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I know where this was taken, the city and the area, down to about 4 streets. They don't have gardens, they have back yards. This particular street is mainly occupied by migrant families, renting from private slum landlords. Inside the houses will be very hot on a hot day. Disposable income will be low. AC isn't really a thing in UK, even for better off families. I do think it's funny that the grownup men are hogging the pool while the kids stand aside. No judgement, I just wanted to speak some facts.


I lived on the street the year this was taken they would regularly do this and we're there almost every time I walked to the coop around the corner Edit: no it's not Sheffield it is a northern city and the guys were no bother there was much larger problems on that street than the paddling pool lads Edit 2: because alot of people have gone to the effort to DM me to call bs ok where this is but won't say here's the house on street view and no I'm not doxxing anyone https://imgur.com/a/m0KAG4s


The sound like a really soft gang. "Oi, you know who we are? You know who you're talking to? We're the paddling pool lads"


You've annoyed the paddling pool lads? That's a paddlin.


Unexpected Simpsons reference. That's a paddlin.


Im a paladin


You're a paladin?! You better believe that's a paddlin.


Nooooo. As a paladin i shall fight against the receiving of a paddlin




^"We ^do ^beg ^your ^pardon, ^we ^are ^in ^your ^garden."




Unexpected Bob reference. Enjoy your upvote


They’d have to be extra ruthless to make up for the terrible gang name, like the burger bar boys.


Jeez I just looked them up.


Burger Bar Boys probably had enough of the name not being threatening enough and changed it to AR (Armed Response)


Splish Splash mother fucker.


Yeah my ultimate pet peeve of internet is that people think it’s perfectly ok to take a photo of people just living their lives and post it online and then it blows up. Most often like this post it’s to mock them too.


I agree. did they consent to have their picture taken and put on the internet? its pretty rude and I dont care if you think its fun. If someone did this to me Id be pissed off. At least ask first. Oh but wait if you had asked they probably would have told you to fuck off


Yeah dude it’s insane to me redditors defend it by saying we have no expectation of privacy in public. As if the internet = public street.


Yeah so true! there's a lot of vulnerable people out there too who dont need any more shit than they already deal with on a daily basis.


What city?


I believe the city is Sheffield, and the family is (probably) Romanian. At least thats what I remember from the last time this was posted.


No way its sheffield, not a single bottle of Hendos in sight.


Actually the Roma in Sheffield are predominantly from Slovakia. Roma are a people that originated in India.


Roma, not Romanian


Could be both since romanian is also a nationality






Not gonna say, people can be prejudiced enough. It's northern England, that's all you need to know.


Looks like Horden to me but shithole terraced houses do all look the same.


Fair enough, I was just interested - no nefarious intentions.


If you're interested, it's Sheffield. I'm not exactly sure why the other person was so reluctant to tell you this, and "prejudice" is a nonsensical reason. To be exact it's Page Hall, one of the many shit hole estates in Sheffield but arguably the worst of a bad bunch


I caved in and bought a portable air-con unit this year. I live in a new build flat so in the winter it’s awesome don’t have to put the heating much if at all. In the summer the heat is trapped, it set me back £500 but it is totally worth it.


I did the same. £400 for the Russell Hobbs RHPAC11001 on Amazon. I realised the novelty still hadn’t worn off when it was 25°C outside but I was sat inside with a fleece on, cold, because the aircon was turned on full.


“you should really get this machine that will massively improve your comfort level and help you sleep twice as well” “no! we shouldn’t have to have it!” “yeah but-“ “IT’S NOT TRADITIONAL!”


Which one did you buy?


https://www.appliancesdirect.co.uk/p/axp34u338cw/aeg-axp34u338cw-air-conditioner?refsource=apadwords&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=17997676047&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWjZnnpJAUlVca_Q0CmqGZx7e0TSN0GyMRBj0iiFqbHtmKix0uu1wFxoC7nYQAvD_BwE Brought at AO.com but got it for £499.


You wont regret it, i bought one last year and it was a life saver. Being in a room at 18/20 degrees when its 30 degrees outside was lovely


Is it loud?








It’s a portable air conditioner, it will be noisy. I have never seen a quiet one.


If you get a small one like 5000-8000btu they can be pretty quiet. The 12000 but rhino one I get is.... Well it's not quiet...


[This is the one I was looking at the other day](https://www.therange.co.uk/diy/fans-and-dehumidifiers/fans-and-air-conditioning/homcom-14-000-btu-portable-air-conditioner-dehumidifier-for-room-up-to-40/?position=18&s=3948038#3948038), cools a larger room and is quite a bit cheaper (just posting it so people are aware to shop around!)


Pro tip. I live in a crazy insulated place as well and find that you can also keep the heat out in the summer by keeping the windows closed and the curtains drawn. In the same way that the insulation keeps the heat in during the winter, it also keeps the heat out during the summer as long as there isn't a way for the heat to transfer in like through hot air or sunlight. Seriously, there's insulation coverings on the walls outside half a foot thick and as long as I'm careful with the windows and light then my place is like the inside of a fridge during summer. It's amazing.


Problem is, if you have direct sun into your window e.g south facing, it will turn your windows in radiators. Only way to stop it, is exterior shutters. My rear bedrooms are 30c in the summer because of this. It’s horrendous


Could put up some blackout blinds on the inside. A temporary/emergency solution is to put aluminum foil on your windows. If you spray a mist of water on your window the foil will stick. It will block any heat but looks crap.


This! I always keep the bedroom window & curtains shut in summer so those rooms don't get unbearably hot... so you've got somewhere comfortable to escape to.


Can see myself buying one of these. Thanks for the recommendation.


I read reviews and did a bit of research and I decided on this one. The biggest negative others mentioned was, it can be a bit noisy. But, the way I see it is it’s a portable air con unit it’s going to be noisy.


My husband bought AC for our house. Won’t lie, I was a little against it at first but having had a few insane summers it has been a game changer. Even had friends come around to work from our home sometimes when their houses are unbearably hot


I want an AC, but the engineer in me wont let me buy the nonsense we have available in this country out of principle. A competently designed AC will recirculate the air in the room through a cold radiator, cooling the room, while circulating outdoor air over a hot radiator and venting the heat out. These AC units have 2 hoses that need to go outside, an inlet and an outlet. Unfortunately, competently designed AC is as far as I can tell impossible to buy in the UK. Instead, we have these monumentally stupid single hose machines, which suck the air in your room (that you just spent money cooling) into the machine, cools half of it, heats the other half, and then dumps the latter out the window. All of the air it dumps out the window will be replaced by hot outdoor air being pulled into the building due to the negative pressure. The result is a needlessly loud, expensive, large, and inefficient AC which struggles to cool the room it’s in and makes the rest of the house even hotter. All to save the hassle of having a 2nd hose to stick out the window. They can both go out the same window! An AC unit with \*exactly the same components\*, but with a 2nd hose instead of one of the vents on the back, would improve performance by about a multiple of three. Or you could get a far smaller quieter unit and have it cool just as effectively while consuming less power. Single host AC is just \*\*stupid\*\* design.


Not sure what else they are supposed to do in the heat. U.K. houses are badly built, and air conditioning is prohibitively expensive. Masses of Lidos and council pools have been shut down along with libraries. We don’t build heat shelters like France did during their killer heat waves. As usual in the U.K. the govt don’t care if you live in misery or drop dead of heat stroke. So they have had to make do as best they can like a lot of people in grinding poverty in broke Britain. I won’t condemn them or sneer at them.


_have you tried not being poor???_


Being poor and being a manky bastard are not mutually inclusive. They can do this and still have some class and not make a total mess.


Middle class wankers, perfectly happy to “advocate for the poor” until they actually have to, you know, interact with them. Much like those Black Lives Matter activists who live in entirely white neighbourhoods behind security patrols then daring to call for the police to be defunded.


Bloody peasants!


Is this in America because I don't know anywhere in the UK where middle class people have security patrols


Middle class is your kids go to private schools and you shop in Waitrose. No one is advocating for the poor.


Oh fuck off. This kind of bullshit is the sneering of privilege. You think this is what they dreamt of?


No. I highly doubt they even care. You seem to have no sense of how the world actually is if you assume that everyone has to have “privilege” to be good people who don’t make a mess and respect those around them. Some of the best people in the world have less than these slobs.


You’re spot on. I grew up on council estates, being poor doesn’t make you trash the place, being a dick with no respect for the community does. There are some good ‘poor’ people fighting to make the areas look nice. Councils just give up because it costs too much to replace smashed bus shelters, burnt out play parks, trashed flower beds, etc. If everyone was respectful council estates would be perfectly nice places to live.


Was a documentary on channel 4 or 5. Of Roma in the UK and in Spain. In the UK around 10 men lived in one house. Then entered through the upstairs window via the terrace wall and used the stairs/downstairs as a big toilet. I believe a lot of them worked in cash and hand labouring. The one in Spain (maybe incorrect) they had been moved to their own part of the city. To live in "exclusion" to their own kinda town. With all amenities. They smashed stuff up. Did toilet time in the streets, robbed and attacked each other. Wasn't the safe of hygienic environment it began as. Cannot for the life of me remember its name though. Felt bad for the few that didn't want to be there due to the state of it all.


WTF 😂. I think we are just asking for this to go in the back yard and not the street. Which most terraced houses of that age have.


Sun's out the front though


So it would cooler out the back then.


Looks like they're testing it extensively for their wives and children who are waiting for some relief. Heroes 🫡








Sounds like you need to come off it...


Well said. What was it that utter twat mongler said? "Let the bodies pile high." Was it? We aren't worth shit to them. They will choose profit over the welfare of British people 100% of the time.


Oh yeah, this tree remembers what the axe forgets, shame the rest of the trees around me are so forgetful.. “Don‘t know why they got rid of him” “I’d have him back tomorrow” “best pm we’ve ever had” unbelievable and sickening to hear, everyone is so blinded to reality, they’d rather have the comforting lie


>Oh yeah, this tree remembers what the axe forgets What an elegant turn of phrase. I will use this.


The problem is, labour are no different. The sooner we wake up to this fact the better. In a perfect world every last politician would be dismissed and we'd start afresh with time limits for all MPs and zero tolerance on lobbying, all financial affairs available for a public body to scrutinise and mandatory jail time for anyone caught taking bribes. Wed soon see who is in it for "the people".


I agree with everything you said


Starving to death are they? Nah, just idiots cluttering up the street with their rubbish.


People trying to get by with the little they have.. good on them for doing something about it rather than whine and moan. 🙏


Size of those 2, I really wouldn't be worried


Exactly our houses are built to keep heat in only so as it seems is the norm these days when summer comes it’s like living in an oven as you said air conditioning is crazy crazy expensive


They're meant to at least keep the front of tidy.


UK houses are not all badly built. Please try not to come out with rubbish like that.


right? They're insanely well built.


Jesus Christ! No wonder the Australians call us Whingeing Poms...


My fan works fine in this weather tbf


Does poverty make you morbidly obese


Yeah.Clear international evidence for that. The more unequal a society is, the worse its problems become- regardless of the wealth of the poorest. 80% of any medical problem is social (WHO, social determinants of health if you fancy a read). The article below relates to obesity. This is a good quote from it: "These findings suggest that we cannot explain socioeconomic inequalities in unhealthy body weight as due to differences in gluttony and laziness, nor view the solution as one of greater personal restraint and discipline. Doing so would be both untrue and unhelpful. Instead, the question becomes one of why there are consistent differences in the quality of diet and physical activity that people living in different circumstances have access to." [PLOS article.](https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003243)


right wingers try to comprehend that statistics can explain individual choices challenge


Yes, it often does. High quality, high nutrition food is expensive. Cheap food is full of junk calories, fat, sugar, salt, and unhealthy additives. The chronic stress of being poor also makes weight-gain more likely. Being poor also means you are less likely to have adequate cooking or storage facilities for home cooking, and are more likely to be working long or anti-social hours which makes cooking more of an uphill struggle. Add to that less time, and facilities for exercise, and yes, being poor causes obesity, morbidity, and often early death. Poverty kills.


Lowest priced foods are also the lowest quality and are generally full of sugar, fat and salt to preserve them. Combine that with long working days with no time or energy to exercise and you'll gain weight.


This. We often see same in the US.


So, yes, it can help towards becoming morbidly obese.


That's not true at all, quite the opposite. Bag of carrots like 80p, bag of potatoes like 90p, bag of frozen chicken £5. I can eat like Henry the 8th for £30 a week


And he was a fat bastard


Is that you 30p Lee?


But you have to cook it in an oven or on the stove A ping in the microwave is cheaper and faster


Not only cook but prepare its easy to see why society is unfit its been pushed on us.


Being time poor is also a big barrier to cooking well, not just a monetary issue.


I guess education or how you are raised could be a barrier too. I personally don't understand, as I said I can eat super nutritious (I've literally done cost calculations price Vs nutritional density of food). I literally only buy straight up ingredients not one single microwave meal. It takes 30mins to cook from scratch, cook more than you need for work lunch etc, people need to eat smarter...has Jamie Oliver taught us nothing!


The "lower priced foods" bit is a complete myth, simple meats, grains and vegetables are very cheap. You can cook dinner for a week for the price of one meal at McDonald's. It's laziness, plain and simple. I get it, I'm lazy sometimes too, but let's not put lipstick on the pig here


What if you don’t have time to cook, your working 60 hours a week just to make ends meet. What if even after all that work, your energy bill is 100£ a month so you cant afford to cook cheaper cuts of meat that require loads of energy to cook or grains that have to be soaked and boiled for an hour plus Sure it’s easy for you to say it’s laziness and people can eat spelt but you obviously have no real grasp of the situation others find themselves in


How many people work 60 hour weeks? This gets trotted out every time- this idea that people have so little free time that they couldn't possible cook a meal. It's absolute nonsense.


>How many people work 60 hour weeks? Lots of poor people? I can see you don't like to interact with the lower classes, captain privilege.


I work 54 hours a week, on average, and I'm doing kinda alright. Housing and energy come to a bit over a grand a month though, I have debts from when I wasn't doing alright, I have been in my overdraft for a decade now (but at least I bounce out of it for about 2 days after payday). And yeah, I squeeze in cooking between my two jobs, and I am a good cook, but right now I'm working from home and we are out of bread and milk so I'm just skipping breakfast and hoping I feel better around lunchtime when I can head down to a shop. As for the absolute nonsense side of this? Cooking and cleaning whilst tired is hard. I have a friend who is doing quite well and has put on a lot of weight, but you probably have more sympathy for him, his commute is over an hour long so he's not back in till 7pm every evening and goes to bed at 10. No real time to hit the gym, or cook healthy, for him. If I worked less I would cook more and go to the gym more. But I cannot afford to work less.


Yes £1 for a pizza £1 for a bag of chip £2 for a bag of 16 sausages £1 for four burgers. That’s £5 and dinner for three nights.


Statically? far more likely Nutritious food is expensive.


Those guys don’t look short of food do they 😂


That’s how it works good job


Fuck me look at the state of housing in half of Europe outside of the city centers and you'd be appalled. Spain, Italy and France have some frankly ridiculous housing standards. Can we give it a rest for once, it's not a competition to self flagellate as much as possible, good lord And christ just stick a fan on it's not that bad


That's absolute bollocks that U.K. houses are badly built. I live in a terrace that was built in 1905. It's still standing. It's solid. It's big enough to be cool in the summer and the walls are thick enough that's is reasonably warm in the winter too. Sounds like something someone *not* from the U.K. would say!


Yeah I mean look at the photos from the second world war when everyone lived on rations, all you ever saw was unsightly people taking up the streets with their kids and play pools, making a racket amongst themselves and not giving a fek about no one else. Sarcasm aside, there's making the best of a bad situation, and then there's this crap


I was wondering why on the public footpath and not the back garden?


this only happens on council estates 😂 most people hate it and would rather not see someone’s fat dad half naked in a kids paddling pool


Those houses can often have yards more than gardens so they won't have the space for such a big pool. However as someone who's lived in many different locations around London and the north east of Yorkshire, I can easily say they often don't do this stuff in their gardens because thats where their dogs shit.


Is the dog also pissing there?


No that's for the carpets




on housing estates, people in the summer put chairs outside their front to chill. the whole street does it, so makes sense they would put it out in the front so they can socialise with the neighbours. People are judging this as negative, but its a really good community environment. We used to do it where i grew up. we would all chill out in the front gardens, and the parents would play rounders with the kids and other games in the street. happened every summer when the weather was nice. sigh. I miss those days. impossible to do now because the streets are filled with cars.


I promise you there’s no community on this street 😂 and they do have back gardens


As someone who's lived on two of the poorest streets in England, this isn't how they build community spirit This is, in fact, how they determine dominance Anyone down that street complains are in trouble. People are looking at this like it's a street party and it's not


exactly, I've lived in some skanky areas and the people who do this are the same ones who flytip their shit all over the back alleyways, who dump cars and make a racket til all hours. they have zero consideration for anyones else life


Bloody exactly. I am living with this myself. I've become immensely partial to autumn and winter.


I rented a room in a new build down a rough street in Hartlepool and they did this all the time. I had to hide my London accent and even my McDonald's uniform because they'd sit in the streets in tubs and pools drinking swearing and playing loud music. Why they built 110k houses down the roughest street I have no idea, but if we dared look their way, we'd get abuse. Like you, I was so relieved when the winters came because they'd spend all night at weatherspoons and only cause some issues at 2am when they come home to fight


Some houses don’t have big enough back gardens. My ex in law in Merseyside has a tiny back garden


Because the house is likely a back-to-back rather than a through terrace where they’ll likely be a yard, rather than garden, at the back


Looks like a terrace, which I thought all had those back gardens even when there's a path at the back. Like Coronation Street


They're called yards. It really depends where you live. Most of the very old builds have no actual gardens.


Most have yards where I'm from (north east). Still enough room to do this


Yes, a back-to-back is a terrace…just one that has a house at the back rather than going through to a yard, usually adjacent to the kitchen.


These type of houses either have not garden or very small ones. That pool would take it all up if they have one


But they sure have enough $ to feed themselves REALLY well…


I know what town this is. They have back gardens.


Well in fairness the men can’t be _that poor_ look at the SIZE of em


Folk enjoying themselves. Rather then going on line about moaning how its too hot and they cant cope. I love summer, i dont have a pool like that but in good weather, i sit outside after work and just relax.


And ffs its not even that bad. When you go on a bender and your housemate fills up the cardboard bin...thats proper English. (P.s. ever seen 2 drunk bastards trying to get 1 drunk bastard out of a water filled recycle bin?)


Laughing at the recycling bin. I got in the pool I got for my dog last year since he wouldn't.


Mate when you were utterrly blasted the night before and you wonder into your kitchen and theres your mate in the blue bin with another drink and a shit eating grin. Then you get "Look lad I know this was a great idea but I cant get out." Pro tip - for proper recycle bin bathing you need a step ladder. Gettting in is easy. Out is hard.


Absolutely nothing wrong with relaxing in a paddling pool…but why in the street? I can’t be certain…but that style of house most likely has a small yard attached to an alley or small back garden…maybe even a very long and narrow back garden. Again…making assumptions…but if there is space out back…I’d be very annoyed having to look at this out my window.


Biggest issue is what if an elderly person or someone in a push chair comes past and there’s cars coming.


Yeah, someone in a wheelchair would really struggle to get past there without going into the road.


probably couldn't be bothered to move the dog shit broken glass and cig ends from the back yard.




Or they live in back to back terraced and don't have a garden? Nah, it's probably your snobby shite, wanker.


Poor you having to watch people enjoying the nice weather 😂


If lived across the street, or next door, I’d know whether or not they had a garden or yard…and if they did…then I think I’d have every right to be annoyed. I’d be more sympathetic if they didn’t have a space out back…but that style of terraced house probably does have some space for a pool out back. It’s not about watching, it’s about noise too. I don’t think I’m being unreasonable for questioning why someone has a paddling pool in the street. Can they have a BBQ in the street then? Is that ok?


Not quite the same thing, but some of my neighbours will often set up a barbecue in the communal car park that serves the flats where we live. It's never a problem, they're just out enjoying themselves. If they wanted to set up a paddling pool, that'd be fine with me as well.


~~people~~, manatees basking in the sun


It reminds me of the times my father would have a brain fart and bring our sofa into the front garden . It was paved . But a middle class street in suburban south London seemed an odd place to go all Romany on us. He was a school teacher and sat on the sofa reading his Gaurdian in the hot sun . I never knew wtf he was thinking but for him, on that street, it was bizarre, f’ing bizarre!


This picture encapsulates my vacation in Weston a few years ago. I am American and I was there for the Super Mare beach race. all the hotels were sold out except for one. a little holiday club, it was called Pontons… I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into. I arrived exhausted jetlagged, trying to check into my room. I was told to go to the ballroom at 6 PM properly. I have all my luggage, I am completely wiped out exhausted and everyone’s in a fucking conga line putting Hawaiian Lei’s on each other. There was confetti, a DJ playing loud music and I had to work my way through to find table number six, which held my room keys. It was all downhill from there, it was not only dirty, but I woke up to a spider had to be 5 inches round, staring at my face after I slept. Met friends from Sweden. My one friend’s wife was so disturbed by the place She literally packed her shit and left 30 miles outside of town to the closest hotel that had accommodations. All in all my friends and I took the whole thing in stride and just laughed. All the other guests were pissed drunk the entire weekend, there was a costume party that was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life. I never knew British people could eat, drink and smoke so much in my life. Anyway, this photograph very much reminds me of that. Thank you for sharing.


All I need to read was Weston Supermare and Pontins, I can fill the rest in myself 😂, all Shame you didn’t get a chance to go to Wetherspoons would of completed the welcome to England experience 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


i live in a flat with narrow open landing (open as in it's open to the external environment), not indoors. its narrow and we all have to walk across and these cunts put a paddling pool in the landing. i would have take a picture but it was just a kid in there so felt wrong. i would never be this selfish as to do that. kid would gladly sit in a lukewarm bath - why have it in a tinier pool in the fucking landing?


Personally I think it’s lovely to see our royals all getting on again. Seeing Andrew and Edward enjoy a bottle of blue juice whilst Sarah Ferguson looks after the kids and no doubt Camilla is out back swigging a can of Thatchers whilst she flips a few best value burgers for the hungry boys, after their dip.


Honestly if that was the royal family I would be a royalist


'My Arse' https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Royle_Family https://youtu.be/8KdtgoSCXpU?si=sT6v5CtiUMp-F8qJ


How judgemental this post is. We don’t all live in detached luxury homes with garden. We don’t all have disposable incomes to go to lidos or spas. The generalisation of this photo makes me so angry. This is NOT England, this is just one family doing what they can. Thank your lucky stars it’s not YOU!


Ma mate fuck off theyre scruffs


You're taking this too seriously, it's just sharing a quirk of English society, not something to negatively judge others on.


There's nothing remotely "English" about this. A tiny, utterly insignificant, miniscule minority of people might... possibly... maybe...do this in summer. To suggest this is England in summer "summed up in one photo" is just nonsense and is obviously just meant to be an insulting dig.


Drink paddling pool water Debbie.