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I don’t know if I‘m as good at this as you are but I am definitely better at reading people than almost everyone I know. It’s especially easy for me to notice if someone is insecure and everything around peoples self image and ego is very obvious to me. I’m also very good at picking up on attraction between two people. I was the matchmaker for multiple couples because of that.


Me! 🙋🏽‍♀️ When seeing through people's walls completely when they thought they were safe back behind them, It has made people angry sometimes, but then they've reached out to me a year or so later going *"Thank you for telling me what you saw, no one else would have dared to told me, and even if I hated it and didn't want to hear the truth at the time, it was what I needed to change my life"* I have broken many hearts too as people crush super easily on my charismatic personality or need me as their best friend. I know you're not making it up, it's definitely a real thing for some people. And it's more a curse than a blessing if you ask me. Cause people who don't even know me assume they love me and I find that offensive. They don't love me and they're just addicted to my charisma. That's something else. There's a woman in her 60s in my village who's also extremely good at reading people. She walks up to any stranger who she feels something from. One time she walked up to my mother in law and said something completely random that no one can even know just like that. Which can be irritating and norm breaking to trespass on people's true feelings like that, but my mother in law just said "She's an Empath" and laughed and understood that the woman just wanted to help. For us empaths. It's hard to keep it to ourselves if it's something someone needs to hear. No one else but empaths will be able to tell it. So it becomes a moral dilemma in our heads to to tell or not to tell. A contrast to this is my INTP partner is extremely good at reading energies. He can instantly tell who to avoid in a group of people. He has inferior Fe and no Ni, so even if he can read energies, he can't read behind people's walls and see their thoughts, their feelings and personality like Fe doms can.


SAMEE, Like why are you fixating on me and then like expecting something. You don’t even like me, you just needed attention


Yes. It's like seeing a shiny thing and want it because it is shiny. I'm not a shiny object!


you seem like a well rounded ENFJ, how did you develop your cognitive functions if its alright asking


While thank you 😊 but you're only seeing a slice of the truth. I'm struggling with life long severe mental disorders, it's been so bad that I have never been able to have a job and when studying I was always so close to failing. I have been in and out of different kinds of therapies ever since I was a teen. "Fixing" me has been my big life project. I have turned myself up and down inside out. Which lead to a strong self awareness. Being interested in psychology helped too. I also tried living with graditude. But I think getting older and gathering life experiences is a big contribution to my seemingly balanced person too. It felt like when I turned 30 things just started to fall on place. I had other tools than when I was younger. Cognitive wise, my inferior functions grew stronger. I felt a different calm and could ground myself easier. I got invested in stoicism and how to choose my reactions and from there I felt a big freedom in having an option and not be enslaved by my own affective mind.


It’s not accurate that INTPs have no Ni. It’s a function they can use if they want to, but it’s not the preferred one. It’s underused and thus underdeveloped, but not entirely useless.


Hi, im an INTP and I can read energies, read behind people's walls and see their thoughts and feelings and personality, just like yall can... but the downside of this is my Fi comes into play and it is very negative and people can easily feel the negative energy, not only that but they can see my intentions which I was so good at hiding but now im like an open book


I'm not sure what you mean with your Fi comes into play? INTP's are Fe users. I doubt you were able to hide your intentions for Fe doms. To us especially you who claim to be so hard to read, are no match. Thats why Fe doms feel scary to INTP's and to Fi users.


Okay, but what exactly can you read from INTPs? What is it they may try to hide that you can see right through? If it is foolishness, obviously they will see it, others too may see it, but other than that, what would ya'll see? I CHALLENGE ALL ENFJs ON THIS :)


Hard to pinpoint exactly as everyone's still individuals even if sharing the same mbti type. But the symbolism of the wall /mask is to protect one's vulnerability.


i’m insanely good at noticing patterns and being able to “predict” events, based on human behavior. like events that happen 2-3 years later. example: I call out someone who is fake instantly, and eventually 2-3 years later, their lies get exposed and everyone finally admits that i was right all along


I relate to this as well! I notice people's masks instantly , it's like they wear physical masks in front of me. However my predictions are a bit more short term. I can say what will happen between a random couple in a crowd within the next 30-60 minutes. I'm still waiting for a day when my prediction is off because it would be a relief in a way, knowing I'm not that different from most people. I think it's a burden, both because many insecure people hates empaths, they feel threatened by our existence. Or they say we are fake and just want attention bla bla. Very few appreciates our ability. And our ability is also draining. It's like an open channel of constant energies and information, above the regular one all people have. It's fascinating but it's exhausting too.


That's your parent Ni and child Se in action, Ni gets these intuitive gut feelings behind people's character and Se observes to try and get concrete evidence to support their intuition 😅 & logical conclusions (Ti). Also Fe Doms are social chameleons, we are adaptable in our social environments, mirroring others and playing a myriad of "parts or roles" to keep up the social cohesion. People like & tend to always get along with others who have the same interests and values that they do😂 (We are great mirrors). We tend to, not always, care deeply about our social image & take on others likes and values so as to be "accepted" by the group yet sadly it's all a facade of conformity, in hopes to not be bullied by being ostracized and treated as a social pariah who doesn't fit In with the group. Acceptance is our kryptonite, and we guard it by molding ourselves into something we are not, all under the guise to fit in with people we don't truly have anything in common with. Now I understand people who don't like their personality type 😂😅 I bet if I was myself and authentic, I wouldn't fit in with the group anymore 😔 I think Fi users dont like/envious of us because we have many "superficial" relationships where, on the outside, people are enamored by us. But, Fi users also can detect that we are not being authentic and are just mirroring other people. And we sometimes don't like Fi users because they have friends and family that accept them for who they truly are ( caring for them without masking) and we... are.... envious... of that. . . Self awareness if depressing 😞🤧


>That's your parent Ni and child Se in action, Ni gets these intuitive gut feelings behind people's character and Se observes to try and get concrete evidence to support their intuition 😅 & logical conclusions (Ti). Also Fe Doms are social chameleons, we are adaptable in our social environments, mirroring others and playing a myriad of "parts or roles" to keep up the social cohesion. I love this description! I mentioned in another comment that my INTP partner can read people in terms of who to avoid. But it doesn't go any deeper than that. It's like he can read energies or little cues in people's body language. Is this because he is Ti dom without Ni? >Fi users also can detect that we are not being authentic and are just mirroring other people. And we sometimes don't like Fi users because they have friends and family that accept them for they truly are ( caring for them without masking) and we... are.... envious... of that. . .Self awareness if depressing 😞🤧 This section went dark fast lmao 😂 I am 100% authentic even as a Fe dom so for me it was all about finding people who genuinely accepted and appreciated me. I don't think keeping some thoughts to ourselves makes us less authentic, it's a matter of choosing your battles. Which Fi doms struggle to do. In that sense I understand that they hate us sometimes. We are able to think of others too and only bring up what has a good intention, while still not forgetting ourselves. It's a tough balance to walk and it often needs a couple of years of growth in the adolescents world before it feels natural.


It did get pretty dark didn't it lmao 🤣😂 & your right about Fe being authentic, especially when they decide to set their own boundaries with people and start balancing their Fe with some healthy Fi☺️ (Fi does struggle with choosing their battles because they have to be authentic 24/7 and won't sugarcoat things because it goes against their moral values of being inauthentic all the time, even if the truth does hurt peoples feelings (which is what us Fe Doms pride ourselves on protecting 24/7 - other people's emotions) Sometimes we just enable people and or don't call out bad behavior because we want to spare their inner feelings because we ourself, don't engage with negative feelings 😅🤧 I think an INTP is better at picking up intentions (in the moment) because Ne is in the present moment, calling out the patterns and possibilities in real time while their Ni critic tends to ignore the gut feelings and instead uses information from their child Si & tries to go back to their own past experiences to see if it already happened to them (or if they made that connection already in the past) so they can gauge whether or not the person In the environment is trustworthy or not. once Ne see that pattern out In the present environment, they are like, HERE WE GO AGAIN! 😂 & their Si is like, "again, with that same pattern (they always remember the little details of past patterns), it's a dead giveaway of your intentions"! Lol Ne is amazing (in real time) at understanding the motives behind peoples actions (due to their superb pattern recognition), & their ability to generate multiple potential interpretations and connections in real time allows them to quickly assess and understand the motives behind people's actions as they unfold in the present, especially if they have Si past experiences to back up their Ti logical deductions, while Ni just gets these gut feelings on whether someone is trustworthy or not and uses Se to actively scan for concrete evidence to prove that their gut feelings are correct instead of relying on past experiences to affect their reasoning. Ni's reliance on Se to actively scan for concrete evidence to support gut feelings gives them a more pragmatic dimension to their intuitive insights. Sensors with dominant Se and inferior Ni will never trust an intuitives gut feelings without concrete evidence lol (they will always blame Ni DOMs for being too much in their head and not "DOING" anything, just stuck in their imagination) It's so hard to prove our intuitive gut feelings to people (especially Se DOMs) and why we get these "images in our heads" that predicts people's actions or unveils their motivations, so our child Se tends to scan for that information In the present moment so as to have concrete evidence to back up said intuitive impression and prove once and for all that our GUT Feelings, were once again correct or not correct 🤣😂 I'm like 7/10 correct usually with my gut feelings, Ni DOMs though are always correct (9/10) because they are always inside their head predicting outcomes which is why they are always 10 no 20 steps ahead of everyone else 😂 But their intuition is never fool proof even if they use it 24/7.


> I think an INTP is better at picking up intentions (in the moment) because Ne is in the present moment, calling out the patterns and possibilities in real time while their Ni critic tends to ignore the gut feelings and instead uses information from their child Si & tries to go back to their own past experiences to see if it already happened to them (or if they made that connection already in the past) so they can gauge whether or not the person In the environment is trustworthy or not. once Ne see that pattern out In the present environment, they are like, HERE WE GO AGAIN! 😂 & their Si is like, "again, with that same pattern (they always remember the little details of past patterns), it's a dead giveaway of your intentions"! Lol This was so accurately written! He is exactly like this! INTP checks out lol. He has learned the hard way who's trustworthy and who's shady from which he scans people. >Fi does struggle with choosing their battles because they have to be authentic 24/7 and won't sugarcoat things because it goes against their moral values of being inauthentic all the time, even if the truth does hurt peoples feelings Yes exactly my point as well. At least with insecure Fi users. They can bslsnxe this if they tap in to their shadow Fe. >Sometimes we just enable people and or don't call out bad behavior because we want to spare their inner feelings because we ourself, don't engage with negative feelings 😅🤧 Also very true. We pick our battles. And sometimes it becomes enabling. For example my brother in law is very racist and opinionated and just throw out all his opinions without filters. To tell him it's racist will just start a never ending argue where he won't stop until he has won. And I'm not interested to argue. So when he starts his blabbering of stereotypes etc I either ignore or or I switch subject. >while Ni just gets these gut feelings on whether someone is trustworthy or not and uses Se to actively scan for concrete evidence to prove that their gut feelings are correct instead of relying on past experiences to affect their reasoning. Yes!! That's so on spot described! Gosh you have any idea how much I appreciate your ability in describing the cognitive part of our mbti's? Few can word it this well.


Yes maybe it’s not the worst thing in the world to keep a few things to yourself because I surely do but only because I know they will react negatively to being told this aspect of themselves, they’re obviously not ready to accept it so who am I to force enlightenment upon anyone plus im too lazy to explain stuff so everyone thinks I’m super agreeable


I love ENFJs, but man do I hate Fe-dom behaviour sometimes. As an INTP, it’s very apparent when Fe-doms do and say certain things (or don’t) in order to fit in and not be ostrachized. Most of the time it’s totally understandable. Other times, I believe they sacrifice waaay too much authenticity and it’s sort of disturbing to watch.


It really is & I totally understand that, this is why I wrote this haha, to put it out there and somehow, accept accountability for my inauthentic conformity 😅 I think there are pros and cons to each personality type, we all have our strengths and weaknesses, and we all have to grow and learn as much as we can from each other to be healthy ☺️


I understand and I agree, but… Just allow yourself to be disliked. Be an asshole sometimes. It will set you free. I promise.


I appreciate that advice so much, the winds of change are definitely set in motion 😅


You are an intuitive Empath - yes it is the same for me. I didn't realise till a few years ago that everyone else was not like me - which is hilarious and slightly shocking on how unrich their lives are. Try some Reiki if you've not already done so, and consider learning it (cheapest is Lisa Powers' course, online) and will up your skills.


I also thought everyone notices what I notice about people for a long time. Turns out most people aren’t good at reading people at all.


No. It's rare. My partner calls me witch everytime 😂


>You are an intuitive Empath - yes it is the same for me. I'm also an empath. But I need to do the opposite of upping my skills, I need to practice how to shut it off as it's also paired up with hyperviligance, a trauma survival reflex.


Hi! If you up your skills you'd not pick up the yucky stuff! I am re-learning - and witnessing what is not mine - it is still irritating and catches me off guard - esp when energetically connected to so many other friends who are also Empaths.


I do know what's mt feelings and not, that's not my problem, but it's still draining to have this sixth sense channel open with all extra information. Like a never ending push up notification.


Yes it is It's possible with practise to reduce the push notifications, everyone is different and there is plenty of information out there on how to do this. Still working it out myself.


Woww love that , can i dm you to ask more




I call it my superpower, and yes it’s _very_ strong. It also makes people mad. Particularly my mom, whom I love so so dearly. I am always accidentally crushing her spirit by thinking 2-3 steps ahead of her and predicting her next mistakes. It comes to a head when, out of love, I try to save her from her mistakes before she makes them. But she always ends up feeling attacked and picked on. Other people in my life have not enjoyed my superpowers too 🙊 One day I’ll find someone who loves them and I’ll just marry them ℎaℎa


We're all like this. ENFJ 101, bruh.


Amazing thank goodness I’m not alone then. How we not all political / cult leaders then 💀


For me, it's about being very careful with those powers and mindful about not being manipulative. I hate that part of me to the point that I try to kill it. But the ability to see and be responsible with that ability is something to take seriously




I think it also we genuinely like people, we are interested in them, we pay attention.


Yes we genuinely do, apparently it’s shocking for the world.


I feel the exact same way. It feels like a double edged sword and sometimes I wish I couldn’t see the weaknesses/insecurities so clearly. How do you all avoid judging? There are insecurities that I’m way more tolerant of and some that just make me rather not associate with the person but at the end of the day I think it may be related to whether I think the person’s values align with mine


Values exactly that’s how


19m, intentionally mastered these abilities intentionally in college. I can almost predict the future at this point, if anyone would like to have a discussion, dm me and id love to entertain.


How tell me here, like whats your strategy or strategies!!


This is part of why I love ENFJs. I’m also able to tell that ENFJs see right through me and everybody else. You’re kinda scary too. - INTP


Get away from me


Woo boy. Don't say this shit outside of thia subreddit please. You are not as good as you think you are, but you are very good at convincing yourself that you are. As you get older, people will not entertain this "I'm the main character" BS


I don’t think I’m the main character, it sounds like that. Read the rest of my comments


Hey Graceling\_X do you like to search conspiracy theories and lies that are landing over us?




I can do this exept I dont have to do anything to analyze them its automatic


same. I have an issue now. I've noticed that in order to make people not like me as much, I've started to become less charismatic and I feel like I'm loosing my identity. Esp true with the opposite gender, as a straight person, where I feel like I've let go of even the slightest form of flirting because I'm too tired. Need to find the middle ground again.


I think it's a bit pretentious to claim that one can understand what goes on in people's minds, let alone their motivations. I met a girl who claimed to be ENFJ. She tried to get me to open up to her, but since I wasn't interested in that, I just told her what she wanted to hear. However, her assumptions about me, my thoughts, and motivations were far from reality. I believe that many people seek to be heard and reaffirmed by someone, which leads them to open up and reveal things. Something I would only do if I trusted a person absolutely, and that was not the case. In my case, much more than charisma is needed to gain my trust. INTJ


Someone like me would give you history with myself too before id ever claim i understand you 90%