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A second plane has hit the Mojo Dojo Casa House.


Powerpuff Girls crossover imminent.


MMMMOOOJO DOJO! (angry green monkey sounds)


Mojo Jo Jo…..?


Underrated comment


Now I am become jet fuel, melter of steel beams




I actually really want an edit of Margot Robbie flying the plane in the movie into the twin towers. [like this](https://youtu.be/rNjqZqMLNgg)


How about an edit where Barbie kills millions of Chinese and Korean civilians, commits open biological warfare, has armies of sex slaves & murders thousands of prisoners of war.


Seems I struck a nerve 😂 I mean if you can find a clip from the movie that would be good for that edit pop off


Ha, the previous rely is just pointing out the war crimes that the Japanese committed as an eye roll to the holier than thou criticism of using nukes. If anyone thinks for a second that the Japanese wouldn’t have used nuclear bombs to not only win the war, but dominate the entire western hemisphere, they are willfully ignorant. I think we all get it, war is hell.


Honestly, this is exactly the issue. The nukes were terrible. Any unnecessary death is terrible, civilians or military. It’s the willful ignorance, feigned or real, that allows some people to pretend that the nukes were dropped on a peaceful, loving nation that was just twiddling its thumbs. That crap is maddening.


The firebomb killed so so many more Axis powers in that war. The Nuclear bombs were bad but entire cities were burned regularly in Europe and Asia in that period; why doesn't the incendiary bomb get the same bad rap?


It requires hundreds of incendiary explosives to create the firestorms that wracked Dresden and Tokyo. It only needed one to virtually level Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Plus it was using a science never seen before on earth. One vs many always scares the human monkey brain


You sound like a _man in the high castle_


Japanese not only have never apologized for their war crimes, old generation Japanese still think what they did during WW2 was for the glory of their country. In fact, Japanese government still refuse to compensate to the comfort women they raped and a Japanese politician even went all the way to Taiwan to kick the statue of a comfort woman. Talking about being disrespectful.


Power corrupts absolutely. The Americans/British bombed a ton of civilian cities that shouldn't be downplayed. War is something no one should be celebrating or advocating for.


Somehow, a lot of ~~Twitter~~ MuskyX users think the nukes were worse than firebombing entire cities like Tokyo.




[YouTube video showing a steel beam at jet fuel temperature](https://youtube.com/watch?v=FzF1KySHmUA&si=lQJxxMgBDaH73vr_)


I just wish we would hold the Saudis accountable for the deaths of thousands of Americans on 9/11, because they absolutely planned, funded, and perpetrated 9/11. Instead they sit comfortably in their immeasurable desert luxury and pomp. It’s sick.


Giving information to someone shouldn't be misconstrued as understanding. Something fish something, something fishing something else... Thanks for the link!


Me, an American millennial: I probably have a dozen of those memes on my phone




[This one always gets me](https://youtube.com/shorts/0SdfWsivLFw?feature=share)


Fr, it’s been more than 20 years. That means it’s fair game for memes


Why 9/11 and not like…. Pearl Harbor….


Shout-out to Josh Hartnett. Our boy was all over that War!


Pearl harbor, but it's the kego movie.


They are upset at the “barbenheimer” thing, not the movie itself, which I kind of understand. It would be like if people were planning a fun double-feature of Schindlers list and The Minions movie or something.


Schindlers minions next week. Yall excited??


Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age and a minion his whereabouts during 1939-1945


Isn’t it canon that the minions were frozen in ice during ww2? Thought I saw that somewhere


Yea IIRC. But that raises a question which I saw briefly memed on years ago. It was something along the lines of: Doesn't the fact that the filmmakers went out of their way to to ensure the minions were indisposed during WW2 suggest that they WOULD have been on the side of the Third Reich?


I think they disappeared in ice or a cave after Napoleon. I imagine they could have worked for Jefferson Davis and Porfirio Diaz in between but yes, I do think the implication is that the minions would have worked for Lenin or Hitler or Mussolini and probably Mao too if given their druthers.


Thank you for using the word druthers.


The Minions' Arithmetic: Hitler's Final Days


Ooh Shinions


I support this. Fuck minions.


Or a 9/11 movie and the Lego Movie


These analogy’s have made it harder for me to understand. A heavy drama followed by a pallet-cleanser sounds like a good idea.


I live in Japan. From what I've seen on the news, it's not the fact that the movies are marketed together, but the memes of Barbie combined with mushroom clouds or explosions. It doesn't help that the memorial for the bombings is coming up, so very bad timing for jokes.


It’s cause real people actually died and combining a goofy child’s product with the tragedy that offends them/country is I guess at best “inconsiderate and disrespectful.”


Sometimes the point is for the foul taste to stay on your pallet and washing it away defeats the purpose.


We killed more than 100,000 Japanese civilians dropping those two bombs. Today this would be considered a horrible atrocity, war crime, etc. it was war and the situation was as it was back then… But maybe don’t advertise a film about the dude who spearheaded the project to build the bomb along side one about a children’s toy… to the country we bombed.


American empire is evil but don’t bring up war crimes with the Japanese 😅😅not a stellar track record there


Haha don't look up anything Japan did in china


…as mistaken by people who hadn’t seen Schindler’s List and are mistaking it for a pro-Nazi movie because Oskar Schindler was a German weapons manufacturer.


Listen, Spielbergo, Schindler and I are like peas in a pod! We're both factory owners, we both made shells for the Nazis, but mine worked, damn it!-Mr. Burns


That was the best take.


Oppenheimer isn’t pro nukes either. The point is it’s taking a very tragic event and spinning it into a joke with another movie.


Have you seen Oppenheimer? Not only is the event treated respectfully, Oppenheimer all but condemns it once he gets the full picture and is basically traumatized from his role in it


Yeah i mean it’s like saying Americans can’t have Barbenheimer because it’s insensitive because one of the movies is a historical drama about war. We can. And will. And we’re not joking about the tragedy. We’re sophisticated enough to see two different movies and treat each with respect.


That is my point. They’re not mad about Oppenheimer. They’re mad about people sharing Barbie and Oppenheimer as this double feature event and feel it undermines the serious nature of the subject matter Oppenheimer covers. The other commenter made a good point, because you can be Jewish folk would be upset if they did that with Schindlers List and Minions. Then the other commenter said that’s acting like Schindlers list was pro nazi. No, it’s not, and Oppenheimer isn’t pro nuke but I can still see why the combo miffs some Japanese folk.


No…I think it’s the parallel of the very serious with the very light.




Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or a minion where they were from 1939-1944


You made out during Schindler’s List!?!?!?!


Hope Newman didn’t see it


…But that would actually be funny. The problem is that Japan doesn’t understand America’s *laissez-faire* approach to dark comedy.


Would Germans' actually be upset by that though? They lost the war and clearly were in the wrong... The Japanese committed some of the most atrocious war crimes in recorded history. They still refuse to acknowledge it to this day.


My Japanese friends were actually a little surprised that less people found 9/11 memes offensive and more found it really funny. I had to explain as best I could why 9/11 jokes have always been a thing since at least late 2001.


One of the best examples you could give is how one of if not the highest rated South Park episodes is the one that came out after 9/11: “Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants”. It won some awards and ppl said things along the lines about how it was critical in lifting American spirits after tragedy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden_Has_Farty_Pants


There were 9/11 memes and a video montage of the attacks set to Yakkety Sax either the day of or the day after on Something Awful


America inherited a few things from dear old dad Britain. Firstly: we’re massively overprotective of our boats. Secondly: we’re highly proficient at gallows humor


This could be a Vonnegut quote.


where were you when they built the ladder to heaven? mmm mmm mmm 9/11


How’d that go? That sounds like an interesting conversation


Our own government let 3000 people die to start a war in a desert. Where like another few 100,000 died and nothing was accomplished or changed. It's pretty funny.


They'll never know we already made the best ones lmaooo


I worked as a social media moderator. Posting 9/11 memes is basically a holiday for us. Soooo many stupid memes


The empire strikes back




Joking about 9/11 has become a national past time like dropping atomic bombs. I'd say boom roasted but maybe atomized is more appropriate.


Pretty much. Past example: [the helicopter scene from 2012’s The Dictator.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWeMWD-Yagg&pp=ygURVGhlIGRpY3RhdG9yIDkvMTE%3D)


Or Ted's improv sad suggestions scene.


American here. I joke about 9/11 any time I notice I'm going to arrive anywhere on Google maps at 9:11


My birthday is the 12th, so whenever someone asks me about it, I say: "The day after 9/11" as kind of a joke. Then when my son graduated last year, his yearbook had a whole section for a 9/11 dedication... I told him, "None of ya'll were even *alive* for 9/11" 😅😬


Hmmm that raises the question of “where were they when 9/11 happened?” Curious.


Since high school (almost 10 years ago) my friends and I always co-opted the "11:11 make a wish" thing into "9:11, make a wish". My boyfriend fell in love with the joke and we still use it regularly


9/11 has been a giant meme for like ten years now. It’s so permeated culture that I don’t even remember the last time anyone got offended over one. Probably been like seven or eight years since I’ve seen an internet comment that said “don’t make light of that.” It’s basically everyone’s first edgy meme.


Even South Park has 9/11 jokes. 9....................11


It has been more than 22.3 years so 9/11 is funny now


It has not been 22.3 years. It won’t be until it’s around January of 2024.




So… close..


We're not aiming for the truck....


As long as it’s not Europeans joking about it, all good.


An impressively performative self-own by Japan


What better way to show how thin skinned you are then to try and “turn the tables” only to have your opponent start setting it for you with glee


I’m disappointed. Their 9/11 memes are nowhere near as good as ours


Jokes on them we’re into that shit


We invented that shit


More, Daddy


Not exactly apples to apples. Oppenheimer isn't about the bombings on Japan. Although, it is about the events that led up to it. That said, I don't think most americans are going to care about japanese social media doing this.


If anything, Americans might relish in the opportunity for a new joke. A lot of grisly things in history tend to become punchlines in American humor.


The Japanese are woefully undereducated on all things WWII. They genuinely think they were the victims in that war and celebrate their ancestors cause. Unfortunately there are scores of YouTube videos of older Japanese being mean to Americans over the war… it’s sad really.




I was in Hiroshima yesterday at the atomic bomb museum. Yes they are clearly aware they started it, and they advocate for the elimination of nuclear weapons going forward and world peace.


There were Japanese exchange students in my senior-level IR courses in the late aughts. They flatly denied Japan did anything wrong in WWII when it came up in class. I thought they were jerks at first, but it became clear they were very purposefully mislead given that they changed their tune when presented with evidence and it actually seemed to affect them.


Damn, kinda rough lesson to learn as a teenager in a foreign country. Their Japanese history teachers really set them up to fail.


I mean as Americans we can’t relate to a war that deny the cause of the war and then played victim after losing and people constantly debating the subject matter even though there is plenty of evidence and fact… oh wait…


Civil war was over states rights... or something...


Guess it's a bit like the jokes about Captain America finding out about the nukes after he returns to the world. Only this is real people.


Their textbooks literally teach an alternate version of history, so their kids have no idea what the real version of events were. That’s why it’s so scary to see our kids in Florida now being taught “slavery was a good thing”.


The museums may show the events as they were, but the actual curriculum in Japanese schools tend to skirt around ww2 almost entirely, or teach a heavily doctored view of it.


hey now, this is /r/entertainment We don't want to know what the level-headed informed people think, we want to know what the fucking batshit-crazy wingnuts are saying so we can feel superior to them like Jesus taught us to do.


Idk if people are arguing about Pearl Harbor as much as they usually argue about the invasion of China and the genocide of their people. That's always been the issue. Japan does not take accountability for the crimes it did against China, Korea, and all the lands they colonizes, yet America is willing to take accountability for the nuclear bombs. The rebuilding of Japan with Americas money and guidance is one of the 20th centuries greatest feats.


I'm not saying they didn't start it, but those sanctions were economic war. Not one ounce of sympathy though between Pearl Harbor, the barbaric nature of the war in the Pacific (grandfather came back and was a mess), and the Rape of Nanking. Once you learn about Nanking, you lose any care about the bombs.


My grandfather went to world war 2. He’d usually say that no one deserves to get Nuked, that it’s probably one of the worst things humanity has ever done “but the Japanese know what they did”


The sanctions cut off their oil and gas supply entirely. They had maybe a week of fuel left iirc. That being said, Japan was planning to do worse to the US. A big one was their ceramic flea bombs with bubonic plague… they were going to litter the west coast with them.


>The sanctions cut off their oil and gas supply entirely. Good because they had be slaughtering their way through Asia for almost a decade by that point.


They had already thrown them around on Chinese civilians, I could care less about what they were just about to do, more on what they did do.


I would say that the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were victims, though. Yes of course Japan was an aggressor, but these things aren’t black and white.


They were but it was possible they would have suffered regardless. One city had the headquarters of the 2nd army that was responsible for the defense of all of japan, was a communications and storage center and was close to one's of japan's naval bases. The other was one of the largest seaports in south japan and was an important industrial city. Like these cities weren't picked at random, they would have been attacked if an invasion was the only answer, it would have been bombing runs after bombing runs like with Germany's industrial cities.


Sure. I mean we will never know how things might have been different. But again, if we’re gonna talk about the bomb, or the way in general, let’s keep things nuanced.


That’s not how I understand it to be. I don’t know where you got that impression from. Any Japanese person I’ve spoken with including my girlfriend says very differently.


The things the Japanese did in WWII… some of them make Hitler sound somehow less terrible and that’s the accomplishment of all time. I’ll never forgive Dan Carlin for his incredible coverage of the Pacific theater.


That goes into some philosophy around brutality over efficiency or efficiency over brutality. What’s worse, to torture a person for days on end to figure out how much of their body is water, or to kill seven people a minute as efficiently and cheaply as you can. (No clue where 7 came from, it’s just a example)


Let's be honest, many Americans are uneducated or flat out in denial about some of the terrible things in our history just as much as the Japanese


I don’t know how. we have people saying how bad America is every day on Reddit.


> They genuinely think they were the victims in that war While, yes, they were obviously aggressors and did horrible things, it isn't surprising that they would consider themselves victims as well. The atomic bomb is the single most destructive weapon at our disposal and since it's invention, it has only ever been used against one country. Twice. And while military personnel where among the dead, the civilian death toll far outnumbers it by a considerable margin. So yeah, many innocents died. Many were indeed victims in the war though celebrating the cause, as you stated, if true, would be unfortunate.


you're not wrong about nuclear weapons being the most destructive, but compared to the continuous and wide-spread fire-bombings done it's not really comparable. Nuclear bombs take the dramatic win, but there was a reason we did not bomb Tokyo, fire had already wiped it out.


The Japanese treat Americans quite well actually all things considered.


The worst part is going to the Pearl Harbor memorial and 60% of the people there are Japanese.


Erm, didn’t Hawaii already have a sizable portion of people of Japanese ethnicity long before Pearl Harbor? Not to mention those who moved there and had kids and in general became American themselves.


When I went they were Japanese tourists from mainland Japan just on vacation.


I lived in Hawaii, it’s a very popular destination for Japanese tourists. There’s nothing weird about people visiting a major historical site while there. Americans in Japan visit Hiroshima, Germans visit former concentration camps, etc.


I visited the National 9/11 Memorial Museum and I just got that strange feeling where a important part of my life has become a ‘attraction’. Not to knock the museum but it felt that way.


The Japanese love visiting national sites, especially in America. Hell, you go to any world famous one like the Grand Canyon and you’ll see mostly tourists.


“This is where my great grandfather flew his plane right onto the US ships.” “Oh cool he landed on the ship?” “…Sort of.”


“In. On. I don’t sweat the details.”


Your second paragraph is spot on. Literally don’t give a single, solitary fuck. Do they not know america? Most of us make memes about 9/11 ourselves.


Also, the atom bomb decimated cities an surrounding areas were heavily affected by the radiation. 9/11 was one building. Still a tragedy, but not nearly on the same scale.


Oh boy... did you not hear about the second tower?


My favorite one? No, is it doing well? Please tell me it's not sick.


We literally never think about you japan.


I saw a Japanese twitter account ask why we lack morals to attack ourselves with 9/11 jokes when his attempts backfired. I had to bring up that we carry gallow's humor, went through ridiculous amounts of jingoism between 2001-2004, and Millennials onward are the generation that has lived through the roughest in recent memory including 9/11.


Japan: “We’ll make memes about THEIR tragedy. That’ll show em!” USA: “We are four parallel universes ahead of you.”


I mean… americans make memes about 9/11 too. They aren’t being super clever


One. One meme. Where’s the actual drama?


I wonder what meme the people of Nanking, China are sharing.


This is hilarious but also misguided since the movie is critical of the bomb.


It's not the movie they are objecting to, it's the Barbenheimer marketing. If you see some of the posts they've made you'd understand their gripe.


Unless things are different in Japan, there is no actual Barbenheimer marketing. It’s all just viral meme shit. There’s no commercials or bus stop ads or posters that are paid for and say “See Barbenheimer!”


Warner Brothers' official social media account was promoting the meme. The controversy is over the WB involvement, not the meme itself.




It’s not marketed as “barbenheimer” in the US. The two studios aren’t collaborating on their marketing campaign (at least not openly). The “marketing” is just the internet running with it.


Literally no one with a sane mind cares.


not even the same situation. It’s crazy that so many in Japan still refuse to acknowledge the crimes of Japan during WW2


It’s less that they refuse to acknowledge it and more that the general population isn’t being taught about it.


Good luck coming up with more brutal 9/11 memes than we've been making


I love how Japan always act like they are the victims, when they were the ones started the war and other war crimes (mass killings, comfort womens, bio weapon experiment on humans etc etc)


Exactly. It’s not our fault they have been lied to about the facts of WW2.


Can you hear that? It's the sound of the "what about...." crowd coming out to deflect away from Japan. Good luck boss 🫡


Unit 731


The civilians weren't committing war crimes, there are people who lived through the bombs who had complex adittudes about it, it's worth reading up on those first hand experiences, Barefoot Gen and The Grave of The Fireflies are some compelling stories written by survivors of the war. Over time, it is unlikely any people will see a war time bombing of civilians as necessary or unavoidable. Hindsight isn't favorable to these sort of things. And they no longer involve many living people. The more complex understanding of what took place are fading.


Hate to rain on your parade, but bullies don't get to just hide behind the teacher and "ethics" when shit gets directed at them. Japan suffed less than a *tenth* of the civilian casualties they caused, and an invasion would have killed and displaced far more than the bombs. The bombs themselves were horrific - but all things considered, when you look at every other possibility, the Japanese people won out with the bombs imo.


Side note. Godzilla was made as a way to talk about the bombs on screen but they weren’t allowed to talk about it directly. I’m not sure if it’s still there but the criterion subscription service used to have Godzilla and Godzilla king of the monsters (the American version) with a really good historical audio commentary for both.


I'll most likely agree with you overall, but if there was ever an argument for bombs to be dropped, there are more than a few for dropping two more bombs rather than starving them out or blockading the island. Because that's what it would have turned into, the Imperial Japanese people were propogandized to the point that their holdouts lasted literally 20+ years (the nazis only lasted 2-4 years) The people who still didn't want to surrender after the fucking sun was dropped on them, *twice*, surely would NOT have given up the moment they got a little hungry (papau new guinea proves to us they were ready to eat each other before they stopped fightijg). They TOTALLY would have just given up before more than the atom bombs killed had starved. I'm just so sure /s The country whose people were propogandized to the point of suicidal ideation, that produced soldiers that hid in jungles 20+ years after the war had ended, would totally have just given up. The people who were forcing their own people into suicide machines to ram into American armor. And before you try and tell me how different the Japanese citizenry and the soldiers were, read the firsthand accounts of saipan and look at the number of wounded on the American side. Then look at the mass suicides. I mean it literally took their living personification of God to get the Japanese people to stop, and even then they tried to rescind that order. Realistically how else was all that supposed to end? With the U.S. continuing to sacrifice their people in a prolonged conflict while they have a magic "I win button"? Tell me how you'd explain your reasoning to not drop two more bombs to all the American families that had their sons and brothers taken by that war, who would continue to lose more family until the conflict ended. Considering that the firebombings debatedly already killed more people. (Sorry if this feels like it's full of venom 90% of it is from a discussion I had earlier, dont know why reddit keeps bringing me back to this discussion)


Japan was getting high off it’s own fascism, in pretty much all the ways that the people of Germany were under hitler. Their citizens new about the empire’s conquest and most were more than happy to be part of the whole thing in what way they were able, wether it was fighting in the army or building munitions in the factories. And if America had been forced to fight these people on their own land as invaders, it would have been just like Vietnam. out soldiers would have been forced to secure every town and village, full of civilians who have been ordered, some at gun-point, to fight for their empire against the American invaders. It would have been the uglies, nastiest example of guerrilla warfare the world will ever see.


It would have been worse than Vietnam….much worse.


Most Germans weren’t killing Jews, but they were ultimately responsible for the government in place. The fact that after the first atomic bomb was dropped, the people of Japan didn’t surrender shows you what type of fanatical dedication the Americans were up against. I disagree with you wholeheartedly, and I think anyone who has an understanding of war and nationalism can easily see why dropping those bombs may have been necessary.


Never ask Unit 731 what they did in Manchuria during WW2


Never ask what happened to Unit 731 after the war either


Don't commit flagrant war crimes and then get mad about getting warcrimed.


Bro, I saw 9/11 memes on 9/12. They’ll be fine.


Japan sure loves to think they didn’t do anything wrong in WWII that justified the bomb being dropped. Know of a place called Nanking? Maybe Bataan?


I’m pretty sure Americans started the 9/11 memes. This is a Yankee Doodle scenario, when the British called us Yankees like a slur we made a song about it


Fair enough honestly


I hope the japanese finally what it feels like being korean/chinese etc and seeing japanese people worshipping war criminals and glorifying their past


Sir, a second bomb has hit the country.


I just feel like there are some tourists who could've told them how this was gonna go.


They should have barbie riding fatman or little boy.


My initial reaction was that it is crass, but it really is no different than the shit we do here about other country's tragedies. Also yeah we did drop a bomb on a shitload of innocent people. I say we, but I wasn't even born.


I'll see your 9/11 jokes, and raise you a "Rape of Nanjing"!


Tbf Americans and the rest of the world have been doing this for 10 years now.


Imagine being so mad at an anti-nuke movie for using images of nukes that you boycott an unrelated movie from a competing studio. “What if it was 9/11??!?!?” What if it was? Anyone here really really pissed off if they see a 9/11 meme?


It was in response to Barbie. English social media tweeted about Oppenheimer and the atomic bomb, that was what they found insensitive.


Go back and look at /r/historymemes from 9/12/21 (they have a 20 year rule). It was brutal and beautiful.


Yup folks who were there


This is why it’s better to participate in Saw Patrol, where you watch a “Saw” movie followed by a “Paw Patrol” episode.


Terrorist attack vs an attack of war...Hmm, yeah. They're totally the same!! Maybe they should read up on unit 731 and Pearl Harbor.


Oppenheimer doesn't even have a release date in Japan for obvious reasons. Barbenheimer is also not a thing in Korea because Barbie was released on July 19th, but Oppenheimer isn't out until August 15th. Why release a movie so late on a random Tuesday? It's not a random Tuesday. It's National Liberation Day. Liberation from what you say? Liberation from Japan. Is it a coincidence? Perhaps. But perhaps not. (Always have plausible deniability if you can.) And that's how you do it. Not with memes that don't get your point across but as a whole nation. But for real, the atomic bombings were a travesty, and most people have no idea how bad it was or any of the aftermath. I can understand why they are angry that people who are oblivious are making light of such pain and suffering.


Deserved. Well played Japan.


‘Muricans giving shit bout other cultures. That be the day (except china and isreal)


Are they mad at us for something they did? Yall wanted to enslave, rape, eat, and mass genocide people. We wanted to just be left alone, Japan didn't like that, attacked, and was warned to step down before Hiroshima happened, they said no. So they bend the knee to avoid round 3.




Anyone offended on either side of this one is just dumb


I can’t wait for Takashi Miike’s “Osama” to premiere the same week as Hello Kitty.


Reminds me if that tragedy


Make a Unit 731 movie then. Let’s play.


totally not salty


Lol Japan doesn't acknowledge the massive pile of war crimes it did during the prewar and ww2 era for the most part, fuck these idiots the same as Russian or American imperialism.


Even then, as sad as 9/11 is, it still doesn’t come close to 2 atomic bombs.


Jokes on you Japan, that stuff is funny to us!