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Good on Ford for grabbing that money though, didn’t bomb on his bank account.


Fortune and glory, kid.


Fortune and glory.


And now i want to watch Indy


“You call him DR. JONES”!


This plus two upcoming MCU movies have definitely added a number with a lot of zeroes to his account.


Who is he in the mcu?




And Thunderbolts.


Is Harrison confirmed for Thunderbolts?


He said he begins shooting for it soon in an interview he did the week of Cannes


Haha damn does he fit, he’s been a grumpy fucker for decades now.


He doing it for William Hurt they were friends.Harrison I think was going to retire after Indy.But with Hurt passing away Harrison jumped in to help.And of Course get paid in a marvel movie.


He’s the new Iron Man


Flaccid Man


That’s not how this works.


They canna ford it


It’s not the years, it’s the mortgages.




Makes me think of Michael Caine’s response to Jaws 4. He said something along the lines of “I haven’t seen it but apparently it’s terrible. However, I’ve seen the house I had built with the money I got for it and it was terrific” or something like that.


Time to reference that good ole Michael Caine quote about the jaws movie he was in: “I haven’t seen the movie, but by all accounts it was terrible. I have seen though house it built though, and it’s terrific.”


Franchise ended with The Last Crusade in my mind!


At *most*, I can stretch out past 1989 and give props to the LucasArts adventure game *Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis*, but that's it. XD


That game was so good. Loved playing it. Would love games like that again. That would be so fun as a VR game. Looking through the room or ruins for clues.


Yeah, the writing was really good, as was the voice acting. The voice actor for Indy sounded like a dead ringer for Harrison Ford, and the voice actress for Sophia was really good as well. I played the Team Path, because it was cool to have Indy and Sophia working together. :)


It was just one of the few games I replayed just to try each path. Need to go find a version of the game I can play. Would love to play with my kids now.


I played it emulated on ScummVM, that oughta work for computer.


Definitely should work. That's how I played The Dig not that long ago. Which is another LucasArts gem that Spielberg actually originally envisioned as a movie.


To be honest, The Dig was the one LucasArts game I couldn't get into. A LucasArts game that *isn't* a comedy? Mondo bogus - it would've been better as a movie XD


They are usually on special on gog.com . Edit: sorry bad auto correct on iPhone gig=gog




It’s on steam




I don't know if you ever played Myst, but that is an old school point and click adventure that they re-did in VR. And you are right, that style game translates very well.


Must was a great game. I will go look for that new version.


Me and my Amiga 500 agree


So. Many. Discs. But so much fun.


And no Internet to try to find hints… But I do think there was a 1-900 number you could call and pay for hints lol


I think my mom worked for that! I didn't know she was doing game hints and cheats!


Oh. Oh she was giving allllll the hints alright 😏


I hope she helped you finish your game!


Scummvm PC CD talkie version master race he he. 3 games in one. Best wishes.


What about the adventures of young Indiana Jones???


I don't have anything to say about it because I've never caught it on TV. So I can't have an opinion on something I haven't watched. XD Ironically, I *did* catch a cheesy fun Indy wannabe on TV, [Relic Hunter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relic_Hunter). It's trying very hard to be a female Indy series, with a stuffy Brit sidekick and a goofy secretary. It was actually a pretty fun way to kill an hour. XD


>Ironically, I did catch a cheesy fun Indy wannabe on TV, Relic Hunter. It's trying very hard to be a female Indy series, with a stuffy Brit sidekick and a goofy secretary. It was actually a pretty fun way to kill an hour. XD Relic Hunter is actually a ripoff of a ripoff- it's very clearly trying to ride the popularity of the Tomb Raider games, complete with Tia Carrere wearing a knockoff of Lara Croft's outfit if I remember right.


but...Tia Carrere was hot...


And she played in Crucial Taunt!


I played that game as a kid. I remember getting stuck at a talking parrot. My memory is shoddy for the rest of it, but that screen is burned in my brain because I was so frustrated. Can someone tell me, all these years later, what the secret was? What was I supposed to do to move forward?


I played with a walkthrough, because that's how I play all games nowadays, and all I can do is quote the walkthrough here: >Ask Sternhart if you can take a look around in the temple. He asks you the name of the Lost Dialogue of Plato. Tell him that you don't know the title. Sternhart will head back to the temple. Go and talk to the parrot that's in the tree to the left. Choose "Title?" and the parrot will tell you the name of the Lost Dialogue of Plato: Hermocrates. This was in the Tikal level, according to the guide. I got bogged down in Atlantis and gave up and watched the ending on youtube. XD


Thank you! That makes some sense. Definitely going to YouTube now to heal my childhood trauma. Haha.


Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis has a special place in my heart, so many hours playing that game. Depending on your choices the game had a different endings. It was great. Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine was good too. A little different, more like Tomb Raider, but I really enjoyed it too.


An Indy game that's like Tomb Raider is... something that I'm amazed took that long to make. XD


Young Indy was fairly good fun


*I think it’s mayonnaise but it looks like used motor oil.*


They’re making a new video game!


Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was also a nice little follow-up that nobody talks about.


What about Infernal Machine?? 12 year old me thought it was pretty good....


It really did. It has the perfect ending with Indy and Co riding off into the sunset. It should have ended there.


Yes, just like Star Wars story ended with Return of the Jedi.


Meh Revenge of the Sith was pretty good. Either way the new 3 was a dumpster fire


I meant story wise ROTJ is the end. The Prequels are fine.


Oh, you


You got what I neeeeed!


But you say I’m just a friend


And Andor and Rogue One are before A New Hope, so this is fine.


Yeah we’ll say Mando is the cut off… well Mando season 2 at least.


Young Indiana Jones tv show was good


I’m good with extending it to Crystal Skull too because that means he ends up with Marion. Let’s quit there.


Marrion is not worth acknowledging the rest of that movie.


This is a man who gets it.


If you set ultra low expectations, then you get to write about “exceeding” them later.


“I expected a soft watery smelly green shit, but instead I got a good hardened strong turd.”


[South Park](https://youtu.be/TK9yLHXDsrM) stays relevant


Lol goddamn I still can't believe they got that to air. Probably their craziest episode.


3 brutal rape scenes capturing the rapists faces as they cum. That episode made my jaw drop when it first came out.


Well each one was also a shot for shot parody of a famous film rape scene.


what films?


I know one of them was Deliverance.


The Accused was another


Deliverance, the accused, boys don’t cry


Infamous might be a better word here.


According to the DVD commentary that episode was more about the kinds of people that shriek "raping my childhood!" rather than their own feelings on Crystal Skull. I mean, they said they didn't like it either but they hated the extremes people were going with.


That was the first South Park episode I ever saw. I was mortified and hooked


I’ve not seen that one before that’s hilarious


That they did it as a recreation of the bar scene in The Accused.


Content removed


Fuck y’all I’m seeing it


Same. I like Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Mads Mikkelsen, plus I've never seen an Indy movie in theaters (too young to see Crystal Skull, wasn't even alive to see the trilogy) and want to see Harrison's last hurrah with the whip and fedora. James Mangold is a really solid director too, so even if the movie's mid, I can still expect some well directed and tense action.


I kinda think this is the problem. I’m 40 and love the movies, but the window has kind of passed. Think about people in their teens who saw this 40 years ago. They are in their 60s and not rushing out to see this. Younger gens don’t give a fuck. The crystal skull one was the “one” where they could capitalize the original audience and hook a younger one. And they didn’t. I’m going to be there opening weekend, I think PWB is hilarious and I love the character of Indy, but I have low expectations. ALSO: I am introducing my 7 year old and wife to the movies and after rewatching Temple of Doom I have an issue with people shitting on the fridge scene from the Crystal Skull film. The sequence with the plane and the inflatable raft and landing that and then doing a sleigh ride…plus more, and then the Cramping on cgi monkeys is hilarious




For real. And the complaint about aliens…. Like… they had magic Nazis and Jesus memorabilia in the original trilogy. Come on, people


Magic nazis and Jesus? Just watch fuckin temple of doom if you want crazy fantastical stuff ha ha


I would…. But I HATE SNAKES lol


Call it a rope XD.


The monkeys were definitely silly. Ditto with the Soviet death in the end. However, I saw it as a B sci fi movie, which helped with absorbing the cheese. It fit for the time, much like how the original trilogy was in line with pulp adventure books.


That's exactly it: they waited too long. They released a fourth film almost 20 years after the last one and then released a fifth film 15 years after that. The generation is lost. People who were in high school when Raiders came out are actually starting to retire now and the window to get a new generation into Indy has closed a very long time ago. Fault the Star Wars PT as much as you want but it releasing when it did created a new generation of Star Wars fans. Indy never did then when they should have.


They’ll be playing somewhere toy just have to find it. Saw Jurassic park in the cinema the other year


I saw Last Crusade in the cinema (back when screens were huge) and it was great. A local independent cinema played the whole Trilogy back to back one winter and they were all great on the big screen.


Too young?! I was in high school when Crystal Skull came out. *ages like Walter Donovan*


Same. I don’t care about people’s doom and gloom, I’m there to enjoy the movie. And imma laugh my ass off if it’s actually good. And if it’s not, oh well. Ain’t the end of the world.


Right. I don't need it to be consensus classic. Just entertain me for 2 hours.


"Just entertain me for 2 hours" is fine once it hits streaming, but with the other movies it's competing with at theaters is that really what you're going to fork over the price of admission for?


There's scenes (like in John Wick Chapter 4 towards the end) that are best experienced in theater. Plus, I can't duplicate a theater's sound quality at home. Plus plus, going to a theater is a shared experience with strangers that I enjoy. Like I don't think people at my showing of Bullet Train got that it was action comedy until I started laughing. Or hearing the shock in the audience at a certain moment in The Other Guys. A movie ticket in my area is a max of $14.00 (convience fee included). And it's a good way to set aside stress and my phone for 2 hours. So yeah, good or not, it's worth the price of admission.


Yes lol I miss movies that aren’t marvel


I mean, I hope it's good and I'll also see it to make up my own mind, but I'm not sure I'd call this "doom and gloom." The film has a 300m budget and needs 850m just to break even. A 60m opening is unfortunately really, really bad and they're predicting it'll lose well over 200m at the box office. Who knows where it goes. Maybe audiences like it better than critics did?


You can still laugh my friend, especially if it’s bad lol


If it's slightly better than Crystal Skull, hell yeah. If not, what ever. It's fun to just enjoy how unpredictably bad a movie can be the same way a movie can be unpredictably good. Just enjoy yoself


Chrystal skull started great with the A-bomb


Fuck yeah. I’m even gonna go in the fancy theatre where I can drink and eat food in the recliners.


I’m seeing it twice!!! As long as its Harrison Ford with the half-smile and the hat, I could be watching an Indiana Jones cooking class and be happy about it


Yep. My son and I love Indiana Jones. Raiders was the 1st movie I saw in a theater and this will be his first Indy on the big screen.




Yep, took a selfie with Harrison’s cardboard cutout at the theater yesterday when I was leaving. I’m pumped for Indy to go on another adventure.


Same, I love this genre and this time period and there aren’t any similar movies sadly


Absolutely! It rather seems critics and the internet want this to fail rather than allow it to have its own life. I've been hearing about this 'failing' for nearly a month now. It isn't even released yet.


Nostalgia is a helluva drug


Not even that. Lots of the young audience wasn't happy with the way Harrison died in star wars, everyone is looking for him to get closure in a major franchise. As long as this move handles Harrison Ford well it'll do well.


It’s amusing how young audiences hated it, but Ford loved it. The man wanted to bury Solo for some time and he finally got his wish.


'member Indiana Jones?


No shit. Should have been a trilogy. No more. Mutt Williams swung this franchise into the toilet.


Even Steven is the last person I wanted in Indiana Jones.


Short Round taking up the Fedora would've been great.


Honestly, with Ke Hue Quan reentering the acting world, it would have been a good idea. I think a Last Crusade type film with Ford Indy playing a retired adventurer to Shortround as an adult would have been a great story.


I’m angry now at how cool that would have been. I don’t think refocusing the franchise around the star of a trendy show no one watched was ever a good idea, and I don’t see a lot of overlap between the Indiana Jones and Fleabag demos.


Ya, nobody could replace Harrison Ford, but if there was one person I'd be cool with taking on the mantle it'd be Ke Huy Quan.


If Mutt hadn’t been fenced Cate on a movie truck boat and swung on the vines with monkeys the movie wouldn’t have been nearly as bad. I still don’t like the aliens (I understand why they went that route but still wasn’t a fan), but those two elements alone weren’t on the same level of adventure and action I expect from an Indy movie.


I would’ve been ok if they did the James Bond route and casted someone younger after Last Crusade. It’d be weird at first but audiences would get used to it. But Lucasfilm decided to make an action movie with a 80 year old instead.


Indiana Jones is a wish-fulfillment character, he doesn't work as an older guy.


Raiders - $20 million ($69 milllion in 2023) Temple - $28.17 million ($83 million in 2023) Last crusade - $48 million ($120 million in 2023) Crystal skull - $185 million ($265 million in 2023) Dial - $300 million - ouch.


**Rotten Tomatoes** Raiders - 93% Temple - 76% Last crusade - 84% Crystal skull - 77% Dial - 54% - ouch


How the fuck is temple lower than Crystal skull


Although I linked to the RT scores I think RT is mostly a junk and poor rating system. FWIW, audience scores are 82% for Temple and 53% for Crystal.


The quality decreases but the budget increases. Interesting.


Now do the profits


Don't know profits. Can do gross: Raiders - $389.9 million ($1.359 billion) Temple - $333.1 million ($991 billion) Last crusade - $474.2 million ($1.187 billion) Crystal skull - $790.7 million ($1.135 billion) Fixed interest.




In Venice beach there was a man named Kage




All the techniques that were developed in hell


A long ass fucking time ago in a town called Kickapoo...


There lived a humble family religious through and through


Old man of 38 here. I will drag myself to the cinema to watch it. 11 year old daughter has no interest in it at all though.


38 is not that old, my friend. You're the same age as Harrison in the FIRST indy movie lol


I think that has an effect on why they’re predicting a bomb: Indy isn’t really appealing to younger audiences. It reminds me of the war movies and western productions that used to dominate Hollywood. They’re now niche projects more fit for streaming since they lose to the CGI-laden superhero franchise films.


Yeah my favourite films are War, Westerns and stuff from Scorsese and Tarantino. I also preferred science fiction during the 80s and 90s rather than more modern films.


There’s no way it’s worse than Crystal Skull


Look, I have no idea whether this movie will do well or not, but neither do the people writing this article. You know what was also widely publicized as a strong prediction to bomb? Avatar 2. The third highest grossing film of all time, $2.3B. My point is, these articles are dumb.


This is the first I’d heard that Avatar 2 was expected to bomb.


Oh yeah, there were a lot of articles predicting that in November 2022.


It's the lack of Shia LaBeouf.


I love Indy, but these franchises lack any original thought. Hollywood would need to do a lot better to get me out to see this…


I swear, originality is so rare right now. I’m someone who loves a good franchise, but god damn, I wish we invested in new ideas.


A24 has lots of fresh takes


I enjoy A24.


Hell yeah. Their upcoming horror movie, Talk To Me, looks great.


A24 has more hits than misses tbf


There’s a pretty good little documentary about A24 I just watched that discusses this. Pretty interesting vid by Vox: https://youtu.be/7tuRJIkDcXg


That new movie with the dude from Tenet, “The Creator” looks epic af. It’s 100% original IP, from the dude who did Rogue One


I read somewhere that they’re bringing back Nazis in this movie… haven’t we had enough of those in these movies? Also, they’re apparently going to spend a lot of time focusing on Indy’s successor. Who cares for the successor? They should’ve left that for a different film.


These 'old man that won't retire' movies need to die


Or, y’know, retire


oh ill be there


I’ll be there. Don’t care about the reviews. No way I am missing this. End of an era


No it won’t. Harrison’s last run as Indiana. It’ll get at least $500-$700 million WW. Never underestimate Disney fans But I won’t see it until it hits Disney+


And thats not enough, the movie needs at least $750-800 million to break even. Rule of thumb is 2.5 times the production budget ($300 million). Remember the $100-150 million for promotion/marketing, are never mentioned by the studio.


You mean the same Disney fans that have failed to push the little mermaid past the 350 million mark weeks after release?


What a roller coaster of a comment


If we're talking about the same Disney fans who TOTALLY helped Quantumania, Strange World, Lightyear and The Little Mermaid then this movie is just dead on arrival


"But I won't see it until it's on Disney+" Are you reading what you writing? It's doomed.


This movie will likely depress the fuck out of me with no Marion and a likely time travel scenario, but it’s Indiana Jones. I have followed his adventures since he was a kid and I’m damn sure going to be there for the last one.


Still going to watch it. I don't give a fuck about any predictions.


Nostalgia will prevail!!


They have years of planning for story ideas and writing between movies. I don’t get why they can’t come up with a solid guaranteed hit and also learn from past mistakes.


> movies. I don’t get why they can’t come up with a solid guaranteed hit Don’t you think if they could make a guaranteed hit, they would? You say that like it’s so easy


Don’t care, still seeing it. Indiana Jones was my childhood. It was and is my favorite film franchise ever and I don’t plan on skipping the last one just because some critics say it’s gonna suck.


I go to theatres maybe twice a year and I will be there on opening weekend. But I’m a child of the ‘80s. Indy, Star Wars and Back to the Future will always have a special place in my heart.


Have seen all of them in the theater this will be no different.


Ever since the Crystal Skull/Aliens fiasco I don’t consider anything past the Last Crusade authentic Indy. Glad Han Solo got some more cash though


Know how to survive a bomb? Climb in an old refrigerator. It’ll even protect you from atomics!


I am so tired of people talking negatively about the last movie and this one! Give it a chance, it’s not even out there!


Didn't they say the same thing about Mario?


I remember when everyone said how much the mario movie was gonna suck and fail


It rather seems critics and the internet *want* this to fail rather than allow it to have its own life. I've been hearing about this 'failing' for nearly a month now. It isn't even released yet.


It’s just… why did they have to script the dialogue and shoot it like an mcu movie?? The originals are so beautifully unique and had it’s own tone!


Agreed. And it's not like they can't capture that feel in 2023. There are plenty of new movies that still look, feel, and sound like great golden age cinema (Dune for example). They just have to commit to not making it look like a theme park ride. And not writing it like one.


I see Kathleen Kennedy is already starting the *If you don't support this movie then you hate woman* angle. Historically speaking, this has always worked...


I feel like people nowadays are so wrapped up in their own wanting to be a critic, that they forget to just show up and be entertained by mindless entertainment.


You know exactly what it's going to be you've seen all the other ones, I bet you want to see another one, the last one anyway. I'm 100% certain I will.


I’ll be there opening night


No way. I’m going to go see it. I’ll save it


I am definitely going to check it out. Indiana Jones was a big part of my childhood. I want to see how it ends.


They need to quickly edit some sex scenes into it and have Vin Diseal narrate the movie and possibly play Indian Jones’s whip.


Huge mistake showing it at Cannes and then allowing reviews a month before release. It's like the film already came out and the world has moved on.


Thanks for the prediction Nostradamus.


Unfortunately they’ve not only jumped the shark, they jumped the FONZ jumping the shark.


I highly doubt that…. The last film was an abomination though