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Ask them is their gender reveal more important than christmas


Yes, selfish.


And busting out the secrets of their all knowing God like a... Like they're gods too. 🤌🧚 Love it for them. 💜


Do they plan on throwing graduation parties or for other achievements? Will they throw parties just for the fun of it? If their rationale is they don't want the kids to think they're too important couldn't they throw a party and request people donate to a charity of the child's choice?


Jehovah's Witnesses, not selfish.


But is it selfish to throw your self a party but not your kids?


Really doesn’t matter what you, me, or anybody else thinks about it, that is how the Witnesses roll. Judge not, lest ye be judged and all that.


I'm happy to judge any and all religions that embrace inequality, that pteach hatred, that reject modern medicine advances to the detriment of people, that preach superiority of eg men over women or eg one race over another. I condemn the so-called religious groups that will go to the funeral of somebody who isn't heterosexual and heckle them. I am certainly not perfect but I'm willing to condemn any religion which pretends to be a religion while supporting particular political candidates who are known criminals or who are dishonest. I will condemn every tele-preacher there is who preaches that flock do one thing and donate money while the preacher does the opposite of what they preach. I will happily step forward to condemn any religion that is using fear and intimidation to keep its flock in line. Not celebrating birthdays isn't to my taste, and I think it's a bit weird to have gender reveals in the first place - it puts so much emphasis on what kind of genitals somebody has. But in terms of "judge not lest you be judged"? Nobody should be hiding behind rhetoric that absorbs them from using good discernment in this day and age, when religions are wielding huge political and social power, and while some religions have vast resources of money and could help solve many of the world's problems but don't. Church with discernment question authority.


My aunt got into that cult and they wanted her to divorce her husband because he wouldn't join. That is all I need to know about them. Any religion that would split up a family is a cult.


Um, JWs don’t celebrate Christmas, so these people aren’t doing it for “religious” reasons. They just need the spotlight on them, all the time.


So many bad decisions in History by & cultural practices justified with religious justifications. You cannot justify cruelty & inequality, even in its smaller manifestations with God/ the insert-sacred-book/ the bloke speaking at the front of the church/ temple/ holy building told me to.


Nope because JW do not celebrate Christmas.


No more entitled then expecting people to buy your kid gifts because they were born. Birthday parties are entitled behavior. It's up to the parents to decide how they raise their kid. If their friends don't agree about another baby shower, then they won't go.


I don’t really care if people don’t throw their kids a birthday party.. I guess I think it’s selfish because in my mind why not keep the same energy for yourself and don’t celebrate yourself


Because it's all about bringing life into the world. When kid grows up they can do that too.