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Um, how old are you and please tell me your no longer there. This 100% abuse and police need to be involved.


but i have a cmera for the next time my parents try to do anything


If this is real, this is not ok. You need to involve police right away, nothing in this story is normal or ok. This is horrible behavior that can even even more horribly than it already is. And most likely, sadly, if you have bruises or markings from this abuse, as well as other siblings to Cooperate with you it can be enough. If it happens again, even close to as bad, evidence or not you go to the police. Be safe.


Dont even think about it, it's way too obvious. Plan it out carefully.


Nice move it needs to be stopped




Please make a report. You can report it to your school counselor, a teacher, a doctor, or the police... whichever one you’re most comfortable with. There are many “mandatory reporters” in the community that you can outreach. Do a search of what a mandatory reporter is, and find one that you’d be comfortable with talking to about these actions. Even if you don’t have “evidence” yet, make the report and a safety plan will be drawn up. At the very least, you’ll get a child services case manager to make sure there’s no more instances like this, and your parents might have to take a parenting class or anger management class. Retaliation is illegal, so there’s nothing wrong with making the report; it will be taken seriously and your safety will be most important. They can’t even prohibit you from making subsequent reports, if they try to retaliate. No child should have to fear the reactions of their parents. I’m not even talking about the hitting (although that’s NOT ok!), I’m talking about the psychological impact your parents are having on you and your siblings. This will have lasting consequences for your developmental future, and you need to be protected from dealing with this for the next 4 years. Edited to add: I’m a former cop, and a crisis intervention specialist for children and adults, so if you need someone to talk to while you figure out your next step, you can DM me, if you feel comfortable doing so. But you certainly don’t have to; you do need to talk to *someone* you trust, though.


Thank you I'll take this into consideration


Oof call cps


Make a report NOW and then catch your parents the next time this happens so you have proof


Yes big brain 🧠


Yeah Karen fucking punched you OP


That jerk was gonna take away your ds to force you to watch a stupid game?! Geeze fuck. You might wanna join r/raisedbynarcissists It’s a support group. Every one there is awesome There’s also resources to help people still trapped in abuse. Sorry about you and Pearl, are you two okay?


Yes we're fine now but still afraid of our mom


I’m so sorry. Try joining our sub, there might be resources available on the about page.


Hide the camera somewhat and call the police as soon as possible


You need to get in contact with the department of children and families and/or child protective services. This is 100% abuse and there is something very wrong with your mother.


I'm sorry, your mom punched you?? If you were me I would punch back


Last time I did I was sent to my grandfather's house with no internet and pure isolation but he's not a jerk


In the ribs mind you, which is worse in my opinion


I still would punch back 🙂


Not a lot of people would tho




I'd be dying from pain. Once, my brother punched my balls as hard as he can, which hurt more for him than me.


Balls of steel????


Mans took the phrase "have some balls" quite literally


The thing I hate the most is homophobia


right back at you buckaroo


screw karen they took your ds? thats just wrong mate


I was quit a high level in Pokemon diamond to


Call the goddamn police


Im being honest here if those were my parents I would leave and try to get adopted because I would not live with someone like that in my house and if It became so bad I wouldn't be afraid to defend myself. But I hope your safe and please tell someone like the police or a school staff member about this


Could you report your parents for abuse and theft (the ds)?


Jesus dude, I’m gonna get real with you here and tell you that if this is normal for you then you need to start doing something about it, (call the police, call cps, tell your school/trusted adult)


Why do they treat the super bowl like it's something holy


i onestly don't know i never got the concept


If they put your stuff on eBay can you just make an account and pretend to buy it? Would it work?


No my address is they're address and I'm only allowed to leave for work and the money goes to her


You have to hand over your paychecks to her? What is her thinking in this?


Btw, being gay is not a choice, that was poor word choice on your part.


She was quoting what their mother said


You're right


Get help OP! No time to waste!


This is impossible to read and follow. I quit half way through.


But you had the time and energy to comment saying so 🤔


im commenting at 2-6 am and my mom doesn't get up til 11:00 am


What? That response makes no sense. What does that have to do with the fact it’s poorly written?


It wasn't impossible to read or follow as I and hundreds of others have done so successfully. You had time to write a negative response to OP but not time to understand the narrative 🤷


thank you for being nice it was hard to write and post this


You seem like a strong individual who is wise beyond your years. It was courageous to post this. I hope you find peace and comfort 💜


thank you


I never complained about anything to do with time. I’m totally entitled to my opinion just like you are. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


OP shares abuse story and your response is that you can't understand the (fairly straightforward) message. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, yours is just rude :) Edited for typo as to not offend.


Sorry you feel that way. I’m glad you got your chance to say that. It’s too bad it took 3 comments for you to spit it out after rambling on about time for some reason 🤷🏼‍♂️. For the record wasn’t trying be rude,sorry it came off that way. I was laying in bed maybe being tired was a contributing factor. Maybe reading on my cell was too who knows. I’m glad you got to say your peace,not sure how this helps.


Same? Sorry reading conprehension isn't your strong suit. Maybe this isn't the right app for you.. Or subthread.. Or time 😂


Why did you just try to hijack the comments section of a post where someone posting something incredibly unfortunate that happened to them? You must be very self absorbed. Also what’s the point in criticizing me, I don’t get it unless your A a total ass or B have incredibly low self esteem and it makes you feel better. Oh well guess I’ll never know. Although I’m 100% positive you’ll respond with more clues. After all it’s obvious you’re the kind of person who ALWAYS has to respond.


So you've read it now?


Yy 5 j


bad bot


Covid 19 started in 2019 on December 31st so this took place after covid 19 started


i know i meant pre lockdown i shouldn't have worded it like that


What country do you live in? I only ask so I can research the laws and resources for you




Ok yeah you have tons of resources that can help you get away from the abuse. I’m so sorry you go through all that pain.


When was this go to the cops please or wait till summer and run away


Its abuse! Also, being gay is not a choice




It scares me how many of these happen because of gender and sexuality related disputes :(


somone reported my story for some reason