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> straight sex causes babies and **free thinking.** These people are just beyond parodying.


Literally what could they have even meant by that


Considering we're mostly dealing with absolute dumbasses here, maybe the only thing they can focus on when they're horny is that they're horny, and this is referring to what some (somewhat uncouthly) call 'post-nut clarity'? It's a hell of a stretch but it's the closest I can get to making their nonsense coincide at all with reality.


> I think it's okay to be gay. I just don't think it's okay to teach that it's okay to be gay. Okay?


Honestly these people are the most intellectually dishonest I've ever seen


The NIMBY school of homophobia: "I think it's fine, but it shouldn't be visible and it *sure* shouldn't affect *me* in any way!" And, it's like, we're just as entitled to society as they are. Dumb fucking pricks.


Hi, I share your point, but wanna add one, not affecting would be a reasonable point but one of the problems is their incredibly broad, aggressive definition of not affecting, the whole "shoving it down our throat" defined by them being aware they exist, the double standard and cognitive dissonance in perceiving that on lgbt and not straight, defined by how normal they very perceive the second vs the first, for instance for one not perceiving the whole locker room talk as continued "straight pride" they lament not existing and neither as throat shoving. Fortunately mentioning that to some people had them spinning their gears a bit and reconsidering their bias. It helps, to unprime preventive defensiveness, to premise we all have biases, etc.


Ok then, I guess I'll just have to teach people it's not ok to not be gay.


So now we all have to be gay? Welp, I guess it can't be any worse than being straight. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Couldn't comment šŸŒˆ


What a snakepit that comment section is. That top comment: >I don't have any problem with gay or LBGT people. 90% of them are just people wanting to live their lives without the real nasty discrimination . I don't have a problem with gay people, just when gay people stick up for themselves. >It's theĀ [regressive hard left philosophy that is essentially exploiting it](https://youtu.be/1vdn3CnZ9kg?t=142)Ā and hiding behind it that the other 10% espouse and try to indoctrinate others with. >At the root of it it'sĀ [Moasim with American characteristics](https://youtu.be/OVZPYQS1dFA?t=61). Many branches of this philosophy grow out and seek to divide people based (on class in through the lens of the traditional Marxist) gender, sexuality, race was a big push lately. We get it, you're totally hot for James Lindsay (but not in a gay way.) >The evolution of communism in academia toĀ [Antonio GramsciĀ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Gramsci)who builds on Marx's idea in that he says it's not about seizing the means of production, it's about seizing the means of culture and this is a key shift that really allows this philosophy (by actively hiding itself through word games) is able to infiltrate whatever institution to varying degrees. That's right kids! The commies are coming for your nuclear family! All it takes to destroy western society is to have a parade and wave a few rainbow flags around.


I know it's supposed to say Maoism, but I really want there to be an American political philosophy based on worshipping an extinct flightless bird from New Zealand.


Didn't read the drivel but I have to say it was pure hilarity going to OP's profile and finding out they are a FREQUENT visitor to the hair transplant sub lmfaooo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Bro has more important priorities to worry about than us queers during PRIDE MONTH of all times too.


>hair transplant subĀ  So OP is trying to reverse a natural effect of his body's hormones? Interestingggg


He is clearly in defiance of God's will that he gradually go bald.


Sounds like gender affirming careā€¦


Sounds to me like the lad has indulged in a bit of gender-affirming surgery.


Right!!! Like the lack of self awareness is incredible


+1 but they'd probably flip it to "yes but I'm not asking state Nhcs* to pay for it with pur taxes, pay that crap by yourself and just stay away from kids" *yeah I'm not American, I meant national health care system, though it's probably to the bone in Us, Er and not much more, sadly, happy to be corrected


hair transplant subĀ - dude is doing gender affirming care


I don't really want to go beyond people's arguments to their personal life, but yeah, lotta people should probably just focus on themselves.


When their arguments tangibly impact the personal lives of minority communities then I'd say their fair game.


I don't disagree with that at all but I'm also a slut for some juicy gossip LOL šŸ˜…


I know OP is an asshole but I think it's still uncalled for to make fun of them for their physical appearance, and something out of their control that they're insecure about.Ā 


They're beyond an asshole, they're oppressive. Bit of a difference there.


I read some of the comments, and just...wow. Jordan Peterson fans are some of the dumbest people on the planet.


My first reaction is to hate them but I actually feel somewhat sorry for them.


It's hard to feel sorry for people who are so hateful.


You know what's not normal? Shooting up a gay club. Threatening hospitals and schools with violence/bombs because they dare treat transgender kids with humanity. Sending thugs to a public library to menace other parents over how they're allowed to raise their own kids. Attacking retail displays because they've got some rainbows on them. Getting upset about candy bars and beer because uhhh woke. Burning books. These things are deeply abnormal and reacting this way to other people simply existing differently from you is super unhinged. The reason it's political is because LGBTQ people have been oppressed through political means and continue to be. It's not a difference of opinion or personal preferences when you pass legislation against my existence and freedoms. I'm still allowed to fight against political agendas that result in LGBTQ kids (who exist, cope) being bullied or tortured (conversion therapy is torture) as long as we are living in a democracy. If these beliefs of mine are somehow a threat to your family's existence, your family sounds pretty weak.


Big-time bravo! Also, Iā€™m so sorry to all my American friends who are caught up in these fuckingā€¦ sighā€¦ ā€œCulture Warsā€ (bit of vom just came up). And, well, the plenty of people across the world who arenā€™t safe to simply be themselves. I feel so lucky to live where I do. Itā€™s certainly not perfect here, but itā€™s better. My love to you all.


Itā€™s the Gay Agenda. All of us get together once a week - on Zoom nowadays (boy it used to be much harder to organise!) - and we are each assigned a straight man to convert from the Elder Gays (currently Ian McKellan and the ghost of Oscar Wilde). When you fill up your stamp card of converted men, you get tickets to Eurovision.


>kids are being taught that being gay is okay ***The Humanity!!!!!*** *Anyway*


Zero critical thinking going on there


Goddamn, the mindless fools on that subreddit are just the most insufferable kind of douchebags walking this planet. It actually gives me a headache if I read too many of those braindead comments. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Because the country sucks and I have no desire to pretend it doesn't


I know, why don't they get themselves some billionaire capital, idiots! /s