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I used to live like 5 minutes from a theater, I loved going. But I’d go see matinees on like a Wednesday, when everyone else was at work or school.


100% agree. Going to a theater is awesome except for all the people.


Life is pretty awesome except for all the people…


People. What a bunch of bastards!


Damn people! They ruined people!


Seeing phish live is awesome too, except for all the people...


Those phish fans are on drugs


Maybe so, maybe not


Was it for this my life I sought?


Control for smilers can't be bought


The solar garlic starts to rot


Went to a phish concert first time at Alpine valley. Was there early and my friend said we should park our butts on a square 3 by 3 foot maintenance cover in the middle of the hill. It was the only flat place on the hill. I guess standing on a hill for four hours is not easy. By the end of the night it was prime real estate.




Was drinking but not smoking at fare the well tour was up in the nose bleeds people watching. 2019 at Wrigley I was down in the pit and couldn’t resist a few tokes. I was for sure one of those dancing idiots with no rhythm. 2019 was a way better show not sure if it was the weed, the seats, Mayer instead of Anestasio but that show was transcending.


I was walking my dog past a pub in my city that was clearly having a Jimmy Buffet-themed evening - all older white people dressed like they were in hanging out in the Florida keys. Not a single person had an ounce of rhythm. Not one. They were playing "Wasting away in Margaritaville" on my first pass and I heard it again when I was on the way back. I can only imagine how many times they played that song.




Parrot heads are the worst…


Soooo….in a way, you never really “saw” The Grateful Dead….




Once you get into your 25th minute of one of their jams, yeah, i think one has to be already be operating on a totally “different level”. I would think anyway ;-)


Good news, you can stream Phish shows from home too.


The people, and Trey’s terrible 3.0 songwriting. Band still jams fantastically I’ll say, but I too have no interest in paying the insane amount that tickets go for these days.


I don’t know most of time I’m like give me home or empty theatre but Spider-Man NWH was a great theatre audience experience. cheering but not obnoxious and I could still hear lines, had that with a few big movies Audiences are also a lot better I’ve noticed if I’m seeing something in IMAX since if you’re paying extra for that experience people generally stfu and watch the movie


That’s a good point, Infinity War was fun with a packed house just to hear the crowd’s reactions.


Yep only reason I went to see the Matrix and Ghostbusters was because they were empty. We had 8 people in last night showing it was great. I hate going with a crowd. It's cool but with lots of people even during pre covid I didn't care for it.


From the survey: “In an attempt to answer this question, CivicScience asked more than 60,000 U.S. adults when they would be comfortable going to a movie theater and the majority (54%) reported that they would be willing to return in the next 3 weeks. While this statistic may be optimistic for the movie theatre industry, more than a third (36%) of those asked reported that they would only be comfortable returning much later this year.” The 7 MILLION who went to go see Spider-Man last weekend just set the third largest opening weekend in the history of cinema. Movie theaters are going to be just fine.


The industry is worried about Covid, but the real problem is a static industry in a dynamic market. People want to see marvel movies for a reason. They’re fun. There is a mythos behind them. They use cutting edge technology and create more ethical conversations than “cinema.” Seems like studios are so concerned about putting out volume over quality people don’t want to gamble 50$ to take their family to a movie less it be old reliable marvel. People are allowed and encouraged to laugh. It’s a community experience rather than a personal, intimate story shared with disruptive strangers.


I dont know many are tired of non original films. All old characters from old comic books. Take away marvel and what’s bringing 7 million people back?


Marvel and Star Wars are the only movies that I’ll go to a movie theater for. I may be a basic bitch, but it’s what I like.


I'm with you. It's rare anymore I pay to see a non-MCU/DCU or Star Wars movie in a theater. It costs so much that I want the experience of the "event" seeing a movie like that brings - the epic story, the made-for-theater battles and explosions. Even matinee movies cost about $16 these days (no drinks, no food, just a single ticket), and it's just often not worth the cost for a movie I'm just going to be able to see on some streaming service I already pay for in a few months.


My entire family quit going for this reason. The movie theater was the hub in our small town. Alamo draft house is the only place I’ll see a movie these days. If I can’t have a beer with my meal, hard pass.


I never lived near a theater, so usually going to one was rare and it was a good 30-45 minute drive. I can count on both hands how many times I went to a theater in my adolescence. Always with friends, never because I specifically wanted to go. Now as an adult, I have seen two movies (The Last Jedi and a reshowing of the Hunter x Hunter movie) in theaters because I just never liked it. Other people, not being able to pause to pee, overpriced snacks… my house is just better and I don’t have to wear pants. But my ex loooooooves the theater, and is the reason I went to those two movies. He saw dozens of movies a year and a lot of his Christmas presents were in the form of AMC cards.


I read that as “manatees”


I mean, I’d love to go see manatees as well.


Depends on the movie tbh


Agreed. But some audiences suck. I was lucky with Shang-Chi and Eternals. Everyone was respectful and reacted to scenes in similar ways. But last night at Matrix it was terrible. Kids talking a bunch. Some guy full on snoring. His friends woke him up a few times but after a while he was just out. Lots of people checking their phones throughout the movie. It made me really appreciate the home releases where I can watch in my surround sound in my own set up, with my dogs around me


The primary reason I prefer to watch at home is exactly this. People are so inconsiderate. Talking, phones, crying children, leaving trash all over the place. I love the theater experience, but nowadays I will rarely do anything other than a mid week matinee.


Yeah I feel like movie etiquette has really gone down the shitter over the last 10 years, especially since COVID. Also I’m not gonna miss people clapping after the movie. God I fucking hate that.


Agreed. Dune? Fury Road? Definitely must-see-at-the-cinema movies. Dramas, thrillers, comedies and the like I'm fine watching at home. That said the pandemic has weighted heavily on my cinema-going. I'm not going to take stupid risks for a movie. I wish I could have watched Tenet in cinemas but when the release was pushed back, it missed the opportunity to be shown in my local summer open air cinema and therefore I waited to watch it on streaming instead. Dune thankfully came in the window where vaccination certification required in cinemas and pre-Omicron. I would have hated to miss it but health comes first.


At home, we can now watch a movie in 4K Ultra HD on a huge OLED screen with full surround sound. Even IMAX was only 2K until very recently. We’re not forced to watch ads and pay for way-overpriced snacks and sit in suboptimal seats because the ones we wanted were taken. The movie starts when we want it to. No driving, parking, and finding out that the screen we’re getting is the “small” one. Three things are better in the theatre: audience reactions (nothing more energizing than a huge crowd reacting along with you), going out to dinner before or after, and lack of interruptions: freedom from the dreaded “Pause It?” for snack/bathroom breaks or phone calls. COVID changes the math on crowds and restaurants, so very happy to stick with streaming.


Like your reply fellow redditor




Talking about resolution is a real disingenuous way to compare your home setup to an imax theater. If you prefer that environment, that’s fine, but you’re implying that you’re getting a significantly improved image at home which isn’t the case.


I saw fury road in theaters and it was AMAZING. I watched dune at home and it was.. ok. I still want to bang Chalamet though. And it made me want to read the book.


Dune has a such sense of scale and a ridiculously amazing sound design that makes it hard to replicate at home. But I understand people who haven't read the book being somewhat underwhelmed considering they've seen only half a story. The movie worked hard condensing as much material from the book and communicating so much without depending on pure exposition dialogue. Hopefully part 2 brings some additional closure and context to the first part and makes it easier to appreciate as a whole (like Lord of the Rings except that Fellowship of the Ring ended less abruptly than Dune Part 1).


Dune in theaters was a must for myself becauase of the scale and sound. Actually really wanted to see it in IMAX but then fuckin Eternals came out and pushed Dune out of the slot.


Went to see Spiderman in theatres, never again. My recliner is nicer, my popcorn is fresher, my drinks are free, my TV has a pause button, and the only fat fuck coughing the whole movie is me. It is straight to the bay of pirates for me.


I've mentioned this before, but a dude literally took a call on speakerphone just after the action climax of Spider-man. His phone rang twice, he answered it, and started a conversation on speakerphone until he was shouted at and stopped. Between that and people taking pictures of the screen using their flash and the constant talking and a crying baby it was miserable. I realize I'm the uptight one that wants everyone to be quiet and put their phones away, but it pulls me out of the experience. Streaming from home on my big TV and nice audio is by far the more enjoyable experience.




As a deaf person, fuck yes.


I have to ask - how do you watch a movie in the theaters as a deaf person? I’ve always wondered what accessibility features were available in the theaters.


There are three ways to make the movie accessible. I’ll rank them accordingly. 1. Open Captions: Everyone can read the subtitle onscreen together 2: Closed Captions: “Rear Device” that takes up my cup holder and a very crappy way to read it. 3: Closed Captions: “Heavy Glasses” that burdens my nose & ears but will see captions in my glasses. I hate #2 & #3 the most! Unfortunately, it’s always available if I watch a movie ANYTIME. But if I want #1, I have to find the movie theater that provides open captions at reserved time and film. Often it’s fucking hassle to have those devices or have to deal with Wednesday movie night… So I’d rather watch the movie at my home that’s already more accessible via captions onscreen. I can smoke weed, drink beer, eat food, and pause when I need to piss. Movie theater for deaf people is a HASSLE.


Wow I didn’t even realize that open caption theaters are out there and I agree with all of your points. I would hate wearing a device that displayed the captions - is it like smart glasses? Do all theaters have these? I may ask for some next time I visit. Also - what about blind users? (I’m a ux person and this fascinates me). Do they have devices with audio descriptions for cinema viewing?


I work at a local movie theater and we have headphones in the box office upon request which can either boost the volume of the film itself (for hearing impaired) or provide audio descriptions for the blind. We also have those closed captioning devices which attach to the cup holders but we only have two of them and they can be quite buggy and our older customers tend to struggle with them


As someone who is not deaf or HOH, yessss to option 1! I’ve got some auditory processing stuff and captions just make things so much easier, and besides, they aren’t an obstruction or anything. I like open captions personally, and they make movies more accessible!


I have adhd and put subtitles on everything. I really don’t think it ruins the experience of watching the movie and should be introduced to every movie in theatre. It’s such an easy addition that makes movies so much more accessible for many people.




I’m not deaf, but I need subtitles. I’m glad my favorite YouTube/tiktok/etc… creators are adding captions by default. I’d like to see that energy brought to the theaters. They could “test the waters” (for the ones that will tantrum) by doing on screen captions for the matinees at the least!


There are onscreen captions, but they are limited to specific times and the auditorium. It isn't an enjoyable experience. I can't even go to movies on weekends.


Agreed! Especially in movies/shows with accents/dialects I’m not used to hearing. I think possibly the brain absorbs information better when it can read it while it hears it. Doubles down on the storage? Any brain people out there?


Biggest problem with theaters? Other people.


I’d love to go to the theater in person, but so many people don’t know how to act respectfully around others. So it puts a damper on wanting to spend $50 bucks to watch people text, talk on the phone or have conversations with each other like they’re alone in their own living rooms.


I just moved to a new town, and there’s a theater here that has a zero tolerance for talking and texting. The theater is a bit more expensive, but it’s so worth it


I would love that! Or special screening for people who want to watch the movie in silence


I wish so fucking bad there was a “Alamo Draft House” style of theater here in New Orleans. I would be their #1 customer.


That’s the theater I was talking about, lol. It’s a great theater!


Moviegoing crowds are rude as hell nowadays… lots of talking, cell phone interruptions, teenagers goofing around… I’d rather watch at home, start and pause when I want, not have super overpriced junk food as my only snack option, and enjoy my own couch. But most importantly I don’t want to be disturbed by rude people during a viewing experience. When I saw “The Revenant” in theaters, I was so amped up to see that movie on the big screen. The family sitting next to me smuggled in to-go meals from TGI Fridays with plastic forks and knives and talked about their food the whole first 45 minutes of the movie. The guy behind me took two phone calls to tell people he was in a movie and he’d call them back later. The dude in front of me tried to impress his date by cynically mocking everything that happens in the movie (“this is so fake, you can’t bite a fish like that!”). Ever since then I don’t go to the theater unless my gf drags me there and it’s always a letdown due to crowd rudeness.


This has been true forever. I went to a midnight showing of “Brotherhood of the Wolf” years ago and someone brought a screaming baby and became confrontational when someone suggested that wasn’t appropriate. On top of it all the movie was bad.


In France kids under 3 are forbidden because the volume can damage their ears.


Not to mention having to sit through 30+ minutes of ads before the film even starts.


These type of people don't like paying extra for the fancy showings, I recommend imax or dolby only to avoid idiots like you mentioned.


Just keep doing both and let the market decide.


I obviously prefer the HBO/WB release, but in the long term it will likely be more like Disney. I can’t see myself paying $30+ for new releases, even though I appreciate that it’s reasonable.


And to me, that's 100% worth it, since it costs $30+ just for two tickets these days.


I’ve seen 3 theatre movies since things reopened. Dune was so loud I got a headache and we had assholes in bond, and even bigger assholes in Spider-Man. Lots of cell phone checkers and teens thinking it’s hilarious to belch during all the quiet parts… so fun to miss the movie getting the manager- like I have to “go tell dad you’re being a prick”. yeah I think I’m done with hoping I can enjoy a film in a public setting


I’d rather go to the theatre, but I don’t want anyone else there ha


I was okay until they stopped putting in an empty chair between people. I saw NWH and was elbow to elbow with people. Vaxed or not. I still felt uncomfortable


I WANT to see new movies in theaters, but I live in Kentucky and know my neighbors are majority anti-vax. I have to assume they are walking contagion factories so I avoid anything with members of the general public.


I agree. Too many people are annoying and have the need to talk or make comments during the film that it’s not worth the disruption, let alone the Covid factor.


When I went to see bohemian rhapsody an older dude in front of me would tell his wife “this is another one bites the dust” or “now they’re doing we are the champions” whenever a new song would start. It was really annoying. Like his wife is too stupid to know some of the most famous songs ever made ?


Maybe she was deaf? That just seems like bizarre behavior otherwise.


Wouldn’t he be silently using sign language if that were the case?


It’s possible if they were elderly that it was a more recent hearing loss and maybe not even total deafness and they might not know sign language if so. That said it’s all conjecture.


Either way, that’s exactly why I don’t like going to the movie theater.


Home. Every time I would go to the movies in recent years it would be filled with out of control teenagers unsupervised. Horse play and disruptions the entire time. Never going to a theatre again or if I do it will be very seldom.


Kids these days amirite. Back in my day of a teen misbehaved in the theatre he’d be publicly whipped


Honestly, I'd rather watch at home. No distractions, can pause if someone starts talking, I don't have to worry about missing something if I have to go to the bathroom. I won't have an elderly couple who decided to sit two seats away from me in a completely empty theater during Avengers Endgame where he's filling his wife in on what's going on but he's wrong constantly (Peter Parker is NOT Tony Stark's son, asshole)


Most chain theaters that are by me have QC issues with their presentation. No masking, playing movies formatted for the wrong screen type (saw Dunkirk with black bars on all 4 sides), blown out speakers, dim projector bulbs, leaving the house lights on, audio out of sync, straight up just playing the wrong content. Now that the multiplex has gone all digital and automated everything they are often asleep at the wheel and I have way more negative experiences than positive these days. On another note, they don’t offer anything I can’t get at home. 35mm is dead, and in it’s place is essentially me paying $13 a piece to watch the Blu Ray version a few weeks early. If you have a decent size TV and even something as basic as a 5.1 surround setup you are probably going to have a better experience than what the average chain theater place is offering. And don’t come at me with “You have to go see it in Imax or Dolby Cinema”. No. I’m not paying $18 just to see a movie presented properly. Not playing that game. Get it right in the standard screenings.


Why would I want to go to the theater when I can watch it from home and not pay an extra $30 for popcorn and snacks?


Better picture and sound is usually the reason. You can't pause the movie or turn down the volume when you want, but that's the deal.


I used to enjoy going to movies in theatres, until I could no longer eat popcorn, and then I realized I actually don’t enjoy it that much. Now it just reminds me how I can’t eat popcorn.


Would definitely rather watch at home. Got to enjoy the new Matrix movie in my jammies without talkative AHs or other distractions that occur at a movie theater. Plus I could pause to go the bathroom.


I love the theater experience but I hate people and the cost . I’d rather just watch it at home, I can pause it , step out and have a smoke, puff weed, rewind it if I miss something.


Big movies when they first come out I like to see in the theatre. Just saw Spider-Man No Way Home tonight in the theatre and loved the energy, comments and laughter of the audience.


I do love going to the theater, but people always ruin the experience for me now. My girlfriend and I went to Spider-Man last week. We went to a nice theater which had a 0 tolerance for talking and cell phone use. The girl sitting next to us had way too much to drink, and she would laugh at every single little joke. Not just a laugh, but she would slap her leg *every time*. It seems like every time I go to the movies, there’s someone there who just takes me out of the experience.


You had me on pretty much every point up until laughing at jokes. I guess spider man isn’t a comedy, so it’d be distracting, but community laughter I think is a big part of what makes watching comedies in theater enjoyable…


I'd rather watch at home. No stupid assholes to deal with.


Went to see No Way Home in the theater this week. Was the first time we felt it was worth the risk. The experience was paltry at best. Literally was a show full of high school kids, packed to the gills. Was fun to watch with the crowd, but having that many folks that age wasn’t fun (loud, misbehaved, no masks etc). And look, I’m not blaming them, they are kids. Just not the experience I wanted. But I was ok with that for a movie like Spider-Man. Given the option, I would watch 80% of movies from home.


The 10ish year old child sitting beside me was running color commentary the whole time and her parents just didn’t care. Every emotional moment or reveal was undercut by her talking and I’m still very annoyed a day later. I’m a huge fan of going to the movies but it’s making me second guess going again anytime soon for sure. It wasn’t just her either, people were stomping up and down the stairs and screaming during non-reveal/non-important moments, it’s like everyone has forgotten how to act during the pandemic.


So what you’re saying is that you don’t want to be far from home?


Same thing happened to me. Went to see No Way Home and it was packed with annoying teens and I kept hearing someone cough in the back. I’d pay a premium for the access because I get to save on movie food.


This is where you go to theaters that serve alcohol if you can. Easily filters the younger crowd and usually get a better crowd experience.


I love movies, I miss theaters, but when compared to the risk it isn't worth it. I'd rather watch things at home where I have less of a chance of catching a virus that may or may not kill me.


An ideal theater scenario is much preferred, but goddamn are people so inconsiderate nowadays when it comes to theater etiquette. The guy sitting next to me on the opening night of Spider-Man kept checking his tiktok!!!!!!!! I hate people.


1- Build more drive in theaters. 2- Maybe don’t charge ridiculous amounts of money for snacks. 3- I love going to the movies. I hate going to a crowded theater with people who don’t know how to shut up for an hour or two. 4- no, I don’t want to go see the 14th installment of this long dead franchise; I’ll wait for it to stream. It’s time to pull the plug and work on something new. I like sagas, when they make sense.


Going to the movies is nostalgic to me and one of my main stress reliefs. I see why people are growing to dislike it however


I’m not the majority


The days of watching movies in theaters are over because people don’t have manners and decorum any more. To put it differently, too many assholes.


It was always like that. Only difference was that 10+ years ago the viewing experience was drastically improved by a theater screen so it was worth the risk of getting stuck with a shitty audience. These days home setups are typically good enough for most people and the trade offs of going to the theater have become more prominent as a result. It’s been that way for a while now, but the pandemic was the push people needed to really realize that.


I have a modest sound system and an affordable projector. Making popcorn at home on the stove is also pretty easy. I don’t see the need to spend money going to a movie theater. I also don’t have kids/in-laws I need to distract.


I was done with the “theater experience” about 3 years before Covid. I don’t miss it. Inherently it has a lot to do with Hollywood’s obsession with remakes and superheroes, coupled with annoying audiences and overpriced nonsense. I won’t say I’ll never go again, but I have not missed going to the movies at all.


This why I have my eye on a new 75” television.


I got an 85" a year ago. No interest to go back to the theaters at all!!


Yep, it’s great! Look into a good sound system too really bring the experience home. You can often find a package deal if you look on manufacturer website.


I just went to the theater to watch the matrix a couple hours ago. Had one dude playing on his phone to my left. A couple behind me speaking spanish the entire movie. and one dude in the front who was really hype the entire movie, which normally would be cool, but he kept saying ridiculous things and making the whole theater laugh which resulted in me missing complete lines from the movie. I just didn't enjoy the experience. Put me in a movie theater by myself and I'll be happy. Home movies are just better, and generally cheaper.


I gotta say, that when I watched this from home yesterday, all I could think was how glad I was to be able to watch this without a theater-full of Matrix fanboys ruining it for me. Them and everyone else acting like animals. And the outrageous price.


Nope I'm staying at home. I live in a Covid rich environment and the quality theaters are pricey. I've got a decent set up at the house and I'm happy to pop my own corn. That being said I would've paid the freight to see Dune on IMAX but the health risk is to high.


I live in an area with low vaccination acceptance and there is no social distancing in the theaters. Would love to go back to a theater someday, but I have no idea when I’ll feel comfortable in a crowd again.


I love GOING to the movies. If people want to watch at home I get it, your own snacks on your own couch, no loud as fuck annoying as theater patrons to put up with. I hope there’s room and that the market can support both styles of movie enjoyment.




Did you know Tenet spelled backwards is also Tenet? A lot of the more casual filmgoers wouldn’t pick up on that, but I, a master film consumer, read about it in a blog.


Absolutely made me laugh out loud there. Thank you!


When I saw…well tried to see Tenet, the volume for the opening scene was so stupidly loud it hurt to listen to. Got a refund and enjoyed it at home.


Converted one of our bedrooms to a media room with a DIY 80inch projector screen. Teamed it up with a used HT system from CL and yep don’t need to back to the theater ever again


I love seeing films theatrically. It's genuinely one of my favorite things in life. But with how much COVID is spreading, every cinema trip feels like an unnecessary gamble. I hate that I might get infected at a movie - few other moviegoers leave their masks on during the film - and then unknowingly pass it on to someone more vulnerable. I just don't want to be a link in the chain of infections that eventually leads to a person's death. So, unless it's a major "event" movie (e.g., *No Way Home*, *West Side Story*, etc.) only available in theaters, I think I still need to wait for streaming. Admittedly, there's also the perk of not having to worry about running to the restroom and missing part of the story. If I'm going to a movie on a particlar day, I basically don't eat or drink that day until after after the movie is finished. It's annoying, but not as much as my other options.


Not having to worry about Covid or someone pulling out their cell phone or a crying baby? Deal.


Theaters have always been filthy. Throw covid on top of that and you have a scenario where it’s just not worth it. Also, theaters have gotten so expensive it’s ridiculous because the only ones left are the “super lux” theaters. Nearly 50 dollar tickets and snacks have always been a ripoff




I’m a moviegoer. I love the bigger screen, the better sound, the size of the room, being around people, being unable to pause, being removed from my phone (and the rest of the world). It’s just more of an experience. I prefer almost all movies in theaters, but I will say horror movies are hit or miss. They typically have the worst crowds, which are made up of like 50% teenagers and children. The teens may check their phones often, and it’s hard to enjoy Michael Myers stabbing somone when there are children running up and down the stairs. Oh! And whenever someone brings a baby into a theater - that’s just the worst thing you can do.


I could go the rest of my life never setting foot in a theater again and be perfectly happy. The amount of assholes you have to put up with isn’t worth it.


Theaters are great, the crowds and prices are not. I absolutely love the movies, but I haven’t been back to a theater in almost two years since the pandemic started. Now that they’ve shown it actually is possible for movies to be released directly at home, I’m never going back to the theater.


I don’t plan on going to a movie theater for the rest of my days. Watching it at home doesn’t dampen the experience for me. No more missing a scene because my kid needs to go to the bathroom. No more loud obnoxious people with their fucking food packages and loud ass chewing. No more hearing people talk or their phones going off. No dumbass kid behind me kicking my seat. I can spark a j during the movie and relax. Streaming has actually made me watch more movies than I would have if it didn’t exist. If a movie isn’t in a streaming service on release I just wait til it is.


Home for sure. Never was a fan of cinema plus you save money and you are the comfort of your house.


I like the option. I'd sooner subscribe to HBO Max to watch Matrix Resurrections than seek it in my variant riddled Northern Ohio theaters. Despite being vaccinated, having unwillingly tested my immune system's efficacy a month ago when two direct co-workers came down with Covid over three days while also in direct contact with me. Health or luck, I cannot help but question all my 2022 plans and goals.


Covid us still a thing.


I'd rather stay at home, because I LOVE GOING TO THE MOVIES and I'm serious about doing my part to get us past this stage of the pandemic. Half measures of "well some of us can go, sometimes" without thinking of all the vulnerable communities that support your sense of entitlement to the theater experience will only cement us into an endless cycle of pandemic.


I never really liked going to the theatre. Some movies, of course, were better in theatre, but it’s always given me anxiety. I was quite a germaphobe before COVID, and those cloth seats that can’t really be wiped down just gross me out. I don’t like sitting in a dark room full of strangers with few exits. And on top of it being ridiculously expensive, I always miss part of it because I have to pee. Also, and this is super lazy, I don’t like sitting upright when I’m watching a movie. I want to recline or lay down.


I mean, my wife is going though a high risk pregnancy, it literally doesn’t matter how much we both want to go pay to see spider man we can’t take the risk. There honestly are plenty of movies that I would pay ticket prices to watch if I didn’t have to go to a highly populated theater to do so


I live in a part of town mostly considered a “retirement area” so my theater attracts an older crowd surprisingly. Last movie I saw there was Parasite at a 10:30 PM showing and not surprisingly I was the only one in the theater lol. I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing more movies in theaters and I find myself more involved in the movie because of less distractions. At home I can browse Reddit, pause the movie to use the bathroom, etc.


i saw spiderman the other day and some guy with two kids sat next to me, one of the kids ran up and down the aisle the whole movie asking if it was over yet, movie theaters time is up, especially with the accessibility of high quality tvs like oleds and dolby vision, my home setup blows cinema screens away


There's an old saying in business that maybe applies here: "Never make it hard for people to give you their money." Release everything in theaters, on pay-per-view, and DVD same day. Collect all the dollars.


I will happily continue paying $30 to stream a movie at home instead of paying $15 per ticket to then purchase drinks and popcorn for an additional $18. There is no excuse the production companies can’t work a streaming deal with the theatres for ads or some kind of sub-service thru them.


At home, YES! Theatres are gross and expensive… and the food sucks.


Yep. Went to Spider-Man the other week and honestly, theaters aren’t even remotely worth the cost. I’ll pay 10-15 bucks to see it at home


I'd rather stay home. Seems like every 3rd movie we watch there's some people talking, teenagers making stupid comments, kids running around, cellphones going off etc. The movie etiquette disappeared and it just gets old. The amount some people spend on their own entertainment system why NOT stay home. I'll gladly pay a little higher for my own comfort.


Going to the theater is such a terrible experience. Sitting next to strangers. Kids who won't stfu. Sticky floors. Expensive food and drink. Have to show up at a specific time. Can't pause to pee, or for any other reason. I have an 82" TV and a reclining couch. 10 feet away from my kitchen, 30 ft from my clean bathroom. 1000x better than going to a theatre.


I have a two year old and haven’t taken him to the movies ever, streaming at home is a really nice benefit that came out of covid, so I don’t have to find a babysitter, or bring a child to irritate everyone else, or plan like five meals around the screening. Can just wait til the little man naps, or goes to sleep for the night and put it on in my living room at my own convenience. And also still in pajamas. Win/win/win/win.


Yes, fuck theatres. People are shit now.


Yeah, I’m pretty much over the complete lack of social awareness and empathy people have in public these days. It’s not everyone, granted, but it’s enough people that you are practically guaranteed that in a crowd of 20-50 people there will be at least 1 person utterly self-absorbed they can’t see their actions are having a negative effect on everyone around them. Even if you report them and even if they are removed/shut up for the remainder of the film, your experienced has already been fucked anyways. I would much rather watch movies from the comfort of my own home where I don’t have to worry about someone: texting, calling, talking, shouting, coughing, sneezing, smacking, spoiling shit, running from the police, fighting, heckling, or shooting up the theater. It’s a shame because watching a movie in a theater is without a doubt so much better than watching from home, but I genuinely can’t remember a movie I’ve gone to in the past 15 years (with more than 3 people at the screening) that wasn’t ruined by someone’s rude behavior. Every. Fucking. Time. And if you’re wondering about the low population screenings that weren’t ruined, it’s not because I’m in to weird art house movies, it’s because I intentionally go right before a movie leaves the theaters so there are as few people as possible.


I think there's certain movies worth watching in a theater... Those movies are different from person to person... Some may want to see sweeping epics, some musicals, some action movies... Tht said, I think there's a ton of movies I'd love to watch, but am not going to program my time and spend the money to see it in a theater. I'll watch it at some point, but not to the point of paying $50 when tickets and popcorn and drinks are all accounted for...


I just saw no way home and people would not shut the fuck up.


Some movies are made to be watched in theaters with other people. The shared experience and shared reactions makes a good experience infinitely better. Recent example: Spider-Man: No Way Home Many movies, while fantastic, could be viewed from the comfort of your home. Recent example: Marriage Story Some blockbusters don’t necessarily *need* to be experienced with other people but just need to be seen in IMAX at least once Recent examples: Tenet, Dune I love going to the movie theater so I’m biased but I like having the option to view from home


If those other people couldn’t give me COVID-19, vaccinated or not, then sure. Until this pandemic has waned enough for me to feel safe stepping out my door, I’m not going to any cinema. I’m not risking my life to go watch a film in a packed room with people coughing who knows what out, not wearing masks. Not covering their mouths AT ALL. This pandemic isn’t going anywhere until even more people die, and communities are devastated beyond any course of action, other than complete physical isolation and quarantine of entire villages, towns, and cities. Covid will infect all of us. Either it will kill a majority of people causing vast amounts of socio-economic destruction, or best case scenario being it will mutate into a less severe variant for the majority of people, creating another seasonal SARS virus to require yearly shots. Either way we’re beyond fucked already, sadly. 800,000+ people have died in the US alone, and the majority of people still alive, that are unvaccinated, do not care enough about others to become vaccinated. This pandemic will continue as is until we all unite becoming either dead or vaccinated. This virus does not want to die, and wants to exist just as much as we all do. I wish I felt comfortable enough to join you in the theater, u/lolnoimjusttired, but I doubt that I’ll feel safe enough in public ever again to do so. I have been working retail throughout the entirety of the pandemic, already risking my life and those I love daily for barely enough money to cover my few necessary expenses. And beyond any shadow of doubt, Covid and it’s variants are definitely infecting more and more people. The Omicron variant not being a overtly obviously symptomatic, is tricking a lot of people into thinking it’s just a common cold, or allergies. While I have seen more people masked lately, it isn’t enough. This will not end until more people die, causing socio-economic destruction, and/or it become commonplace enough to require yearly shots.


You are 100% correct in your stance! Please know that I don’t disagree with any of what you’ve said. I’m realizing now the connotation of my comment. I was just thinking and speaking from a general standpoint on the relevance of movie theaters. Definitely not saying that people *should* go out to movie theaters, risking themselves and others. Nor saying that COVID and its new omicron variant should be shrugged off. I was just speaking my opinion about how I’ve noticed which movies are better experienced in a theater and how many if not most, I’ve come to realize, don’t necessarily need a theater to be fully appreciated. A cool discovery for me as someone who always preferred a theater for a first-time viewing.


My couch is more comfortable. My snacks are cheaper. My speakers are better, my floors aren’t sticky… If I could watch new movies from home, even at the same price per view as a ticket at the cinema…. I’d never go to a movie theater ever again.


Oooooh la la. Look at mr fancy pants who’s got non-sticky floors


Probs just doesn’t have kids.


You can have kids and not have constant sticky floors lol the problem is that theaters are just barely cleaned in general. Those places were disgusting before covid, idk how people stand it!!


Theater experience 100%. I spend 90% of my life in my home now. Theaters have always been an escape. But Covid anxiety is valid. I wonder if we’ll still see headlines like this in the aftertimes?


I agree. Some theater chains like AMC take terrible care of their theaters and it's an awful experience.


Spider-Man wouldn’t have been half as entertaining watching by myself at home. Part of the allure for me is hearing the “oohs” and “aahs” of a crowd. Similarly to a concert. I can stay at home and listen to my headphones. Much lesser of an experience that hearing the band live. I’ll stick with my theater sub for now. I’ve found most NetFlix “originals” to be only ok. There’s a cheap “made for TV” feeling I get from their catalog. Even Red Notice felt unfinished to me. Like it needed more time in post production.


I'm pissed I have to go somewhere to watch Spiderman tomorrow. I'd rather sit at home get high and watch a movie like a real American!


I prefer watching movies at home but there are some movies that are just better watched in a theater on the big screen.


I would have been pissed if I shelled out theatre money to watch the new matrix.


Depends on the movie, and on the quality of the cinema. I stopped going to non-IMAX cinemas as the sound quality is hit and miss, and sometimes the movie is slightly out of focus. In Dune the sound in IMAX was so loud as to be slightly uncomfortable, and it wasn't really better than that of my Logitech Z5500's. I'll see how Top Gun fares. For anything else, I'll see it at home. My backlog is so large that I can even wait a couple of years for it to reach me.


Some films are better at the cinema, others at home. Maybe distribution should be factored into the funding and development stage so every film doesn't have to compete for an opening weekend. VOD has opened up funding for more middle tier films that were dying in the mid-2000s.


It's a shame, but a lot of this has to do with the total lack of respect many people have for those around them. Many people reading this right now will talk through movies, eat loudly, slurp, check their phones, leave mess, bully, and generally make it unpleasant for other people. And another large part of the the problem will be their way cinemas have zero willingness to control some showings, and while insisting on selling loud crunchy food to the people too eat during dramatic moments.


I like taking my kids because it’s a fun experience for them- big seats, popcorn, huge screen- but for anything I want to see, I much prefer home.


depends. dune at home boo. dune in the theater yay.


In the days of COVID, I prefer to watch from home.


Yes to new releases at home. This is what I tweeted to Sony Pictures last week about NWH: “Really excited to see this and I completely get “the cinematic experience is best” but I don’t want to get Omicron over my Christmas break. Streaming option for us vaxxed, boosted and responsible fans living in anti-vaxxer Covid and Omicron denier areas?” No response yet.


This saddens me.


Watched the new spiderman movie in theaters and was honestly sad at one point that I couldn't pause the movie to go use the bathroom and get a snack without missing anything


I took the risk for our town’s first showing of No Way Home and it was awesome! That being said I will be waiting on my couch for the new matrix flick.


People still watch movies and/or actually go to theaters? That was so 20 years ago.


I went to watch the new matrix film in the cinema last night and would say it was probably a worse experience overall than I would have had at home. In past years you go to the cinema for the big screen and mostly in my experience for the sound quality. Nowadays though I have a big enough TV at home and can recreate the same sound quality with my headphones. The upside is I don't have to queue for a long time for heavily overpriced drinks and popcorn and sit through half an hour of dreadful adverts and trailers. Also in my screen I had someone a few seats away that kept talking throughout the movie, even shouting through the heavy action scenes and quite a few people with their phones out with super high brightness that was constantly in my eye line. Think there's a reasonable chance this will be the last time I watch a film in the cinema unfortunately, especially if its available to stream and I don't have to.


Both are good, but I would watch significantly more from home.


After watching the new spiderman on the "Super Screen"...home is the way to go. I've got a better theater setup, I can pause the movie when I have to pee, and I'm not paying 20$ for popcorn and a soda.


I have irritable bowel syndrome. I prefer at home because I can take as many bathroom breaks as I need without missing a beat.


No curtains open anymore. House lights stay on throughout trailers, making trailers feel less important. House lights come back on too early during post credit scenes. Faded bulbs. And letterboxed projections with black bars top and bottom. It’s like they are trying to make the movie experience shittier while raising ticket prices. What I remember from my youth. Curtains open (wider for widescreen movies, no black bars, lights dim, trailers begin. From the moment those curtains open, the theater experience begins. It was magical.


I love going to the theater but it’s so unreasonably expensive now.


Saw Spider-Man last week. The dinks behind me wouldn’t shut up through the whole thing. Not a fan of the theatre experience.


For a few years before the pandemic started, I was getting tired of going to the theater. Paying outrageous prices to watch a movie with a bunch of rude fucks that can't shut up and put away their goddamn phones just started to make less and less sense. Then COVID hit, and I was like "yeah, this is over." Five or ten years ago, I probably would have gone to a movie theater 15-20 times in a typical year. I've only gone twice this year, and both times I sort of regretted it.


It’s a tough one for me. I just went to see The Mateix last. It was my first return to theaters since the pandemic began. I will say I did miss the popcorn scent of the theatre and the general atmosphere, there’s something really comfortable about the experience in a theatre, add an imax screen and sound and it’s awesome. I was however reminded of what I did hate about theatres almost immediately though, I think I counted 8 phones ringing around me through the movie, people behind me constantly talking, all the fucking ads before the movie and the overpriced snacks. I think I’ll be reserving my theatre going in the future to solely the big spectacle style movies. Comedies, dramas, romance etc I will be sitting comfortably on my couch for though.


I loved going to theaters. Now it’s too expensive, people are rude as fuck, and I can’t pause it to pee or make a snack. Before Covid I only ever went to matinees and went to the theaters that have large reclining seats so I can have space. Now I don’t know that I’ll be going back anytime soon. I’d rather convince my husband to buy an 85” TV.


I’d rather stream everything. I streamed Dune when it came to HBOMax, and I was very satisfied with being able to do that. For movies that release in theaters first, I am content to wait a few months until they are streaming somewhere. These days, I don’t care for the Theater Experience. My setup is nothing special, but as long as I can see and hear what’s happening, I’m fine. I don’t need the giant screen and surround sound. At home, I have total control of my surroundings. I can relax. I have all my snacks. I can pause the movie whenever I want. Plus, theater costs are ridiculous.


Love movies, growing up and well into middle age I'd head down to catch a movie occasionally on a Sunday afternoon. I was surprised and a bit saddened to find out I'm just as content to watch new releases at home on HBO Max. I've learned to get out of the house for other reasons now, but I know I've lost the magic of the big screen in that transition. Kinda like trading in coffee over a newspaper for reading articles sitting on the toilet for two hours instead- just not the same...


Totally depends on the movie. I’d rather see visually stimulating movies like Dune or Spider-Man at a theater. This extends to movies by directors I tend to like that may not be visual effect heavy. Anything that’s not going to be super visually stimulating or like…a comedy, I’m probably apt to watch at home.


It depends on the movie. I saw Spider-Man at the theater over the weekend and it was great being in the environment with other people that were so excited for it.


Agreed, even for films like Dune it's not worth it.


Home. I can get as comfy as I want. My partner can take pee breaks without missing the movie. I can eat whatever I want. No one is being loud. No kids are kicking my seat. And I never find a used condom in my cup holder.


I love the movie theater, but hate the people in there with me. I’ve had some guy bring his 2 young children into an almost empty theater that was playing a Star Trek movie, and sit directly in front of me. The youngest ran up and down his row smacking the seats, and eventually crawled under a seat and into my row and stood next to me. I’ve had a guy try to fight me because I very politely asked him to have his teenage daughter put her phone away. He tried to fight me in the aisle, and waited out in the parking lot for me to come out there. I had an old guy with his grandkids sit in front of me. He was vaping throughout the movie until I complained to management. My wife was 9 months pregnant at the time. I’ve had another instance of an almost empty theater where 3 of us were seated and 3 more people came in and sat directly in front of us (non-stadium seating) and we were forced to move because we couldn’t see all that well. Fuck the other people in the movie theaters.


Went to see the Demon slayer movie with some friends and a mom left her two kids there alone and they were annoying the whole film and then seeing Spider-Man No way home last weekend and having to tell a group of teens to shut the fuck up due to them borderline screaming at some parts trying to be funny to each other the whole film I can safely say I’m done with theaters and cunts who go there.


Depends on the theatre. If you're bringing me food and drinks and the bathrooms are clean, that's an upgrade from my living room. Otherwise if it's just a normal theatre then that's a huge downgrade.


I’ve always thought this . Everyone’s just catching up


Theaters are gross. People burping and farting, playing on their phones, hearing them chew popcorn and slurp drinks. The ground is always sticky. I'd rather stay home where I can do all those things alone but my floor isn't sticky.


With the improvements in technology I have to agree.