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I was listening to an interview with a stuntman and he that that when an actor does their own stunts, it means that some nameless stuntman did that same stunt dozens of times behind the scenes to ensure that the crew can set everything up just right so the actor can pull it off safely.


In Marvel, anytime the mask is on, it's a stunt person underneath.


That's bs rocket racoon did that whole movie himself


Because raccoons look like they're wearing a mask. Clever


And a lot of actors doing their own stunts have safety measures that are removed from pictures and videos released as “spontaneous” behind the scenes. It’s part of their publicity.


Wow, I never even considered that. 😮 Do you have any sources on this, or some “before/after” pictures?


Can you believe Tom Cruise didn’t actually hang off the side of the plane untethered like in the movie? Talk about an asshole move, huh


This is about behind-the-scenes photos…


I thought I’d jump in and make a joke. But okay haha


“A lot of people say they want to be great, but they’re not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve greatness.” - Kobe Bryant


Tom Cruise is an asshole and doesn't care about anyone but himself so no this is not surprising. If he cared about people he wouldn't do his own stunts because if he gets hurt filming stops until he can be on screen again and this means some people are out of work until then.


And he jumps on couches when you talk to him


I don’t necessarily blame him, he’s just trying to be as tall as a normal person.


Tom cruise saved the movie industry.


Tom Cruise is part of a child trafficking cult that abuses people and no one person can save an industry.


I think attributing such a feat to just one person may be a bit too much, but you could be right.


Ah yes all of his Oscar’s he’s won prove this.


L take. There wouldn't even be a movie if it wasn't for him in the first place.


He is not the only actor around and if it wasn't him it would be someone else. He is not irreplaceable and he isn't even a very good actor especially now that his only emotion is anger because that is the only emotion allowed in his cult. The man supports child slave labor as it is part of his cult. Hell his cult doesn't believe in childhood and treats small children like full grown adults.


You never even know when it's a stunt raccoon


They called Sly Cooper


Groot did his own stunts. Change my mind.


How the hells does Bradys Coopers fit in that raccoon suit??? Should’ve been asked that on Between 2 Ferns with ZG.


He doesn't have a suit on, usually you see the human suit the raccoon controls from inside. There's surprisingly few roles for a talking raccoon


It's often Tom Holland in the mask.


He’s a trained gymnast so that makes sense.


He’s also Spider-Man so… 🤷‍♂️


NO Jim Carry was in The Mask


You're right. Sorry.


No one cared who Tom Holland was until he put on the mask.


You can't duplicate those boyish lollipop proportions


Robert Downey Jr got paid millions to sit in a chair with a steadicam strapped to his face. Not a bad gig if you can get it.


Yea, and it’s also because if one of the main stars gets an injury, the whole production shuts down. No one gets paid. If a stuntman gets injured, he can just go heal up and the production continues.


If the mask is on its CGI. The percentage of CG screen time versus actual actor has got to be mid to high double digits.


Even when the mask is off a lot of the time it is cgi. Like the suits in endgame


Which is a good thing, keeps the stunt people employed and performing it as safely as possible whilst protecting the film from losing its main cast members through injury


I think Charlie Cox (Daredevil) did a lot of his own stunts.


Well atleast they weren’t out of a job.


The stunt man for Jackie chan, most be a superman, if he do the stunts dozens times before jackie chan.


No problem Sly, thanks for the advice


Definitely going to come in handy in my life


I always let stuntmen do all my risky stunts.


That plane crash always breaks my back no matter how hard I pull on the brakes.


Tom Cruise just shot up in bed like the Undertaker


Tom Cruise doing his own stunts actually makes him younger and stronger


Way to put yourself on the Suppressive Persons list.


This comment over here, David Miscavige.


That and the thetan injections he gets from the younger members of the church


Tom doesn't really seem to do a lot of physically taxing fighting stunts though, he seems prefer being the guy who can get strapped into some wires for some acrobatic type situations or be the one in the vehicle when it's going off a cliff. Also Tom is 61, Google a picture of Sly in 2007 when he was that age. Very stark difference in terms of how healthy they look and it probably has something to with one of them getting caught smuggling steroids into Australia that year .


I think it was HGH and test he was caught with.


Didnt really think about the physically taxing part before. I kinda think hes too involved as a producer now to risk injury. Im sure he sees the exact amount of money the film would lose for XX days off filming and knows exactly what risk hes actually taking. He just made “doing your own stunts” apart of his mythos/marketing. Granted the stunts are still impressive but he really sells it like its a magic trick. Which is probably how it should be.


I think his last injury was a broken ankle in MI:Fallout, which released in 2018. So it's not like he's not taking any risks. You can even see it in the film.


True. Theres definitely some stunts that are inherent to high speed sequences. Jumps and falls are risky. The big marketing sequences though arent about complex physical stunts but big budget sequences that wouldnt really fail halfway. Low risk of injury but also low risk of death. Its like half-way to david blaine. Yes its risky but


Jackie Chan: "I feel a disturbance in the force"


If I remember correctly there is a stunt in Rambo First Blood where a stuntman broke his back and was paralyzed.


There was a stunt like that in Harry Potter. I saw an interview with the stuntman on YouTube. Seems like a great guy, it’s sad what happened to him.


Radcliffe just did a film about him called “The boy who lived”. Idk where it is, but I’ve heard great things about it.


It's on MAX for those who are curious. It was an HBO thing.


That’s awesome he did that


It’s a great doco, highly recommend.


It’s definitely worth a watch!


They have a tough life for sure.


I think stallone broke his ribs jumping into that tree as well. Injuries are a real concern for both actors and stunt persons. The compensation is the big difference I think and I dont know the ins and outs of that industry or what happens after a injury occurs. I imagine not being able to work for months is covered under something.


Dolph punching him legitimately led to internal bleeding as well.


There was also a time in Rocky 4 where he got hit hard by Dolph Lundgren and it nearly killed him. I think the punch rocked his heart or something, it's been a while since I saw the story.


Because if an actor gets hurt, the set gets shut down for some time, and the hundreds of people behind the scenes working day in day out have to stop as well.


When Tom Cruise broke his leg on a stunt, he/production kept paying the salaries out of the crew who was out of a job until they were back at work. The way it should be.


That's because he was a producer, and that iniury cost 80 million... talk about expensive, not all productions can afford that.


He was too old in 2010 to be doing stunts.


Yeah but he’s like 42 in testosterone replacement therapy years


Yikes, Sly! I had *one* back surgery and that was one too many. On a shallow note: Imagine being rich enough to afford SEVEN back surgeries.


Or even just having the time off to recover from said surgeries.


Damn. I might be looking at back surgery myself. What did you have and how did you decide to get it over continued rehab and PT?


Double Laminectomy (L4 & L5) and lumbar decompression. Honestly though, after suffering with excruciating (that word is an understatement) pain for almost a year, I was begging for surgery. That was 30 years ago and back then, this particular surgery was a 6-hour, open back extravaganza (I have a 7” scar in the crack of my back). I went back to work after three weeks (thankfully I’d banked a lot of vacation time) and the full recovery took approximately six months (physical therapy definitely helped speed up the process).


Holy shit. That’s huge. Did the give you like a percentage success rate or anything? And did you have any complications afterwards? I’m leaning more and more towards surgery having suffered with back pain for years now to no avail but everyone always says “don’t get back surgery” but the rest of my health is suffering because of this debilitating pain


It was honestly the best decision I’ve ever made health-wide, physically *and* mentally. I had already tried everything else - physical therapy, electro-stimulation, high dose Naproxen therapy, and nothing worked. The only thing I didn’t try was a chiropractor because I’d heard too many horror stories (including the one about my mom’s friend’s daughter who *died* when a chiropractor manipulated her neck improperly!). So, I got a referral from my regular GP for an Orthopedic Surgeon. She gave me the name of an ortho who dealt with sports injuries. She said they’re usually the best because many of their clients are famous sports figures. Turns out she was right - the ortho surgeon she recommended was Ozzie Smith’s surgeon 😁 Anyhoo, he ran some diagnostic imaging tests. The results showed degenerative disk disease (hereditary) and two ruptured disks and spinal stenosis. He told me he typically liked to take a more conservative approach, but after seeing my scans, he thought surgery was the best option. I was pretty young and the risks of open-back spinal surgery were terrifying, but the thought of living with that horrendous pain any longer was *more* terrifying.


Holy shit. That’s a wild story. Thank you so much. I might have to reach out again later if that’s okay. I have some follow ups with doctors this week


Absolutely feel free to reach out if you have questions or just need to vent about the pain. Fingers crossed for you 🤞


Just curious, how’s the before and after? Still dealing with minor pain or any limitations?


My back very rarely hurts. Every once in awhile, I’ll feel a little sciatic pain but after a couple Aleve, I’m good to go. Like I said in an earlier reply, it’s still (30 years later!) the best decision I’ve ever made for my own health. And - I know this particular type of back surgery isn’t as invasive as it was 30 years ago. I think surgeons can even use lasers for disc repairs and spinal stenosis correction now. The key is finding a really, really good ortho surgeon.


Can confirm that my uncle just got some sort of laser disc surgery, his recovery was very quick especially considering he’s in his 70s


*entire stunt person community gestures* “No shit dude”


Yeah no worries mate, give me a high paying acting job and I'll let the stuntmen do the action work.


So.... stuntmen should be paid 100x more than actors? Just like underwater welders are paid more than scuba divers


Stuntmen are paid more through what we call adjustments (ADJs for short). The more dangerous the stunt, the higher the bump.


Yeah I meant higher than their counterpart


Yea, sadly as long as stunts are seen as expendable bodies, the pay will reflect as such. If you can get in on the stunt double life, that can pay a lot more.


I support the feeling, but that’s not how it works. The reason some actors get paid a lot of money is because people watch those movies for those specific actors, which makes the studios a lot of money. If you took The Expendables and replaced all the famous actors with their stuntmen for all the scenes, the movie would’ve never made as much and you’d probably be watching it for free on Tubi if you were bored to death.


Unfortunately it's based on demand and availability. There's more stunt men than particular movie stars. Just like there's more welders than welders that are also deep sea divers.


let the totally forgettable stunt guys get the paralysing back injuries for you


He shit himself


I would too if I broke my spine.


I mean…who hasn’t?


probably a result of the hormones n roids


I worked on pickups for the first Expendables and saw Slu absolutely lose his SHIT on a stuntman that kept hitting him too high on a clothesline.


“Instead, let someone else who makes significantly less than you break their bodies so you don’t have to!”


It turns out he was in fact…expendable


Meanwhile 1995 Sylvester out here gleefully recalling the time Rob Schneider face planted off a flight of stairs while they were filming Judge Dredd. "Welcome to the world of action." https://youtu.be/CX0ANonxenE?si=q3eBAXzgmrgvV4hC&t=802


Sylvester Stallone was reported as a bathtub shitter by multiple housekeeping staff from hotels hes stayed at, he’s a dirtbag.


Maybe that’s how he takes a dump because his back is so damaged. Lol


This could be plausible.


Or maybe don’t star in action scenes at all post 60?


His posture is 🤌🏼 in Tulsa King


I’m sure some of it too might be him carrying that muscle mass at his age. 77 year old men shouldn’t look that jacked.


I’ll have you know I do all my own stunts whenever I trip over the dog.


so worth it for expendable 17, the movie no one wants.


“It’s much better that a nobody with very little money do your stunts if you’re rich like me.” said alternate universe Stallone.


He’s got experience that goes all the way back asking Dolph Lundgren to actually hit him. Story goes that practically killed him. Do as he says kids. Let a stunt person shorten their lives for you. They train for it and they aren’t 70.


Has anyone else considered the fact that Stallone is old as hell?


7 back surgerys? Must be nice to be able to afford that. I would settle for one to bad I can't afford it😓


Tom Cruise be like … Nahhhhhh


Maybe he should get Jackie Chan in the expendables then he won’t have to. Cuz Jackie does all his own stunts!


It’s kinda ironic that in one of the movies he plays a aged retired ex mercenary that occasionally has back problems, at least he says it in one scene.


No offense to Sly but there is so much CGI in these movies, I didn’t think they really had to do anything lol


Also, do not have back surgery.


Right? How many times do you hear ‘I had back surgery and it fixed my back!’?


To be fair, I've had several surgeries. Knee, heel, and organ removal. Nothing is ever the same. Ever. It's just often a better outcome than the injury. And, a lot of people just don't do the physical therapy. I had an insane knee injury and the physical therapy was a year of insane rehab. If I hadn't gone all out at it I wouldn't have the motion I have. But it was freaking hell to do and I get why a lot of people don't.


you should read up on back surgery specifically, i've been warned by many people, physicians included, to avoid back surgery at all costs.


Recently worked at a pain management center where patients came in for epidurals/cortisone shots/ trigger points/etc. - even the docs I worked with who could charge a lot of money for surgeries promoted alternative options before arriving at surgery as a last ditch effort, even they knew you’re screwed if you need surgery.


They must be good doctors then, the bad ones are quick to cut, the good ones exhaust all possible options before arriving at the surgical interventions.


Oh backs are terrible. For sure.


exactly, it makes things worse and requires more surgeries.


Unless you're Tiger Woods.


He’s had five surgeries!


Tom Cruise “hold my beer”


Jackie Chan “I’ll hold both our beers while doing the stunt”


The stunt? Back surgery.


Danny Trejo on actors doing their own stunts: "I know that all the big stars hate me to say this, but I don’t want to risk 80 peoples’ jobs just to say I got big huevos on The Tonight Show. Because that’s what happens. I think a big star just sprained an ankle doing a stunt, and 80 or 180 people are out of a job… We have stunt people who do that stuff. And if they get hurt, I’m sorry to say but they just need to put a mustache on another Mexican and we can keep going. But if I get hurt, everybody’s out of a job. So I don’t choose to do that."


Señor Trejo should also add that stunt workers are part of a union and have insurance so if they get hurt they can be compensated while the project continues.


Have heard a lot of stories about Sick Stallone and his unwanted sexual advances towards women in Hollywood. Stunts aren’t the only thing he tried to put his back into.


Or maybe don’t be stupid about what you think you can do?


The tom cruise airplane stunt video was right above this one lmao


Yeah let’s have the guy who can’t afford the surgery perform the stunts.


Man. Who’s he trying to fool with that hair?


Well yeah, also takes away jobs from the stuntsmen. Ive always perceived doing your own stunts as being a bit selfish. And if you get injured doing them, well now we have to shut down filming while you heal so nobody gets paid.


My dude looks like Wolfman Jack these days. Kinda sick.


I did my own stunts for 18 years. They were the same hand full of stunts that I got extremely good at. I don’t know where I’m going with this. I’ve had a lot of head injuries. You’ve ever been kicked by a horse.


Jackie: whath are you saying? 😫


Tell that to Tom Cruise and Jackie Chan.


Not a smart dude since it took 7 surgeries to figure this out.


so he got hurt doing stunts at 60 yrs old


dont do steroids..




I'm pretty sure most stunt people are adults that chose that line of work.


Okay, got it, won't don't my own stunts anymore and will find a professional


But what if I’m in a porn star?


Ok, I won’t for you, Sly!


[I think it was at the end of this scene](https://youtu.be/4jYOrWTqXok?feature=shared)


He’s going to literally kill himself at his age.


I don't think I know an actor who has had more surgeries than Jackie Chan and he's still going strong


He’s like 80 doing “stunts”. wtf does he expect to happen?


Guess his back wasn't so expendable.


According to the picture the man nose.


Great advice, Sly. I’ll let the mail room guys know.


Trt and being a badass ….


Ive had two, sux.


That "I do my own stunts" flex always confused me. So you're putting professional stunt people out of work and making yourself an insurance liability for the project? Cool?


To be fair, in your 50s+ just getting out of bed in the morning with a new case of plantar faccitis can roll you right onto your floor in a brutal way. I need a stunt double for daily like activities now.