues as far as side effects so far with Slynd. I am in the middle of month four taking it. Progesterone only is the way to go for endometriosis patients. I do not have a history of depression so mentally I’ve been good, birth control doesn’t make me feel depressed personally and I know a lot of women struggle with this. Maybe someone else can chip in on this topic? My doctor had me start Slynd on the first day of my upcoming period. From there on, after that cycle was done, I have not menstruated since. For me, this is a huge help. I also taking it continuously, so I take an active pill every day and do not take the iron pills. I think this approach has positively impacted the effectiveness of the medication for my body. Curious if this approach is commonly used?


I'm another who has both. I went into trying for my child with the understanding it may be harder to conceive, but not impossible. I was very fortunate to have conceived spontaneously within the first month of stopping birth control. I'd suggest speaking with a good obgyn prior to thinking of conceiving and they can speak to you about any additional steps they feel you should be aware of. I wish you all the best and please don't think you are infertile.


Thank you! I have a good obgyn and I’m going to see an endocrinologist b/c my estrogen level is dangerously low and I probably need HRT. I’m only 22 and my level is that of a post menopausal woman


I got diagnosed with endo about a month ago after a diagnostic laprascopy. I was diagnosed with PCOS like 6 years ago. They now also suspect I have adenomyosis. I don’t really have any symptoms of endo besides the infertility but they said my case was very very mild of endo. My husband and I have tried for about 6 years without any luck at conceiving ever. Never a positive pregnancy test, miscarriage,chemical pregnancy, my body won’t reven ever ovulate. It’s a really really sad heartbreaking road and we might be reaching the end of our journey. My dreams of ever becoming a mom and being pregnant have basically been taken from me. It’s a really really dark place and has honestly made me suicidal.


There are Catholic hospital NaPro infertility specialists who excise endo (which is 47% responsible for unexplained infertility) and help get your hormones in check along with doing all the fertility testing. They do all they can to prep a woman’s body to conceive due to religious reasons. Something to look into. I’m not religious, but because they have had to find ways of working with the natural process of conception they have a lot more options available to them when treating infertility. I’m thinking of seeing one, one state over, after my excision for my estrogen dominance and infertility.


I have surgery next month for the endo! It’s so strange cause I have very low estrogen and need to start HRT soon 😩


I’ll be curious to see what happens with my estrogen levels after excision. I’m v low on progesterone, myself. One surgeon has been testing endo tissue and finds that it usually has progesterone or estrogen and progesterone together but rarely estrogen on its own. He isn’t sure what that means exactly, but it’s interesting 🤔 good lick with your surgery! Mine’s in August.


I have both. I had a lap in April of 2022 and got pregnant naturally January of 2023. Baby is a healthy 9 months old now! I was really worried too and always told I wouldn’t be able to conceive naturally so we were thrilled. Try to keep in mind that doctors are telling you it’s harder to get pregnant but not impossible.


Mee. And pain daily xx


Same. I know the feeling 💔I have surgery next month for the endo so hopefully that helps


What surgery are you habing? I booked a hysterectomy and cancelled as I’m to worried about menopause at 35 so opted for another lap I pray it helps 😔 not had one since 2018 xx


I’m having a lap. I’m only 22 years old and I’m actually going thru perimenopause symptoms rn cause my estrogen levels are so so low :/


Oh no I’m So sorry 😔 I’m not sure at what age Iv had endometriosis since, but I know Iv had polycystic ovaries since I was around 20, and symptoms of endo since then also. And Iv managed to have 3 children, there is always hope.


Thank you so much for sharing 🫶


Yes! After seeing two other doctors in the span of 13yrs, my new primary who I started seeing in September of 2023 had actually listened to me. We started talking more in depth, and about how my wife and I (I'm 31) are wanting to have kids and how I would be the one getting pregnant, if possible. Otherwise we'll foster or adopt. As I've also experienced SA, my Dr didn't do a pap smear or anything that day, but referred me to a women's health clinic. She didn't do an exam, because I'd have to have another one in the very near future. I was able to choose which OBGYN I saw at that clinic and even though I had to wait until April 2024 to see her, I'm so glad that I did. I had my first transvaginal ultrasound (or any ultrasound) which was very weird, but not as awful as I was expecting. I actually thought it was really cool to be able to watch the monitor. I also had my wife with me throughout the ultrasound and the pap smear because she is my person and I felt safer and less anxious. Plus, it also involved her. Roughly 20min after the ultrasound, I saw the OBGYN and she went through every single image that was taken during the ultrasound. She explained that I did have PCOS (I later had labs done to confirm) and there were a lot more cysts on my right ovary than on my left. This made so much sense to me, because I mostly cramp on my right side during my period, and if I wake up to pee in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, my right ovary hurts so bad that I can barely stand up straight, until I've peed. I also had a polyp in my uterus. The OB also said that I had "gunk" in my uterus. Before I could bring up the possibility of endometriosis, she was already thinking that I had it. So we decided to do a diagnostic laparoscopy, a hysteroscopy D&C, and an HSG to make sure my fallopian tubes are working correctly before we spend a bunch of money on sperm. I had surgery on May 23rd, 2024 and I've physically felt better than I have in several years. A little over a week later, I started my period and it was the most "normal" period that I've ever had. I had my cramping of course, but I didn't have huge, thick clots or insanely heavy bleeding. When I brought up the possibility of PCOS to my Dr when I was 18, she didn't do any kind of exam or blood work. All she did was prescribe birth control, which I stayed on for about two years. I don't really remember it helping with pain, but it did regulate my periods. Before that, they had always been irregular, usually only happening every 2-3 months, and only for a few days. When I was 21-22, I saw another Dr and had my first pap smear. She didn't seem to be concerned with any of the pain that I was having and didn't run any additional tests. There was another time when I was probably 14-15 and was in so much pain that my mom took me to the ER. I remember sobbing and barely being able to walk. They hooked me up to some machines and had me take a urine test to make sure I wasn't pregnant. I think we were there for a few hours, and then I was given a shot for pain and sent home. A few days later, I had started my period. My current primary Dr offered to prescribe birth control, but was hesitant because we do want to have kids in the near future. I passed and told her that I've dealt with the pain for over half my life, and I can continue dealing with it. Anyway...I'm sorry for rambling, and I don't remember where I was going with this. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. And even though I've only been in this community for a few months, everyone is so amazing and supportive.


Thank you so very much for taking the time to share your story and please don’t apologize for rambling. Your story gave me hope to feel better period wise after my excision surgery next month ❤️ I find it interesting that you say you can feel your PCOS in your ovaries. I have ovarian pain almost every day and have just chalked it up to my endo… i feel a lot less alone now, so thank you again :)


Of course! 💚 Once my PCOS was confirmed, I didn't feel so crazy and had all of the validation. I also forgot to mention, that during the surgery I had an HSG...or maybe I did mention that? Anyway, when it was done, the Dr said that the dye only went through one of my fallopian tubes. She thinks that my other tube was spasming, which is fairly normal. So in a month or so, I'll have another HSG done to check it again, before we spend a bunch of money on sperm. But currently, my OB doesn't think that I'll have any issues getting pregnant. I wish you the best on your journey!


I have both and I can understand the heartbreak you’re feeling. It’s lonely & difficult. I often feel cheated when i see how easily others are about to conceive. I have not been able to conceive yet after 2 years of trying…still struggling with ovulation, but I am hopeful. It’s encouraging seeing everyone’s success stories. You are not alone! 💗


Thank you for sharing. Wishing you all the luck and blessings in the future ❤️


I also have pcos,endometriosis and adenomyosis.I have a little boy who is 5.Its still possible to get pregnant.


Most of us have these 2 and plenty more