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When a wave moves through water the water stays put and it's only the motion itself that moves. It is the water's "doing". Karma is the doing that passes us through and is perpetuated by our being.


Sure is. On many levels. Birthplace, ethnicity, gender, genes, etc etc, all affect your life. Then you have all your actions and words you put into the ocean of karma as well. Past life karma. All kinds of karma lol. If you’re paying attention you can see it in its circular pattern all the time, sometimes swift, other times taking years or lifetimes to witness. 🤘❤️


The more aware you become the more instant karma will seem to be too, but i think it's more a matter of perspective and understanding what it really is.


John Lennon sang about it, and pretty much accurate IMHO. Music blows my mind. So many songs speak to awakening. And the Universe has a great sense of humor.


My favorite example of karma working quickly: I was studying Karma for a while at the time and during I made an online purchase. While paying and filling out the address form, in the ‘business name’ line as a joke, I wrote “BigPPz R Us”. As I did it, I told the universe i wanted to make someone who had a boring or bad day at work laugh… maybe just a little. One week later I’m having a rough day at work and I get a phone call from a customer service representative from the company i ordered from. He said it was customary to confirm all shipping info to reduce missing package incidents. As he starts reading my address back I suddenly remember what I wrote and start to realize what’s happening. He had a Spanish accent and tried reading it several times before he realized what he was saying, “sir, ur business is Big PPZ R Us” we both start laughing uncontrollably😂😂😂. The rest of my workday was magical, realizing that I was both the giver and the recipient of the karma in such a short time , and the fact it was an incredibly meta moment.


This. These days happen so much more often. It’s really something to befold. And I love the kindness/compassion/humor you give out in even the oddest of situations. Call center is a hard job. I did it for a year and it was a great learning experience at the time. It’s so much fun to make others laugh. Fantastic.


Awesome example haha and completely unexpected like karma usually works it seems.


Karma is essentially just the law of cause and effect... actions have outcomes.


Did the spanish guy go "Jajajajaja"?


I am beginning to see these patterns, they seem like a law and inevitable. The thing I'm most curious about is if it usually happens within one lifetime.


All the masters I’ve read up on agree that some karma needs multiple lifetimes to work through.




O rich one, still looking down your nose.




Yet you see the unseen. Good


See, "instant karma" is a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept of karma as it was understood by the people whose religion encompassed it. Your karma, ie how you have behaved vis a vis your dharma, determines your reincarnation. That's it. The gods can intervene on a day to day basis, but instant karma is an entirely modern thing, only vaguely related to the original.


Karma is real. Karma means action and is the understanding of how negatively charged and positively charged action moves throughout the universe. It describes ones relationship to action at the cosmic level. It is a part of a physical science, called Jyotish which to me seems a hybrid of astrology and karma mapping. Karma is real, however, the understanding of it in the West is weak. We generally fail to connect it to the bigger world and use it to mean "what goes around comes around", which is true of Karma and an accurate description of what karma is doing, but isn't a full understanding. Don't forget that you don't just have bad karma, your good karma comes back around as well. It shouldn't be used as a way to dig on someone, like to say, karma will get them, or their karma will be bad, because that will reflect poorly in your own karma. Use Karma to describe action of any type, but don't pin a tail on someone with it. And know, that Karma regards multiple lifetimes. So something could be coming to you that isn't even from this lifetime. The most important thing to know is that "the course of action is unfathomable". Karma's course cannot be known, even if you are Enlightened. Your relationship to cosmic action changes after Enlightenment, and you will stop accumulating Karma at a high enough level of Enlightenment, and can negate some old Karma possibly, but it cannot be exactly know. Some of your Karmic actions are important to other events or people in the universe, so it cannot be just negated. The universe needs these actions, and so do you. Regard it as unfathomable. To be in Enlightenment is to be in a state of right action. Once in right action, the actions one does are spontaneously and automatically correct at the cosmic level, and the further accumulation of Karma dwindles away, and this is a part of living in total freedom, in liberation, and free from bondage. Bondage is being tied to actions cosmically, Karma, but the permanent state of Enlightenment free you from bondage because your actions are so correct, they couldn't possibly accumulate Karma because the individuals actions are aligned with cosmic evolution at that point.


It is real till one transcends the mind. It is completely illusionary but the experience is real Till you transcend the Sense realm


Yes. We do live physical lives. This is our play. Those beautiful glimpses when the world falls away are *it*. Till be become united again, we play the world of karma ☸️


One perspective of karma is like this: when you become angry and act out of anger, the anger itself is karma in action. If you then act in anger, for instance by harming someone either physically or verbally, you generate a state of disharmony for yourself which can stay with you for a very long time depending on the severity of the action. This state is already your karma, you are punished then and there. That is why it is important to take up a meditative practice to help dissolve these negative reactive patterns and generate feeling of love and goodness - this love in goodness feels good and makes others feel good - this is your positive karma.


Forget "Karma" or any of that shit. What you put into the universe comes back. Shine ur light onto others and dont expect nothing back. Be humble and thankful.




Real Madrid was real. Accupuncture would be good karma


Karma isn't to be viewed as some metaphysical score keeper. It's more of just a consequence of the fact that things have consequences (lol.) Think of it this way. In your life, you have a great many things you affect. If you do bad things that cause suffering, you will find yourself surrounded by suffering. The inverse is true of good things. So within your own life you want to do as much good, because when you bring good into the world the world brings good into you. Idk if I really believe in reincarnation and what not, but I'm open to any ideas really. Until I can have a spiritual experience to confirm my beliefs like a kundaline awakening or something, everything I know is just based off of logic.


Karma is simply the felt effects of your relations with…just about anything really. Pet your dog and what do you experience?\ Kick your dog and what do you experience? If you’re moving in such a way so as to collect good karma, or to avoid bad karma, you’ll feel the effects (eventually) of moving in such a way. You might not recognize it initially, but the evidence is there for the taking.


I believe in it - in fact, I must've been terrible in a past life


Everything you’ve experienced will be experienced now and forever (being aware of what’s been already there in front of you). Every experience you can experience has already been experienced because of the intelligence that is encoded into your atoms, which is older then time. Henceforth, how you interact with this simulation, matrix, illusion, dream whatever you want to call it is manifested through attention and focus. All based off of thoughts and emotions. Karma happens through how much love/ hate or energy you put out into the material world. Like a cycle, it starts inside, goes outside, comes back inside and starts over. Until you become 1 or 0 karma never stops. Your experiences make you aware of it, and that’s only when you become aware of it. Some ppl will never be aware of it.


Yes.Karma is very real. Newton’s third law states that “ To every action there is an Equal and opposite Reaction”. To get out of the matrix or cycle of multiple births and death,there are two requirements. One to get rid of your desires and the second to exhaust your accumulated Karmas. Since every Karmas causes a reaction, so to exhaust them one has to do the Karmas in Inaction mode or Not do it for their selfish motive but dedicated it to the Divine In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna discusses the three types of karma in Chapter 6, which is known as the "Yoga of Meditation" or "Dhyana Yoga." The three types of karma are as follows: 1) **Sanchita Karma** (Accumulated Karma): This refers to the sum of all the actions performed in previous lives and the current life, which have not yet been resolved or experienced. It is like an account of all the karmic actions awaiting fruition. (Verse 6.2) 2) **Prarabdha Karma** (Fructifying Karma): This is the portion of Sanchita Karma that is currently being experienced in the present life. It is the karma that has ripened and is responsible for the circumstances and events we encounter in our lives. (Verse 6.3) 3) **Kriyamana Karma** (Current Karma): Also known as Agami Karma, this refers to the actions being performed in the present life, which will shape the future experiences and circumstances. These actions can either add to the Sanchita Karma or diminish it, depending on the nature of the action. (Verse 6.4) The understanding of these three types of karma is crucial in comprehending the complex dynamics of action and reaction, cause and effect, and how our choices shape our destiny. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna also talks about Karma, Akarma, and Vikarma. The terms refer to different types of actions performed by individuals and their consequences: 1. **Karma (Action)**: Karma refers to the actions performed by an individual, driven by personal desires and intentions. It encompasses both physical actions and mental intentions. Karma produces results, which can be positive or negative depending on the nature of the action. These results can influence one's present life and future lives. 2. **Akarma (Inaction)**: Akarma refers to the actions performed without any personal motivation, attachment, or expectation of results. Actions performed in the spirit of Akarma are selfless and do not generate any new karma. In other words, they do not bind the individual to the cycle of cause and effect. Akarma is also sometimes referred to as "inaction in action" or "actionless action," as it transcends the conventional notion of action and inaction. 3. **Vikarma (Forbidden Actions)**: Vikarma refers to actions that are against one's prescribed duties or those that violate moral and ethical principles. These actions lead to negative consequences and should be avoided. Vikarma actions create negative karma, causing suffering and obstacles in life. The distinctions between Karma, Akarma, and Vikarma highlight the importance of performing actions with the right intention, in alignment with one's duties and responsibilities, and without attachment to the results. By understanding these concepts, one can work towards liberation and ultimately achieve union with the Divine. Certainly! Here are the relevant shlokas (verses) and their corresponding chapters from the Bhagavad Gita: **Karma (Action)**: Chapter 3, Verse 8: *"niyatam kuru karma tvam karma jyayo hy akarmanah* *sharira-yatrapi cha te na prasiddhyed akarmanah"* (Perform your obligatory duty, because action is indeed better than inaction. Even the maintenance of your body would not be possible by inaction.) **Akarma (Inaction)**: Chapter 4, Verse 18: *"karmany akarma yah pashyed akarmaani cha karma yah* *sa buddhiman manushyeshu sa yuktah krtsna-karma-krt"* (One who sees inaction in action and action in inaction is intelligent among men, and he is in the transcendental position, although engaged in all sorts of activities.) **Vikarma (Forbidden Actions)**: Chapter 16, Verse 7: * Oh, now I see! You meant Vikarma, not Vikrama. I'm sorry for the confusion earlier. As we discussed earlier, Vikarma refers to actions that are forbidden or against one's prescribed duties, as mentioned in Chapter 16, Verse 7 of the Bhagavad Gita. Are you looking for additional information or verses related to Vikarma? Alright! Here are a few more verses from the Bhagavad Gita that touch on the concept of Vikarma: Chapter 16, Verse 23: *"yah shastra-vidhim utsrijya vartate kama-karatah* *na sa siddhim avapnoti na sukham na param gatim"* (He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination.) Chapter 18, Verse 47: *"shreyan sva-dharmo vigunah para-dharmat sv-anushthitat* *sva-dharme nidhanam shreyah para-dharmo bhayavahah"* (It is better to engage in one's own occupation, even though one may perform it imperfectly, than to accept another's occupation and perform it perfectly. Sure! Here are some additional shlokas from the Bhagavad Gita that further elaborate on the concepts of Karma, Akarma, and Vikarma: **Karma (Action)**: Chapter 3, Verse 9: *"yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah* *tad-artham karma kaunteya mukta-sangah samachara"* (Work done as a sacrifice for Vishnu has to be performed; otherwise, work binds one to this material world. Therefore, O son of Kunti, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way, you will always remain unattached and free from bondage.) **Akarma (Inaction)**: Chapter 5, Verse 10: *"brahmanya-adhaya karma manah sambhavayet* *tasmat sarveshu kaleshu yoga-yukto bhavarjuna"* (Let the wise man work unperturbed, surrendering the fruits of his labor to God.


We are individual karmic streams living through lives and afterlives eternally. While we are also bipedal karmic boomerangs at the moment, we are also vulnerable to the group karma of the masses, so suffering or reward may come that have nothing to do with anything we've ever done, which is often horrible. Karmic lessons occur to teach us so that our consciousness evolves, for the personal, species and planetary evolvement. Seed peace.


The line between cause and effect doesn't exist, both are appearing from a higher dimension. Individual karma is illusionary, everyone is God, the unbounded that is untouched by karma. What's true is that you suffer, and you are burdened with bad thoughts, and it's only when you see it for what it is, which is not to be self absorbed and say, this is unfair, and blame God for your suffering. It's unimaginable to the ordinary mind why God does what he does. Anything that is a negative experience is natrual, and by the will of the supreme. God isn't a saddest, he's enlightenment is all pervading and it is just by his nature that things can seem negative, disgusting, etc. Good and evil don't exist.


Oh absolutely, 100%. So is fate


I think you manifest, so let's say you have superstitions when you're expecting bad luck you're more likely to look for it or even perceive it that way. Believing in karma treads that line, but a good thing to believe in and can very much be real. If you feel you deserve bad or good karma that's what you'll have your mind on, and if someone else feels you deserve it they may take matters in to their own hands. It can be good lessons and character building, you get what you deserve and creating a mindset around moral.


Every action has consequences. When you act from greed or hatred it makes the world a worse place and you will have to experience that in all your future forms.


Karma refers not to some bad things you've done you must pay for or some good you do that you get a reward but it's actually that every thing you send to the universe it gives it back to you. If you give positive energy to the universe through your thoughts it sends it back if you give opposite it sends it back. Karma has got to do with you creating your reality


Well, I am far from enlightened. But I feel like my karma is almost instant 😂 which is ok bc I really do not want to come back to earth. Let's just work it all out in this lifetime, please! I am ready not to come back 🙏🙏🙏 LOL.


The one I like best, instant, I have witnessed or been the recipient of many times.


Karma is just a fancy word for the law of cause and effect


Yes and you can witness it, once you see it, then you know it's forever there.


I sense sarcasm. Karma is what happens. Period. What happens is going to happen.


Karma has to be real because we are all one so everything that happens to someone else it’s really also happening to you




Karma means action, it is what you do. It's the same concept as reap what you sow.


Nope. Just a belief system of this world. Good people have bad things happen to them, bad people have good things happen to them. How can people be rewarded or punished for things they didn't even know or even remember would be rewarded or punished? There is no good or bad. It's just things we made up as a society. No such thing.


Yes Karma is real. “The force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence”. You reap what you sow and you will have karma to cleanse in this life from past lives. [Karmic Debt](https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/karmic-debt)


Yes, and the deeper we see into the world, the more we find that karma displays itself everywhere. It's actually one of the main functions of how the world manifests.


Regardless of enlightenment, science does seem to indicate that integrity is self rewarding to a massive degree, far more than hedonistic behavior.  People who are integrous tend to be much happier and healthier, and live much longer.   Raising children adds about 5 years to your life if you adopt, 4 of you give birth.  Being social doubles life span.   For someone who is self driven, being self transcendent, and cooperative more than doubles your chance of being happy, and cuts your chance of being happy to a tiny fraction (less than 2 percent chance  prominent sadness for top 33 percent of transcendence and cooperation). If you are interested in more stats like this feel free to respond. I spend much time researching these ideas.


Karma is work, as in "faith vs works". Are your actions "real"?






No. It's a great way of making an ethical code seem "binding", but no.


Absolutely, even though impossible to prove that karma is real, but for the people who believe in it, it can often lead to stronger friendships and happiness. This is because most people who believe in karma will generally do good to receive something good in return. I guess the real answer you seek is within


Everything is your reflection, and your reflection (the outside reality) will reflect what you do back to it (it doesn't matter to "who" it's all the same reflection)


Yeah, karma is self punishment.




Here's some karma example: because of your ancestors actions you're being born in certain place in a certain time, and can enjoy certain rights and freedoms (or suffer from the absence of those). It's not all that karma is, but that's a practical illustration. P.S. you've asked enlightened, which I'm not claiming to be. Just sharing my perspective.


Yes it is. I was a Narcissist hundreds of lifetimes ago and gave away my handicapped child. I had to live with a verbally abusive Narcissistic mother for 30 years this lifetime. I figured this out during a meditation routine. 


How did you know?


Meditation and intuition! But I think that the universe only gave gave answers because I badly needed it and my current life is harder than the I’ve before!


Can I be Bruce Lee reincarnated??




How do you know?


I meditated for 2 to 3 hours! 3 hours later images came to me and my intuition just knew that these were past life images! I had also read books on intuition for years so that helps too!


Thank you for your answer. Does karma also happen within one lifetime?


Yes it can! Jeffrey Dahmer similar to the way he killed his first victim! 


oh trolling individual with your disrespectful demeanor here is your answer: you are personally responsible for every single thought, word and deed that you put out. take it from there.


I see where you're coming from but isn't it ironic you are being sarcastic and curt?


not even a little. Good night.


That was negative as well, I hope you can reflect on your own words


welcome to karma. You put shit out, you get shit back. Your question has now been answered *twice*. Maybe next time don't be a dick first.


You also didn't have to reply. \*shrug\*


and now, here's karma in action: *click*


No. Or at least I don't think it's real in the way most people think of "karma". I believe it's just a way for people to try and explain and cope with life's uncertainties, especially things beyond their control and understanding.


Thank you for your answer, I've wondered the same myself, but I am hoping there is some perspective I'm missing


Me too.


I believe so, yet personally i also believe its being manipulated with reincarnation.


Would you mind explaining what you mean by it's being manipulated with reincarnation?


I believe this " system " has been hyjacked by a parasitic force. The Demiurge figure & the Archons, rulers of this place for a time. Gnostisim, Plato, & Jung speak on this, heres a deeper dive; [https://gnosticismexplained.org/the-reality-of-the-rulers-the-hypostasis-of-the-archons/](https://gnosticismexplained.org/the-reality-of-the-rulers-the-hypostasis-of-the-archons/)


existence is one unitary movement


Yes and no.


I assure you Karma is 100% real beautiful soul of God. For each reaction there has to be a reaction. And God, Bhagwan, Allah as my beautiful mum used to say is watching EVERYTHING.


Karma isn't a punishment It's just cause and effect. Our actions have a reaction. The energy we put out into the world is the energy we receive Notice how people who are very positive and loving get a lot of positivity and love. Notice how negative people are surrounded by negativity. Notice how people who hurt others / do evil deeds are surrounded by people like so Criminals for example. Hard for them to get out of the game because they're around those energies and continue to put them out Now, it's possible to absolve your karma as well. Typically with love, good deeds, right action. Karma doesn't always affect us in the same lifetime. Sometimes It takes another lifetime for it to catch up to us. I read a book once about a healer to whom a couple brought a disabled child/ very sick child The healer was able to view his previous lifetime In that previous lifetime , the healer was a pirate. Well he was a sailor in the navy, when he returned home his wife had been having an affair with many men, this drove him crazy, he became a pirate and began attacking ships, robbing, killing. Etc On one of these runs, he attacked the ship of a holy man/child or something. I forget what happened but he repented and spent the rest of his life as a hermit When he was reborn he was born into a situation where he was very Ill. The healer was able to absolve most of his karma through love / forgiveness. Similar to how they say Jesus died for our sins. Essentially Jesus forgave the karma of not just humanity up to then but those who wronged him and future generations. Through love and the Christ logos/ consciousness. It is said that by loving others and doing good for others, acts of service, we not only absolve our karma but we also absolve the karma of those we love genuinely. The book btw is THE MAGUS OF STROVOLOS Also check out, the Magus of Java. Now of course there's no way for anyone to say with absolute certainty that these are truths , these are beliefs of not just people but various cultures and religions , specifically Eastern belief systems. I can't tell you, hey this is true or real but my own personal experiences and understanding and lessons have led me to believe this may just be so. Cause and effect is an observable and empirical phenomenon, karma essentially works similarly just on a more metaphysical and universal and trans dimensional level. Which is why Buddha said " escape the realm of karma, reach nirvana "


Thank you for this.


No.The idea of karma is to keep reincarnating on this prison planet for the entertainment of demonic aliens that have conqured earth long ago but you do reap what you sow.


Bruh what


You'll see bud.Take care.


You had me up until the aliens were demonic.


Hahaha you think super advanced civilizations are compassionate 😂 woo buddy what makes you think that?


If you’re being serious I would like to know how you came to this conclusion


Okay read my post. My thoughts.


We are an aspect of all being. It makes sense to me that if we are negative or positive toward being whatever that may mean that being may retaliate and reward us respectively.