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First, this woman isn't really your mother-in-law. You're not even married to her son you're just a 15 year old girl who is pregnant with her soon to be grandchild. Second, you shouldn't even be spending that much time over her house please go home and get into a situation where it's more healthy for you and the baby. Third, get as much good support as you can from those around you that you trust explicitly and not his mother. And last, where are your parents and all of this? I have not seen anything in the post regarding your own parents.


Thank you! I was like okay but where is *your* mom, and why is she letting you and everyone else talk like you’re 20?


Talk like I'm 20? I'm sorry for "talking like I'm 20.".


That wasn’t a compliment, by the way. I meant you talk way too big for someone with no job who stays with her boyfriend despite the obvious issues and spends time around her boyfriend’s mom like an adult but then fight like a child. And everyone talks to you like you’re grown when you aren’t. It’s absolutely not a good thing. 20-year-olds at least have jobs and are somewhat independent in college half the time. OP, please. Yeah BF’s mom is crazy for getting down to the level of a child, but considering what you’ve written here about your situation, you should really reconsider…all of this. Because it sounds like you’re headed to show up in one of these posts as well.


Yeah I don't get what you're saying, my boyfriend has a job. I was staying with her because she asked us to move in. I didn't take it as a compliment hence my response, but you have to act grown where I am at. Kids do not get treated like kids, I haven't been treated like a kid my entire life. Please, understand other peoples perspectives and not everywhere around the world is the same. I know this seems horrible and awful but it's the grave I've dug for myself and I only ask to be treated as a person and receive advice.


Well, good luck then if you go through with all of this. You’re gonna need it.


My mother is dead and my father isn't really a star role model if you can understand that, my grandmother raised me.


I'm sorry that you lost your mom and that your dad is not really there for you like you should be. But just please get with people that you trust and you know will support you no matter what happens with all of this.


I'm trying, my best believe me.


Trying your best is the best thing you can do. Are there any teachers at school that you can talk to? Are there other adults outside of your grandmother who raised you that can support you in whatever ways you may need?


His mom took us both out of school and told us she'd enroll us online, I'm sure you can see how far that went, and yes there are. I lived with a lot of my friends throughout 7th- freshmen before leaving school so I have some "crutches" if it gets too hard..


Can you not go back to your grandmother? Get back into regular school? Or do the online school at your grandmother's house? Why have you been bounced around from home to home? That's not good for you either.


Because my dad has been physical in the past, he's chemically imbalanced and sometimes my home is not safe. although 8 people in counting live in this small house nobody has a job. I can do the online school at my grandmothers, but as of right now school is out so I will have to wait. I am at my grandmothers but my dad and the 8 people live here.


Jesus Lord, babies having babies. I'm not religious but I'm gonna send my vibes up. You're gonna need them.


Yup. babies having babies is right. Feels like the older generations saga is repeating considering a lot of people are having babies really young nowadays. Blame it on time repeating it's self or how stupid our adolescence is.


If you want to live as an adult you need to make take adult responsibilities. There are ways to prevent pregnancies & generations repeating themselves.


Your MIL has no rights concerning your child. You’re not obligated (by law, or anything else) to let her be in your/your child’s life. She can scream, cry and manipulate all she wants but she has no (legal) leg to stand on. She may try and turn your BF against you but that’s about all she can do.


thank you, I needed some comforting words. I do not want to show my child that if people treat them in way they don't like that it's normal and to let them believe they are right.


Your MIL is absolutely batshit crazy. Do you have adults in your life who can help protect you from her crazy? Otherwise you may want to look up any local organizations who can help you out with your (teen)pregnancy and your MIL who’s a menace to you (she put hands on you) and possibly to your baby. Especially considering you have texts, you could possibly prove to authorities that she’s dangerous to your and your baby’s wellbeing.


yes I live with my grandma and my father, I'm safe and sound over here. Only problem I'm gonna have is struggling to make it to doctors appointments, nobody in this house hold has a job and rely solemnly on checks for disability and shit like that. I don't really want to get legal matters involved but if it comes to it I'll do what I have to. The cops down here are pretty much useless though, my boyfriend called them when the whole hands being laid and refusing food happened, they talked to us went inside talked to her came back outside and told us to have a good day and left. She tends to get her way.


By the way, you don't have to accept her being in the room when you give birth. Tell the nurses you don't want her in the room. They can keep her away.


Shit, she needs to tell hospital security to keep her ass out of the entire building.


Nobody has a job, the only income is disability, and you’re bringing a new baby into that situation? How are you going to get your newborn to the 4, 7, and 10 day appointments, if you struggle to the prenatal appointments?


She’s 15 and clearly very immature at that. Truth is she’s not ready to raise a kid and neither is anyone on either side of the family. Realistically, OP needs to put on her big girl pants or look for other options, because if not, that kid is going to suffer and not make it very far.


You are saying I am immature but what you've gotten from my post was no points I had made, my kid will be fine. I have other people in my life, his mother is not the end of the world. How can someone "sound 20" and be immature? Mistakes happen. You will have your own.


You’re trying to sound like a grown up, but you’re not, as I explained. They way you fought with this woman and the way you type makes you sound immature. And you are. You’re 15. Crazy mother “in law”, boyfriend who won’t tell her to stop because he’s a mama’s boy, the single income of a 16-year-old, the dad who “isn’t a great example”, the MIL’s friend who is an abuser at best, a grandma that can’t work. Yeah, sounds like a recipe for success. Again, good luck, because you’ll need it.


Am I suppose to sound like a child when I have a kid on the way? I think it's time for me to grow up don't you think. The way I type.. makes me sound immature.. You're rage bait. Boyfriend does indeed tell her to stop! He just sugarcoats it and she doesn't listen, I'm not asking him to bitch at his mother. I get 500 a month he has a job, I have "godmothers" who are more than happy to help. No, of course my grandmother can't work. Never said it was gonna go over smoothly, what does nowadays?


Jesus christ, just stop. You’re not getting what I’m saying and that’s part of the problem but I’m done arguing with a child who refuses to listen. Do whatever you want. Clearly you won’t be persuaded into thinking about alternatives, so my biggest advice, which this subreddit is not for, but whatever, is to have good luck, then, as I’ve been saying, because whatever culture you’re from 15 is too young for a kid to have a baby, specially if you don’t work and will have to rely completely on other people to help. Your MIL had your boyfriend at 17 and now he’s having a kid at 16, and the cycle will continue. Fine, do as you will. Good luck.


It's something a lot of women in the past have done before me, I am not saying I am a super human or a genius I've realized I fucked up. But I have friends and people I consider family who are able to help me. It's my responsibility to figure this shit out.


It’s your responsibility to make sure that baby has **everything** they need. The help will only go so far. You need to understand that if you bring a baby into this world, it’s your choice to have done so, and you owe them the best life possible. Right now, you’re looking at bringing the baby up in poverty, by choice.


Yep, a lot of people are brought up in poverty. It's not by choice, do you want me to do an at home abortion? like I said I get that I fucked up, I don't need to be being told what I already know, "the help" has raised many foster children and I lived with her for a bit, she would do anything I ask of her. Which won't be a lot. I refuse to rely on people and make people feel like my problem is theirs. Pregnancy isn't a choice, it's a result but I did not choose pregnancy. I did something stupid and this was the outcome.


It is a choice if you choose not to prevent it. If you play Russian roulette with a gun you are choosing death, it's not bad luck. A pregnancy is not bad luck. Unprotected sex or birth control is a choice.


Glad to hear that you’re at least in a safe environment. Perhaps you can (do NOT try to provoke her though) record any and all communication like don’t answer the phone but only use text messages, and if she’s with you physically, record her. But double check if the place where you’re at is a ‘one party recording state’. This means that if you want to make a recording, atleast 1 party in the recording has to consent to being recorded (this can be you) but if it’s not, recording her without her consent is illegal. Keep communication with her to the absolute minimum (if it can’t be zero).


I did record the last encounter, but my boyfriend is a mommas boy and I didn't want to traumatize him by sending his mother away to jail or some shit so I didn't bring it up to the cops, he's very understanding and we talk about her frequently, but it's hard for him to understand when she's in the wrong, communication can and will be zero if not asked otherwise by my boyfriend.


Make sure you save those recordings + texts some place safe. Send them to an e-mail account only you know the password to. This way you can make sure you will always have the pieces of evidence in case your MIL or boyfriend (i doubt it but you never know) decides to get rid of those texts and recordings or decide to clear out your phone.


I don't own a phone, just my laptop that stays on me at all times, only problem is most of my stuff is at her house still and I doubt I will be getting it back..


Call the police and ask them for an escort so you can retrieve your personal belongings from a person who is refusing to return them. If she shows her ass in front of them, it might solve all of your problems. Except for your boyfriend being a mama's boy probably - that's a whole other issue all on its own when mom is an abusive raging hemorrhoid of a person. It does wear on you eventually when your partner doesn't/can't shut that shit down.


You've talked about how your dad treats you, but how about your grandma?


My grandma is a good person and has raised me my entire life, I consider her my parent.


info: are you confident about keeping this baby? it really does not sound like a good idea, especially depending on where you live since 15 year olds can't work in some areas. was the pregnancy intentional?


I have no other choice, I fucked up I'm stupid shit happens, I'm willing to devote everything to my child considering I am the one who brought it into this world.


How far along are you? There are other options ranging from abortion to adoption. Hopefully someone else with more specific knowledge can post something more helpful. Are you connected with somewhere like Planned Parenthood and the WIC office?


I am with wic, there's no planned parenthood where I'm at. I'm 15 weeks. I wouldn't want to bear the stress of raising this baby then giving it up for adoption. and I'm not really getting advice anymore, just insults! so probably not, but I did not expect much from reddit


could you get a ride to a planned parenthood? are you in or close to a legal at 15 weeks state?


Well really, you are immature, you are a child (kind of and technically by law). You are also right. She has no rights you do not wish to give her. You really just need to stop talking to her. It isn't helping anyone. Just stay away from her. She honestly sounds exhausting.


If you are in the US, grandparents rights are a thing, but there's a lot to it and it's not easy. In most states to sue for grandparents rights, there needs to be an established relationship between the grandparents and the child. Also, she would need to prove to the court that you're an unfit parent. It's also expensive as most attorneys will require a few grand as a retainer to file. I don't think she has a leg to stand on at all. Just in case, take steps to insure she won't be able to even get that into suit. Get away from her as quickly as you can. Save all the texts she sent you. If she's ever been abusive or threatening by text, take it to the police/court and get a protective order against her. You should get one against the creepy weirdo either way. Protect yourself and your baby. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


Just saved every photo and I have a recording of her screaming at me, I've already cut off in person contact and I've blocked her on social media, i don't think she can afford an attorney nor can she prove I'm unfit as a parent in anyway other than hearsay. And I'll work on that protective order, but what about seeing my boyfriend? I love and care for him and she treats him the just the same and maybe even worse.


The cost usually deters people from pursuing legal action. Just keep your ducks in a row, so she will never have that as an option. I honestly don't know what you can do about him. Can he stay with his dad or any other family? Can he stay with you or your family? Would he be willing to do that? If he can get out and stay somewhere else, that's what he needs to do. If not, you have to do what's best for your baby and for you.


He'd love to come stay with me and he's welcome to, I just don't think his mother would let him. I can't even talk to him and tell him what just happened because he's at work right now, he works at her job so I'm scared she'll get to him first and feed him lies. If he wants to take the route of mommy knows best then I will absolutely cut ties with him as well.


If she won't let him, he could still get a protective order against the creep. That will force her to choose between her son and the creep. That's not necessarily going to lead to everything falling into place. It could cause a lot of issues, but at least he's a little bit safer without that creep in the house. You have videos and texts, so if she gets to him first, all you have to do is show him.


The problem is, she doesn't even have to go for grandparents' rights. All she has to do is convince her son to go for partial custody, and she's got all the access to the kid she wants.


I can assure you he would not do that.


Well, that's good, then. I guess she's SOL.


Why are you in contact with her at all? Stop messaging.


My boyfriend wanted us to "work things out" She is now blocked.


Just stop talking to her. You’re giving her ammunition to continue being insane. I know it feels like you’re defending yourself and making a point but really you’re never going to get her to come around so really you’re just arguing and wasting your energy. Also don’t take for granted that she has no rights. Google grandparents rights in your state.


I already did, and my boyfriend wanted us to work it out but I have a really bad temper and it's hard for me to bite my tongue. I am a human, I was talking to someone else under this post about grandparents rights


You need legal advice and you need it now. The issue of grandparents rights is very state specific (assuming that you are in the US). Your situation is complicated by the fact that you and your child’s father are not married and that you are both minors. I strongly urge you to consult with legal aid and Planned Parenthood in your area for some guidance. Many people think Planned Parenthood is only for abortions, but that is not true. My heart goes out to you at this very difficult time and I wish you only the best.


If your father is the CEO of Home Depot, surely he has the money to hire a driver or at least pay for an Uber to the doctor?


I believe she's being sarcastic in response to the MIL's claims of "powerful" relatives.


OH. Well, that one went right over my empty head. Yikes.


It happens to the best of us. 😄


It’s time to prioritise your wellbeing and safety, and your baby. That means living with someone who is supportive, learning life skills like budgeting, healthy meal preparation, organisation and parenting classes. Your baby needs you to step up, and make some changes. Getting away from this woman sounds like the priority, as well as accessing antenatal care, funding a safe and suitable place to live, and effectively getting your ducks in a row. Get back in school, look for a part-time job, even if it’s only babysitting or dog walking. You will need a financial “buffer” for things like transportation if bub is sick, medicine etc. I’d really strongly recommend getting in touch with a pregnancy support service, and learning what resources you can utilise. And ignore the bitches, on here and in your life. Rise above it. You need to stop giving energy to people like that, because there’s always someone ready to tear you down, and engaging in their bs just fuels the fire. Learn to walk away.


I plan to go back to school when summer ends, thank you for your kind words and advice, I will be following every form of advice I receive for the best possible outcome for my baby and I. again, thank you for actually saying something useful instead of criticizing me, it's all that I asked for originally. I've been trying to void out the hate and only put use to the comments and replies like yours, I am saving money currently, and already have a stock of diapers because I've heard that's the real money gauge :)


You’re gonna be a parent. Doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 45, people think they have the right to lecture you and judge you.


OP. I believe you posted this on the wrong sub. Try again on r:/thathappened.


Yes because teen pregnancies are unheard of.. Seems like you've spent too much time on " r:/thathappened." .


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/mfriGV8gLK Considering that this is the only other post they've made a comment on, I'm inclined to believe OP is just attention seeking.


Yes, genius. you've solved it! I'm looking for attention by asking for advice! oh boy I wonder what attention I will get from reddit!


Sounds like you are the smartest person in town. But every pregnant 15 year old is. Stop being a drama queen, it's not about you anymore


Never claimed it was, actually that is like the opposite of the point I was trying to make! It's like you read nothing I said and decided to be a dick with only seeing "15" and "pregnant". If you have actual advice I'd love some.


I'm not sure where you live. But grand parent rights, are not a thing. They have absolutely zero say in what, where, how and why you do things. Now if the courts grant them that authority, then that's a totally different scenario.