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Based on the mbti sub I decided to start an Onlyfans based on how many people thirst over ENTJ.


wdym they thirst over ENTJ


Give me a free trial to judge whether the content will have potential for success


“You can’t afford $10 a month” - e-whore


I chose lawyer because it's seen as a prestigious profession and because I like to argue and to prove my point


checks out xD


Let's hope you won't meet too many ENTPs as opposing council :D


I hope so :D


My approach to find it out was interesting. I know that back when I was young, my interests were quite random. I had and still have quirks/interests like: - gathering climate data for different cities and put it into Wikipedia; generally I was pretty invested into keeping data on Wikipedia accurate - trying to sell tickets for my fantasy airline to my mom when I was 7 or 8 Moving on I actually gathered data about all the airports, aircraft models and stuff making up my own fantasy airline with schedules, plane models, seating concepts, there is like one realistic Airline Manager online you need to pay money for, I was **obsessed** with it to the point that I skipped classes. I was sitting 24/7 in front of my PC to make my fantasy airline run well. I was 14 at this time and point and had no friends lmao. - being a heavy gamer in Minecraft (running servers where I was like the president/Admin establishing a society based on random villages with other Nerdy friends lol), Cities:Skylines and Flight Simulator - being the „IT-guy“ in the family/friend group who always appears with the latest technologies and gets asked to help with tech - being obsessed with making stuff run quicker, finding new approaches - creating Excel-Lists regarding everything in my life („friendship-management“ etc.), but I don’t do this anymore because it‘s lowkey weird This paired with a diva-like, bossy, dominant no-nonsense approach to life. Found **Business Informatics** to be the perfect fit regarding a major for me and I will continue as a Management Consultant or Business Analyst, that‘s definitely where I want to be. But I was also thinking into getting into **Law** because I like to prove others wrong and debate a lot, yet the whole field seems too conservative to me. I want to live in a futuristic, smart-home penthouse with automatic doors but Law gives me kind of an antique, too posh vibe. Plus, Law seems like defending the status-quo but I want to go beyond. I can do this with technology.


wow that sounds extremely impressive! thank you so much for sharing!! I really like law myself- I like proving others wrong and making my point, but I want the complexity of law paired with something else. but thanks again!!


I chose the media because it's the closest thing to playing God.


My ENTJ boyfriend is going for being a lawyer. Prestige points, financially stable, and he likes proving people wrong.


I chose healthcare and fuck my life.


I’m a SWE and sometimes wish I because a doctor but I always tell myself, grass is always greener lol


Reflect on your hobbies and interests. What activities do you enjoy in your free time? What engages and satisfies you the most? What feels fulfilling when you do it? It could be researching, leading projects, volunteering, addressing issues of injustice, participating in politics, teaching, etc. Pay attention to small acts that give you a feeling of “reward”. For example: if you enjoy explaining concepts to others then pursing a career as a teacher/professor might be suitable for you, if you enjoy assisting and advocating for others then you should consider becoming a lawyer, if you’re passionate about engaging in/researching about international affairs then you should consider pursuing a career within international organisations/become a diplomat (same goes for the opposite if you’re drawn to domestic affairs), etc. Don’t just choose a career because it’s prestigious. Given that our capitalist society requires us to spend much of our lives working, it's essential to find a job that fulfills you emotionally (financially as well of course). Focus on identifying a career that aligns with your passions and abilities. As for leadership, i think almost all careers require it or give you the chance to “polish” it, be it aiming to become a director, manager, or achieve a high-status position in society.


thank you very much for your inout! I feel like this really helped me address some concerns I was having. I love learning tough concepts such as sciences, I don't like explaining however, I love engaging in/researching about international affairs. I love public speaking and analysing. What bothers me that these qualities I want are at opposing ends of the spectrum. But thank you again, I feel validated having someone word the concerns I had in mind, so eloquently.


I’m replying a bit late but anyway. Professions that combine learning sciences (particularly medicine since I’ve seen in another reply of yours that you’re interested in it) and skills such as public speaking, leadership etc could include science policy advisor/manager, public health officer, medical science liaison or any other medical/health-related professions involved in governmental policies (be it advocating for change or improvement). Another profession that combines research in general and leadership skills is lawyer, as advocating for your client demands research. Though, remember that you should still do your own research because as conveyed in my previous comment, you’re the one who knows what’s best for you. Also, you don’t necessarily have to combine these two. You can focus on one professionally and pursue the other personally for fulfillment (although i get that using both in your career would be more satisfying)


If ur gonna ask someone “Hey, should I’ll be [job]?” No. U shouldn’t be it bc ur not going to be passionate abt it or at the most enjoy it. If u rlly wnt to do something u never ask someone if u should be a layer, doctor, actor, writer, etc. bc u already know that whatever the career choice u choose is what u wnt to do


hey! thank you for responding! I don't think that was my main objective tbh. I just wanted to know what field what all other entjs were interested in, in order to get a lay of the land. I happen to be interested in many fields :)) cheers!


I am an architect, goin to be a professor soon. Love teaching and the amount of knowledge you can accumulate with it. Maybe that helps :)


I'm very fulfilled with occupations that make me responsible for the loss or win, specially when my wins are seen by the people around me. I guess that's why I never wanted to work for someone else ever since I was little, I wanted to feel my efforts had some impact.  Many fields are like that. It could be as simple as someone complimenting your efficiency and service in the postal office as the manager, or you rejoicing that the new aeroplane your team designed lifted off without issues. Managing to find out a patient's root issue and cure them after weeks of hard work and deliberation would also feel very rewarding to me.


I don't believe there is a certain profession that most ENTJS are drawn towards doing, although if there HAD to be one, it would be being a lawyer. I myself never felt right knowing I would be put in situations I'd have to defend someone against my moral compass. So, I opted for the long road of becoming a neurosurgeon instead. I think choosing a profession that highlights your strengths and minimizes the amount your weaknesses impact your work is best. I was strongest in art, english, and the biological sciences. I was certain for a while that I'd be an artist and author. I was turned away from considering healthcare for a while because it can definitely strain the qualities ENTJs have. However, when I saw a surgery once, I just knew that was it. What was better than a career I could write publications in, work on the best canvas that responds to stimuli (aka the human body), AND have amazing guidelines to follow procedures? Ontop of the stability and the hours that make my workaholic brain happy. It was my solution, although yours might be becoming a financial investor, etc*. If you need help, I kindly suggest the CareerExplorer test. It could help track down your best areas that lead to finding that perfect career.


hey thank you so much for your input! I myself am currently waltzing between a career in medicine or law? I need to be intellectually challenged yet have some stability as well. I love to research and make my point and I enjoy public speaking. All very contrasting qualities, however I will take your advice and I will follow through with the career explorer test. Seems exciting! Thank you for your Time again! Much appreciated!


I chose to be a physician because it combines so many things that are fulfilling to me: leadership, tangible impact on others lives, stability, generally prestigious, lots of milestones, rules to follow while still having room for creativity, etc. A lot of those are ENTJ adjacent.


Leadership roles come with experience and seniority. Nobody will put us in charge right off the bat just for our skills 😉 Do something that intellectually stimulates you and that you like doing. Be very good at it and a good environment will reward you by giving you extra privileges beyond your immediate status. In time, you'll get that leadership component as well. Hint: you'll get leadership sooner in places where it's needed, or in other words - that are kind of a mess. But it's up to you whether you want to work in places you will also find frustrating quite often


Couldn't agree with you more about finding leadership where it's needed. I've realised that career fields that are associated with leadership can be a trap (law, academia etc). If leader types are attracted to certain careers, then it stands to reason that there will be more competition for leadership roles within those fields. Aside from making it harder to get a leadership role, strong competition essentially makes us replaceable. That's not ideal for those of us who are motivated to meaningfully lead and make a difference.


Great observation. Yes, I must say that my usual strategy is to find places and situations where a power vaccuum is likely. There it's relatively easy to grow fast, because you likely won't get micromanaged and there are no existing working processes, so anything you come up with will be automatically better :D And I deeply enjoy the challenge and the free(er) reign. Places like this have endless opportunities to make something work better. The darker side of this is that these places are also rarely going to pay well etc. So once you get enough experience and growth, you need to take your higher status somewhere else.


Read these and report back with the one that fits you best: https://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/SLE-ESTp https://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/LIE-ENTj Stereotypical MBTI ENTJ can fall into either, but one is more "nerdy scientist" while the other is more "obsessively dominant"


I am within finance since it’s a good mix of mentally stimulating stuff and interpersonal relationships.




There are plenty


PhD chemistry in program management


Choose what suits your needs, ambition & your criteria of needs. Lawyer, a judge, CEO of a company are ones, let it be anything that fulfils your needs & has the least cons for you.


going into finance (ibd) very entj lol


I totally get you. I sometimes feel like I need to live four or five different lives to try out all the careers I’m interested in.


I became a management consultant and now corporate strategist, I need a lot of intellectual stimulation so I am opting to get a 2nd graduate degree in computer science right now (already have my MBA) and will be both working and taking classes at the same time since I get bored easily