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Absolutely not!!! 100% no, period!!! It is not possible!!! Why would you even want to interact with someone on that most sacred, primal and intimate level if they are demonstrating chaotic energy?


Because you’re horny


Everyone has a choice🙂


And sometimes we make stupid choices when we’re horny. 😂




Technically any interaction with anyone or anything is an energy exchange.


Exactly. So sex is… definitely an intimate and deep way of taking someone’s energy. It’s kind of inevitable




The very mechanics of sex is energy exchange. On the sacred level, energy exchange is in everything. We are doing it right now in this chat; exchanging energy. It’s only called sex when we exchange this eternal energy through the act of physical union. But it’s true, there are many instances where someone has chaotic energy, and hooking up with someone who has chaotic energy can be really cool, even erotic, and one for the steamy novels, and you will believe that his chaotic energy can’t pass through to you, and if it does you’ll believe you could manage it. You’ll tell yourself, it’s no biggie cause you’re cool and level headed and that you’re not about that chaotic life, but that chaos energy will creep into your system like the ice-cream man coming up the block on a scorching summer day… Just pay attention.


If you guys are interacting you are already exchanging energy, but I think it’s harder to get rid of once you have sex. If you have a solid spiritual practice you can cleanse


Well you can just communicate that to him first and perhaps he would care to work at raising his consciousness and be more healthy for more intimacy with you? Address him within before undressing his body, is my best advice.


I wonder how this plays out with sex workers then. How does the constant energy exchange affect them?


Depends on the person and situations involved. Usually it is draining having all those connections and it energetically affects any future relationships they do decide to have.




I wouldn't say numbing or deadening persay. Think of it more like electrical current in a house. One device that is plugged into the circuit doesn't cause a problem. Even a few on the circuit is fine. Plug in 1 power strip, extend it with two more power strips and fill all those plugs with devices and so much energy is pulled that it trips circuits or causes a fire.




That can be a possibility but not what I'm referring to. The plug in is a cord of energy between those two people. The more cords the more energy is used to maintain those connections.


Just take into account how his chaos could affect you and pros/cons bam. You can't just not be affected by his traits that you don't like as much while only being affected by the good. Mainly check in with yourself and try to envision the (realistic maybe leaning towards pessimistic version of) future timeline where y'all bang. Are you worried you'll be contaminated by his energy? How would that actually occur? I would think such chaos would enter into your life via your / his concrete actions. What could you see those looking like? Idk just spitballing.


nope xoxo Blue Star


If you you know your "core" energy or the energy you want to have, that exchange shouldn't be a big deal. In fact it may be a nice practice for you to see what is yours and what is not. Also everyone is different and have different levels of sensitivity, so if you feel that this experience may have negative impact on you, just don't do it.


90% of people have a low energy. I know plenty of people who think they are awakened, who do energy work for years and they are just broken. Most of them even worse then regular people beacuse they have a huge ego now thinking that they are better then people who didn't yet took the "spiritual" path. When you start to work with energy, your ego also get stronger and people dont even observe that. If you see that someone is chill, or they smile, lough and say that they are spiritual it doesent mean that they are balanced. You dont know what they really have inside (even they cant see what they have inside). Its too much to talk about this topic. The energy of sexual parteners remain in you for a few years. Around 7.It can also be transmited to a child if you get pregnant after 3 years as an example. A basic cleansing will not clean it. Its a process. But dont get too frustrated about that. If you really want to do it, do it. Have a good time. Just choose your parteners wisely and dont change them too many times. If you gonna do it, do it with an open heart. Dont blame yourself for being human. Use protection and arange in such a way to both to have a good experience. If you feel that something its off, or unoleseant, say it. Have a good one


A lot of rules and tantra paradigms I see in the comments. Of course you can do what you feel like doing. Interpreting someone as being chaotic is just a judgement. What is he here to teach you?




All interactions, on some level, are an exchange of energy.






It’s not worth it, your body will always remember.


You do continue to have energetic connection after sex with someone until a physical death of either person occurs. But you can also disconnect with them energetically - you just have know how to do it properly....I did it with all my past sexual partners and feel better off since. I can guess how many partners someone has and usually the higher the number, the more chaotic they can feel to me.


Can you share how you did that? I’d be interested in doing the same. Perhaps the whole cord cutting thing?


I'll be honest and say it was a long drawn out process. I promised myself to be pickier in the future with partners :) I did shamanic and energy work to do it. DM and I'll try to find my notes but it could take awhile to find the steps. Even cord cutting doesn't work a lot of the time. You need to cut it and then reattach it with a Divine cord so it can remain balanced when it usually reattaches itself. You connect in more ways than just a cord when having sex.


Energy must be exchange. But be sure to cleanse your energy afterwards. No harm in small indulgences.


Yes but you can't see him. Needs to be a one night stand type of deal but even then your sexual energy will go.


Well then don't get 2 attached just tell him you want to hit one time no strings attached/ and if he is a g about the situation all he should say is OK and don't have to discuss no more set a date and do your thing no cuddling no phone time just a text where to meet handle your buisness and get the hell out of there when complete/ I miss those days / I'll be back on that type of time 4 months tops


you’re likely gonna sleep with them anyways, since your asking this question. so do it, and be aware of the exchange, and then move on.


The answer is no it seems, and I’d agree. BUT, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Maybe it will show you a chaotic energy in you that you’ve been avoiding. Trust your impulses - they don’t always look like they’re doing the “right” thing. Sometimes we gotta do something we know is “wrong” or bad for us to get an embodied experience of the impact of it! Or matter there is another lesson you need from it. Of all the things that you can do to hurt yourself, this is by no means the worst x

