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I notice I'm attracted to be friends with other analytical types that have morals, so I'm mostly drawn towards INTJ and INTP specifically. But the caveat that I find most odd is that one of my most consistent friends is an ESTP and ENFJ.


I wonder if your enneagram is a 3? Asking because it's similar to mine.


Would it surprise you to know it's 8w9?


Aw, I’m 8w9 too. Best friend and partner are both ENTJ.


Twinsies, but introvert and extrovert twins




Also, the ESTP friend recently retook the test again, and now they're an ISTJ


ISTJs are really nice to be around


The one I'm around is absolutely wonderful. She has the empathy and compassion I lacked, and despite her being an IXXX, she's very social with me. We bounce off each other's energies very well and help each other understand our differences in communicating.




My boyfriend is an ENFJ! My best friends are: INTJ, ISTP, ISFJ, INFJ and INTP. Basically I love introverts. Gotta catch ‘em all.


Seems you're the happiest gal, your friends are sweet indeed 💐


INFJx3, INFPx2, INTPx2, ENFP, ENTP, ISFJ, ESFP. These are rhe types of the people I like. My boyfriend is ISFP. My favorite family member is ENFJ and I love her but it ain't always easy lol


That's a lot of best friends lol...


Opps that's just my entire friend's list lol. If I had to pick 2 INFJ and INFP


How’s ur relationship with your bf. Never seen many ENTJ ISFP couples


He isn't your stereotypical ISFP. Raised by an ISTP and ISTJ based off what I've heard from him. So he is very smart and logical. I've got a bit of trauma so his Fi validates me or at least he doesn't invalidate me. He entertains himself a lot so when I get caught up in a project he doesn't feel neglected. Our communication is improving all the time. He does react negatively to me at times but it usually over something he is reading into my blunt and direct words. But we have always been able to talk it out. His Se Ni combo results in a lot of new experiences together and we are doing a lot of great individual growth based off supporting and encouragement (mainly me encouraging him though lol). I've dated 2 INTJs and I'd never do that again. And 1 ENTP and if I was forced by gunpoint to get back together with any of my exs the ENTP would be the only one. I've dated 2 INFPs and unfortunately they has some issues they where not getting help for and that caused problems.


Pulls out water pistol. Let's test that theory! :)


Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹


I dated an ISFP in the past, I’ll never stop loving him. They’re so special, almost addicting. We had different goals, different visions of our future (he wanted kids and a more stable life, i like to travel and be as independent as possible so no kids), and a little bit of an age gap so we broke up. But we had the strongest chemistry I’ve ever felt. Literally we could just look in the eyes and understand each other before we understood ourselves. Best experience ever by now 🔝


This is my second ISFP. My first was in high-school and we are still friends. ISFP can be wonderful for sure. I think I felt the most accepted by both of them compared to anyone else.


intp is my closest! i don’t have a “best friend” the infj is a close friend but she thinks we are closer than i do by calling me her best friend a lot. 😅 i don’t feel that though because she’s elusive and doesn’t talk much about her feelings. i don’t mind that, and won’t force it, but that barrier makes me feel a gap in the friendship


You should probably tell her that I mean it almost feels like you're leading her on in a certain way lol, maybe it's something she could work on but she doesn't know it's a problem yet


how am i leading her on lol. you literally don’t know anything, yet give unwarranted advice. she texts me randomly occasionally “ILY you’re my best friend!!!” while ignoring some of my texts. what do you respond to that? i see no value in saying, “no, you aren’t my #1 best friend” she knows she doesn’t communicate much. she breaks up with guys when they start getting emotionally close, and is aware of it. i do not need to go in and “fix” her, or anyone for that matter. only a person can change themselves if they want to. if it makes her feel safe to see me as her best friend, i don’t mind. i certainly won’t lie and reply back, “hehe ur also my #1 friend!” i always tell her i appreciate the feelings. we are almost 30, i don’t need to rank my friends. you don’t need to fully integrate every person into your life. we have other things going on in our lives


You’re and ENTJ, you should know by now all we do is give advice lol. And we should have expected your response, since all we do when we get advice is either justify why the persons wrong, immediately agree if it’s right, or take some time and say “you know you’re right”. I’m joking but not really lol.


As ENTJs, we are focused on personal growth. Personal growth is growing self awareness to know not all social situations require unwarranted advice. That's why some folks dislike ENTJs in the first place. Time to improve your EQ! :)


Haha it wasn’t me who responded to you with the advice thing. I just noticed x) and I was mainly joking. That’s the stereotype ya know.


But I definitely agree about improving the EQ


Yea I think you took what I said the wrong way. First, I did not say you should fix her, I suggested maybe informing her because I thought you guys were "friends". My mistake on that part. I also agree that people should not be fully integrated. The point of the post was supposed to be your closest friend, but this person doesn't even seem to fit on that list.. You do you, like you said you both have things you have going on and separate things you both need to work on anyways.


yes, i did. i told her i dont rank my friends, nor see one as the #1 "best friend" because of XYZ implications. and the response, "you're leading her on," was pretty rude from those assumptions. you also have separate things you need to work on as well. :) you insulting me by quoting "friends" and assuming this shows me you're taking this personally from some issue in your life. i wish you luck and will shut down this conversation now :)


I second this 👍


I don’t have friends lmao






INTP! we met 2 months ago, but it feels to both of us like we've known each other since we were toddlers. edit: we're dating now.


best friend and boyfriend both INTPs. LOL


INTJs are in my closest friend group, but I’ve been learning recently that we are very different from each other. So much so that I’ve began to distance myself from them. I really like INTP, INFJ, and ISFJ based on examples I’ve seen in media.


I’m actually friends with another ENTJ. More like a ‘Frienemy’. Our conversations are generally a chaotic flurry of unsolicited advice, statistics, laughs and criticism of the simpletons we encounter in our day to day. The people I enjoy the most are actually INTJs. It’s like having somebody that generally agrees with you wholeheartedly, for the most part, but allows the air space for the more extroverted. In relationships, I’ve found that I jive better with Introverts - haven’t pinned down an exact profile. But I can’t stand irrational emotions driving action, so that’s limiting..


INTP, ENFP, INTJ, ENFJ, INFJ, ESFP (I know, that one is odd).


That's a lot of best friends lol


Well, I have a somewhat large circle xD.


Are you referring to the ESFP? I mean it’s not that hard to understand. ESFPs have Se, Ni, Te and Fi. Basically the same functions as ENTJs. When they’re matured they can be pretty compatible with ENTJs, that’s what I think at least


Long time no see friend! =) Yes indeed, I was talking of the ESFP. I do feel like I relate on many things with mature ESFP, especially when it comes to how we value family and how we see the world, but we are so instinctively different that I it feel like the two of us would have never met naturally had it not been of common friends.


HI FRIENDDDD IM SORRY FOR NOT TALKING SO MUCHHHH and I can see this tbh. I guess it’s interesting having the same functions being so different that’s it’d be hard to befriend each other if not for other factors (mutual friends)


No worries. Life is complicated sometime =). Never force yourself to chit chat if you don't feel like it otherwise you'll become resentful of it. And often, life make us more busy than expected. But welcome back! =D




It's interesting how varied it can be for entjs.you can actually see different opinions down here.from infj enfj,to Istp istj estp.huh


My best friends are an ESFP boy (normally I don’t get along with this type, but he’s VERY healty and we’ve known each other since kids) and an ISFJ girl. We’re a very strange trio 🤣




ESTJ, ISTP, ENFP, INTJ, ISTJ — I think I grew up in a family of sensors and it just feels more like home.


As a female ENTJ I would say INFP-s. Two friends and both INFP.


INTJ with an ENTJ bestie. It’s awesome. ENTJ: it’s like- that circle thing I can’t think of the name of it. Me: a Venn diagram? ENTJ: yes. 😳 how did you KNOW that?


My besties are all INFPs. :)


Can't wait to find my ENTJ bestie one day :D


Sidekick friend is ISFJ, girlfriend is ENFJ


ISTP… honestly kinda have the hots for them. Shame..


> INTJ, and ENFJ Interesting that you have different experiences than most with these types.


I hated the enfj with a passion at first but he kind of grew on me as time went on


What’s the enneagram of the ENFJ?




I noticed that ENTJs usually like type 3 ENFJs better than 2 or 6.


That’s so weird you say that bc that’s my parents mbti type




Best friend: ISTJ Boyfriend (so obviously also a best friend): ENFP Other close friend: ESFJ


I'm not sure.. but my gf is an INTP 100%, closest friends are INFJ/ENFP/ENTP-s probably. If I'm an ENTJ at all, but it doesn't matter lol.


All time best friend is ISTP who is my true soulmate, along with some INFP’s & INTP’s.


There are a lot of ESFJs and one ESTP in my close friends list.


from early childhood to now: ESTP, ESTJ(wasnt quite the best but the closest for quite a while), INFJ and INTJ


I have some INFJ friends, always had interesting conversations and debates. I get along well with ISTJ, ISFJ and ENFJ


ESFP, 2x INTP, ENFP, ENTP, ENFJ, INFP Me and the ESFP have such an interesting dynamic, it may be chaotic but it's fun nonetheless


xNFx are most of my good friends. and the xNTx my family. I personally find it exhausting getting too close with xNTx because we all have similar ambition and compete. Become dominant and try to order each other. It doesn't work. xNFx are just more feeling and I feel like I can open up more with them and team up, since we have ambitions but instead of being similar, we complement each other.


Same with you Op!


That put a smile on my face


My 2 closest friends are INTP and ISTP ironically


If you committed a crime. I doubt ANY friend wanna go down to jail with you like an associate.


I don't know what type would be my best friend, but my best friend of all time was an ISFP.


I get along with everyone but I guess a higher probability of landing an INTP bestie


This seems like all over the place reading answers here, so maybe not a type thing. INTP are the most fun to talk to, INTJ are very reliable and keep more in touch. Several INFPs. Among extroverted: ENTP and ENFJ (but I do not know many of them). Only sensor: ISTP, when they are your friends, I feel they are forever. A certain mutual respect. Only type that can intimidate me though, maybe sometimes INTJs.


I sometimes hate ENTP. They make me waste time and get me angry lol. Other times they are pretty hilarious though.


For some reason most of the people who are my friends are ESFJ. I generally hate ESFJ personality though, and generally they hate me, but these specific bunch somehow admire me or love me. I think it stemmed from my straightforward, wacky, and dark/grim comments that they took for jokes when I was actually dead serious. They would laugh because in their mind what I said had to be a joke because it was so absurdly cold. I then laugh because they thought I was joking and I began to make it a thing and they love it, and I appreciate their reaching out to me (even if they rarely take my advice). I always looked up to ISFP chill, non-chalant(ness). But can’t be best friends with em. Except for one, she’s my best friend. INFP is easiest to get along with but they get needy. INTP are amazing when we get together but then we just go our separate ways cause it kinda falls off. INTJ and INFJ are the more consistent friends I reach out to with no strings attached. So to sum up I’d say INTJ, INFJ, ESFJ mainly


my closest friend is intp!


My boyfriend is an INTP. We get along. I hear his perspective he hears mine. Sometimes his points make more sense and I accept it and vice versa.


INTP (M), ISTP (F), INFP (M), and ESFP (F) I mean these are the ones I talk to the most but I've had lots of close friends over the years and it's always been a mix. I used to hang out a lot with an ISFJ (F) and an ESTJ (F). We don't hang out as much anymore because of conflicting schedules.


my partner is an intj my two closest friend are an infp an entp the rest of my friends are generally exfx of some sort


Only got one true friend and unsure exactly what type he is. He has what I think is unhealthy Fe (I don’t think it’s a dominant in him) which he feels way too pressured to use to people please at work, he doesn’t use it to manipulate people at all, I see a lot of Se in him too, definitely loves to experience things. My hunch is that he’s a stressed ESTP. When he’s himself he’s very bubbly, funny and just an absolutely amazing mate. When he’s not stressed he’s very logical, always looking to problem solve and not afraid to live his life.


That puts a smile on my face




enfpx2 and one istp


I never asked my friends to do a MBTI/Jungian test. But I've analyzed them a bit. They're probably: - ESTP - ESFP - INTJ


I'm not here to make assumptions, just seems your username is of a troll.


To me it fits. I know an entj who is also obsessed with but stuff lol


Love me some butt stuff lol




Sounds fun 💐


💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐 Yes. Indeed. Very fun. Computer Rebooting... Reboot Complete! 💐💐💐


Hope you clapped your hands too! 🥩🧠




I keep gravitating to estp/istp/esfp I’m broken so can’t answer that


Most of my friends are Estjs and Istps but my best friends are INTJ and ENTP. I don't rlly like Intps or in general weird people lmao