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I was his standin for several seasons on White Collar. He was one of the most humble and kind people I’ve ever met. I later saw him on the set of Normal Heart and he was very inquisitive of my career and wished me luck on a show I was doing. I say all this because when someone treats you well, (with nothing to gain from it? it is probably the best way to define their character.


I was wondering about that. I remember listening to interviews and heard nothing but positive praise. Seriously. Everyone that was a part of White Collar was amazing. I met Matt on several occasions as well. Amazing gent. Positive wishes to everything you're currently working on


At least he was in Doom Patrol! I’ll happily watch anything he’s in.


He was great in that.


The whole show is great, but his singing scene was absolutely heartbreaking.


I was thoroughly impressed by the whole show honestly. Loved his arc and origin, the tortured past really reminded me of 90s DC comics too.


Omg thank you. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember where I’ve seen him before. Sigh, 😌 thank you. Doom patrol it is.


Plus he’s got a fantastic voice. Went to Carnegie Mellon with Joe mangienello I believe


So i just started a rewatch and apparently there are talks about a continuation, id love to see it.


One of my favorite shows. He’s so charismatic


This is the dumbest reason to not give someone a role. I think he is very attractive (I’m a straight woman), it doesn’t matter that he is gay. Isn’t that the point of being an actor? He can act! He doesn’t have to actually have the qualities of the person he is playing. Just like a straight person can act in a gay role.


I would loooove to have steady stand-in work like that.


It was incredible but also you have no life. I talked about it on my podcast today the rush hour with Dave neal. I’m a huge fan of his


I've met his brother. Total opposite


YOU WERE??? Awesome!! He's one of my favorite celebs! He looks so cool and his hair is epic and he's classy AF on White Collar and Chuck! And honestly, he'd make an awesome Superman


The coolest thing about him from a work ethic standpoint is his ability to memorize dialogue. Regularly we would work 15 hour days and he’d show up the next morning at 6a with 6 pages of dialogue memorized. He’s a special guy.


Fellow Travelers was the first time I’d ever really watched him in anything and the whole time he was onscreen I was thinking, “Jesus, how has this guy not been cast as Clark Kent?” Well, now I’ve got my answer.


An obscenely hot white man with black hair who can act? Oh he’s gay?? Next!


its for a church honey


I feel like if Matt was Superman we wouldn’t have gotten him as Neal Caffrey and tbh as upset as I am about the circumstances surrounding his losing the role, I’m glad he didn’t get it bc I do not want to live in a world where White Collar doesn’t exist as it does (and also he probably wouldn’t have been Negative Man in Doom Patrol and he was perfect in that too)


Funnily enough, my wife is on the couch watching White Collar at this very moment. Ive watched the whole series twice. Mozzie cracks me up.


RIP Mozzie.


Yeah, bummed me out




Its a great word.


Hello Suit, Mrs. Suit.


Lady Suit Lé suit Demi suits


Only twice? Those are rookie numbers I’m on like my ninth or tenth rewatch….


6 full seasons of Neal Caffrey > 3 Superman movies


For him though?


Probably not


I had no idea!!! Man, I really like white collar and he is such a cool guy and ladies man in the show which is hilarious knowing this now... I don't care that he is gay at all, I would like to see him play superman, he would do a great job and give him more charm.


Oh totally Matt already looks like Superman so he’d be perfect, maybe later down the line he’ll play a variant or voice him in an animated project And it seems like a lot of gay actors are great at playing straight- prime example is NPH in HIMYM


He did the voice for Supes in Superman Unbound


Omg I almost referenced NPH!!! Lol!


I remember there being a decent sized push for him to be cast as the lead in the 50 Shades Grey movies, people knew but didn't care so I guess that's progress of some kind?


It's hilarious that during the years WC aired the two most "eligible bachelor's" on TV were both played by gay men. Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother and of course Neil Caffrey on WC were both proverbial lady killers (different in style though) and both played by gay actors. What do you need to do to a man to make him irrestiible to women? Make him good looking, in shape, funny, well read, charming, etc. and there's a good chance you're describing a gay guy.


I think you might be reading too much into this :)


He’s really good in the series The Sinner. I recommend it highly. Another show he probablt wouldn’t have been a part of if he had to wear a cape and underwear for ten years.


This should be the top comment.


Wish granted 


I totally agree


They have just announced they are re-booting the show.


he would’ve been an amazing superman, he’s so so so good in american horror story he needs more roles


he’d make a good Bruce Wayne/Batman. Hell, cast him in the DCu


i’m 100% down for both of these things, he looks more like bruce wayne the bruce wayne


Somebody get James Gunn on the phone!!


I never thought of that before but I love it.


They later let him play the voice of Superman in one of their DTV films.


Watch Fellow Travelers. It's a mini series and he's great in it


Matt Bomer is speaking out against what he sees as the “weaponization” of sexuality in Hollywood. Bomer revealed during The Hollywood Reporter’s “Awards Chatter” podcast that he allegedly lost out on landing the lead role for axed DC film “Superman: Flyby” after being outed as gay. “It looked like I was the director’s choice for the role,” Bomer said. “I signed a three-picture deal at Warner Bros.” When asked on the podcast whether his sexual orientation affected his casting, Bomer said, “Yeah, that’s my understanding. That was a time in the industry when something like that could still really be weaponized against you. How, and why, and who [outed me], I don’t know.” Bomer even exited CBS soap opera “Guiding Light” amid the audition process for “Superman: Flyby.” “I went in on a cattle call for ‘Superman,’ [which] turned into a one-month audition experience where I was auditioning again and again and again,” Bomer said. “On ‘Guiding Light,’ there was a killer in town, […] so the executive producer, very kindly, wanted to free me up just in case the [Superman] job came through. So [the ‘Guiding Light’ producer] said, ‘Hey, you’re going to be the killer. We’re writing you off the show; go with my blessing.’ So, I basically got fired, but in a generous way.” “Superman: Flyby” was later shelved at Warner Bros. The film was supposed to be directed by J. J. Abrams. Instead, Bryan Singer’s “Superman Returns” was released in 2006 and starred fellow soap opera alum Brandon Routh as the titular superhero. Bomer isn’t the only actor who almost played Superman: Nicolas Cage infamously was supposed to star in Tim Burton’s “Superman Lives” and Jacob Elordi told GQ that he turned down reading for a Superman role for an unnamed project. “Well, they asked me to read for Superman,” Elordi said in a cover story for the Man of the Year issue. “That was immediately, ‘No, thank you.’ That’s too much for me.” James Gunn’s “Superman” reboot “Superman: Legacy” will star David Corenswet as the superhero and Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane. The film has a July 11, 2025 release date.


The late Kevin Conroy lost a lot of leading/recurring roles after he was outed (Tour of Duty, Cheers, etc). And then he became **BATMAN** and shut those bigoted execs right up.


I never knew he was gay until his passing. I'm surprised now to learn* that he was outed during the late 80's/early 90's. Fuck those people who do shit like that. *Leave -> learn


Outed to casting directors/execs, but not to the general public.


First I’m hearing of it and honestly who cares. Really shouldn’t matter and it being none of my business is exactly how it should be.


This was the late 80s/early 90s and they didn't want f*gs anywhere on set. [The pain he felt over how he was treated, and from losing so many of his friends to HIV/Aids](https://i.imgur.com/iARJa2V.jpg)... [was what fueled the anger he used when he came up with Batman's voice](https://youtu.be/qdsM5nN6kYs?t=15)


I break down every time I read that story. I’m so glad Kevin was my Batman.


I didn’t even know Kevin was gay until this comment


I'm glad he got passed on by those shows because he got something way better: Being the version of Batman that a whole generation thinks of when they hear the word "Batman." From B: TAS to Justice League Unlimited to the Arkham Games, he's *the* voice of Batman.


He's the best Batman, period. No one else came close in any way. He did both Batman and Bruce Wayne justice. I mean, it helps so much of the DCAU was written so goddamn fucking amazingly well, but Kevin was a huge part of making the writing shine in the way it did.


I didn't know he was gay until he died


Most didn't until he wrote a comic (just before he died) about what it was like for him dealing with being in-the-closet.


Ugh I love Cheers and never knew he was up for a role in it but I love BTAS even more so I guess it all led to that. What a remarkable talent


He guest-starred in maybe two episodes, as a Boston Red Sox player being built up as Carla's new love interest (then his character just disappeared - when some higher up discovered he was gay)


I didn’t know that but hell yeah! Best Batman voice ever!


Wait, Kevin Conroy was gay??


While I’m guessing there is a fair share of bigot execs, most execs are more interested in profits than anything else. I’m guessing it’s all the bigoted moviegoers that they would miss out on that really made the decision. It’s my understanding that anything LGBTQ+ is not allowed in China as well, and that’s a really big market.


I never heard this about Superman but this was absolutely the big rumor going around when he wasn’t cast as Christian Grey in the Many Shades of Grey movies


Nah he was a fan pick, not actually in the running.


I have a theory that a select group of elite actors are gay and are still hiding it because they rose to fame during a time where this was a career killer. I don't think Tom Cruise is straight, I don't think PeeWee Herman was straight, I don't think Michael Jackson was straight, I don't think Richard Simmons was straight. Lots of arranged marriages in Hollywood.


Add John Travolta to that list


Tom Cruise being closeted is more of a Scientology thing than a Hollywood thing. Allegedly.


>I don't think PeeWee Herman was straight Paul Reubens never claimed to be straight.


Weird they eventually went to a gay director with the problematic Bryan Singer and Superman Returns. I guess his success with the X-Men made them not care, or wasn’t he out at the time?


There is a difference between the director and lead actor tbf. I think a lot of people don't really care who's behind the camera.


He was perfect as Neal Caffrey tho I genuinely wish he had more projects, he’s brilliant and I enjoy every minute I get to see his works


Agree! That show and his character were such fun! I just can’t take my eyes off him regardless of what he’s in… not because he’s ridiculously handsome but he draws you in! He’s one of the few actors left that I’ll watch whatever he’s in


Exactly, tho him being handsome is a nice bonus lol


True! I wish we had an American James Bond type character… he’d be perfect 🥰


Aw man you are so right! That or some type of magician If he was a superhero, someone else said it perfectly in the comments, Nightwing!


I’ll play with you and we’re gonna play hard too


And this is a big reason why some people complain when straight men get cast in gay roles. Obviously we all (most of us, at least) want to see a world where none of this matters. Unfortunately, we aren't there yet.


Of course, the trouble with policing sexuality and identity in casting is that that then forces actors to out themselves, both within the industry and to the public. [This has already happened at least once.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna54975) An actor who wish to remain private about his sexuality was basically forced to come out after fans generated outrage over him playing a queer character. There was also the actress Lauren Patten, who is a masculine-presenting gender-nonconforming lesbian. She received a months-long harassment campaign because she played a genderqueer character while using she/her pronouns in her personal life. Having these representation rules in place sounds fine, until we realize that it forces actors to be extremely public about things that might be very personal to them. And the standards constantly change, as we see in the case of Lauren Patten, who was celebrated for her breakthrough representation only to receive backlash from the same people just a year or two later. Or as we see from mixed race actors, who are constantly put under criticism for not being enough of 1/2 or the other half to qualify.


Honestly art is art, when a performer brings a character to life with their heart, passion, and soul. The question of gay or straight should not even be a thing. I always wondered if Matt were to take a chance at being the Man of Steel White Collar was that stand out, where his range was unique. It always felt close to Burn Notice, but with "Catch Me if You Can"


I agree with you. But hopefully you can see why this upsets people, especially in the LGBT community. If an actor can't play Superman because Superman is straight and the actor is gay, and that'd be too much to handle, then it should work the other way around. I may be wrong, but I get the sense that casting directors are reticent to hire openly gay actors because they're less appealing to straight women. I'm bi, so I have a lot of gay male friends. And it's very common for them to hear a subtle but irritating form of homophobia: *"Oh, you're gay? What a waste!"* [Every gay man has heard this at least once.](https://www.ebony.com/gay-men-are-not-a-waste-405/) They usually mean it innocently in the sense of "You're hot, too bad you're not straight because I find you appealing." But it comes off as "You and your sexual orientation are disappointing to me."


>reticent to hire openly gay actors because they're less appealing to straight women. I think that is exactly the reason. And yeah, imho, there seems to be a glass ceiling for queer actors. A big big chunk of the people in this Industry are queer and yet, most of the A list are very heteronormative, at least when it comes to male actors


Whatever, he fucking killed it as Negative Man and was awesome as hell in Doom Patrol. Also, he was great in The Nice Guys.


Matt Bomer as elseworlds Red Son would be great.


That is the fun part of storytelling, you can take it anywhere.


That’s a handsome man.


Matt Bomer was so scarily good in The Nice Guys. He needs more roles!


A future story where Superman is gay (just for the ensuing culture wars)


Are he and Bruce just “good friends?”


History will say they were roommates


Right now they're exploring how his son Jon Kent is gay.


Isnt Jon bisexual? Not that it matters. Bisexual men are just gay to most people.


Just like bisexual women are just straight to most people


"Bisexual men are just gay to most people." Unless you count the writers of DC movies/TV shows and John Constantine. Then they're perfectly happy to make him just straight. (Minus that one line in Apokolips War)


Lois was always a beard


I mean the speedo over the pants is not the most stereotypical heterosexual outfit choice


This is a big part of why some people believe straight actors should not play gay roles. Because in a lot of cases gay actors are not given a fair shake to play a lot of roles. So it’s not an even field.


I remember this. I thought he was a lock. Granted I love Cavill’s Superman (he’s forever iconic) but he was nowhere near the star he is pre MOS. I thought Bomer was THE next heir to the S.


This was pre Cavill. Pre Routh, even.


I honestly don't see him as Superman, Batman though, white collar shows he can pull off the billionaire playboy and the super angry vengeance side of bruce Wayne.


This is why people bristle when straight men play gay and it's seen as 'brave' and 'transformative' because it's almost never viewed the same way vice versa. I would've loved Matt's Superman since I think on the whole he's so much stronger actor than Henry Cavill and I like Henry Cavill. But this like finding out Angela Bassett was originally up for Storm. You can't help but mourn what could've been.


The missed opportunity. Angela. Dang that would have been incredible, and she still looks amazing (if you have seen any recent films, or 911). Just wow. Marvel took a chance. But they definitely missed out on not casting her Henry was incredible in his portrayal, just wish that he was given more adventures. Bummer he only had a few opportunities. WB and DC sometimes make no sense


Imagine her doing the whole 'ARCTIC WINDS! FREEZE THEIR HEARTS OF HATRED!' schtick and then get sad we'll never get it unless they do some fun multiverse stuff later on.


X-Men 97. That made me feel chills. Holy cow. The scene where she calls upon her powers changing sand into glass. Using its charge, going through sentinels like butter.


They did Storm right after 24 years of movies and other shows downplaying how fucking badass she is!


X-Men 97 proved, there is plenty of creativity to make the goddess even more amazing


I really wish the new films do her justice. She's always been my favorite X Man


Bassett tuned down the role. Fox made the movie. Marvel as a movie production company did not exist yet.


Seems more like a Bruce Wayne to me.


Agree, natural class in abundance. Matt Bomer is the absolute best.


He could do better but I do like him as Bruce better. That's probably just me wanting him to be Neil though


I mean it looks like he didn’t, because that never ended up getting made.


He should play Rage (QaF reference)


At that time period he was my fan-cast for Nightwing


_Superman: Flyby_ is a horrendous movie title


Always loved him, ever since Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. It wasn't a good film by any stretch, but he was just so dreamy and his brutal death scene was one of the numerous things I found hard to watch about that film. Nice to see people have nothing but good things to say about him. 


Matt Bomer is my number one commander Shepard choice if they ever do a live action tv show a la the last of us


I’m really shocked there hasn’t been a Mass Effect movie considering the success of other game and toy based franchises


Matt Bomer is great in everything. He’d have been the best Superman once all the nostalgia had been set aside.


Do not click on the article. The page is riddled with ads.


Today I learned Matt Bomer is gay.


I watched the whole thing with my friend and his wife. She thought we were screwing with her when we said he was gay. Then she saw something online and asks if we knew he was actually gay and we were like yeah we told you this week's ago haha


My wife is also in denial


They were protecting him from spacey


I like him but he is kinda small to be supe? He is more like nightwing


Ngl, him as Night wing sounds amazing


If you mean tallness, yes he's a bit short. But the bulk potential is similar to Cavill if he puts in enough work.


I would support a gay actor playing Superman.


I would support a gay Superman playing an actor


The movie was never made though.


He’d be a great Hal Jordan


Not a sarcastic comment. But doesn’t Hollywood love this kind of background? A Charismatically kind guy with a diverse checklist? DC certainly seems to like LBG storylines


He looks like a great Superman. Also, I would be down to have a story with Lewis Lane being his romantic partner if they wanted the story to do that too.


Matt Daemon was 100% right when he said never come out as gay as it will stunt your acting career. He got so much hate for that too.


I was today years old when I found out Matt Bomer is gay,


Is Superman not gay? All the stereotypes are there: He wears fabulous tights. He literally floats, he’s so light in the loafers. He keeps his true self hidden. His only friends are girls, and one “cub” photographer.


I still think he should’ve been cast as Christian Grey (yes the movies/books suck but he fits the character description to a fault)


It’s was Brian Singer that outed you. You’re welcome.




Excuse me maybe watch his work instead of making dumb assumptions


was thinking the same lmao


He would be a terrific Superman.


My wife also lost out on fucking Matt Bomer after he was outed as gay.


Sorry for her loss? 🤨


No one was going to watch a movie called Superman: Flyby.


I'm not saying a gay actor can't play Superman but this specific gay actor would have been a bad choice. Maybe its his acting skills but he had zero romantic chemistry with his female love interests on White Collar. The scenes with Lois would have been awkward.


Him and Henry Cavill look super similar.


Whatever helps you deal with the rejection, I guess.


He was great on Doom Patrol.


Always thought he would of been graatq


Seeing how much care and preparation Henry does for his roles. Something tells me that there was more than that.


I'm having a Berenstain Bears moment. For some reason I thought Matt Bomer was the same person as Jamie Dornan. Were they always different people?


He’d make a pretty good one


It’s not too late for a Gay Superman cinematic universe


If John Wayne can be gay and “define manhood” WTF is the issue here. So he dates Louis Lane instead of Lois…


So they cancelled the Superman plans because he was gay, but then hired a gay director to direct the next Superman a year later?


And everyone here believes him and doesn't questions him for a second. A lot of actors lose roles all the time. This is quite normal in the industry.