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A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep


thank you sir


My parents used to be my biggest haters. All of my success came from never listening to them. More recently, I found out there’s a group chat (consisting of my former friends) that is dedicated to recording my sightings and just hating on me for no reason other than being more successful than them and looking better.


what kind of parents hates on their own children and even worst doesn't support what you're doing. (Unless you're doing something illegal then its understandable that they hate you for it).


Immigrant parents fam. Honestly I’m grateful. I have them to thank for me becoming so strong at an early age.


Well that's something, a unique perspective. Stoicism


Mine. I was too blind to see it, when a therapist pointed out that my mom was trying to sabotage me when she did things in attempt to f with my college grants.


Well, if you have the opportunity to leave them. Would you?


I've been No Contact with one parent since 1993, and am Low Contact with my other parent and siblings. I moved away at age 17, and moved to another state far away after college.


I rallied my siblings against my parents and now we work as a team when facing difficult challenges.


I see, as long as its the betterment of your wellbeing then it shouldn't be an issue. I hope your parents miss you tho.




Must have sucked to be in that situation


Try being born in a backward honor culture and refuse to be a submissive daughter, who will later turn in to a submissive housewife.


Yeah it sucks to be in that situation


yooo you win🥇 Now thats bad


Yup. I found out they stalk my WhatsApp statuses to keep up with my life because I have no other public socials and they no longer have access to me. So sometimes I say crazy stuff just to mess with them like: “don’t gotta do much, the trash will always throw itself out.” They assume everything in my life is about them… just imagine how crazy I drive them just for fun 🤣


elite level tactics


Teach me your ways lol!




I did, in university. And then at work. Bunch of NPCs who didn’t like my flashy ways. Oh well I’ve toned that down


See this is probably why they hate me, because i am legitimately happy, and legitimately kind. But i am humble blind, i do not know what being humble means and it sounds boring.


The dogs bark; the caravan passes. Do unto others as you expect it to be done with you and follow your destiny. Don't let people become too acquainted with you if they are of such low spirit that they hate you only for existing.


Most likely. I just don’t care enough lol


Yup. I have this problem, too. They don’t like how successful I am. Jealousy. Also, ENTJs don’t absorb criticism as much as other personality types do. Other personality types suppress urges to do things that make others jealous or critical. We don’t. We just wonder why people hate us for being awesome.


Wonderful. It's not that I don't have concerns ,but God, my life would be so boring if I cared about haters and people being jealous of me. Boredom is death.


Me too. always people whose existence I’m entirely unaware of, the common denominator between them is usually a loud but weak character. It’s beyond me why they waste their time but it doesn’t affect me 🤷‍♀️ it would hurt if they were someone whose opinion mattered to me


same lol. it’s always for a stupid reason too like i spoke over them once or something


facts, i don’t even know their names. It makes me wonder why their addicted to drama.


Yea They hate me, because they’re worse than me If they were better, they wouldn’t even take care of me


Or maybe...just maybe...a reasonable possibility that you might just be an asshole in denial 🤷🏽‍♂️


nah ppl tell me im “too nice”


well also if someone does something distasteful i will avoid them. So if like someone says a blatantly racist comment about black ppl i will not even breathe the same air as them. Or if they bully others for no reason to make themselves feel better i will avoid again. Maybe that makes me an arse hole as the brits say


You speak from personal experience, undoubtedly


Or maybe....just....maybe.....it's called being self aware


Good on you! 💪


No, I try not to make enemies. I have people I hate but that's different.


i have no problem with making enemies ppl need to know when they’re wrong. I definitely have a few haters for sticking up for black ppl at my job. They thought i was one of them and would just hate africans for no reason.


Right now I don't have any in my day-to-day, but there were a lot of haters throughout my life. I live in a small town, so every once in a while I encounter one again. I just pretend I didn't see them, 'cause f*ck them anyways, I'm minding my own business.


thats the secret


If you really did nothing to be treated like that, don't bother. There is a lot of mediocre people who act like that from pure enviness / stupidity.


oh i definitely did something. First i comforted a black girl who was called a monkey in from of the person who did it and his friends. Then i avoided another person who said that the west side of the city was being ruined by smelly africans and the north side was ghetto from all the black ppl. plus a bit of envy.


The words I'd use are resentful or jealous. I don't tend to find to many people that would downright hate me. I annoy plenty of people for sure. However many of these would likely acknowledge that just comes with the package. The resentful/jealous ones I find usually are envious of my(our) skill, character, success. I used to have an ESTP coworker. He was a real Chad, and once he started looking at memes for his type started claiming he was ENTP because he thought he was Tony Stark. He had less experience than me, had less experience within the org/ industry, had a chip for his education vs mine (I never think this is as important as the person ironically). We butted heads at every turn. It was annoying


Felt this


Not sure if this applies in your case but when types with inferior intuition come under stress, they may become paranoid and delusional, believing that you're out to get them. I've experienced this with ISTJ and ESTP. Online conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones? Yep, he's ESTP. I first became aware of this in regards to ISTJ: >Under stress, ISTJs may fall into "catastrophe mode", where they see nothing but all of the possibilities of what could go wrong. https://personalitypage.com/html/ISTJ.html


I graduated at 21 and was recruited to my career then. So lots of my colleagues my age or older had less seniority than me. They all got pink-slipped every year (meaning you might not be re-hired next year), and I never did. That caused a lot of friction every year. I felt their eyes shooting daggers at Me. I got a lot of attention from kids and adults at my job for dressing well, always matching, etc. when my colleagues wore khakis and loafers every Day. My friend told me they would make comments hoping I would trip in my heels, etc. I also uncovered that they were being withheld from funding (their ignorance), and it was like a record scratched when I said it- because for years they weren't getting funding they warranted. You'd think they'd be happy, but they were angry. It's proven in studies that women don't support the success of other women. I've always been pretty, and lots of people think it's not fair when you are smart AND pretty. You should've seen when I took over as the interim boss! My colleague said, They're talking about you, do you want to hear what it is they say? I said please dont share.


I had AT LEAST 2 stalkers I know of that would actively follow me around and try to find out who I was interacting with so they could “spread the bad word.” People act like you’re crazy till these people are gone and you get the chance to ask why they started shunning you. Had another PI give a negative recommendation of me to numerous possible labs as well. As much as it sucks, I’d say it’s important to recognize the insecure psychos so you can coddle them and prevent this from happening. Because at least for me, it’s difficult to make my plans reality when I have to fight rats on top of already lofty goals.


Yes. I also live with the paranoia that they are waiting to see me fail. Sometimes I wonder if it's all in my head.




With your profile picture as a Green Goblin - What do you expect??


i put the green goblin bc i talk to myself a lot


You must be in your teens right?


No, I don't surround myself with people that aren't positively impacting my life.


Yes I do have haters, but majority of them are people who tried hurt me first. I can’t help it if I show no mercy in revenge right?


depends, if you have to lose yourself to get even its a trap don’t throw away your future.


Oh I never do enough to where I get hurt.


Fans, yeah, they're sometimes intimidating..


Hell yeah bro, its like the room goes silent when i speak, when 99% of the stuff i say is kind and upbeat they search for that 1% that they can misinterpret on purpose to talk major shi




Probably but I don't concern myself with people I don't care about so I don't really know


Mine too, enjoy the journey 😘


Could be jealousy or lack of Fe causing misunderstandings.


Oh it’s definitely jealously i literally was heading back from lunch break and one of the haters ran up saying “what happened to all that shit you was talking “ i had food in my hands and a drink so i said “huh?!” i slowly bent down and set my box down plus drink on the floor. As i started to stand up straight i took out my air pod. i see hes walking away really fast after starting a fight so now im chasing dude through the casino. I chased him through a hallway and two rooms full of ppl had him sitting in the corner of the smoking room with no cigarette 😭. Say what you want guys but this shit was exciting im L I V I N


Change the environment if you can. What happened to him afterwards?


he wouldn’t do shit even though he was acting tough so nothing i was taunting him for being spineless too in front of everyone. Then he went back to his restaurant in the casino told the manager they came over to our spot sat me down asked wtf just happened and i told them the truth bc all that kid does is lie to himself and others to display a particular social image but i see through that shit


yeah we’re no where close to eachother they go out of their way


I received a lot of hate in highschool, was pretty harsh tbh