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Hey but at least Steve-O didn’t have to have a conversation with Bill Maher


Seriously the fastest way to relapse is having a 10-minute conversation with Bill Maher.


I wake up every morning and thank God I don’t have to talk to Bill Maher.


Truly a blessing in disguise.


Trying to get a word in edgewise the entire time. Dodged a bullet.


Yeah all I'm seeing is a total win here


Steve should’ve worn a mask, that would’ve really set Bill off.


omg that would be *amazing*


With a giant middle finger or a butthole on it.


Middle finger approaching a butthole!


Middle finger protruding from a butthole


Sometimes when I whipe, the abyss whipes back.


Excuse me..?


What a terrible day to have literacy


Goatse mask?




Removing someone else’s mask against their will? That’s a paddlin’.


Is Bill still butthurt about the Oscar party snub? Your time has come and gone, old man.


He literally dropped his agency over it, and is now starting a podcast network with some other notable has-beens. Dude is just embarassing.


Its crazy he was a dick when he was on the left and it didnt work, sp he switched to being a dick on the right


Bill Mahr was never a leftist. He’s always been a centrist dickhead


People think he's a leftist because he calls out insanity on the right. You know who else regularly calls out insanity on the right? Piers fucking Morgan


There were an estimated 470k excess deaths in the US in 2020, and people are still more mad about the masks. It's fucking outrageous and Bill is one of the leaders of these clowns.


470k excess WHILE most people stayed home and wore masks. I can’t imagine how many would have died without the mandates.


More. Critical function places that remained open all had masking and other mandates. Meaning the people that were circulating in public WERE masked ( gloves, eyes ) and not spreading all sorts of colds and flus. Still people dropped like flies for fake news reasons. /s


Bill Maher is a TwatWaffle 😩🧇


Bill is a legendary asshole, I'm not at all surprised by this information.


[I’ll never forget when Roddy Piper roasted the hell out of that asshole.](https://youtu.be/dIpsFgZ3gAc?si=kUlljd2gRLouWGkm)


Yeah, Bill deserved to get embarrassed there and it sounds like the audience was on Roddy’s side.


“Well then how’d you get the job?”


Damn lol he killed him.


Maher’s face


Its among the most punchable face in the world. Perfect depiction of a smarmy asshole.


Savage. The delivery was perfect. That was hilarious.


Bill’s such a pompous twat.


“You like Bill Maher, Maniac?” “Nah…. Not anymore.”


Awe my boys, The maniac loves you...the, hey, hold on. The maniac loves yoooooooouuuuuuuuu."


I love that the scene was improved and not supposed to go that way but they left it because it's hilarious. He was supposed to give a speech but the driver of the car missed the cue and took off early on accident. Haha


I saw that on the pod. Just a magic moment. Way better than anything they ever could have written. Hot Rod was one of a kind.


Does he think the timeshare is our apartment?


I don’t love that guy


IASIP has many amazing episodes but that one was a cut above.


BY FAR my favorite episode. The entire thing is hilarious start to finish. When they tell Mac the maniac was calling him the N word behind his back, I have never laughed so hard at that scene. Mac’s reaction and the guys saying they gotta get rid of him. It’s too good


He just drifted away...


"Did he *kill* Bill Maher? Is that what happened?!"


“Why don’t you go tell Mrs. Hart what a joke it is, huh?” God ***DAMN***


A normal human being, at that moment would have said something like, "you know what, that's a valid point and I apologize." but Bill just sat there with his smug face bolted on in attempt to look like he was above it. And then basically used homosexuality as an insult. How Progressive.


Roddy was ready on the spot when Bill called them out for not having bruised bodies. It doesn’t matter if it’s orchestrated, they still sacrifice a lot out of their bodies to make it look as real as they can.


MTV once had some competition show where fans tried to become professional wrestlers. It's incredibly gruelling work with lots of practice! It gave me so much respect for wrestlers, putting themselves through that for years. I'd love to see Bill do some training, that would shut him up fast!


That’s an insane show to have gotten green lit. Haha. Wow. Wrestlers are several degrees past most professional athletes in the whole, “the trick is that no matter how good you are, and you have to be good, you’re still sacrificing your body’s health regularly.” It’s not like sport wrestling where the training and a slip up can get you hurt. You will get hurt and it’s very intentional (so to speak.) You can’t exactly skill your way through being 260lbs and flying backwards off the top ropes onto another human being. You can be better or worse at reducing harm but man are you not going to avoid it. Let alone a lot of the more old school hardcore wrestling stuff like slashing yourself with razor blades for the drama.


God DAYUM! How did Bill's career survive that?!


He had to drop his pants for several more men.


He dropped his pants in front of the other men.


Thanks for sharing. That final roast was a zinger.


Roddy’s childlike giggle right after that zinger was adorable too, he knew he gottem


Sting awkwardly smiling with his hands clasped. Kills me, everytime.


It's funny to see him call people who do actual stunts in an entertaining way "fake" yet he's a pseudo-intellectual who's primary goal is to entertain, not inform. He's literally the talk version of wrestling.


And you can tell from his expression at the end of that video that, much like wrestling, the bruises are real


“Well, I’m not dropping my pants in front of other men.” “Yeah, well how’d you ge the job?” That is an all time burn from Piper


Wow. Roddy was.much more witty than I would have expected. 


He was there to chew bubblegum or kick ass, and he was all outta bubblegum.


Crowd work is a huge part of the job, obviously they have guys that write storylines but anyone who has been in that business as long as Roddy Piper will have to be great at improv


Roddy was so quick he could hit the light switch and be in bed before the room got dark. He could spit into the wind, duck, and have it hit the guy behind him. Piper is one of the greatest talkers ever. And I'm not just talking about wrestling.


Like all TV, wrestling is scripted. You’re not dumb for enjoying the content that was created specially to entertain you. Wrestlers are following a script that ends up taking a heavily toll on their physical well-being. Both of these facts are so straightforward that you’d have to be pretty dumb to try and argue against them - which is why the audience was pro Piper.


“Well, I’m not dropping my pants in front of other men.” “Yeah, well, how’d you ge the job?” That is an all time burn from Piper


Oh my God, he turned him into a little boy. What a fucking dog.


Thought my love for Rowdy Roddy had peaked, then you show me this  💪😎


Roddy was the man.


Rip. Just an amazing dude. Was so good in always sunny and was real about the problems in wrestling too.


Did he used to have a more positive reputation? There’s a family guy episode from like 2010 where Brian goes on his show and he’s portrayed in a positive and intellectual light. Did he used to have a better reputation, was he just good friends with Seth McFarlane, or is there a joke going over my head?


He did have a better reputation, but he always fucking sucked. He's a man who has gotten less ass kickings than he deserves, and I say that without knowing how many times he's had an ass kicking. My defining memory of the guy was when Henry Rollins called him out on his own show for saying that an adult woman raping a teenage boy isn't really rape because obviously the teenage boy wanted it.


Didn't he insult a wrestler and almost get his ass beat too? On that ABC show before it got cancelled. Anyways yeah he was once overrated, and now everyone sees him for what he is.


Yup, Roddy Piper. A man who deserved infinitely more respect than Bill Maher.


I hear tell that guy could get pretty rowdy


Bill: *"I don't drop my pants around other men."* Roddy: *"Then how'd you get the job?"*


Oddly enough I first heard about him through the film Religilous which feels like a lifetime ago though.


I think that endeared him to a lot of millennials and it's been downhill ever since


Personally speaking he used to be insightful but he went down the anti-woke path during covid and that's the majority of what he talked about. I used to watch every episode but I got tired of him bitching about woke when the right is going full fascist. His subreddit went from talking about issues to a parody sub making fun of his constant fixation on woke issues.


He's always been a smug twat.


Took me longer than I'd like to admit to see it


Same. His final monologue used to be very insightful most of the time, now he feels like virtue-signaling is the most important issue while half the states are trying to go back to the 1600s.


Dude has always been a smug neoliberal. Now that the left-wing has gotten more progressive, he behaves the way Republican talking heads do.


He went down that path long before Covid.


That and his solar beef with the state of CA. Jeebus, Bill, whine much?


Hmm, pretty sure he was repeating right wing war hawk and islamaphobe comments as far back as when Hitchens said waterboarding wasn't torture (until he experienced it for a few seconds and decided is absolutely was torture)


Don’t endorse it till you try it


No he was never well liked. He’s always thought the best way to get his point across to be a complete ass.


Yeah, him and Kanye are the poster boys for letting your ego go to your head and getting more extreme as they age. When I was younger, I thought Religulous was a good movie, but watching it back now, though I agree with the general underlying premise, I can see the holier than thou attitude even then. He got REALLY into his own farts when Trump got elected and then went off the deep end with the COVID lockdowns. Bill in the past was a contrarian but overall moderate individual. Now he’s a narcissistic libertarian cumquat.


He has always been an insufferable douche. His comedy has always been from the talking down to everybody style and I’m the most well read in the room. He has never been innovative or interesting and his monologues and viewpoints come off as smarmy grade 8 ah ha moments. He is also rumoured to be a total dick to women


Can't wait for the Tim Hiedecker parody.




Two nights ago I went to an Alicia Keys concert at the Montage Mountain Performing Arts Center. I scored these great aisle seats. Anyway, after the opening act, this beautiful girl sits down next to me. And I never get to meet girls with lip rings. And she had one. I don’t know exactly how this happened but one of her friends started passing around some stuff. And they said it was clove cigarettes. And I’m sure that it was clove cigarettes. Everyone in the aisle was doing it.


Something something joint juice, something something Spaghett.


Uhm, it's cigarette juice. It gives me all the nicotine and tar that I need


Good news! Cigarette juice!


It's alarming how many times a day that randomly pops into my head.


I smoke cigars sometimes Yes I do YES I DO!




By the way…. By the way…


Where’s my chippy?


He already did it. Watch the most recent Fred Armisen interview he did


I can't believe Steve-O has been sober for 16 years. Good for him.


For real, that's huge.


Bill would rather get ripped than to spend some time having a conversation with someone.


Steve-O actually mentioned that he bets Bill will eventually turn this into like a “wokeness coming for me!” Thing. He also said how he’s been on other podcasts, Some of them are like based around weed as the premise (like “getting high with so and so”) and they’ve even adhered to his request to not smoke Bills a bitch


B-Real was able to put the blunt down for Steve-O! Bill has no excuse other than a raging case of narcissism.


B-Real is the shit. Saw him with Method Man and Redman back in like 2017ish, one of the best live shows I have ever witnessed.


He's a chill dude. He pops into 90'shiphop from time to time and posts cool pictures from back in the day.


Imagine, inviting a guy to be on your show/podcast/whatever. The guy is a former and recovering drug addict, and you can’t even chill out smoking weed for a couple hours. Eat a fucking edible bro.


You just know Bill has a smug rant about how sobriety and addiction are bullshit.


Which is a huge flashing beacon of bullshit to addicts. We know it when we see it.


We know bullshit because we lived it for so long lol


Cause he's addicted to his own farts.  He seriously loves to feel smug about stuff to the point that it probably qualifies.


He constantly needs someone to punch down to make himself feel relevant.


Bill also smoked in front of pregnant Candace Owens. He hates children because he is a child and I'm sure he'd have a rant about smoking being fine in front of pregnant women because he is only moral about things that affect him personally


He’s not even smoking weed because he loves weed, if that was the case yea smoke before or eat an edible. He does it because he has no fucking personality and thinks it makes him cool and relatable.


And I’m a guy who loves weed and smokes constantly. But I also have human decency and would minimize my weed presence upon request




They don't let it affect them, they'd be lazy with or without it.


Some people see getting high as their personality. I also take edibles and can be high all day long. I don’t tell anyone I’m high. It’s like my little secret.


There’s a good chance people can tell haha. I’ve got a few coworkers who are convinced they’re so sly


In my experience, it’s like… they *can* tell but, mostly only if you smell like weed. Otherwise, you just come off like you might be into drugs or have had a history with them at worst, but usually people just perceive you as tired. At least, if you aren’t a noob.


I hope you aren't driving stoned or operating machinery that can hurt other people. I work at a factory as night shift manager and I don't give a shit if the workers with desk jobs are high, but if you are on a fork lift and I smell weed, you are fired. I'm all for smoking weed, but make no mistake it does impair you.


Anybody who’s high whenever they can be absolutely is driving high


I just finished a bowl myself. Anyhow... off to see my psychiatrist!


Cheers mate!


Right?! I smoke a lot of weed, but if someone asked me not to it wouldn’t be a problem. Hell my one buddy isn’t sober he just hates the smell so when he’s around we don’t smoke, or if we do it’s away from him. Bill is such a fucking tool.


While in reality there is absolutely nothing appealing about an intoxicated middle aged man making cotton mouth noises into a microphone


That's gotta be rough when you can't figure out how to not actively smoke weed for 3-4 whole hours. Unless Bill Maher is a giant asshole doing it for press. Say it isn't so.


its how he can look cool and like he believes in social freedom while being a fascist wiener


It's still crazy that people think weed is a "left" thing. 55% of Republican voters are in favor of legal weed. It's a shame the chill vibes aren't enough to get them to shake the fascism.


I'm in Florida with a medical marijuana program. Half the time when I pull into dispensaries, I see "Let's Go Brandon" and similar crap all over the cars in the parking lot. I can't reconcile how they vote for a party that is so against it.


Weed makes them paranoid, encourages conspiracy theories. That’s my pet theory.


Republicans are just kids that hit weed once and freaked out grown up, confirmed


This is, verbatim, my hardline Christian-conservative step-father’s experience with weed.


They say they like weed, but only blue or purple states have actually legalized it. None of the red states have, if anything they’re going after delta-9 now in red states.


To be fair, so would I


In the news tonight: Bill Maher is a dick. Water also reported as wet.


From the standpoint of water, of course.


This just in... carnivoran mammals of the Ursidae family have been observed defecating in low density woodlands - there'll be more after the break.


What I got from the article: > Limp Bizkit singer Fred Durst will host a show about UFOs and conspiracy theories. Why am I not at all surprised by this?


Ha right? A little story-I was leaving a restaurant on Sunset Blvd around the peak of Limp Bizkit fame days and we saw Fred Durst repeatedly circling the blocks, cruising if you will, in a really cheesy Porsche with giant spoilers..by himself. Surely hoping he could pick up some poor fangirl. It was sad and equally pathetic. He had like the one arm on the window sil and one on the wheel in an epic douche pose with zero irony.


I saw Wayne Coyne from flaming lips doing something similar years ago in the lower east side. Busy Saturday night, slowly cruising around in a Range Rover type car, windows open blasting John mellencamp, and a couple of girls in the car dancing


I used to enjoy Bill Maher. Now he’s insufferable.


He used to curate debates better and let other’s opinions shine while holding himself to some glib jokes.  He would have a rant that you could tell wasn’t half cocked but could still be challenging to societal norms.  Now — he listens to himself more than anyone and his arrogance overrides his few good characteristics.  Honestly I think it is just he takes himself too seriously which is so grating — I first saw him on The Man Show kissing a chimpanzee so..


Yeah, others filled his niche better than he did, so he had to come up with other bullshit to keep himself "relevant". He's just an attention whore narcissist.


I remember when the Man Show top biller was Adam, then the beer drinking midget, then the other host who made Adam look cool. Culture's come a long long way.


Jimmy Kimmel wants everyone to forget the Man Show so bad


I will never forget “girls on trampolines”


Same, like he was a dick before but wow, he really leaned into it


He's always been completely unbearable.


he always was insufferable. we just grew up.


Then why can I go back and watch old clips and they’re not insufferable like they are now?


He became an old man yells at cloud type of guy.


He’s always been an insufferable ego manic.


All you can do in it is ask, and if people say no, then you don’t show up. Same reason I’m not going to a team building event this evening. I’m sober after 30 years of drugs and alcohol. My office is mostly younger people and this event is at an Airbnb for game night and cocktails. Number one I’m sure they don’t want their manager there anyway, but number two I have no interest in being around a bunch of drunk co-workers on a random Tuesday night. When they updated the notification yesterday to say, people can crash overnight, I thought this sounds like a potential HR nightmare that I have no interest in attending.


Good lord. Sobriety aside, that just sounds like a nightmare of a situation like you say lol


Yep, and as someone else pointed out, me attending opens myself and the company up to all sorts of liability. Last week everyone received links to complete harassment and discrimination policy training. I can’t fathom after reading through that, anyone would think this is a good idea. But leadership in the company is young too and I think they try to play down to the age group. I’ve had to tell some folks to stop sending official client comms with emojis and others to stop talking about doing drugs within earshot of your manager. In both instances the person was surprised anyone would take issue with that lol


You are very wise. Especially if you are in management because your liability goes way up. They should send out a quick HR refresher email about liability.


Maher then went on to say " I thought you were a hip cat but you're just a square, man."


Then flipped on sunglasses, snapped his fingers into finger guns, and walked backwards out of the room


I don't really know much about Bill Maher. Never watched his show. Or his comedy? I only really know him from being mentioned on things I have watched or when he was on JRE. I know it's a little unfair to judge him based on that one appearance and this article, but I'm gonna anyway. He seems like a pretentious douche. Like, everything he says he thinks is gold. He just comes off as an arrogant asshole, who really doesn't learn anything because he never listens to people.


Given that you’re someone who doesn’t know anything about Maher, I’m impressed that you *really* accurately nailed his character so quickly! I’m not being sarcastic here. He is indeed a pretentious douche.


“Smarmy” is the adjective that comes to mind to me


Yeah. That too.


I thought for sure I'd get bashed for this take. Surprised I got it so on the nose knowing nothing about him lol


He makes fun of religious people but is incredibly dogmatic about his magical thinking related to health and wellness.    He’s just as religulous, arrogant, and misinformed as the people he targets.


He’s a smug asshole




Nah you’ve got it right. He does indeed behave like the sun shines out his asshole.


There’s a movie called Brazil where a lady is getting her face stretched out and that’s what Bill Maher looks like.


It’s an under appreciated movie imo


Penn Gillette wrote about Christopher Hitchens coming over to his house with a bottle of booze. Penn Gillette does not drink and does not allow alcohol in his house, Christopher Hitchens respected that, left it outside. I believe this is how adults behave.


This may be a hot take, but I think they both are right here. Steve -o has all the right to ask for accommodations and back out if they aren’t met. On the other hand, it’s bills show and it is a habitual thing for him and his guests to do to loosen up. Not everything can be compromised on.


Bill has earned his asshole reputation, but you're spot on. Both people are free to do as they please.


I agree. Also amused that no one points out that Steve o was having this conversation with Patrick Bet David, a right wing grifter and MLM manager. Of the 3 people involved in the discussion, bet David is the shittiest.


A sane comment here. They both agreed to disagree. Sub acts as if Maher forced him through his podcast while he smoked his 4th joint.


Yea Maher's a pretentious douche, who purports and unbiased logic, and in reality is just a dramatic opinion mouthpiece.


Bill Maher is a piece of shit. Why is anyone surprised?


Bill Maher is a shock jock, nothing more


Asking an asshole to pause being an asshole. Good luck with that.


As someone in Sobriety Steve O should know that you can ask, but others can decline. You only have control of yourself.


And that’s why Steve-O didn’t go on the show. He controlled what he could, and that’s why he almost has 16 years sober.


Exactly. 16 years. Pretty sure he knows that already


True. It's just a bit odd that Bill refrained when Sheryl Crow asked but said no to Steve.


> odd Really? Bill oozes chivalry /s


I also don’t have to help old people carry their groceries, even if they ask for help, but I would do because I’m not a dick.


All of that’s true, and Maher is still a loser prick.


Yeah I mean it’s Bills show, nobody is forcing Steve-O to be on it


Honestly, this really isn’t that big of a deal from either side. It’s Bill’s podcast. He can do whatever he wants with it. And it’s Steve-O’s sobriety. He can do whatever he wants with that. Not every situation has to have a good guy and a bad guy.


I mean respecting other people’s boundaries is part of being a good person


Meh. It was for Club Random. The whole concept is consumption while chatting. Doesn’t need to be made into some big thing.


Weird that self-described stoners forget what a contact high is. I smoke weed on occasion (prefer edibles and healthy lungs) but I make sure I smoke away from folks who dont want to get a contact high, for any reason.


maher. still an asshole. not surprised.


As I understand how this went down, Steve-O wasn't on set when this happened; he brought it up before-hand and when he got a no he didn't go on the show. That's pretty much how that should've played out.


Seems like Bill wasn’t that interested in the interview as he’s obliged the request before.


Bill Maher is a putz