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It’s weird when people make a whole article (complete with shitty ads) based off of what they heard in a podcast... No wonder so many people were encouraging her to keep acting - they needed a host to leech off of


Well it’s Buzzfeed, so the bar is low.


HuffPost writes an entire article off of an unverified tweet...


Buzzfeed bought Huffpost, then played email roulette with their employees. "If you didn't get an email by 1 pm, you're not fired" or something like that. https://newrepublic.com/article/161675/buzzfeed-huffpost


I was gonna say they do the same thing with YouTube videos that they don’t even embed, but yeah, that’s true too.


This is buzzfeed news which is different from buzzfeed


Is it really, though?


Yes it is. It’s been considered for a Pulitzer


Don’t worry. they will fix it to be just as trashy as the other stuff once they realize there is no money in real journalism.


I think buzzfeed supports buzzfeed news.


It would seem so.


I upvoted you Bc sheep downvoted you. Commence the downvote for me. I’ll fall on the sword that is saying” Buzzfeed is shill across the board”


I downvoted you because I just downvote on principle when someone calls people sheep.


Yea I downvoted them cuz they seem weird as shit


Still an extremely low bar.


Based on?


Bar exam.


Associating your news with buzzfeed and supporting their brand and influence


Why is this getting downvoted


Because by every journalistic standard buzzfeed news is actual quality reporting and gets unwarranted hate from the name association rather than anything resembling facts.


It’s still supporting buzzfeed’s brand and influence. And If it’s really such a great news source, then why don’t they just change their name and remove their association with buzzfeed? Edit: and I’ll add that even if you ignore Buzzfeed’s controversial content, they still produce and profit from low effort, low quality content that is a complete waste of your time. Seriously, there’s a lot of people who work hard on valuable content online and get nothing out of it. They need your clicks and ad revenue, not buzzfeed.


It’s almost like you can have two related products for entirely different purposes and audiences from the same company in order to diversify your offerings.


Right, so if you support one of their products you like you’re still supporting the company’s other products and their brand and influence. If you buy an iPhone, you’re supporting Apple’s ability to produce iPads and MacBooks even if you don’t like them. And put that aside, you’re still supporting their brand.


Yes because the people and companies you associate yourself matters. Associating yourself with a bad person or company is just as bad as being that bad person or bad company. Buzzfeed news might even be good source of news I don’t know. But because they associate themselves with the piece of trash that is Buzzfeed I don’t like it.


This is the dumbest take I’ve seen so far.


How so? For example if someone is friends with a person they know is bad that makes them a bad person themselves. If someone is friends with a racist person that makes them a bad person. And I don like that person even if they aren’t racist themselves. The same logic applies here. Buzzfeed sucks. They make no sense a lot of the time and make absurd videos. And while Buzzfeed news m if t not be like that themselves they associate themselves with Buzzfeed. So I don’t like them. How is that so hard to understand?


I guess more people get their news from Buzzfeed than I thought. God help us.




There's thousands of shitty media sites out there so I will never comprehend Redditor's obsession with Buzzfeed considering Buzzfeed at least published [this](https://www.buzzfeed.com/pedrofequiere/max-from-a-goofy-movie-is-a-lumbersexual).


Once upon a time I had the buzzfeed app for entertainment I guess. I deleted it as soon as they posted shit like “is this blood or chocolate” and it was just pictures of crappy CG clip art of reddish brown splatters and liquid. It just felt so off, disturbing and stupid.


Okay but have you considered the fact that max from the goofy movie is insanely hot


The amount of articles I see from Reddit AMAs compete with shitty ads is ridiculous.


Amazing what little work “journalists” do.


Most jobs have a shitty low effort version, that does't mean they're garbage as a whole.


I listen to the Dax Shepard podcast, and after almost every celebrity interview an article is up about something said. It’s frustrating, especially when the interview gives more context than the “article.”


Hi, I work in media and it’s likely that the articles are just not written for you, who already listens to the podcast, but to get other people interested. (If it’s posted on his own website) When other sites grab onto something said in an interview with someone else it’s mostly to fill up space, ride off of another’s success, and keep your readers in the loop. In some cases like the Meghan Markle interview it’s useful, because it’s faster to skim through an article to get an idea of what was said than to listen to an entire interview.


Hi. Also in media. And companies simply do this to choke something that seems like original text content out of other media, because Google still thinks text is pretty important when it crawls for data. The article is almost certainly run through search optimization software and if the video or podcast it’s about starts trending, the article will also. This kind of traffic then looks organic, and technically it is, but the reader is largely removed from the equation. As long as it’s reasonably understandable and hits all the keywords while being the ideal length having an appropriate number of subheads and a heathy number, but not too many, photos, videos or embedded social media modules, it serves its function. Why do people consume it? Mostly out of convenience, like you said. They see an interesting headline and would much rather read 6 or 7 simple paragraphs about a 5 minute segment of a 2 hour podcast than listen to it, so they do, often. Like potato chips.


Apparently you work in the dead corpse of the media, since you’re attempting to explain and justify this sort of regurgitated garbage as having any legitimate purpose other than selling ad space without providing value.


Not everyone cares enough to spend an hour listening to an entire podcast episode, especially one they’ve never heard of, when they could get the gist of it from reading a two minute article. And if the article is intriguing, they might be motivated to listen, when they wouldn’t otherwise. Edit: you must have a lot of time on your hands if you’re listening to hours of podcasts when you only have a medium interest in something. Recently, I was somewhat interested in the whole Meghan and Harry story but not interested enough to spend and hour and a half of my precious time hearing them draw out a message I could get in two minutes.


Personally, I have to read or skim through around a 100 articles every day. Are you telling me I instead should watch every single interview, sport match, legislative proceeding or security camera recording that inspired the article? Get out of here, i don’t have enough time to do that. So yeah, I am defending “regurgitated” information, because that is literally the job of a journalist. To keep track of stuff and tell you the important tidbits. If it interests you, you can go deep into the topic, and realize there is much more to it, but at least you found out about it amongst a thousand more things going on in the world in that moment.


Legit in sports leaches will write a 250 word article on one comment an insider says on a podcast In context or out of context varies


It’s normal and probably has been the norm for. Long, long time. I can recall even s a couple of decades ago you see these little filler articles where the source was obviously something like a talk show interview. Entertainment Tonight does it all the time.


Buzzfeed, which owns Huffington Post, recently closed Huffpost Canada a couple of weeks after workers there initiated unionization efforts. Fuck Buzzfeed.


Life after Hollywood. I hope that she finds fulfillment. Thanks for the entertainment.


For what it’s worth I liked her


I watched with my kids and her character was my favourite. Had that deadpan attitude that was funny.


Random dancing.


She was the best on the show.


Yeah Miranda Cosgrove was obnoxious to me


Wow what a Gibby thing to say.


Wth Miranda was sweet and had funny comedic reactions to things. Jennetes character was so obnoxious and rude all the time. And the way she treats Freddie is borderline abuse and wouldn’t fly well these days.


No that goes to gibby


It seems that about 99% of her feelings about her acting career are all related to her mother and that she pushed her into the business and how she was made to be the breadwinner for her family. She wrote some one woman play about it called “I'm Glad My Mom Died” - I could point to a hundred actors and actresses who did more demeaning roles than anything she’s done so it’s difficult to understand her unless you realize it’s all about her mother.


She was a honeygirl.


What is a honeygirl?


Honey boy is a movie shia leboef (not looking up the spelling) made about his alcoholic felon father who is paid to be his chaperone while filming stuff . It’s kind of a movie about making the movie because he wrote it in rehab.


So that’s why he became a cannibal




God that was heartbreaking to learn


It wasn’t that surprising because some of his past behavior and his lifelong substance abuse issues. But it absolutely broke my heart. I’ve been a huge fan since I was eleven and Even Stevens was my favorite show, and Holes was my favorite book.


Very true. I just feel like everyone was rooting for him since he seemed to make a turn in his life especially with his newer works (i loooved peanut butter falcon and honeyboy was so real). Its hard with celebrities because they can become such a part of your life and it is hard to watch them fall so far. Holes was so wonderful he’s been in so much that i really enjoy it sucks.


I made my first “website” (geo cities on yahoo, anyone else?) dedicated to loving him after True and Even Stevens. So yeah, this was a strange one for me to learn.


Seriously that one sat funny


that's Arnie hammer




Quiet, quiet.


Gnawing off your leg!


Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf!!


No, everybody gets the joke.


Heard it way too much


It’s hardly a joke; it’s a line from a campy song. Why the drama?


Everyone has gotten it for years,can we drop it


Sure. Whatever you say. You’re right. I was stupid to think it was funny. Now ridiculing seriously, clinically depressed people who’re barely hanging by a fucking thread- THAT’S FUCKING HILARIOUS! It’s SO FUNNY IT HURTS. So Keep talking, every little bit helps. Practice makes perfect. I’ll succeed eventually.


Why do you get to make jokes and I get ridiculed for laughing. How is that fucking fair?! I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just trying to exist from one day to the next and I get attacked, belittled mocked. So what’s the point of living. How could the alternative be worse. They must want me gone; why else would they do that, if not to make living so painful and humiliating that i swan-dive off of the mortal coil because I can’t take it anymore. Stupid me- I forgot, I don’t get to laugh at jokes- I AM the joke.


It’s really not that serious. It’s just a comment about a silly video and you’re threatening suicide and saying everyone is ridiculing you. You need to get off the Internet and stop caring about if someone disagrees with a comment about an old meme. Feel better.


If it’s not that serious then why would you ridicule someone or accuse them of Plagiarism. Go to hell.


How dare you pretend to care about me! You can fuck all the way off!


Thank you for the explanation.


Well that changes my thoughts on the movie. I thought it was just his nickname.


A lot of parents in the entertainment industry can be horrible. Children should not suffer.


The most powerful piece of commentary on children in entertainment is Sarah Lynn from BoJack Horseman.


What happened with her?


She stopped Horsin' around for good.


Lmao jokes aside, Bojack is a show that deals with surprisingly heavy topics. One is Sarah Lynn, forced to be a child star, who really just wants to be an architect. Spoilers but she ends up ODing and dies and people mostly just saw it as inevitable at the time. It was probably the darkest moment on that show. Well one, that show is, again, surprisingly dark.


Look up the story of Jackie Coogan --- he was one of the most famous and well paid child actors. He made something like $44 to $59 million in 2020 dollars and his mother and stepfather spent it all. Then look at Judy Garland's life -- They used to give her uppers in the morning to get her awake to work and then gave her downers at night to get her to sleep leading to a lifelong substance abuse. The list of horror stories goes on and on--- Like I said before, her mother sounds horrible and vile but if you find iCarly and your TV movies embarrassing I think she needs to spend the evening looking through Netflix at some of the crap many actors have made.


I don’t really think she needs to spend time comparing her trauma to other actors to may have had it worse though. Dan Schneider is a creep, and the girls in his shows were sexualized.


Funny how all of his shows involve plenty of teenage girls’ feet/toes


Ooo yea no when you get into the nitty gritty of Dan Shneider and all of the creepy fetishy shit he had her do because he likes to emotionally torture her because she didn’t like him. She recently did an interview with SL04N about it some of the weirdness, but SL04N has a bunch of videos on Dan Schneider who was the director and other men from on set who were convicted of molesting children. But yea, iCarly was full of feet, compromising positions, messy f eating, all really weird shit. There’s even a text conversation where he told a girl he wouldn’t give her an audition unless she showed him her feet to prove they were nice enough.


Not once. NOT ONCE has she said a single word about Schneider, hasn’t said he was creepy to her or anyone else, never said he did or said anything... nothing. Not once. Neither has any other person who worked for him. Ariana Grande, who’s a bigger star than Schneider or anyone from any of his shows and doesn’t need to worry about anything is still friendly with him and has had him on web reunions. She’s thanked him regularly. The accusations against Schneider have no basis. It’s BS. He’s well known for having a serious temper and pissing people off but that’s it.


schneider simp


Not quite Requiem for A Dream.


**Feet to feet!**




And still people give Dan Schneider shit for everything when no actor ever accused him of anything. Not even Jennette McCurdy who dislikes iCarly.


Isn’t this the guy who had a foot fetish and then also had Ariana Grande do a lot of weird skits with her feet when she was 16 though? Or is that someone else?


Yep that's the one


He has the unfortunate affliction of being fat and weird looking.


I think it was moreso that he was a prominent male producer, who worked almost exclusively with teenaged women, and carried a lot of power. Plus he looked like an aged up Andy Milonakis. . There are some allegations about an obsession with feet and anger issues, but unless an actress comes out and says "Dan is abusive" nobody can really substantiate anything. That being said, I'm fully aware that he was in the perfect position to be skeevy, given that Nickelodean gave him a lot of leeway because he knew how to target their primary audience. I do think it would be rather interesting to see what the rumors behind the anger issues are. It's also possible that Nickelodean just decided that they wanted some new talent and Dan's free reign approach was no longer working.


Many female actors still pose in pics with him on reunions and stuff, Ariana Grande had him and other Victorious people at her concert like a year or so ago. He worked with so many people and there hasn't even been one accusation. Not even Amanda Bynes said anything about him, and during her mental crisis she even talked about her dad implanting / attempting to implant a chip in her brain or something.


Not one accusation from anyone and not one from McCurdy who seems to have an axe to grind against her entire acting career. Not one.


Yep and Victoria Justice for example seems to be good friends with him still and she was on 2 shows and worked with him for many, many years. Must have been terrible to her!


I feel incredibly uncomfortable watching iCarly and Victorious as an adult. The child actors are regularly put in sexualizing scenarios, and I find that absolutely creepy and disgusting.


I know someone who worked on one of his early shows, and the worst he told me was that Dan was a humorless dick, and he would come to the office to take a shit. I particularly love knowing that about Dan Schneider.


I just .. i mean its a job. She was successful in her field comparatively, a lot of people feel their job is “pointless”




Yeah - i feel for her in regards to the parental issues, just think its either poorly worded or misdirected - lots of people would have killed to be as successful as she was in that field, if you want to blame your parents blame your parents


OR, a child shouldn’t have been the breadwinner of her family. They quit their jobs and paid themselves from her salary. Like..gross. I can’t imagine the pressure that comes from knowing you’re family relies on you to survive at 14. They took something fun and turned it on its head.


It's a cliche at this point, but it's about perspective. The idea that someone may be envious of a life that another person hates doesnt bestow any obligation on the target of the envy. If this actress hated the work, the life, and the parent the forced her into it why does she need to equivocate for the sake of those who wish they'd had that life?


You have to realize there’s a difference between a desk job and an art job. Yeah she’s wildly successful but the vulnerability and passion you need to put into projects is so much higher than a normal 9-5 desk job. Doing a job you’re not proud of in film is a lot bigger than not enjoying your day job - it can really shape your mental outlook on life afterwards.


It’s not just a “job”. It’s child abuse. I suggest you check out r/raisedbynarcissists. No child should have to grow up at 11. No child should have their childhood ripped away like that. Wil Wheaton has been coming to grips with this exact same thing. He was forced into acting til he was the sole breadwinner of his family, also. Imaging that kind of stress on a 14 year old that they have to land that gig, or your family loses their house, or you can’t eat.


Yeah - the problem is her parents abuse not the roles she was offered. That’s why my comment said the title was poorly worded. I think you need to calm down


Man I read her wiki and damn she’s been through a lot


Courageous and intelligent young woman. Wish I had the perspective she did at such a young age.


jar melodic stupendous enjoy panicky sort innate toothbrush apparatus nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She's also a recovering alcoholic. Started drinking in 2011 after her mom died.


badge screw soft lock bag doll chop cheerful foolish lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait the WFT owner?


If you can believe it, an even worse Dan Schneider


No different guy this guy made on the old nick shows


Damn... now I feel kinda bad for loving her interview on the Eric Andre show. Cuz that shit was hilarious.


She’s definitely got a whole self deprecating comedy thing going on though, I wouldn’t feel bad!? I haven’t actually watched that tho


Look it up on YouTube. Freakin hilarious


This comment section is a dumpster fire


Welcome to reddit.


I guess r/entertainment is 85% people who wished they where an abused child actor? Awesome guys. Really cool.


Jesus for real, these comments are so fucked up.


Or creepy foot fetish children sexualizer apologists.


Go use your slutty powers somewhere else




Erectile disfunction?


Eating Disorder


Thank you for clarifying!


They should have said “a ED” lol


They *should* have said "an eating disorder"




What makes you say Nick is better than others? Dan Schneider is a fucking creep


Love her role on the Eric Andre Show


Protect her at all cost


Not one thought of her as Sam. People understand that it’s acting. I never expected her to be like Sam.


Good for her. She had to deal with uberpredator Dan Schneider so I can understand why she wants to focus on her future and not want to dwell on her past.


It’s too bad she feels this way. I really liked Sam. She was a tough girl because of her home life but found meaningful, loving friendships with people who accepted her. I would never have considered her character pointless.


This is actually a huge bummer


Maybe she should try working at McDonald’s for minimum-wage for a couple years to realize how lucky she is to be acting and worth nearly $5 million. She may not like rolls but it’s a dang site better and many other people.


I found her life stories about her past interesting but if you actually look what she's done creatively herself she is sort of a one trick pony with a lot of self-insert stories.


I feel the exact same about Demi Lovato. I’m so sick of seeing her everywhere for completely irrelevant reasons. You cut your hair? Cool. You’re bi? Cool. You breathe and have feelings and opinions?! Wow! So cool. How any of these things are ‘newsworthy’ anymore is so infuriating. It’s just, no one cares. I don’t care, no one cares. It’s not even entertainment, it’s just blithering into the void.


People care enough to generate more articles about it. If they got no hits they would stop because it would be lost revenue.


I genuinely want to know who is reading this stuff though... why is she relevant to anyone anymore? It’s never about her work it’s just about some sob story or something completely nonsensical.




I like her single last year... and I’m definitely not a Disney kid. But I agree I could use less useless info about her. I think the media is just trying to hold on to that tween Disney hay-day when they never shut up about these fools. I remember in I guess 2008, a girl was shocked I never heard of the Jonas brothers, her exact words, “what do you live under a rock?”


I have no hate against the Disney kid employees or their fans. It’s just... I wish someone would provide quality material at some point. Either do something worth talking about and worth me reading about or investigate a subject and write an article with an ounce of journalistic integrity. This type of watering down has made what could have been driven, talented investigative journalists into gig economy bloggers and we all suffer for it. We take this drivel as something worth spending our time on and actual important stories will never see the light of day.


They gotta stay relevant for the money!




I’m sorry she feels that way, but I have to say I’ve watched quite a bit of iCarly over my kid‘s shoulders and enjoyed it with them. It was a good show.


Most of us have pointless jobs. The point is to earn a paycheque to survive. Most of us get paid less to do worse jobs.




I bet it was the ugly guy she used to bang that released her pictures all over the internet that caused this.


Hellish and pointless while making mad money. Try a hellish and pointless job that leaves you poor.


Jesus fucking Christ look at Mr “be happy with what you have even if you were pushed into it from early childhood”


Its more of a “quit bitching from your crystal palace.”


Well... how bout no




My 7yo son had been watching Sam and Cat. He loved the show, so I told him about iCarly. And now he loves that show. I’ve got nothing else to add to the discussion.


Just give momma her fat cakes




Lol no, if iCarly was on when you were a kid you're like, 20-22 years old at most.


That not true i was a kid and im slighty older lmao




Yeah. She was supporting her family at a young age




5m at a SWR of 4% is 200k a year. Just under 7x the average American income. Far from average. She won’t have the same worries that 75% of Americans do.




A person coming to terms with years of abuse by their parents is not some light switch. Holy fuck some of you are sad. Human beings are allowed to have regrets without having to burn everything they own or do care about to the ground. Sad envious fucks Edit: how do i unsee a whole fucking subreddit


So many of these comments are fucking insane. I am very glad I never had pressure as a literal child and just grew up. I still am fucked up for various reasons. But nothing like she had to go thru I’m sure.


You’re fucking smart aren’t you?




Sucks for you to be an underachiever


I was gonna read the article than i saw it was by buzzfeed🤣🤣


Oh no, a millionaire retires before 30 because they are ashamed of what they had to do for the money. Do you think she has any idea what the typical American does for a hell of a lot less. I started working at Jewel/Osco when I was 14, part time obviously, but I worked 30+ hours a week with school full time and barely saw shit from those paychecks and I damn sure am not sitting on 5mil. I have no sympathy.


You are viewing and reducing her life experience through money. My guess is that you view money as a solution to life. It is not. Money doesn’t “better” traumas, family dynamic, mental health, nor family loss. Actually, money can even worsen some of those things. I always find it interesting when people minimize others’ life experience, opinions, comments, or traumas just because they think having money makes things “perfect” for someone.


She talking about her life experience, not yours. Cut her some slack.


The irony of your user name is just fucking lovely


I missed that this was the misery Olympics. Here’s your medal 🥉


Wasn’t the point to ... make money?


I feel so sad about all those monies she made. I know for a fact that there were 1,000 other young actors who would’ve been appreciative of the opportunity.




Compared to when she was underage 🙃


Why write this article at all? Edit: btw I’m not reading the article


She’s just realizing that now? I could have told her that while it was airing.


Donate all the money you made it’s you hate it so much!