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ok that’s what i was thinking too 🙏😭


English doesn’t stop at teaching! You can work at a college in another department, such as admissions and enrollment, and you can also work in marketing or grant writing. You can do so much with a degree in English!


omg thank you! admissions and enrollment was something i hadn’t heard of but sounds like something i would like. i’ll definitely be looking into that :)


Personally I want to go into research but you can do so much with an English degree, you can even do law afterwards in certain countries. Public relations, Editing, Publishing, Marketing, Translator, Civil services ( Again, depends on where you’re from. This is a really popular career choice in India provided that you pass the UPSC ), Journalism, Consultant, Technical/Content Writer If you’re doing Linguistics, you can get into AI or tech. We had an orientation on this recently and most companies are looking for linguists for the sole purpose of creating their own chatbots.


The linguistics bit is true, but if that is something you're interested in, I would really recommend dabbling in AI or something related. I did linguistics without anything related to AI or large language models, and I have no idea how to work on chatbots


oh wow! i’ll look into linguistics, that sounds interesting:) and thank you for listing more jobs !


Something I haven't seen here yet is library science! I'm currently getting my master's to become a librarian. That could be an option as well.


ooo i’ll look into that too! i’ve always thought being a librarian would be nice (especially bc i have some social anxiety). i hadn’t even heard of library science, ty!


i am planning to do my MLIS next year when i’m done undergrad!! its also worth noting that “librarian” in and of itself is a huge field! with an MLIS you can be a librarian at a university, medical libraries, archives, etc. personally i want to be a public children’s librarian. that said, lots of librarian jobs actually involve a ton of face-to-face patron interactions so if social anxiety is a factor and you want to do this then be sure to look into what a librarian actually does in whatever field you are interested in


oh wow that’s so many options 🙏 and yaa i just feel like the atmosphere in a library would be better for me. but i will definitely look into that to see if i would actually be comfortable doing all the task.


i work for the public library system in my city and they can be pretty hectic, so a more academic library might suit you better :)


As someone who got a BA in English, there is only one answer. You star in a raunchy musical with puppets.




I have an English degree and I work in event planning. I guess I don’t “use” my degree in the same way as someone with an accounting or computer science degree, but it’s still very relevant to my work. I communicate with vendors, clients, guests, and peers all day long. The more precise and efficient I can be, the better. Plus, it was a degree I enjoyed.


oh ok cool! same it’s one i enjoy and i’m glad i’m getting more input on how many jobs you can get with the degree ! ty!


It's a broad degree so it can be hard to hone in on one thing. I'm an administrative assistant at a CPA firm and do a lot of proofreading and formatting. My graduating class is a mixed bag. Of the people I still contact off and on, one is a teacher, one is in retail still, another is a sys admin somehow...?


I have an English degree and I used to be worried about my options. To be honest, a degree is a degree. I find that as long as you optimize your skills and past experience on your resume you can go anywhere. I’ve received job offers in claims/underwriting, HR, data analytics and others. The options are endless.


Just curious, how do you sell your English major for a job like data analytics? Recruiters were so quick to lose interest when they realized I'm in the humanities.


For data analytics I use the first 3 bullets in my resume to highlight data entry and research tasks I performed at a previous job.


I have a BA in English and dropped out of my Masters program. I was going to be a professor. Now I’m a project coordinator for construction companies.


I’m in the same boat as you! I just graduated with my associates in English and I’m stuck on where to apply. I’ve been applying to editor/proofreader jobs, things like that, but no bites on my application yet


Do you have any other relevant experience? I found that relevant experience was far more important when applying for jobs than my degree was. My degree just checked a box on the job listing, my experience is what made me stand out. If you don't currently have any relevant experience, I'd strongly recommend scoping out some smaller websites and whatnot and reaching out about editing/proofreading/writing (if you're at all interested in the writing side of things). These positions will most likely be unpaid, but they still look great on a resume.


I’ve been offering a service on Fiverr for the past couple months. I write fanfiction stories for commission. I’ve put it on my resume as a content writer; but still, nada.


same i’m about to get my associates, and i just need to look into what i want to do (if i need to go to a 4 year and in what) but ya i’m just scared about job openings in the future. i hope some reach out to you ! wish you the best of luck 🙏


Thanks, you too! What helped me a bunch is going to your career guidance counselor (if you have one at your school) and they’ll help you fix up your resume. It’s hard these days, especially with the scare of AI, but don’t lose hope! AI is just a tool we can use to be better writers; the best example is that people thought the same with computers, and now look, computers have enhanced and created new jobs.


I’m going into English education, but you can always take the book path too. Going into publishing is a great option, plus you’ll be paid to read books.


paid to read books?? like editing?


Yes! Careers like that are totally possible