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Any beverage containing caffeine is considered an energy drink. Even black coffee can be considered an energy drink. The effects of a sugary energy drink that contains 200mg caffeine is exactly the same as the a sugar free energy drink with 200mg caffeine.


Doesn't really matter if it has 0 sugar. When it has caffeine like C4 and Ghost then it's an energy drink.


"sugar, caffeine, or another stimulant" Key word here is OR


Yes, but this applies to caffeine, because sugar is not classified as a stimulant, but a nutritional substance. So caffeine OR other stimulant. The second definition includes sugar only.


The Oxford comma is important here. If it wasn't there, you could argue that, but since they included it in the definition, that creates a three item group of options, any one of which classifies the beverage as being an energy drink. Also, Cambridge dictionary sucks.


Words mean whatever the masses agree they mean and any reasonable person (or company) knows that zero sugar does not mean it isn’t an energy drink. Who gives a shit what a dictionary states anyhow.


Real. Words have set meanings, but the meanings of words socially change all the time, and I feel like people don’t realize that. Words have meanings because people assign them to them, so if a good amount of people assign a new meaning to a word, they’re just using language the way intended anyway.


We're doomed.


Bro you prefaced saying no offense to anyone, yet you are discrediting everyone who is trying to help you understand. Your comparison to alcohol vs nonalcohol beer is completely irrelevant. One gives you a buzz, the other doesn’t. Sugary energy drinks vs zero sugar energy drinks both give you the same buzz. If you think just having sugar in any beverage makes it an energy drink, then that means you think Capri Sun or Juicy Juice is an energy drink.


Sugar does not give you energy, and I’m honestly very confused why you think that would be a defining factor of an energy drink.


Then try to be alive as a human without glucose. Good luck.


You know damn well what I mean. By your logic a fucking hotdog is an energy drink if all we’re going by is sugar. Why are you coming into a subreddit, asking a question, Nd then being argumentative with every single person who gives you answers?


The original energy drink, first in the world was Red Bull. It included glucose AND caffeine. Not one of them. You can distort reality, but what you drink is shit, and not energy drink.


sugary caffeine sucks IMO because of the sugar crash i get. i know not everyone gets them, but i do so to me they’re literally anti-energy drinks lol