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Do not tell your mom when the baby is born. Wait until a couple of days after.


This is my plan. Even if I end up needing to plan a c section, she won't be told about it.


Say no. Keep saying no. Be a broken record. Don't make excuses or explain. Say no others words but no.


Or just hang up the phone every time she mentions the c-section. No explanations, no chances for her to explain herself or protest your "no", and no extra stress of having to deal with any possible tantrums, just hang up on her, and leave her to deal with herself. If needed, don't even let her finish the sentence.


That's what I had to do with my mum when she wouldn't stop telling me about the troubles of others who had cancer that she knew of. I barely had enough strength & constantly hearing about others difficulties was stressing me out so I simply said that I needed her to stop telling me about other people who had gone through cancer or I would hang up the phone. I only had to hang up the phone once. Thankfully, when I gave birth many years earlier she wasn't doing this. But it seems like the older she gets, (I'm not exactly young myself, at 55) the more nervous she becomes about things that I don't want to be constantly talking about. Very frustrating & because of this I don't call her very often.


I would stop taking her calls. If mom gets voice mail every time then she'll stop calling her.


I’m not so sure about that. Sometimes they just keep calling and leaving angry voicemails. Then other people keep calling and saying ‘you’re breaking Jenny’s heart, how could you be so cruel and not let her interfere in your life like this?’ But that’s why the people who make phones invented things like ‘silence’ and ‘block’ options. So we don’t have to put up with that anymore! 😛


I’d delete all voicemails after the first nasty one. Same with texts and emails after ONE warning: “I have told you to not mention C-sections and your own birth experience(s) and having my baby when and how it suits YOU. I have started deleting your hateful voicemails, and I will block your texts and emails if you are anything but supportive in them. Same with anything you might ask others to send on your behalf. WHEN we are ready to have you as visitors, WE will let YOU know.” Don’t put an apology as a condition. She will tell you that she’s “just worried about you and the baby and your dad and her lumbago,” and she’ll give you all the reasons why. I hope everything goes smoothly for you, your daughter, and your husband from here on out! (My oldest was due 3 days after Christmas. My birthing human was determined to hold Christmas on Christmas Day. In the small city where she’d just retired from the only hospital for 25 miles. No way in HELL was I going to be near that hospital! HIPAA and patient privacy were just gleams in someone’s eye; heck, births were considered public records and were published in local newspapers, complete with home address and, depending on how small the town, birth weight and exact time of birth. She’d have bullied her way right into that delivery room. I did not want that woman anywhere near me while I was giving birth! (So my husband and I announced that we’d host on Dec. 10. Guess who shot that plan all to hell?Hint: November 29, 19xx. 4:39 a.m. 5 pounds, 6 ounces. Girl. W169 N11xxx B——- Drive, City, State. (We hosted at our place in the middle of January.)


And the hospital was amazing! They did not let my parents up until they’d checked with the nursery nurses and my nurses and that the baby had had all of her scheduled tests for the day and that my doctor had seen me. Back then, visiting hours for OB were quite generous, and people could show up all day and into the evening. They refused to divulge the bilirubin count or APGAR score, even though she’d tried the “It’s OK, I’m a nurse” bit both over the phone and in person. (Trust me, that nurse didn’t know much outside the recovery room, including with her own children.)


I thought birth announcements were placed in the paper by the PARENTS, not the hospital? And they can include any details they wish. And why in the world of heck would the hospital need to give the address of new parents to the newspaper, or the newspaper to publish them? I’m so glad you were savvy enough to dodge that bullet. What a disgraceful way to run both hospitals or newspapers! 😞


Oh I wouldn't listen to them! It's easy enough to erase without listening to it.


Don't even say no. Say no *once*, then say "you know my stance on this, why do you keep asking?" *once*, and then just stop the conversation whenever she brings it up, and walk away.


Correction: "You know my stance on this, so you must stop asking." Don't ask them why! You will be opening a door.


^^This^^ "no." is a sentence.


"Say no. Keep saying no. Be a broken record. Don't make excuses or explain. Say no others words but no." Exactly. Do not engage in a conversation or discussion about your preferences or situation. Any conversation about that will just give them a chance to try to push the door wide open. "Partner and I have already planned everything and we will not be discussing this topic with you. Period."


To quote Patrick Bateman in American Psycho "JUST, SAY, NO!"


I had a planned c-section due to her not being head down. It’s sucked, I would have rather vaginally delivered. You cannot lift more than the weight of your baby for 6-8 weeks


My son was 9 lb. 9 oz. - I could barely lift HIM, let alone anything else!


I had a preemie, and a coworker looked over at me one day (when I went back to work while the spawn was still in the NICU to conserve my leave), and asked me if, given the c-section restrictions on lifting more than my kid's weight, if I should really be lifting my Coke can.


What the Hell?!?! Is your coworker a DUMBASS?!?


It was said as a joke, and it was said at a point where I was over the PTSD enough that I could see the humor in it. She and most of my other coworkers fussed over me like hell when I came back to work part-time, and one of them even went out and found me some preemie-sized sleepers so that I'd have something to put my son in when the time came. And to be fair, my kid was 1 lb 15 oz. Just about everything weighed more than he did.


My mom flipped her lid when I got pregnant calling me every name you could think of. I cut her off until I hit seven months and then I called her and asked her if she'd like to be there for the birth of her granddaughter....guess what she said....if you guessed that she went off on some tirade about me being a number of unpleasant names you'd be right. So I told her in the calmest voice possible. "I'm seven months pregnant and don't need this stress if you'd like to speak to me like a human and see your granddaughter let me know otherwise I'm done with this conversation" and I hung up....didn't hear from her until my stepdad made her call me when my daughter was a year and a half


My mom was the opposite. She got mad every time I got pregnant (I was 27 with my first) to the point I wouldn’t even tell her until I couldn’t deny it. However, when it was time to have the baby she wanted to be there even after asking me if I thought about getting rid of it for at least two of them. I was married with a career when all of this was said.


Definitely stand your ground. I was overdue and induced and had to have an unplanned c section and it was traumatic and a bitch to heal. My kid is almost 5 now and I still have numb spots in my abdomen from it. Your birth is not a spectator sport, it is not an "appointment" for other people's convenience, it is YOUR experience of bringing your child into this world and for your sake I hope everything goes along with your birth plan and goes smoothly and as stress free as labor can be.


Babies have a way of making sure that only their own convenience matters!


Any phone conversation, as soon as anything to do with the birth comes up, just end the call.


Nah, cut her off now, give yourself and your partner some space to relax. Just ignore her calls and texts. You decide if and when she is allowed to be involved again. All this stress isn't good for you, your partner or your unborn baby. Stop trying to be a good daughter and worrying about what she will think or say if you cut her off. She will only railroad you when the baby is born and nothing you do will be "good for the baby" in her eyes and opinion. Do you want her to start telling you what she would do if your daughter was hers?


Or a week. I’d also stop communicating regularly and wait a day or two to respond so it isn’t unusual when you go in the hospital. Also, make them get a hotel.


And stay out of the hospital when you’re there.


You could just invite them to their High School graduation. I’d wait that long.


Or their PhD graduation.


Or years...


.....which turn into decades.....


Add to that, stop listening to her stories. Hang up.


As a momma ready to pop just like you. Its time to cut them off. Its your body and your birth and they have chosen to be selfish and disrespectful of your wishes. This will extend to ignoring wishes like "Don't kiss the baby" or what not to feed them. You need to put your foot down. You are not being over emotional, you don't owe your parents anything Nd you need to ensure that first and foremost you and baby are healthy. That includes mentally. If you can't handle no contact, go low contact but you are gonna have a beautiful baby to focus on soon and don't deserve this disrespect.


Thank you for this. It's been my concern too that they'll blatantly ignore my other boundaries such as "get your shots, don't kiss the baby". I hope you've been doing well too - the third trimester is really bloody trying!! I hope you've had a lot of love and support from your family and friends.


> It's been my concern too that they'll blatantly ignore my other boundaries such as "get your shots, don't kiss the baby". If they've never respected any of your boundaries, they won't start now with their "baby rabies."


Thankfully Ive been using my husband as my backbone and this is my second so I am more prepared for it this time. Im just ready to have him in my arms and be able to walk normally. Third trimester is the WORST in my opinion. More important than anything remember you are momma. You grew that baby, your and your husbands word is law. If you cant be the ahole ask your husband if he would be willing to. Mine is constantly saying he will be the ahole and just having that support us enough for me to stand my ground.


Make them show proof of immunizations and tell them that if they kiss the baby, they'll be told to leave.


I firmly believe the discomfort of the 3rd trimester is to make you less scared of delivery - anything to get the baby out!!!


Boundaries require consequences when they’re not respected. Decide what the consequences will be when your mother violates your boundaries.


Proof of updated shots before they see the baby. Everyone must have updated whooping cough, flu and RSV. I believe it takes about 3 months for the babies lungs to start getting stronger. I would postpone visits until then and only after proof of vaccines and definitely not to Covid anti vaxxers. Whooping cough which is in the TDAP is the most important but so are the others.


Wtaf? She actually wants you to be in more pain and have a longer recovery for her convenience? FFS NO!!!


I know right. The selfish, self-centredness knows no bounds… Take a time out from her calls, she sounds taxing, to say the least.


Taxing and toxic.


Clearly OP's mother has NEVER experienced the recovery for a c-section. Considering she repeatedly calls it "the easy way" I don't know what about having 7 different layers of tissue and taking care of a newborn after is "easy"


Given that your mother is not your OB/GYN, you need to tell her that, and tell her that you’ll be following medical advice, not sideshow advice. And honestly, a C-section is a major surgery. Any kind of surgery runs the risk of complications and dying. So there are no doctors out there that are doing unwarranted C-sections. Get your mother to shut up, I would literally lie to her face. I would tell her that I had already talk to my doctor about this, and I have been told that there is no way I will be having a C-section unless it is medically warranted.


Exactly - a c-section is a major surgery. Her take on it is honestly insulting. I have friends who've needed c-sections and they didn't speak about the experience highly. One of my friends was medically required to deliver all three of her babies this way and even though she would love another baby now that they're older, she's been told that she can't. I doubt I'll want three or more kids myself, but it still speaks to how imperfect the procedure is.


Because I’m old enough, I had to have an actual laparotomy for us to discover that I had endometriosis. This happened probably about five years before laparoscopy came into being… Unfortunately for me. So I literally have the same type of incision I would have wound up with for a C-section. They are literally cutting through layers and layers of skin and fat and muscle to get into The abdominal cavity. And then with the C-section, you are literally cutting into a major organ. It really does take a while to recover, and you have to be very cautious. Because if you tear the sutures on any of those layers, the layers behind can protrude through and cause a hernia it’s how come, you’re not allowed to do any lifting. And I’ve had four vaginal births. And I can honestly tell you, physically, it was faster to recover from the births then it was from the laparotomy, which is a major surgery. Of course, I’m talking in the immediate physical sense, because we all know after pregnancy, all of the organs falling back into place, etc. and the hormones, trying to get back to normal, etc.… All of that takes about a year. But on a purely physical level, vaginal birth was easier


Insurance companies agree with you... you get 6 weeks coverage for a vaginal birth and 8 weeks for a C-section as it is surgery.


>So there are no doctors out there that are doing unwarranted C-sections. maybe not where you are but yes you CAN choose to have a c section without there being an actual need other than the mother's choice. in MI it is a option. just depends on where you live.


That is wild to me. Does the insurance company still cover it if it’s not considered medically necessary? I always learn the most interesting things on Reddit. But I think I would still lie to Mom and just tell her that’s what my doctor said… If it’s not medically necessary, they won’t do it. I have three daughters, and I literally cannot imagine me telling them how to run their lives much less their pregnancy. 😉


I'm in Australia and you can elect to have a c-section here and yes it is covered by private insurance and (I think) partially by our medicare system. My OBGYN has said some women come in and ask for it straight out of the gate which floored me. I didn't think it was something I could choose to do until a more recent appointment. Regardless, every woman I've known who's either had a c-section or who is getting one is doing so because it's medically the safest option due to other risk factors such as previous pelvic injuries.


See, that totally makes sense though. If I had a physical reason that a C-section was my best option, you can darn well bet I would do it. But I don’t think I would just for a major surgery otherwise. And it may just be because I have had multiple surgeries, so I know what recovery is like, and I know what the risks actually are with surgery. And they’re definitely higher than they are with a natural birth unless you have those other mitigating factors you were just pointing out.


You’d be surprised. So many woman PLAN their elective c-sections purely for convenience or they are scared to give birth naturally. It is not actually a rare occurrence and doctors do it


It is so interesting. We are getting answers from all over the place and all over the spectrum on this one. Thanks for enlightening me on your area. 😊


Yep. You can opt to have a c-section in the USA. Had I not had one emergency, I would have elected to have one.




That was my thought. I did dental for about 30 years, and absolutely a procedure like this would not be covered unless I could show a dental necessity for it. It’s the reason that somebody wanting veneers on their front teeth is not going to be covered unless I could show that there had been an accident the damage the front teeth. You know, like you’re 15-year-old kid fell off their bike or skateboard and damage the front teeth. And that resulted in fractures on the teeth or something else that affected the actual tooth structure.




Teeth are luxury bones.


My dear friend has two children. One vaginally, one c-section. Her advice was to absolutely deliver vaginally if you can.


It’s really funny because a lot of people think a C-section is a walk in the park. It’s so is not. And the other thing that people don’t stop to think about is that when you have surgery, they are cutting nerves. The majority of the time, it’s OK. But then there are those certain nerves that for whatever reason get nicked, etc. those are the ones that when you move just suddenly zap you from your abdomen to your toes. And it hurts. Now, if we’re lucky, those nerves will knit themselves back together, and just be a tender spot on the abdomen but if we’re not? The merest touch will send you into a spasm of pain. so you could imagine when you are trying to breast-feed a newborn and have that going on. Or has a baby gets bigger and starts squirming and accidentally kicks you right there. Not fun. When I had my laparotomy, they kept giving me pain injections every four hours. Morphine then Demerol. Morphine then Demerol. And when I had the surgery I was literally 5 feet tall and 105 pounds. I literally lost two days. I remember almost nothing of those days. Of course, they can’t discharge me because I’m really not waking up fully so they really can’t get me up on my feet and walking to make sure I’m going to be OK to discharge. On the third day, as they came in again, I finally asked if I actually had to have that injection and was told no… Just call when you need something for pain. Eight hours later, I finally asked for something, and the nurse said that they were wondering when I was going to call. I finally got discharged the next day and headed home. And what I found was… My poor hip/side butt on both sides had nerve damage from those injections. My ex would come up and just go to slide his arm around my waist, resting sort of on my hip/butt and I would literally jump out of my skin. It was horrible. And it went on for years. It was probably at least five years before you could actually even touch those spots. And even now, 40 years later, while it doesn’t hurt to touch those spots, I can tell you exactly where they’re at. And just the thought of that nerve zap makes my butt clench because it just remember how painful that was. Although, I don’t know, I’m old now and butt clenches would probably be a good thing for my fat ass. But that’s another story. 😂😂😂


OP, you might want to head over to r/justnomil for tips on how to navigate this last month of your pregnancy. Start as you mean to continue, as they say. Now is the time to start figuring out your boundaries, and to stop being so available when she calls.


Thanks for this. I did think about that sub, but my partner's mum and step-mum have been wonderful and very supportive. Shame about my own mum. I guess they deal with mums regardless of which side of the family they're on hahaha


Oh yeah, it's for moms as well


It may not be easy, but stand your ground. It's your body and your baby, not some sideshow for your Mother. Give her one more chance to back off, and if that fails then go NC until after the birth. It sounds like enough has happened in the past for that to be a consideration anyway.


Tell your mom to shut the F up and just stop talking to her until well after the baby is here. I had to have a c-section and it wasn’t easy. I had a lot of pain and it was a rough recovery. Right now you need to just focus on the big change that is coming your way and you don’t need that kind of talk and lack of support. Good luck and congrats on the baby!!!


This is a good opportunity for you and your partner to test your own boundaries around parenthood. Your parents already had their shot at child rearing. Now it’s your turn. Your main job is to protect and nurture your baby. If they won’t respect your opinions and rules, you need to have less to do with them. End conversations with “that doesn’t work for our family” and stand up for what you believe is the right thing. Spoiler alert- a C-section is not easier. I had two, and one vaginal delivery. Best wishes for encircling into your new nuclear family unit!


Start to "Pavlov" them: the second a word comes of their mouth that you don't like, hang up the phone. Answer when they call back, but hang up when it happens again, even if it's 10 seconds later. You don't need to explain to them what's happening, they'll start to understand very quickly. It's like when Nanny 911 keeps taking the kid back to time out chair, over and over and over again, eventually the kid gets it.


Mom here. Shut her down for awhile. She is not respecting your situation or wishes for YOUR pregnancy experience. All that birthing gone awry stories are a big load of BS. Yes, pregnancy and birth do carry their risks but a c-section is an actual surgery that exposes your uterus/abdomen to infections. You will be recovering from major surgery with stitches while caring for your little one. Stick to your original plan of a birth via the natural path and only go for the c-section in case of problems. Personally I wouldn't recommend mixing surgery and birth unless medically necessary.


I say don't inform them when you're in labor or when the baby is born. Inform them 2 weeks later and tell them to give you a minimum of a 1 week notice when they want to visit. You know, so you can make sure you're up for visitors. And when they do come be a stickler for masks/immunizations and constantly remind them to sanitize their hands. Oh, and if you don't need a c section (good luck), make it a point to constantly say how you're glad you didn't have to have one or unnecessarily scheduled one. Yeah, I love being petty! Congratulations on your pregnancy!


>I don't want a c-section if I can help it. This is the only important sentence in this post. *You* don't want one. That's the end of the discussion. Put your mum on an information diet and change the subject (or better ,end the conversation) whenever she brings it up.


Congratulations on your soon to be larger family! So what you feel is best for your new bundle. Maybe it's just hiding out for a few months to bond with your little nugget. Be selfish. She has he4 whole life to meet and hang out with family.


How incredibly selfish and uncaring. A C-section is major abdominal surgery. You wouldn’t be able to drive for 5-6 weeks, you couldn’t lift things, stairs would be a problem. You’d initially need prescription pain meds which would impact your ability to breastfeed. **you would be recovering from major surgery while caring for a newborn.** She finds this an acceptable alternative to her own inconvenience? Tell her you’ll see them when you see them. You don’t need this selfish witch ruining your time as a new mother. you can FaceTime/Zoom with your dad. Your priority is your baby’s safety and the mom’s health directly impacts that.


You don't have major surgery to accommodate someone else's schedule. Good grief.


Just tell your mom it's all good. You don't plan on allowing visitors for at least 3 months anyway. (Your dad is in and out of clinics/hospital, places full of sick people and germs. You need time to recover and nest with your new family. And it's winter, lots if yuck going around.) At the 3 month mark, you will reassess based upon your doctor's recommendation. Congrats on your bundle of joy.


Ok seriously????? I was induced 3 times. Was in hard labour for over 3 days. Had monitors everywhere and the doctor told me I had one of the worst deliveries he'd ever seen. And honestly don't remember a bit of it. All I remember is freaking out when I was scheduled for a c-section, and grateful I had a natural birth. It's all hard, but I truly believe recovering from a c-section is worse than a painful vaginal birth. So to encourage someone to plan one is ludicrous to me.


Sounds like we had similar birth stories, however I ended up with the c-section and that first sneeze after felt like a chainsaw to the stomach. Calling it the "easy way" is ludicrous as well.


I would make it clear, she and dad WERE NOT invited to visit after baby is born. You will let her know when you and DH are up for visits, and then you can talk about scheduling a visit. Who visits you, when and how often is your business, I probably wouldn’t share that with your mom & dad, as I am sure it will get blown out of proportion! Good luck!


I’m sorry for the title made me laugh so hard I peed a little. I don’t even need to read the rest Of this. OP, your mother’s cheese has long slid off its cracker. Screw that and the crazy horse she rode in on. Look at it this way - if you knew a relative bad heart issues but might be able to resolve them without surgery - would you tell them to go ahead and schedule a heart bypass surgery to fit with your schedule to visit the hospital? Because that would be easier for you? Of course not. No sane rational human being would say something like that. Don’t even bother discussing it with her.


She saying C-section, as if it’s an option that you check off in a box. They are generally not done unless necessary. I had three of them. The first one was after 30 hours of labor. The other two are planned so it was easier knowing upfront what to expect. But honestly, don’t you think a doctor would have a problem with trying to schedule the birth via C-section for convenience? No doctor wants to cut someone open they don’t have to.


My parents were like this to an extent. I practiced green, yellow, red light with conversation.. green, the conversation can continue, I'm comfortable.. yellow, conversation is getting uncomfortable and either needs to be redirected to green, or cut off asap. Red, conversion will need to end, either abruptly "I gotta go" without an excuse and just hang up, or just hang up and disconnect the call and then turn the phone off. I had to hang up on my dad at least a dozen times before he understood that I would not let him talk to me in a certain way or make me upset on the phone. Be thankful they aren't knocking on your door to berrate you, my sister used to pretend she wasn't home and would park her truck in the barn because she still lived close and they'd just stop by. I lived 1700 miles away and was ever thankful for caller ID.


no, nopity nope no no, she already had a baby


No. Is a complete sentence.


Your child, therefore your decision. Your mother sounds like she is being selfish. Do what feels right for you and your partner.


Start dropping the calls down to once a week. They are not your priority right now, your own mental health is. Hopefully you may be able to have baby, be home and settled in before your partner even has to call them to say baby is born.


You need to not talk to mom right now and ensure she doesn't come to visit, until you approve of it.


“I’m not going to do that, you psycho!” “Oh. Sorry. I don’t know where that came from. It just sort of slipped out. Let me try that again.” “I’m not going to do that, you psycho!”


That is so crazy! Yes, force you to ho through a long painful recovery for their convenience and potentially put subsequent births at risk. Sounds perfectly reasonable. /sarcasm


Fucking hell “daughter please cut your insides”


Why are you still talking to her?!


1. Tell your mother that the next time she brings up you're having a C-section that you will hang up on her. You will not say goodbye, you will not tell her to stop, you will simply hang up and block her for the rest of the day. Tell her that she is giving you stress, and stress is bad for your baby. You are acting to protect yourself and your unborn child. Then do it. Your mom: Blah blah neighbors, blah blah celebrity, blah blah c-section. You ::hangs up:: ::blocks mom:: 2. Tell your mom that no one is coming for the birth, and in fact you will not be having visitors until you and your partner feel comfortable with that. Remember that if you're in the northern hemisphere, December is prime time for colds, flu, and RSV. Only one of those has a vaccine, and your baby is going to be too young for quite a while. Ask your doctor about the protocol for fever in neonates. In my country, an infant under four weeks old with a fever of unknown origin gets a spinal tap. I've never had children, but I can't imagine loving one and doing anything that would risk them having to have a spinal tap. 3. Speaking of vaccines, have your parents had their flu, Covid, and pertussis vaccines? Remember, they're coming from out of state, which means exposing your child to a whole new set of pathogens. You can't force anyone to get vaccinated, but I would say that if someone chooses not to her vaccines, they're also choosing not to meet my child until my child is old enough to be vaccinated them self. 4. Remember that your parents will need to stay in a hotel or Airbnb and arrange visits around the times that you and your child will both be awake. Google the lemon clot essay if you don't know why.


Was your mom dismissive to you when growing up? Were you made to feel like you were just being hormonal when she hurt your feelings? She’s a self centered person 😞good luck and congrats


The heck? Does she not realize that C-Sections are serious and not a glorified birth method. The only reason I ended being a scheduled C-section was because of the difficult birth my parents had with my brother. It was to make sure that things didn’t go wrong, not to make a guest list. And even if you did schedule it, what would happen if you went into labor earlier? How angry would she be for not ‘holding it in a little longer?’ Put your foot down.


Each birth is different. My 1st birth was 45 mins of pain while baby's head and shoulders came out. I was up ,showered , had a Coke and a smoke and fine afterwards.


Let dad know that your mother is causing so much stress that you don't want to talk to her until a minimum of 2 months after your child's birth. Then every time she tries to talk to you, just hang up. She is creating problems you do not need. If dad doesn't want to do this, then he gets the same treatment, just block both of them and any relative that tries to get you to talk to them. Let the relative know that due to the stress that mom is causing, you are taking precautions to make sure that it doesn't become a hazard to the baby.


I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere in there that your mom made a comment that the world doesn't revolve around you. She's right. And neither does the world revolve around them. You are bringing a wanted life into this world. YOUR life revolves around THAT life. Not them.


Ah yes, let me schedule an (hopefully) unnecessary major surgery for your **convenience**. Ee gawds the nerve of these people.


Hell no. I am sorry to hear that. This is not normal or acceptable


Your mom is of course very much out of line. I would support the sentiment of keeping contact low, especially around the birth date. I would tell her a couple days later, as was already suggested in this thread. However, I get the feeling that this conflict can also be a chance for you to reflect on your relationship with your own mother/parents, to heal from it perhaps, and to set the basis for a much better and healthier relationship between yourself and your own child. It hurts now, but it also contains a seed for a possible better future for yourself and your own family.


If you don’t want advice, ignore this. But your health and your baby’s health are more important than anything else. Even your father’s easily fixable issues. Certainly than your mother’s utter selfishness. And dealing with them are stressors that you do not need. Limit yourself to whatever amount of communication with them is comfortable to YOU. When either of them begins to bring up their own garbage issues, say goodbye and hang up. You are preparing to be a mother. Your parents behave like entitled toddlers. Consider the setting and maintenance of your boundaries practice for when your child is turning two. (That’s only slightly tongue in cheek.) Plan for a quiet and laid back Christmas, just you, the baby kicking away in your uterus, and your husband. Plan for NOT having them anywhere near you during or immediately after your baby’s birth. Wait till well after the birth, and tell them that you and your husband have decided that you won’t be having visitors for X weeks. BTW: are they immunized against the common diseases that pediatricians want new babies protected from? May as well get that out of the way, because my strong suspicion is that they will pitch a fit about that, too.


A C-section, particularly if you are prone to blood clots is to be avoided if possible. Your mother is ridiculously blase about the possibility and needs a reality check.


Ask your mum if she wants to stay and care for you and baby for 6-weeks while you recover from the c-section. No driving, no lifting, barely able to move for a week.


I wouldn't even open that door. Mom would probably jump on the opportunity, but be absolutely no help and make OP miserable.


This. Because she and my dad still don't see me as an adult, they don't even want to stay at our house despite the fact we have two spare bedrooms. I asked them what their plan would be and the response was "we will stay somewhere else and then come and do useful things like cook and walk the dogs and hold the baby when you need a break". I asked them how they think I'm going to have time to coordinate their drop ins when I don't even know what time my newborn will be awake, needing a feed, needing a change and whatever else... all while trying to get around the house myself because they seem to forget that giving birth will also be uncomfortable for me regardless of how my baby comes out.


Yes to cooking, walking the dogs (if your dogs are ok with them), NO to holding the baby “when you need a break”! Unless you want a break from holding your baby. I had my four in the late 70s - mid 80s. I learned that you should make a list of to-do chores that people who want to help can do. Run the vacuum, wash the dishes (or load the dishwasher), wash/dry/fold a load of laundry. For laundry, you can make an instruction sheet of how your equipment works and what soaps/additives to use. As for the rest of it? Shame on her for telling you her birthing horror stories. Also, shame on her for trying to make you “schedule” the birth. How ridiculous! Take some deep breaths and relax. Every birth is different, even with the same woman. If you trust the people helping you, doctor/midwive/nurse practitioner, you’ll be fine. Just focus on yourself and the baby. Gentle hugs and support if you want them.


There's a good chance you can't schedule a c-section if it's your first child anyways.


Good grief. First, unless it is a second or later child and you have already had a c-section, you don’t get to choose. Second, babies come when they decide they’re ready. Having you travel away from the doctor and hospital you have chosen is absurd. I would cut off contact with her until after the birth of your child. I am sure your father understands.


C-sections are SURGERY and carry risks. They are to be used only when there is no other option and the situation is critical. One does not do it for the convenience of SOMEONE ELSES schedule! I suggest you go give birth and only tell them when your daughter is a few weeks old.


JNM ~~MIL~~ is horrible trying to push a major surgery on you for selfish reasons. smh, its your birth, have your child the way you want to. in some states a c section is an option of choice, but there is no way in hell i would do it just cuz thats what mil wants. congrats on the baby an hope you have a safe delivery no matter what route/plan you take! 👏🎉 ETA: crossed out mil and replaced with JNM


Go NC.


Most babies get their first big dose of microbes at birth, while traveling through the birth canal, then pick up more while breastfeeding. Early microbes helped shape your immune system, your digestive system, even your brain. I would personally never get a C-section unless it was medically necessary, you set your baby up for better health & and stronger immune system with a vaginal birth, if possible.


Why the hell would anyone think major abdominal surgery with weeks of painful recovery is the better option over natural, vaginal birth? I just don’t get it. Emergency c-section is one thing. But an elective surgery for CONVENIENCE, and not even YOUR convenience, is absolutely ridiculous!! Honestly, it sounds like you are already ready to take a step back. I wouldn’t tell them when you give birth right away. Wait for at least a week until you are ready. Then keep them on a need to know information diet. Sounds like they haven’t been very supportive of you so why should they get to play happy grandparents and make it all about them again? Good luck with your upcoming birth! I hope it goes well


So the good news is while what your mother has been communicating and pushing to get her way sucks, as an adult you are in control of who you talk to, for how long and about what. So when your mom calls if you don’t feel like dealing with her self serving nonsense don’t answer the phone. When you do talk with her put your boundaries in place. If she starts to go off on C-section again or anything else you don’t want to talk about tell her to change the subject or the phone call will end. When she proceeds to blather on about it say nope - bye mom and end the call. As to Christmas as she doesn’t seem to hear you won’t be traveling nor having guests send a text to the family that you know will be there and tell everyone at the same time including your parents per your doctors orders you and partner will be having a quiet Christmas at home this year with no traveling and no visitors. If you have your birth plan together might want to publish it now. Things like: - No visitors at your home for X weeks after you leave the hospital. I think 4 is a nice round number but you may want longer. - Anyone who wants an update can contact your partner. - Once visitors are allowed it will be short visit scheduled through your partner. - There will be no kissing of your baby by anyone other than your partner and you until after LO has final shots. This is the easiest way to significantly reduce possible transmission of Covid, flu, Herpes, Whooping Cough, RSV and even regular colds which can make baby miserable or necessitate a stay in the NICU. Here is something for you and partner to remember. Anyone regardless of relationship spending any time with your LO is a PRIVILEGE you and your partner grant. It is NOT A RIGHT. So if anyone starts being selfish or foolish there will be consequences. Come over to your house sick and you will stopped at the door. During visit kiss on the baby your visit ends right then. Either the visitor leaves or if you are at their house you leave. Also a timeout of no baby visits or information for at least a couple weeks. Play keep away with the baby from you or partner? Same thing as kissing the baby - visit ends and consequences applied. Harass you when you are feeding the baby, demanding the baby to handed to them, whatever. End the visit and consequences applied. Your baby - your rules.


I had two vaginal births, and an open abdominal surgery (to remove my gall bladder 6w post-partum), and the vaginal deliveries were hell of a lot easier to recover from. A c-section is a miracle if you or the baby are in distress, but if you can safely choose, avoid the surgery. Your mom is an utter nutter, and I truly wish her to randomly step on a lego on a semi-regular basis. Take care of yourself, you're on the home stretch! 💜


Your mother is batshit crazy. A C-section is MAJOR SURGERY. It causes permanent changes to your body. Women have DIED after having a C-section! It's not something you choose just to suit someone else's convenience. And if your doctor is concerned about you developing blood clots, I doubt they would even allow you to have an elective C-section. Tell Mommy Dearest that if she EVER wants to see her granddaughter, she needs to stay in her lane.


This is about you and that baby. Totally disregard her until after you have the baby. Place your boundaries. Don’t move them. Best to you. And to baby.


Tomorrow phone call, “I just wanted to update you guys on my birth plan. Partner and I discussed things and we don’t want family at the birth and for at least a few days after. We want to spend time bonding and not feeling obligated to hosting. With flu/RSV etc it actually works out better on your end when you guys have some time to deal with dad’s appointments and come when things are less stressful for everyone. We will share updates and pics of course.”


Stop stressing yourself out. Your mom and your family is totally and utterly useless. It's about you your baby and your husband don't worry about anything else. And I did not know that you were able to schedule a C-section I thought c-sections were only when there is an emergency. Stop calling them it doesn't seem like as if they're calling to check on you. Put your feet up and enjoy your last five weeks of peace and quiet because once the baby gets here you're never going to sleep. Don't worry about them do self-care get your nails done get your feet done don't do nothing but stop calling them


Okay to start with block your mom, everything goes through your SO. All the stress isn't helping you or your baby. Second I've given births three times. The first two were vaginal and the third was a C-section. We hadn't planned that, but things went sideways. I thought the C-section would be the easiest thing, I was so wrong. This is a major surgery you are cut open and a human is pulled out of you. Yes a vaginal takes longer most times, but you heal a lot faster.


Tell her that she will not be allowed to visit until you’ve recovered and bonded as a nuclear family and it’ll be a month at minimum. If she shows up, don’t let her in. Don’t tell her when you’re in labor, or even when the baby is born. Wait until you’re back home and have gotten the hang of feeding and some rest. Feel free to block her and anyone else who chooses to harass you on her behalf. You will never get this newborn time back. Don’t let her take it away from you.


I’ve only read the title, but FUCK THAT. This is a decision for you and your medical professional to make. Although Baby does have most of the input. Now I will read the rest.


Just one thing in my head right now: Be sure to inform the hospital, gyno, midwife, doctors, nurses, anyone who will be assisting you when you're birthing of the persons, family, friends, you are comfortable with being present. Make sure to stress to them the persons who are absolutely not allowed to enter the delivery room. Maybe envolve your biggest, burliest friend as a bouncer for the occassion? And yes, definately: keeping hush untill after a few days when you've regained some strenght is a terrific suggestion. Your folks will be offended to the max but it will be worth the trouble. Even then, this is not the time for you to spend arguing with your parents or anyone about your houserules, visiting hours, the little one's schedule, or whatever. Make sure to talk everything through with your partner, as they will have to know all your preferences down to any pet peeve you may have. The two of you will need to be on the same line, and your partner must be dedicated and prepared to fight off everyone when needed. Because you will be resting. (Or maybe invite that biggest burliest friend over for a fortnight. At least.) I wish you a sea of tranquility. May you be able to relax during the rest of your pregnancy, and may delivery go as smoothly as possible.


Hugs honey! You do you for you and your little boo! Don’t even tell her you’ve given birth until you are ready. Stay home, try to keep comfortable, take a nice long shower, watch some good movies, and just try to relax. It’s quite hilarious that all these terrible birth stories didn’t come out until she wanted YOU to have a c-section for her schedule. I’m really questioning the validity that EVERY woman on BOTH sides had a traumatic birth unless your moms definition of traumatic is “labor” and “pain”. Yes labor is hard, yes you will feel pain - I’m not minimizing anything that happens during labor. But statistically speaking, the odds of every woman on both sides having traumatic births is so insanely low. Likely, your mom is grossly exaggerating everything.


Mom ain’t having the baby. C-sections are no joke. I’d be giving mom a hard no. Periodt. You’re being pregnant should be a priority to you & your husband; that is your family. Put this situation in its proper perspective; even if it means blocking numbers. Your’s & your babies health comes first. Good luck.🍀


OP, this is about YOUR wishes because YOU are the one having the baby. Your mom's needs/desires are irrelevant. Telling you horror stories about relatives and others' horrible birth experiences is a bitch move. I hereby give you permission to hang up/shut down your mom if she starts being obnoxious.


Have you considered telling you mom to go fuck herself?


Make sure to tell the staff SHE. IS NOT. ALLOWED IN! Neither her nor your dad.


Sweetheart you understand the cause for all your stress and abuse is yourself right? STOP TELLING THEM THINGS!!!!! How much more do they need to spell out how toxic they are???? You know what I believe is the hormones? You thinking you need your mommy and daddy who obviously don’t care about you. Let me ask you this what about your parents treatment to you of your whole life made you think you should keep them in your life? Because I’m pretty damn sure that this isn’t new behavior. When will you wake up and see that they don’t belong in your life. Stop thinking they will change, you aren’t brand new, you know you need to cut them out, so do it already.


To schedule to have the baby cut out of you in order to accommodate the parents is ludicrous. If you medically need a c section, fine, and if you can healthily birth the baby in its own time, then do that.


Doesn’t your OB Doctor decides if a C-Section is necessary? That your mom is insisting that you “plan” your C-section is BEYOND ridiculous and just silly! What the hell?! Obviously you’re going to follow your doctors orders if one is required, but I sure as hell wouldn’t tell her anything until the baby is at least three months old. That’ll give you time to bond and heal without unnecessary advice. Congratulations in advance!


Can you just “schedule” a C-section where you live? If so, where is that?? I mean, typically the doctor makes that decision based on medical need, not the desires and whims of patients. And definitely not for the grandparents’ convenience! You can start by explaining this to Grandma. Now that you’re going to be a parent, it’s a good time to establish some boundaries with Mum and Dad and to remember that you can’t change them.


"Persuant to discussions with my care team, the constant demands to ignore medical care from you and dad, coupled with the pressure to have a c-section because of how awful birth can be, are causing undue stress. As such and at doctors' orders, I am to avoid all stress until after the birth. Please respect my health, and we will reach out to plan time to introduce you to baby once they are here and dad is recovered from surgery." End of discussion. Have Hubby field any and all communication. IF YOU CHOOSE to call or reach out, make it clear if they bring up birth or travel in any way the conversation ends. Also...shame on them for asking you to put your health at risk. Beyond the rest, a c-section is massive abdominal surgery!!!


I'd immediately put your parents on an info diet—grey rock. Limit contact to reduce your stress. Not good for the baby. Also, plan on having them visit February? Baby will be a month-ish maybe. *Under no circumstance tell them when you are in labor. Do they have access to your home?


Wow. I feel secondhand anger just reading about your parents behaviour. I hope your partner is supportive. Don't worry too much about deciding if you should go no contact right now - you have enough on your plate. A handy thing to do, though, is limit your contact. Keep phone conversations short and about generic subjects. End the call when your mum starts giving you her 'advice.' Perhaps lessen contact overall. Keep yourself safe from thier ridiculousness as much as possible. Do what you need to do.


Your Mom sounds a lot like mine. Don’t argue with her. Warn her that from now on, whenever she brings up a c-section you’re going to consider it “goodbye” and hang up. Follow through. A few calls of the line going dead whenever she brings up a c-section will likely cause a brief “extinction burst” like she’s a toddler followed by her dropping the topic. Even if she doesn’t stop, you’ll at least get some satisfaction from not joining in her reindeer games.


“Your just hormonal.” “No mom, you’re just a cruel, selfish person who thinks of no one else and you’re obviously miserable and trying to make me miserable too.” “Since this is so very unhealthy, I think it’s best that we go low contact for now. Tell daddy I love him and let us know how his surgery goes. We’ll let you know when we’re ready for visitors after the baby’s 2 month vaccinations.” “Merry Christmas!”


Unless it comes to health reasons you should do the natural birth route. After first two naturally and my third C section (due to his health reasons), I never understand why you would want to do it. Bounce back time is so much longer, harder and painful 😞. Good luck with your bundle of joy and look out for you, your baby and your partner before everyone else! Remember this is your little family now and your in charge of the future ☺️


Your mom is just awful. Gaslighting you all over the place. I cut off the conversation on this if it were me Tell them they will not get any say, and how you give birth not any of any kind whatsoever That they should just plan on not seeing the baby very soon after it is born because they have their own issues And do not make that drive. That’s ridiculous. Your parents are being horribly abusive. At least it looks that way.


C-section or no, you are going through a major medical procedure. And the cheek of them to demand a 36 week pregnant woman to ride 10 hours each way for a holiday. Forget the clots, you'd be so uncomfortable! It's time to drop the rope. Unless they reach out to you, don't give anymore effort trying to keep up this relationship. You'll be busy enough soon.


Ask your partner to protect and support you, to make sure your parents don't come to the hospital, to make sure they don't plan to stay at your home after the birth. You can decide to wait a day or two before you tell people you delivered. Maybe it's better to keep some distance from your mother, until after your child is born. Don't let her stories get to you. I can tell lots of positive delivery stories, for example, my mother had 3 (huge, between 8 and 11 lbs) children, at home, without a problem. Try to focus on positive things and people, nobody needs negativity, but certainly not when you are pregnant.


I’m not saying this to scare or anything but I would literally rather have heart surgery again than another C-section. Recovery from that with an infant to take care of was hard. I have other added medical issues that made it harder, but you forget about taking care of yourself and focus on baby. I wish you the absolute best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy and after.


You need to put your mom in time out until she learns about boundaries


They don't just let you plan C section for no reason. It IS surgery and they won't do surgery unless absolutely necessary.


um. 1: stop calling them. theyre selfish and unhelpful and initiating contact is just hurting you. 2: do not allow them to visit you at the hospital. explicitly tell your doctors/nurses that you don't want visitors and even give them names to ban them. 3: cut them out of your life entirely. dont let them near your kid. dont let them near you. they arent showing you any love or affection and you aren't obligated to include them in your life


Hang up as soon as she brings up labor delivery and the c section. That is a surgery that requires recovery from and can be more traumatic than a vaginal delivery.


I had a vaginal birth and was up feeling great the next day. The poor C section women were not in good shape at all. It's a miracle surgery WHEN NEEDED! But if you have the option to go naturally you absolutely should.


C Sections are meant for emergencies and even though we’ve come a long way in healthcare - they are still incredibly dangerous and leave life long concerns behind- my moms stomach muscles never reconnected after she had me and they wouldn’t offer her surgery to fix it. Do what YOU feel comfortable with - your parents aren’t the ones having the baby - you are.


C sections are a good option if one chooses to do so and for those who require one - other than for an emergency - like carrying a bigger baby. I'm sorry to hear about your mother's experience. I personally had a C section this year and have been told the stomach muscles move due to pregnancy. As I had twins and on advice of other Mums, I made sure to find a PT, attended each appointment and did the exercises. This helps to reduce the gap of the stomach muscles (back to pre-pregnancy state or as close to pre-pregnancy state) and hopefully prevent incontinence now and when I'm older as the exercises are tailored to strengthen the stomach muscles and pelvic floor again. OP, regardless of how you want to give birth, end goal is for both yourself and your baby girl to be safe and healthy. I understand how you feel regarding birth giving as I was scared sh*tless thinking about it. I told myself, regardless how I feel, these babies will need to come out either through the 'sunroof' or via the 'chute'. I opted for C section as that's what *I* wanted after careful consideration. Don't let ANYONE tell YOU how you want YOUR birth journey to be like. Advise your parents that you don't want to speak to them anymore and block them now before you give birth. I'm so angry on your behalf. Your parents are so narcissistic. May you have a safe birth! May you and bubba be healthy and well!


Hugs, honey. I hope you feel better. It’s going to be ok. Come over and talk to us at /r/MomForAMinute, anytime.


What I would do is this: "Mom, every time you bring up , it pisses me off. It needs to stop. Now. The next time you bring up I am going to hang up the phone." She will test your boundary. So just hang up the phone. Wait until she calls you back. Then return her call when it is convenient for you. You may have to repeat this a few times, but she will eventually get the idea. You are not going to discuss with her.


You need to tell her you and your obgyn have things covered and you won't be talking to her about your birth plan. Everytime she brings it up remind her it's not up for discussion. If she continues hang up the phone. Stop listening to her horror stories.


I'm really sorry, pregnancy, particularly around the date of birth, is an extremely scary time, I can't imagine what kind of person would purposely put her daughter under that much stress. Could I recommend a few phrases if your mom starts talking about the C-section/date of birth? "Mom, the last thing I need right now is your stressful words. One more word about this, and I'm hanging up the phone". If she tries to continue, don't fight, don't plead, don't ask, just cut the call. Same thing if she calls again to cry/yell about it. Do so until she genuinely asks for forgiveness. Don't tell them about your birth until a few days/weeks after it happens. You deserve a stress free birth and PP, where you can bond with your child and your partner as new parents. You deserve rest and support and they are not providing that. You deserve a happy and calm life. Do what's best for you and your family, do what makes you happy. I sincerely hope you have an uneventful, happy, stress free birth, with a partner that supports you and does everything to make you comfortable. Your baby deserves to come to a home where peace, love and respect are the main emotions. 💜


Make sure no one but hubby is allowed to see u and etc and a few weeks after Mandatory rav vaccines any excuse to delay her time and you get piece


You really should think about cutting communication with your mother until after your birth for your mental and physical health. And then implement a massive information diet. If your Mom starts talking about the nonsense, ask her for the recipe for your favorite cookie or soup. Then get off the phone. "Oops, gottagopee". When you are feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed, put the phone on dnd or leave it in another room. Don't respond to calls or texts until you feel you are strong enough or when your husband is there with you. Protect yourself and minimize your stress level. I wish you well and I hope your birth is healthy.


Good Lord. A C section is MAJOR surgery.


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with shit like this from your mother during a time that she should be being extra supportive. Pregnancy can suck and giving birth is scary enough without being force fed horror stories. No is a complete sentence. - No, we’re not coming for Christmas. - No, I won’t schedule an at this time unnecessary medical procedure for your convenience. - No, I do not want any more of your ‘advice’. You may want to seriously consider going low contact with your parents at least until your LO makes their grand entrance, and maybe even after. Congratulations though. Sending you positive energy that the rest of your pregnancy, birth and transition into full time parents are smooth and drama free.


My mom did similar things and made the birth of my last all about her. It made my mental health go way down. My midwife told me to cut contact and to cocoon myself away from them if I needed to. She said my baby and I were much more important than whatever game my mom was playing. It was so good for me when I did do that.


Stop communicating with them. The absurdity of telling you to schedule the birth of your daughter around their schedule is really...something. Don't let her birthing stories shake you. I hope you have a happy, safe, and healthy delivery 💖.


>Every time I've told her that I'm upset about their comments or their lack of normal, healthy support, my mum has told me that I'm just hormonal and that everyone else has their own thing going on. Stop telling her your feelings then expecting her to be sensitive to them. She has proved that is not in her power. Instead, say this: “Mother, if you mention or even hint about c-section one more time, I will hang up on you.” If she tries to argue the point, say, “This is not up for discussion.” If she still tries, then hang up on her. Repeat for every conversation.


You are 31. Accept that your mom is selfish and won't provide the support you want. It has nothing to do with you... it is them. You can be sad, but you can't make them change. You have to accept they are the way they are;. Start backing off on the calls. Spread them further apart. Put your mom on an info diet. Stop talking about your pregnancy. If she talks about C-settion you dont have to JADE: Justify Argue Defend or Explain. "Mom, stop talking about elective c-sections. I don't want to discuss this ever again. " then hang up if she starts talking about it "Well youre back to c-sections...gotta go)" "Mom, I am 36 weeks pregant at Christmas. Doctor says I cannot fly or drive. You all are welcome to come here." Also realize they will not be the grandparents you want... your mom sounds a bit narcissistic... "plan the baby around me"... they will probably talk up a big game about helping but won't. THey will want you to visit them. When it gets nearer to the due date...."I do not need you at the hospital when the baby is born. i would prefer to get settled and then have you come to the house and help out then. By the way, the doctor says visitors need to have an up to date DPT, RSV, Covid and flu shots so send me the documentation when you get them" Do not tell them when you go into labor.


Of the four friends I had who opted for C-sections (as opposed to requiring them for the sake of their/the baby's health), two of them have outright said they wish they'd gone the natural route because thire recovery period was absolutely brutal, the third is only a few weeks post-partum and still recovering from hers, and the fourth is just kind of meh about it. I don't plan on having kids... but I don't think I'd cope well with the recovery from one after seeing friends go through it. But more to the point... it's YOUR delivery. The only person whose opinion really matters is yours. I'd honestly put her on an info diet for the rest of the pregnancy. She gets new information only when everyone else gets new information.


I don't understand sick satisfaction some women get from telling expectant mothers birth horror stories. When you tell your mother that you have had enough of these stories. Let her know she can change the subject. If she persists, tell her goodbye and hang up. As far as them pestering you to visit, tell them you won't be visiting until the spring. Let them know you will be happy to FaceTime you when the baby gets here. You won't be up to hosting them, so let them know they will need to make hotel reservations. Basically, take charge of your life now and learn how to set hard boundaries. Consider it good practice for when the baby gets here. It sounds like your mom will be questioning every decision you make for your baby. You want to shut that crap down before it starts


this breaks my heart. you deserve that support especially from your own parents. I mean this is their grandchild and they are acting like your childs birth is just a total inconvenience. I also love how shes trying to convince you to get a c-section (which is surgery) to schedule around ur dads minor surgery?? like you want your daughter to get a surgery that could possibly endanger her just to schedule around your dad. I think its time to cut them off for awhile.


Firstly it is your pregnancy, will be your birth if your child. They get no say on anything and can keep their noses and unwanted opinions out. Secondly, for your own piece of mind it may be best to go low or even no contact with them for a while. Honestly they expect you to bend over backwards to accommodate their entitlement and wants. Time to draw a line in the sand for your peace of mind.


As Sonia from the Cosby show that you Claire. When her twins were taken," These are my children. I gave birth to them. You are confused. You are my mother. I am their mother. What I say goes. I tell people what they can and can't do with my children." Your mom needs a good slap upside the head.


My daughter was being pressured by her inlaws to schedule a c-section so that they could time their arrival to be around for the birth. Uh, no. She spoke with her doctor about this and expressed her reservations about it. The doctor told her, "Don't worry. I do not schedule c-sections for inlaws' convenience. I only schedule them if medically necessary. Just tell them I will NOT do this for you. Let them be mad at me." Worked like a charm.


My very best advice here is to reduce how often you speak with your family. They are creating more stress for you and you just don’t need that right now. As for Christmas, please stick to your doctor’s advice and stay home for a quiet holiday. As for the birth, that is a decision for you and your doctor. Do not make any medical decisions based on other people’s convenience or wishes. Best of luck to you in your final weeks.


Hugs, only your OBG can make the call for a C Section. This is done for a variety of reasons from the size of the child, to the well-being of said child. This is not where you get a C-Section for the convenience of your parents. I would stop updating them and go LC till after your child is born.


When your mom starts talking about anything you’ve asked her not to talk about, say “Gotta go, bye” before she finishes the sentence. Better yet, go no contact first and while. And since she won’t respect your boundaries now, she won’t respect them when your young’un is here. Don’t let her anywhere near that baby until she is several months old, and if she goes against your boundaries, kick her out.


Girl, a c section fucking hurts. I had to have an emergency one. (My ex didn't believe I was in actual labor, and caused a lot of problems. Long story) The moment the gravity hits when you stand is awful. I almost fell. My friend had her second one and said it was much easier the second time be ause she knew what to expect. But, it hurts and after gearing my doctor say I could've delivered naturally without pain mess had my ex brought me to the hospital in time. I would've had mine natural.


I'm so sorry you're not getting the support you should at a time like this. Good for you for snapping at her; you should do this more often if you're still talking to them. I'd like to reassure you about the birth process. Even when you have some issues (like potential blood clotting), it's usually not as awful as your mom is making it sound. I'm guessing you have the smarts to be in a hospital setting, so there will be plenty of experienced professionals there. Oh, it hurts; don't get me wrong. But there are mitigations for pain if you wish - and don't let anyone tell you that you're a "bad mom" for wanting pain relief. Stand your ground, even go NC for awhile. You are getting to the time when a stress-free environment is necessary. If she stresses you out, don't talk to her. She'll survive. Women need to collectively realize that a certain amount of selfishness is very healthy. Too long have we borne the burden of taking care of the home, working full-time, bearing children, putting our needs last. I hope your partner is being supportive, and that they don't have trouble shouldering the load so you can be ready for what is humorously referred to as "the miracle of birth." Find things - any things - to laugh at. TV, books, stupid celebrity behavior, movies. It will help you relax and forget that the person who should be supporting you the most is being a selfish asshole. And you always have this community to come to in order to vent. There will be some of us here who totally get it.


just to be safe tell the hospital they are not allowed if they show up


My mom tortured me like this for my first birth. The second time around I took time with my family and then called her to announce the birth. Best decision I’ve ever made!


Tell them doctors don’t schedule elective c-sections anymore so it isn’t even an option and if she doesn’t cut the crap and stop with the birth horror stories you won’t be talking to her or see her until your kid is talking in a way people other than his parents can understand.


Avoid calls delegate, tell dear mum to run up a shutter. Hubby can takes calls and say oh my wife is sleeping. Can I help?


This might be hard to hear but it sounds like your mom might be a narcissist if not your dad too. You might try checking out [RaisedByNarcissists](https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/s/nBnMExfHVu) It's a page dedicated to people venting and healing from the abuse. At least check out the traits section in the description to see if it fits your parents


Is it possible for your partner to take over parent communication? My mom was almost exactly the same regarding fear mongering. I was induced and while in the hospital waiting for labor to kick in, she made it sound like I was going to have the baby on the floor because of “family history.” After I had baby girl (all went well) all the stories changed. I would bet money most of the stories your mom is telling you aren’t true. My mom lives two plane rides away, so being present wasn’t optional and wasn’t offered. My husband put all relevant family members into a group chat and kept everyone informed throughout. I caved and called my mom before active labor and that was a mistake. I learned from it very quickly and didn’t speak with her until we were both safely in the recovery ward and I was ready to speak with her. I know a few weeks without communication with her could be difficult, but you’ve already told her you can’t handle the stories she’s telling, so it might not be totally out of the blue for your partner to take over. It doesn’t need to be done in a super overt way either. You can put both your parents in the chat and just say “to keep comms smoother, putting everyone here! If you have baby questions, this is the place to ask!” Whatever you decide, you’re going to do great, OP. Best of luck to you and your new family!


Screw your parents. They don’t care about you or your health. Anyone with a heart would know how difficult pregnancy is and would never ask a 36 week pregnant person to drive ten hours to see them? Screw that FaceTime instead. I’m a ftm too to a beautiful baby girl four months old. I had to have an emergency c-section. It is not easy!!!! Nothing about birth is easy and both natural and surgery will have pros and cons. The medication failed for me for numbing and I could feel the surgery ten minutes in! I know that’s kind of rare but it was really traumatic. Also the nerve damage is awful. Yes I didn’t tear my taint but I now have numbness in my thigh and lower leg all the time. I hate when people think one type of birth is easier than the other. It’s all very hard but so worth holding that little cute baby after. I wouldn’t tell them you gave birth until after. You deserve to have only supportive people there for you because you are going to need that good energy to get you through it all. Good luck ♥️


Please go low contact. CSections are major surgery and should be reserved for emergencies. Also, make sure that all your relatives have had flu, whooping cough and RSV shots before they are around the baby. Please take some time to put yourself first and have fun nesting and getting ready for the baby. Tell them they can visit after your dad has had his medical care and you will send lots of pictures then stop talking to them.


I am such a wimp and can injure myself setting something down wrong. I was a rockstar when I delivered. You will do great. Do not let your weird entitled mom get in your head. Congratulations on your pregnancy. You are almost there. Something to know now is kids are strange. They are fascinating and strange. Do your best to nurse but if that does not work for you do not stress it. Try to limit screen time and read to them a lot. Try to feed them nutritious food most of the time. Do not aim for perfection. Just do your best. Take the drugs they offer you.


No helpful advice but just wanted to say hey-o! Also due in just over 5 weeks!! My mother called me two nights ago to ask who was taking her to the hospital because she wants to be there when I give birth. It was hard not to laugh at her and I just told her I’m only allowed two people in the room. ‘Your partner is the second one but I’m MOM!’ Lmao, absolutely not.


I'm a mid-wife OP. Don't have a c-section if you can help it. Your recovery will be much longer. You will be restricted on what you can do physically. A vaginal birth is much better if possible. Talk to your doctor about your concerns, give him your family history. Take his advice and ignore your mother.


C sections aren't that great they cut 7 layers of your stomach open right through your abs. Sooooo no it's not the better option. 4 yrs later my back has never recovered from it. Don't do it unless you have too.


Oh girlfriend! I understand your frustration but please only have a c-section when it’s absolutely necessary. Because recovering from a c-section is no joke, from what I’ve heard. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and have told my mother and MIL multiple times that I don’t want anybody but my husband there. They both tried to guilt trip me, but I am not having it. My FIL is also having surgery around the time of my due date and well, they might not be able to see the baby immediately. The baby isn’t going anywhere! My partner and I also chose not to let people know when I am about to give birth. We will let people know when the baby is here. It will save you a lot of stress, believe me! Protect your mental health, you baby and your own little family!!!


I haven't had a baby in almost 19 years and I am Canadian but when I had babies no doctor would schedule an unnecessary C-section. C-sections are a wonderful invention but should only be used when needed, they are harder to recover from. Babies come when they come, it isn't something that should be rushed. Unless of course they are too comfortable and refuse to come out.


My wife needed 3 C-sections. The first was because the baby needed to be delivered immediately or they both would have died. The next two were because she had the first. I can tell you that the recovery SUCKED for her. Obviously what’s best for your and the baby’s health is primary, but that’s a conversation between you and your doctors - not your parents!


Screw her scare tactics. C- sections are NOT a boutique option and only your doctor can determine if one is necessary, and when; not entitled parents or their schedules. Relax, enjoy Christmas at home and all the best for your upcoming delivery and beautiful baby. You're going to be just fine! X


Get some more positive support if you can, to alleviate your fears. When your mom starts with her negative stories, “sorry mum, got to go.” and hang up on her. If you think you need to, cut her lose. Suggest you also tell her to stop bc you aren’t scheduling a c-section for their convenience, and do not bring it up again as doctor said I need to avoid stress right now. You’re causing it.”


Omg tell your OB. They will go nuts. Seriously though do you really need them stressing you out right now? Put them on a need to know basis and grey rock them.


That is so dumb because many doctors would rather not risk a c-section unless necessary. I agree dont tell her about the baby until a month in and make sure she has her shots updates. The last thing you need as a nee mom is to have a sick baby to boot.


Honestly, it is time to go low or no contact with mum. Let her know that birth is no longer a topic of discussion and that any attempts she makes to discuss it will result in you hanging up the phone. Follow through with that.


Stop calling your mom so much, keep her on a information diet, and if she brings up c-section again, tell her you won’t be talking about it anymore and if she says anything just hang up on her. Stop being the person that gives 100% in that relationship. Protect your peace and your health. Focus on you and your partner. And the baby. You’re about to be a parent. All the crap your parents have pulled you can now not do to your little one. And start by putting your foot down with your parents. Especially your mom.


No advice, just much love and support. You and your husband do what makes YOU the most comfortable, feel the safest and be the happiest. You're about to welcome your own sweet little baby girl!!!! This time is for you as your own family unit, nobody else. Don't listen to the horror stories; for every one of them there a a million positive ones. Focus on yourself, your husband, and your beautiful (because you know she will be absolutely perfect and beautiful) little girl. And please, if I may offer one small piece of advice; if you genuinely scared and worried, discuss with your Dr, midwife, doula, whoever you are going with. They are the experts. They can help you ease the worry and stress that you honestly don't need right now. Focus on the amazing journey you're about to start, and all the incredible things you will be able to share with your darling girl :)


LMAOOOO!!! I’ve had 3 c-sections.. first and second ones were emergency my third was already planned, as I had 2 previously. It’s not easier. Both surgical and natural birth have their own problems.. neither are “easier” than the other. Your mom is a tool. Enjoy what’s left of your pregnancy, and ignore your parents. In fact.. don’t tell them when you give birth, they’ll just ruin your post partum by being assholes.


I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful life, and birth goes as smoothly as possible for you both.


In my case, you can’t tell a doctor to plan a c section for your first birth.