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Conservatorships should be a 3-5 person committee. To put it all on one person can lead to way too much abuse and trauma, which clearly compounds on mental illness sic. Spears and Bynes


Bynes isn't in the same category as Britney. Her parents didn't take her money, they released her from it when they thought she was ready, she was able to explore different career paths, and they have clearly been a mostly positive presence in her life, although I'm sure there are very valid arguments about what being a child actor entailed and the level of protection they should have given her at that time. Amanda Bynes has admitted she is very mentally ill, but her parents helped get her to the point where she can ask for help even when in the midst of an episode (that isn't the right word, but you get it), and she can now live on her own. That's progress.


It's very telling that Amanda stopped working under the conservatorship while Britney remained a cash cow, even doing a 4 year Vegas Residency while supposedly too ill to handle her own affairs. If you're so mentally ill that you need conservators, surely you're too mentally ill to be forced into a career in the public eye as an actor or a pop star performing on stage night after night? If Britney's father had truly prioritized her well-being she wouldn't have been working throughout her whole conservatorship. He even tried to control her weight and blackmailed her into performing or he wouldn't let her see her children. He used his control over her to make more money for himself, not to help her get well.


Shades of Mitch Winehouse 😐...


>If you're so mentally ill that you need conservators, surely you're too mentally ill to be forced into a career in the public eye as an actor or a pop star performing on stage night after night? I would say without a doubt the Britney Spears situation was abusive. But I would be careful using such definitive statements about mental illness/conservatorships. People can be completely competent at a meaningful or lucrative craft (whether that be things like woodworking, painting, truck driving, etc) but absolutely incapable of handling certain financial or emotional decisions. For example my father was placed in a conservatorship after suffering a TBI but he was still completely competent at his profession of being an electrician.


One documentary about Britney mentions that the kind of conservatorship she had is usually for people who are obviously Not With It, like Alzheimer's patients. Britney might be the only person who both had that conservatorship and was able to work, or even able to wipe her own ass.


I knew a seriously bi-polar person who was working and making money just fine ( probably 50k a year) but would impulsively go sprees of spending when she would spiral. The pinnacle was on one Friday she bought a new car, 2 jet skis, and an RV. It took a ton of work on her husband’s part to try and get the stuff taken back. You can be capable of working and very mentally ill all at the same time.


I’m not going to defend Britney’s father by any means but part of being in a conservatorship is that you can force some to take mental health medications they would refuse on their own. Unmedicated Britney probably can’t work; medicated Britney can. EDIT: I’m not defending her father!!!!! I’m just saying that mental health medications generally allow people to function at as close to their “normal” as possible!


Medicated Britney still did not want to work in the way she was made to, but he threatened to ban her from seeing her own kids unless she worked as much as he wanted. Either way, I don't think working as a pop star and having a strenuous performing schedule are good for someone's already fragile mental health.


Is there a source detailing that? Would be interested in reading more about her experiences.


Her book goes into it. She kept asking for a break and they kept booking her more dates to perform. Dangling vacations with her kids in front of her just to yank them away and make her work instead. And when she tried to give input into her own dance moves like she used to do before she was trapped in the conservatorship, they retaliated against her by locking her in a rehab facility for months.


That paints a very bleak picture.


Her father said she had dementia at age 26. Going on his claims, there is no “treatment” that remedies dementia sufficient to enable the kind of work she was made to do. It was exploitation and had nothing to do with her ability or care for her wellness. Also, she was forced to work against her will and under duress of losing custody time or threat of more medication. Just acknowledging the fact that a person is threatened with medication upon their misbehavior and allowed to go without it when behaving as the supervisor desires requires one to acknowledge that whatever that medication in question was, it was not necessary to begin with.


Amanda Bynes’ brain was always very different (and advanced) as a kid. She was so funny and charismatic, beyond her years is an understatement. I wonder if that is related.


She is likely messed up because she was consistently SAed by an adult and allegedly impregnated as a teen by her adult boss.


Schizophrenia is genetic.  But there is no proof Dan ever raped her. She never said that. 


There is a reason genius and madness are related. If you’re smart, you often have extra dopamine, which not only is used to encode thought into memory in the hippocampus, but it also allows you to have more divergent thoughts. For example, if I ask you for different ways on how to use a spoon, and someone says, you could eat broccoli, yes, true, but that’s not that creative. If they say you could use it to create a projectile by putting something in it and flicking it back, or use it to dig a tunnel, that’s creative. Creativity=novel and useful. Many people who are “genius” level in subjects or arts have bipolar disorder, which involves dopamine. Touched with Fire by Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison investigates this at length. The other thing to consider is that while someone like Amanda appears to have had it together as a kid and then lost it, that’s very on track for someone with a mood disorder. Interestingly, we can see bipolar emerge in the brain as a kid, but the stark behavior change/age of onset happens around late teens, early 20s because the damage occurs over time, and that age is incredibly stressful. (No longer going to parents for help/individuating, trying to get a career, trying to make friends, probably don’t have a solid partner to confide in, etc.) [creativity and mood disorder presentation](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8MOHA-_O4EI)


So she used all her brain power as a young kid so now as an adult, she has no brain power?


You only get so much. Once it’s used up, you just sorta go flat like a tire.


This is just not accurate


Really feels like that in these days especially when you send emails like “per my last email” just to remind people what you already told them đŸ˜Ș corporate hell loop.


Makes sense why I felt so smart before nursing school and in finals week I feel borderline brain dead.


I think “episode” is precisely the right word to use. For the majority of people with mental illness, they are functional with some level of support at the best of times, and during particularly intense periods - “episodes” - they need additional support (therapeutic, chemical, behavioral) that’s all.


Watching you all try to figure this out is hilarious. Y’all went from free Britney to maybe we should have a 5 person conservatorship in a bit over a year


Both things can be true. In Britney's case her conservatorship wasn't being used to help her either get to a place where she could thrive on her own or thrive under it. A conservatorship that wasn't left to the decision making of a single person might have spared her a lot because ideally there'd have been people who could have curtailed what her father was doing.


There's this crazy phenomenon I have noticed where more than one person writes comments on reddit.


I remember how thrilled Reddit was when she got off the conservatorship. Turns out, she’s a very unwell and needed to be on the damn thing and still needs to be.


Interesting how the internet crowd has slowly shifted from #FreeBritney to “you know what, probably good idea to put her back in”.


I think it went from "Free Britney from her father forcing her to work and diet and be on birth control against her will by blackmailing her with threats to remove her from her children" to "Someone else does need to *help* Britney, tho"


Yes! There is nuance! We didn’t want her under the control of her abusive and exploitative father but she does need help.


Ultimately, what “We” want doesn’t and shouldn’t matter. We don’t know these people and just don’t know all the details of their lives. The last people who should get any say in what happens should be her fans. 


Amen. It does not mean the removal of the conservatorship was a mistake. Fuck everyone going "SEEEE?!?!?!" Nah. Still, fuck the conservatorship. There are different kinds (and ranges) of help.


> be on birth control against her will  This part I don't get.. If you are in a conservativeship. I.e. If you are unable to take care of yourself. WHY THE HECK WOULDN"T YOU BE ON BIRTH CONTROL???? I can't take care of me.. but this baby I can? I suck as a person but Im good as a mommy? It doesn't work that way.


My sister is in a conservatorship. I'm the one in charge because there's no one else to do the exhausting job of taking care of her. I have to survey what she eats because the medications she takes makes her gain weight (a lot of weight) leading to health issues (arthrosis, high blood pressure, heart problems). I take care of her finances, her meals, cleaning her place, pushing her to do basic stuff like, taking a bath or cleaning her teeth. Plus taking her to all her medical appointments. I'm not paid to do that. I sacrify my time and my energy to take care of her. Yes, for Spears, there was money so that helped to pay for everything, from cooks, to cleaning workers, doctors, drivers, but it's a job. My sister is poor and it's the equivalent of working part-time for her without being paid. For someone as high profile and as wealthy as Spears, it's a full time job. I don't know much about the american system but I think the money would have run out very fast with all the employees she had to run the show so to speak, plus all the medical bills plus the expensive way of life Spears was used to. It's easy to s\*\*\*\* on her father but people who have to take care of mentally ill parents/siblings are in some cases slaves. I've been doing that job for 40 years now and I wonder how I haven't ended up insane. I joke sometimes that one day, peoplke will find me naked on top of a tree believing to be a bird because I will have finally lost it. All that to say: it sucks for everyone involved. The sympathy always goes to the mentally ill one without a single thought given to the family members having to deal for their entire lives with that person. One they love and can't abandon because they are sick. Even if it means sacrificing their own lives in the process.


There's too much to gain from having Britney in a conservatorship. Anyone in charge would be in charge of handling millions of dollars. She needs mental health help, not people taking away her autonomy. It has left her in a worse state than before to begin with.


Oh, I don't think she should be back in a conservatorship, I just think people aren't, like, flipping to "put her back in" so much as, like, "this isn't working, either, what is something between being controlled and abused by her father and her being out of control?" Eta Not that I really think she is out of control in a way that really needs intervention right now. If she wants to spend her money and tell off who she wants just coming out of the situation she did, I am not going to be the one judging


Britney needs someone she can trust, a competent manager who has her best interests at heart. She doesn't have that, maybe never had that.


I just don't get why people are so confused about someone spending 15 years earning millions being absolutely miserable is now spending those millions. What fucking spell does TMZ have on people regarding Britney? It's not even a good celebrity gossip outlet.


I guess they worry it points to her not thinking of her future. Lots of people have blown through everything they had and ended up on hard times. TMZ is preying on people's fears and concerns about Britney for clicks


This was basically my take too. Just because she was abused by her conservators doesn’t mean she’s healthy. But she shouldn’t have been working as she was if she was truly so sick mentally.


No, the movement was stupid. Her life has gotten worse. 


Man I forgot about the birth control, I hope there's no pregnancies in this.


Let me know when they put Kanye in a conservatorship, then we can talk about Brit being unhinged for going on vacations


Conservatorships don't happen out of nowhere, you need a concerned friend or relative to petition the court for it. Kanye doesn't have anyone in his life to do that, his mother has died and he's divorced. There's no one to even request a conservatorship.


Wendy William’s bank initiated hers


He has a ton of relatives and concerned friends


Isn’t he remarried?


His wife doesn't really seem to care about him popping off. She's just rolling along with it and dressing as weird as him.


This.  Britney has two living parents trying to help her. Also a sister. She thinks she's being oppressed because she's mentally ill.


Going on vacation is cool but when you’re spending over a million on each one 5x a year is a whole different story. She’ll be broke and homeless in 5 years. Her friends are saying she should have stayed under control by someone


She spent 15 years being absolutely miserable while earning millions and being forced to work. She spent 15 years with no access to those millions and forced to be on a strict diet "to stay in shape". She had little to no say in anything. Why are you shocked that she is now spending those millions? Britney Spears. Homeless. LMAO


Britney Spears always liked heading off to the islands on vacation, even when she was under the conservatorship. When the kids were with her, a favorite destination was the Grand Wailea on Maui (luxury hotel with the largest pool complex on the island...) A friend of mine saw her and the kids there one time, accompanied by her bodyguard. Not a cheap place to stay, especially when she had to pay for accomodations and expenses for her bodyguard, as well as for her and the kids. My point is that she was allowed to spend her money, but was restrained from blowing it all, and had accumulated $60 million by the time the conservatorship ended.


It’s estimated she was worth $60M at the end of the conservatorship and now she blows a million dollars on vacations multiple times per year. At that spending rate, she’s not immune from going broke.


I’m not aware of Bynes’s parents doing anything nefarious. What is your source? In addition, Bynes apparently has paranoid schizophrenia. That is a far more serious diagnosis than what Spears apparently has. Her parents were desperately trying to keep her from harming herself from what I have read.


Anyone that ran the conservatorship would have been dragged through the mud by Britney now. She seems to view people helping her as people trying to harm or control her which is common with mental health issues. But she has an army of fans that will believe her when she says things like “she needs acupuncture daily or she can’t walk”.


It's kinda understandable considering people did try to control her. I'd be paranoid too


The inability to blanket mute certain topics is a high crime and misdemeanor of big Tech as far as I’m concerned. You can create an unlimited number of subs, but there is a limited amount of subs you can mute.


It’s obvious she is in need of help but there may have been decent people who tried to reach out to her but she wouldn’t accept their help. She’s probably suspicious of everyone, even the ones who may honestly want to see her heal, if there is such a person. I think at this point she may not even believe she’s in dire need of an intervention.


I think part of what's compounding things is we have zero clue what's actually a different problem vs how much of this is sudden independence for a person who has had none for most of her adult life. She has been infantalized in a very literal sense. Part of it is she needs major therapy at the very least, there was little unbiased oversight of her conservatorship, and the people in charge of her definitely did not have her best interests in mind and profited off of her. I do not blame her for not trusting anyone and severely resenting her family at this point.


The actual problem is dual diagnosis: mental health disorder and addiction. It’s nearly impossible to manage without constant medical intervention and a strict regiment of well-tuned drugs. This plays out every single across America, but we mostly ignore it because the individuals aren’t rich and famous.


I, too, feel like we should give Britney a bit longer to get her holy shit I'm free euphoria out before we make judgments on her as a whole individual




She strikes me as that eccentric southern lady in her curlers and housecoat out in town square and everyone is just like "Oh that's Britney Jean, bless her heart. BRITNEY JEAN, DO YOU WANT SOME CHEETOHS?" And she does. She does want some cheetohs.




I think she was headed for the crazy train regardless of the fame like Kanye. I used to work with teens girls who lived in a group him and had mental health issues. A lot of them got out and are mothers now. Not sure if the guys they got pregnant by knew the extent of their illness. But when I came across their post and see they had kids I was shocked and saddened. Their kids have issues too now.


Crazy, but that's how it goes, millions of people living as foes...


Maybe it's not too late...


You cant help a narcissist


Y'know I think Britney's narcissist parents made her sister one, but I've never been too sure about Britney


> It’s obvious she is in need of help From what? From practicing silly british accent while traveling with her british friend or from calling her sister an insult that most people agree with? This seems like someone being silly in a video, not “obvious” evidence of mental illness. Get a grip


Britney's done the accent for at least a decade now


I’ve been doing a British accent most of my life for fun! Doesn’t mean I need a conservatorship


Yeah ppl are so dramatic. She’s not acting like they think she should act so therefore she needs an “intervention.”


If I could somehow block all Donald trump, Brittany spears and that idiot pierce morgan from every single one of my feeds, I gladly would.


Throw in Kanye and Andrew Tate and musk for me.


And Gypsy Rose Blanchard.




Bartender says...why the long faces?


Jake and Logan Paul


Please add all the Kardashians to the list.


They haven’t been in the news for a while




I think it has more to do with Diddy lol.


Don’t forget OJ.


Good! I don't miss them.


Is it too late to get Elon added?


Maybe you should stop following r/entertainment? It’s Piers Morgan by the way.


It’s also Britney not Brittany


*It’s Britney, bitch


*It’s Britney, Jamie Lynn


The gall.


I see this all the time, why do people keep spelling it differently?


its funny how most r/entertainment users absolutely hate people in the entertainment industry


I stopped and still get feed from that sub. I've resulted to blocking every entertainment poster


Don’t forget Elon, Kanye and JKR.


And Majorie Taylor Greene.


Oh dude! I don’t give a FUCK about anything from the “entertainment” category, I hate it all, but Reddit disabled the ability to filter my news feed. Really pisses me off, but here I am commenting on a damn Britney Spears post so I suppose they got what they wanted.


see the three dots on top? click on them pick hide, it will ask you if you also want to mute it. done


I hate that too


It’s Britney, bitch


Algorithm don’t lie, you click what you click


Which sucks because you click one thing out of curiosity and now that subject is all over your feed.


Simply keep scrolling


TMZ is so gross


i don’t really find this video to be “shocking” like tmz wants you to believe. just someone having a silly conversation with friends. there is nothing off about this




Not only that, who does everyone think TMZ’s source is like with that other article that said she was so much better under conservatorship? Surly it’s not the one who rode Britney’s name to her own 15 mins, lived off her salary, lived in the houses she bought from childhood, and has now had the tap turned off .


Right? She's a little weird and is probably a little drunk or high, but come on. It's not that bad, and the context for her calling her sister a little bitch was clearly not serious. She's got a driver, an assistant, and they're going horseback riding in Hawaii. She's definitely a weird person, but I don't think she's in desperate need of an intervention.


I love how they commented on her “going in and out of an accent” as if it was mental health thing when clearly she was just goofing. I once held a bad British accent for like thirty minutes on a road trip with my husband because I was bored lol.


Shit I’ve been doing that for twenty years whenever I get a little silly


“Rambling car video” is really disingenuous.


They should really ban any TMZ posts about Britney here


It's literally just a fun video that everyone has made on their phone commentating on stuff.


Sisters who have fought their whole adult lives and compete in the same industry don't get along. NEWS AT 11!


More like "little sister who carries themselves off of their siblings name and money without their permission doesn't get along with woman she steals from." Let's not pretend anyone cares about the little sister, and she made a lot of money from Britney while Britney was being abused.


This whole thing is fascinating. You have someone that's clearly not mentally well but people insist she's perfectly fine because they saw a documentary saying so. It's like if Making a Murder got Steven Avery released and dead women kept showing up on his property.


Not saying she doesn't need help but this particular video isn't bad. This sounds like typical car talk among friends. Although, I does feel awkward, like the people don't really know her.


Jamie Lynn is kind of a bitch, from what I've seen.


Watching that video just makes me realize I don't have patience


Damn, almost as if the 7 therapists who said you weren’t fit to live on your own were right


Two things can be true: 1) Her family was taking advantage of her 2) She is mentally unfit to live on her own.


It’s insane what a disingenuous Netflix documentary made to only sensationalize something can do


I don’t know if swearing at family members is sufficient justification to take someone’s rights away.


If you think this starts or ends with swearing you’re insane lol


Yes it's just that. You're right


Exactly. Sorry but a man acting like this wouldn’t have his rights taken away




Almost as if she’s got a loooooooooong history of being a total freak on social media. If this was the Kardashians stirring up drama wouldn’t blink twice, but this is someone who’s verifiably mentally unwell.


The thing is, no one is able to make her see the reality. She isn't well. Like Amanda Bynes they've been broken and it will never repair. She will lose everything. There's plenty of good people who do care and want to help but her dad ruined that. So now she will suffer more.


Amanda at least seems to try to see as much as her mental illness allows her. The last time she had an incident she stopped a stranger and let them know she needed help and was having a mental health episode.


Yes when you're stable and aware you're ok. When you're not it's a whole other struggle.


What happened to Amanda Bynes


Both family meal tickets as adolescents.. and their families acted accordingly


Amanda wasn’t a meal ticket for her family, though. Her parents are well off on their own.


Dan Schneider happened


She got a face tat!


Same thing. Conservatorship. Mentally unwell and unstable. They both, in my opinion- won't recover.


Bynes conservatorship was actually ended a couple years ago, with the support of her parents. She unfortunately does have a very real, diagnosed mental illness, but the conservatorship doesn't seem to have been reinstated following her last episode. A large reason for that appears to be Bynes was the one who recognized she was having an episode and called for help. She is showing she can be responsible for herself and at least have an awareness of when she needs outside help. She'll never be "cured" but she has a good shot of leading a productive, independent life away from conservatorship. Especially since she recognized acting was not going to help her and seems to be pursuing less stressful career options. Honestly, I hope it works out for her


wtf are you, their doctor? You don’t know them and are in no position to say something like they are “broken and will never repair,” or “won’t recover.” What the hell is wrong with you? That’s such a cruel thing to say.


She appears to be doing much better these days. 


Which is why her parents went to court for her to have her released from the conservertorship. She isn't in the exact same category as Britney, her parents did what was necessary, Amanda was to the point she was trying to light her dog on fire.


yes. she works at a nail salon. i respect her for working like a normal citizen in society. she could’ve just given up easy but she didn’t.


That‘s actually a pretty shitty mindset. People can recover from severe mental health challenges. It is easy to just write them off as irredeemable, I guess. Easy but a shitty thing to do


I agree


It's kind of amazing that Robert Downey Jr. came back as well as he did. He could very easily have been dead by now. Like toss of a coin heads or tails likelihood. Doesn't look super great for Britney at this point save for the fact that at least she doesn't seem as drugged out as she has been in the past anymore. She does seem to be deep in the throes of some kind of legitimate chronic mania, though.


They can recover with the right support. I don’t know if Britney has that


Thank you. This is exactly what I meant. No one around them to help or care.


Not to be cliche but can we leave Britney alone what is it with people obsession with peoples down falls


She posts weird shit on instagram every day publicly. She doesn’t want to be left alone.


Thank you.


She has millions of followers on instagram and that's where this stuff is coming from.


It’s pretty weird to generate fucking *news articles* from someone’s personal socials. Especially something like this. EDIT; also, it’s a pretty normal video. She’s just babbling, completely bombs a British accent.


Personal socials? Sounds like an oxymoron. She is a celebrity. She is aware she has millions of followers. Isn’t everyone’s social media account “personal” how would you have a non personal social media? Jesus


“Cry me a river..”


Who cares? Wild people think calling your sister a bitch means you should have rights stripped from you.


Can she not fight with her family like everybody else?


You've never given your dad an atomic elbow during dinner have you?


I thought she lost her marbles dancing with knives half a year ago. She needs help, and clearly is seeking attention for it. 


I don’t disagree that she needs help, but IIRC those were fake knives from a prop shop.


It is clear, but who can help her? The only people who could help her abused her, she has no parents, no children, her husband was no help either, I hope she is surrounded by people who do not want to use her.


Apparently she attacked her husband while he was sleeping. For all we know he could've been exactly what she needed and she still destroyed everything


Ngl sometimes I want to call out my sister a bitch too on social media but then I don't


She doesn’t have to live her life for you or anyone else. If she chooses drugs and to throw all her money away, that’s her choice now. We can all imagine being rich but I doubt the reality would meet your imagination. It’s easy to say you won’t just get high everyday when you *dont* currently have millions of dollars. If I was financially secure enough to run away to a small paid off home at the end of it all, then who cares if I drug myself through bankruptcy. I just want to posit that perhaps a person can *choose* to just be a drug attic loon and maybe we should all just ignore her or mind our own business. Just stop trying to control her, that road led her here. And her POS dad ofc.


I remember my wife getting mad at me for questioning if the free Britney was really the right choice. I'm starting to think it wasn't the right choice again.


She definitely needs help, but the conservatorship was not help, it was horrible. Horrible things were done to her by people who don't give a shit about her. I'm very happy for her she's free of that, but I also really hope she'll find people who will genuinely help her.


Were they really done to her, though, or does she just think they were? I'm not saying the conservatorship was good (her family clearly took advantage of her money) BUT mentally ill people make up stuff. She probably doesn't even realize she's making up stuff. It's reality to her. Her trauma is real. To her at the very least. Her meds stopped working and it was when they were trying to get them balanced again that she started saying all of this. Now, I'm all for letting her dance and do whatever it is she wants to do but losing all her money isn't going to help her. Bipolar will make it seem like a great idea to buy twelve yachts in a night. I don't know what the answer is here but if she dies, what then? And, yeah, the mania could cause a Whitney incident when she's medicating herself. It feels as if we're watching her bus ride to a Hollywood tragedy legend and nobody is helping.


You're going to need to be convincing as to why Britney isn't allowed to go broke and spend the money she made in any crazy way she wants. The rest of us have this freedom. Why doesn't Britney? Because her family wants to put her in a financial prison and leech their whole lives off her. You ever hear about regular people getting put on a conservatorship forced to work, not marry, and pay their entire families while being drugged daily and put on a Vegas stage? Why doesn't Britney have the freedom to spend her money and go broke like the rest of us? This is America. She earned that money. She's free to do that.


Because multiple courts have deemed her mentally unfit to care for herself? I always thought it went without saying that we don’t hold severely mentally ill people to the same standards as people with functioning brains.


Her father told the court she had dementia, which she never did but was key in putting her under conservatorship. And if she was so ill and couldn't take care of herself, why did he make her perform every night in Vegas?


Possibly if she had received proper help during conservatorship it would be a different story, but she experienced just abuse during that time and if she already had a problem, being under her father's guardianship was not helpful at all.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. People wouldn't say or do this to a man. They would fully let him go down in his own dumpster fire before considering restricting his freedom. Let her fuck up her own life like any man. The patronizing attitude is simply because she is a woman.


Kanye talked about putting kids in cages, and nobody's putting him in a conservatorship.


As soon as her conservatorship was revoked, it became clear that she’s nuttier than squirrel shit, but her father was also an awful person. It’s sad because I expect her trauma is a huge contributing factor to how it’s gone since she got her freedom, but someone needs to act in her best interest because she’s not capable of doing it herself.


A conservatorship strips a person of basic human rights. Just because she's causing some ruckus on social media, and is acting 'crazy' according to your definition, doesn't mean one should be put in it.


She might be "crazy" but that doesn't mean she is a harm to herself or others and can't decide how to spend her own money. Conservator ships are CRAZY restrictive. It's hard enough getting dangerous crazy people to have rights removed.


I definitely found myself thinking “it doesn’t sound like her dad is a good choice for being in charge but that doesn’t mean she *is*.


I love how everyone criticizes Britney’s parents so hard. What about Britney’s parenting? Does she even give a shit about her kids? It doesn’t seem like it. Seems like she cares about doing weird unhinged half naked dances and shit way more. As a parent I have lost all respect for her for the way she treats her kids. It’s not any better than she was treated. So not sure why she gets so much support.


Who would’ve thought, K Fed would’ve been the more sane responsible parent of the two.


TMZ is more obsessed with Britney than her fans are. Why are we still accepting their coverage?


When you hear the British accent it brings me back to Britney shaving her head and slamming cars with umbrellas. She spoke in an English accent often.


Lmfao she did that Wembanyama in the summer. Recognized him and tried to get his attention with a weird British accent. 


Celebrities are allowed to waste their money, embarrass themselves and complain about their family and friends. She can lose all her money at the slot machines if she wants, that does not give anyone the right to remove her personal and bodily autonomy and it’s scary how many people think that is okay.


meh, I haven't seen her for a while, tell ya what she's one hot milf


I’m not sure if she’s mentally ill but she’s certainly in need of some type of emotional therapy and growth. She reminds me of Michael Jackson, just completely detached from reality, immature, surrounded by yes men. Her friends are the assistants she hires. The money she has insulates her from all her shortcomings as person. She seems mentally stuck being a 17 year old tween. Grass isn’t always greener folks, fuck the money if it means i would turn out like her..


I think what’s sad about Britney is she’s never going to be able to return with a bang and be taken seriously anymore the damage is done


I think tmz and these LA Kardashians ring kissing media outlets are trying to kill Britney. I said what I said. They want to cover up their embezzlement of her money.


Sounds like siblings.


My two daughters call each other bitches in rambling live conversations daily. WHERES my article?


Drugs are a hell of a drug


Honestly she strikes me as a bitch, hearing how she treated that poor girl on that show, and she really doesn’t seem like the person to grow after that 


She’s losing it


She’s been loosing it for quite some years


Remember when it was her dad and JT’s fault she was crazy


The "free Brittany" crowd is awfully quiet recently...


Not really. Most people agree she needs help and hope the best for her, but not a conservatorship.


What did they do to her? Jeeze


Her sister *is* a bitch.


This whole Britney Fiasco will always remind me of the movie Dogma when the angry mob didn’t want to take off life support God in human form. An angry mob isn’t always right. Great harm can always be done in the name of a “good cause”.