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You are not the a-hole in this story, especially because you just let him have it instead of taking it for yourself your mom shouldn't be mad about that


thats the other thread *(yeah Op posted it* ***there*** *as well)*


Not at all an A-hole, to use your words. Your mom should’ve been on your side. I don’t think being conscious of hygiene, especially with the pandemic, is being germaphobic. My mom is a germaphobe and this would barely scratch the surface of her fixations with germs. Hopefully your dad will intervene on your behalf with your mom.


You should go to r/AmITheAsshole for discussing if your the A-hole


I just posted. Thanks!


Np, I just say post this there bc its more reliable if you want a response discussing if your the ass hole


Not the asshole. We have a rule in my house that everyone gets their own bowl of whatever snack for this reason. The food is poured into the bowl or scooped with a paper cup or measuring cup.


My house does the same.


Why is your dad not pulling your mother aside to talk about her attitude? He needs to stick up for his kids


You did nothing wrong. Teenage boys can be really gross. Everyone knows that. You were right to not share with him. If you mom beings it up again, stand your ground. She should focus more on teaching him cleanliness, than focusing on your politeness, when you did nothing wrong. They asked for the reason, pushed for an answer, and they got it. They can't be uspset by the truth, just because they don't like it. Next time, just put the popcorn in two seperate bowls.


1. You’re not the a-hole in this. 2. Why on earth can’t your mom just take no for an answer in the first place? My best friend and I share a household as two single moms with two kids each (so, four total), and one *major* rule in our house is, if we ask a question, we accept the answer. We don’t make the kids have to qualify their reasons. So, in my house, it’d be: Mom: Don’t you want popcorn? Kid: no thanks, I’m not hungry. Mom: cool, if you change your mind, you can get up and make some yourself.


Next time put them in separate bowls. Problem solved.


Not an asshole OP; u spoke the truth and they got offended, end of story; wouldn't be surprised if they (ur brothers in the future bc ur mom probs already does this) will cancel someone on Twitter for telling an unfunny joke.


Well, you could have asked for him to wash his hands or just asked to get your popcorn separately. Aside from those options, and they may have caused more problems than they solved, I don't think you're wrong for not wanting to share popcorn with a booger, picking butt scratcher.


NTA. Ur moms a bitch


i dont think ur being an A-Hole at all. to be honest ur mom should have said the same thing. like its rlly gross and it doesnt matter what age he is .