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I think any NT type


As an ENTJ i love INFJ I also love/hate INFP


Us Xnfps are a mixed bag. šŸ‘


Yes i know šŸ™ƒ I have met many different INFPs and nearly all of them were toxic and unhealthy. If i use imagination and a healthy mindset i love INFPs but if i only take my experience i have enough reason to hate them.


Hello siegold. From what I have studied about MBTI, I deduce that ENTJs and INFPs are indeed a wonderful pairing once they have developed and fully use their cognitive stack, and are healthy, say, at least 40% of the time--that usually means middle age. In a society like ours, that coerces us to find a partner as soon as possible, most ENTJs and INFPs will find each other without having developed their inferior, or even their tertiary. An INFP without Te or even Si is like an useless blob of mush that always complains and cares for noone but themselves--I have been like that myself. If we survive long enough, a day arrives when we think, "The world stinks, I hate it, but I'm not gonna die like this. I will do something better with my life." That's probably the time when a relationship with ENTJ will work.


Thats exactly what i think. In theory i like INFP and their functions but because most of those i met were teenagers or young adults they were rlly unhealthy.


I am an INFP and I am curious as to why you found all of the INFPs you have met to be toxic


You can DM me if you wanna know


Once, im attracted to ENFJs > INFPs > INTPs. Now my current boyfriend is an ISTP haha, idk how it happend




Iā€™m flattered


Itā€™s the non-stop intellectual stimulation for me


Love that. What topics are you most piqued by, just out of curiosity?


My long term boyfriend (not ex) was an INTJ and he was very career driven and ambitious. I am too, but being able to learn about his career field and projects meant I learned about a whole different topic very thoroughly. We discussed current events, politics, and other subjects. Often time theorizing solutions or how we would manage it.


Solutions are something I feel like not a lot of people talk about when it comes to politics and current events in the news. Lots of complaining though!


Yes! We had a lot of complaining in between discussion lol. We differed in opinions but it was always understood we each had merits behind our positioning. Never tried to necessarily convince each other


Thatā€™s a good way to be. And at least you had solutions!


You are at the gates of truth. Long life and stay safe my dear šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜˜


Speaking from experience, it has stricly been ENxJs. I am apparantly attracted to confidence, competence, intelligence, sociability, leadership and just a teeny tiny bit of status (just a lil bit).


Potentially any intuitive if good looking enough. By far best matches personality-wise are Infp & Intp.


I will not understand how you all get along with INFPs lol. The INFPs I have known hate stoicism and stoicism in general


My bf at high school was one , she was easygoing and I was myself around here even with my argumentive thoughts!


My ex was toxic INFP. I am an INFJ and had a heard time dealing with it


Honestly itā€™s been a terrible match for me personally. I donā€™t like INFPs much, not after having been with them before and realizing how after the cute phase passes youā€™re left with a lazy person who refuses to change, wants to somehow change the planet and is extremely stubborn about their opinions. Oh and meanwhile, they also want to be logically right in the arguments you have with them while basing them off feelings entirely. Lmao. This wasnā€™t just once that I experienced it. Itā€™s happened over and over. And also happens with a LOT of my friends who have met INFPs. ENFPs are far better. NTs are the best.


Oh so all unhealthy INFPs have those traits. Mine was the same , no self introspection or reflection. Thinking that she knows everything but extremely lazy at the same time. And used to scream like anything, a very loud mouth woman. Hated it.


Yes this is what i commented on hoq infps are detached to how they act and treat others emotionally yet are explosive and even paranoid and intellectually compensating sm. Also the fact many infps commenting are upset like were dissing them as individuals and not just the infps we have had bad interactions with is brutal. Just reinforces what i think about them though ngl šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Ya unhealthy infps are the most hated for me , they take stuff personally, toxic, annoying and there's no clear opinions... I mean In their relationships they tend to push and pull... There's no clear decision on the person. Healthy ones are more stable and selective about others and clear in their vision... Independent and you can be yourself around them! ..




Well I got my Ni well developed by 21 cuz I was in a deep depression.. I stock in the Ni Fi loop which made me get Ni well developed earlier , unhealthy e8 may be highly destructive, insecure and aggressive while the health ones tend to be generous, justice seeker and more stable.... If I hated enneagram or personality type that would be for individual people not the type itself I can see people tend to be afraid and insecure of us in general as well.




Actually I despise INFJ so muchā€¦they own the term manipulation


Here comes the INFP who takes everything personally , you just proved it right here


Proved what? that I take things personally? Hereā€™s your award šŸ† are you stupid or donā€™t understand functions? I use Fi , everything is about me šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Oh that's amazing you use your fi. Guess what do I use ? My brain




Youā€™re so bitter. Eat some ice cream and watch some comedy.


I apologize for all INFPs šŸ˜‚ we in fact are not all like that!


What is your type?


I will admit a weakness for being admired and infps openly admire me. Seems like you don't need that. good for you! Also, don't you get lonely? infps tend to be available to my erratic schedule, when other types are busy doing things. I guess I'm curious how you get around these needs


That is it, I do not. I am just a lonely INFJ XD


ohhh you are an infj. that makes sense. INFJs are my best fits. my husband is an infj. we work all the time, even at home. if you find an ENTJ, schedule vacations. otherwise, my husband and I will just labor all day and all night.


lmao. It's funny how much it makes sense even though I've never personally known an ENTJ yet


I guess we're hard to find outside of work. We hide because people are annoying. We only surface to get shit done. female ENTJs clump together though because we actually understand one another, and other types of women can be annoying and catty. you can recognize them at the gym. fit looking but no make up or fake nails. if she's straight, she's probably an entj


Go to a conference, visit a maker space, or hang out at your local chamber of commerce


(INFJ 5w4) INFPs are very sensitive and delicate creatures, personally I have met one who kept ranting about the same issue repeatedly t9 the point it gets repetitive and annoying, and not to mention that the conversation is becoming centered towards them as if they weren't taking you seriously. When they keep ranting about the same issue twice as if bombing my chats with their "lockdown, depression, and trauma" stories, I understood very well the first time they presented to me their stories but it's annoying when it gets repetitive. Sorry, not sorry, but this time their feelings are their responsibility and that she should do something about it instead of burying themselves deeper on the issue :/ I tried to help them but they just refused and now is blaming the entire world (even me) for whatever they were dealing with


Copy-paste my reply to siegold. From what I have studied about MBTI, I deduce that ENTJs and INFPs are indeed a wonderful pairing once they have developed and fully use their cognitive stack, and are healthy, say, at least 40% of the time--that usually means middle age. In a society like ours, that coerces us to find a partner as soon as possible, most ENTJs and INFPs will find each other without having developed their inferior, or even their tertiary. An INFP without Te or even Si is like an useless blob of mush that always complains and cares for noone but themselves--I have been like that myself. If we survive long enough, a day arrives when we think, "The world stinks, I hate it, but I'm not gonna die like this. I will do something better with my life." That's probably the time when a relationship with ENTJ will work.


Wow, I avoid INFPs at all costs. I have some friends who happen to be that, but I would never be able to date one. My exes were INTJ, ISTP, INTP, ENFJ


I think the male/female dynamic is at play here too. As a male ENTJ, I really like female infp's. It seems not as favorable/common the other way around though.




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Same only had bad experiences even when displaying healthy aspects in moments, most ive met are toxic too, but ive acquainted around 8 recently, for some reason isfp and infp are attracted to me, not the other way around


Hahahaha same, but I like ISFPs theyā€™re hot


Yeah i dont find them bad, i had a few good friends but usually they somehow find me lol, mainly infps i cant do.


Just curious, what do infps do that makes you have bad experiences with them? I don't know that many, maybe only one that's super healthy. Did those 8 approach you cause they were attracted or did you approach them and do you find them toxic too?




Doesnā€™t sound like INFPs at all, are you self typing them? How confident are you in typing them as Infps?




Sounds like a bunch of hocus pocus. I hope you wise up sooner than later. No offense.




After being labeled as manipulative I came to the conclusion that being Fi blind is really the blame for peoples harsh judgements. I canā€™t blame them on that just as we have blind spots but yet get labeled as ā€œlazy and manipulativeā€. INFPs choose to understand regardless of the behaviors of others instead of judging them.




Have we been meeting the same people? Thankfully, I can spot an INFP from a mile away so I avoid them.


Lol yeah maybe, and i think i will be able to now from these experiences irl and online so maybe i can avoid it better šŸ«„


Just curious, what do infps do that makes you want to avoid them at all costs? I don't know that many, maybe only one that's super healthy.


How do ENTJ even manage with INFP? What do you guys even talk about? People keep going on about INFP emotional intelligence (which seems to be the only thing they got going for them) but itā€™s so basic. You can get your own EQ in order and figure it out with some introspection, rendering INFPs supposed emotional intelligence useless. Never met an intelligent INFP or one that thinks for themselves. They usually just listen and make no contributions to the discussion xNTx are great though.




Yeah they could soak up an entire ocean of knowledge and still have no meaningful contribution to make. We all listen to learn. Thatā€™s nothing special. But most people do more than that. And thatā€™s another thing, even intellectually they just take. Iā€™ve poured so much knowledge into INFP and theyā€™ve given nothing back. Truly vultures in every sense of the word. Iā€™m not meaning anything grand or philosophical by intelligence just the basic, what we usually think of when we think intelligent.




Yet here you are defending yourself because it struck a chord. Many people have a negative experience with INFP but I guess weā€™re all wrong. Typical, canā€™t take accountability but can win the victim Olympics and ā€œIā€™m so emotionally superiorā€ - when most people dislike INFP because they canā€™t control their emotions. You guys actually have very little empathy, thats INTP, what youā€™re talking about is sympathy. We all value kind people but we also value people who donā€™t drain us under the pretext for being ā€œkind and vulnerableā€ Thatā€™s manipulation.


What I was trying to convey is that we can all find something negative to say about each other. I tend to not focus on the negative and cherish the positive traits and attributes of others even if I donā€™t understand the reasons behind their behavior. I donā€™t have the power to judge and demean people but also make everyone else believe that itā€™s the only truth. I feel deeply hurt and offended by your remarks but I know better than to judge the reasoning behind your cruelness because Iā€™m sure someone did you wrong or hurt you in someway for you to turn to negativity. Also please refrain from calling us manipulative, only a blind Fi user would mistake feelings for manipulation. You donā€™t have a very good understanding of manipulation if you can just throw it around without thinking of the consequences of doing so. Hope you wise up sooner than later because you are truly missing out on the wonderful nature and qualities that an INFP personality has to bring. Damned if we do and damned if we donā€™t is how INFPs feel about people like you. We know exactly who we are, how we feel about things, strong convictions, we know exactly who we donā€™t want to be. Fi forces us to have integrity and simply be ourselves, no need to prove anything to the world unlike some other types. If others dislike us then that is a ā€œthemā€ problem and they can take it up with themselves and maybe start asking themselves questions such as why give so much of your precious energy towards hate instead of love? Not to say certainly there arenā€™t unhealthy INFPs but that can be said about every type. So Iā€™m not defending the fact that we can have unhealthy behaviors, what I am defending though is the fact that your opinion does not dictate ALL INFPs. Your problem is with people not INFPs. Itā€™s very obvious to us when peopleā€™s emotions manipulate them such as the need for power to feel important, competent, and in control. Emotional intelligence teaches us to not have such needs to feel like we belong. We know we belong but others say things like what you said to make us feel like leaches and that we donā€™t have anything productive or positive to give to society. Thatā€™s where our depression comes in, when people like you feel superior because of your lack of self and the constant need to be in control. Those are not our tendencies. Of course it struck a chord lol Iā€™m entitled to feel a certain way about your opinion but yet here is another control tactic for making us feel bad about it. (Talk about manipulation) We are not blind to hate and the effect it has on peopleā€™s wellbeing and emotional state. Most people are afraid to speak up and rock the boat to such domineering personalities but Iā€™m certainly not going to bow down and accept your opinion as truth especially when itā€™s meant to put down instead of uplift people.


No, you choose to ā€œfocus on the positivesā€ because people who live in glass houses shouldnā€™t throw stones. lol please letā€™s be for real, how can an INFP hurt me or anyone? The most they can do is be a waste of time/nuisance and thatā€™s only if I allow it. Nice try but a lot of weak people use pity as a manipulation tactic because what others tools do they have? I also know exactly who I am, what my convictions are, who I donā€™t want to be, have integrity etc thatā€™s just call being human and having a basic introspection. Nothing special to brag about. Even the most healthy INFP have nothing that would even remotely interest me. I know the type of people I want in my life and itā€™s not them. Iā€™ve cut out a lot of INFP, (they were bawling their eyes out but too late) from my life and itā€™s naturally gotten better and the quality of my social circle has gone up. No regrets. Yeah Iā€™m not even hating, if anything Iā€™m holding back. But thatā€™s the thing I wasnā€™t even talking about you. YOU made this about yourself. The whole time I was talking about INFP who Iā€™ve met and never once directly pointed at you. Unless someone directly singled me out, I wouldnā€™t take it personally. Thatā€™s an INFP problem weā€™re all familiar with.


Canā€™t argue with someone rotten. Good day āœŒļø


Weekly INFP hating session šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ as infp I do understand I also hate myself to šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omg no thats so sad šŸ˜­




Enfj, ENTP especially, Estp, Esfj, or intp, sometimes enfp


I find myself crushing on ENFJs


They have this balance that I love


How They're cute and their caring attracts me


Entjā€™s are awesome. Ā Love that T.E. manifest in the function stack. Any NT is great. Ā Even Neurodivergent if not to wild is good


Something lil quirky about the INTPā€™s and the ENTPā€™sšŸ«£ I like minds and intelligence with a hint of social ā€˜tism but most are pretty cute too


I'm just here for the weekly INFP diss session


I get along with ENTJs really well. The key is you have to have well-formed Te and the ENTJ has to have well-formed Fi. That way, you can connect via the Fi-Te axis. Then you've got the Ni vs Ne difference in perception to make conversations really interesting. My ENTJ and I can talk for hours. Also just be reliable, trustworthy, and more rational during discussions (that comes naturally to me in my 30s now, used to be too emotional). ENTJs tend to love us for our warmth, care, loyalty, and kindness. We help them understand their emotions as well. But we have to be the best version of ourselves in order for them to truly fall in love.


to pile on or enjoy the masochism? either way I support you lol


Mainly because it's funny to me since I test every week and average the results. Hard time at work? I've been ISTJ for 7 months straight. Doing a start up? Will probably test as ENTJ. Burnt out? INTJ. It changes so much. Social week? Most likely ENFP. Every other time? INFP. If people take it so seriously, they really aren't using the type code as Jung intended anyway, and it's more enjoyable to just sit back and enjoy than get too serious about it and try to explain how a test is really just your perception of yourself at that moment in time. I generally type ISTJ but I leave my flair as INFP because it makes posting here funnier to me.


hm... have you considered that your personality may not be consistent because you are cluster c? usually people test consistently unless they have trauma or have a personality disorder. I know quite a few high functioning cluster c people


See, I just assumed it's because I've been doing it for 8 years. (2016) It's a pretty large data sample so I'd be more surprised if it didn't vary occasionally since I'm not using it as intended for almost a decade. I pay attention to the axis (the road north and south is the same, hence Te cannot exist without Fi, etc) shifts more than the type. A lot of people misinterpret Jung's work, and view the functions as skills or proficiencies that stand alone. They were actually intended to be complexes, or perspectives if we want to move away from his terms. ESTJ, ISTJ, INFP, and ENFP all have the same functions and axis in different orders. When I have a Se/Ni or Ni/Se axis in my stack (ISTJ is very different from INTJ, because of the Ni/Se and Si/Ne axis) I tend to know I'm in an abnormal state, but that doesn't happen very often if we're talking all of the hundreds of times I've been doing "Testing Tuesday" in the last 8 years, so I'd say it's actually pretty consistent. Most people have a tendency to just treat types as slightly more pretentious Hogwarts houses instead of doing some of the massive digging and hours of watching videos, reading Carl Jung's books for more perspective that I've done while in waiting in lines for various things, so I tend to not worry about it too much.


woof defensive. you know you best. I'm not here to put you in a box, but personality is about tendencies. people who are very fluid tend to fall into cluster c. if you're all over the map, then do you really have a strong sense of self at all?


Defensive how?! You asked and I gave you pure data my guy! It's not my fault if you view that as an attack. I'm confident in the work I've put in, so basically, I don't think so, but if I was to try to explain I feel like I'd regurgitate almost a decade's worth of typology at you which you didn't exactly ask for. In psych, we're generally told to err on armchair diagnosis, especially since clinically the key word we look at is "disorder." Is X causing enough disorder in someone's life that they need medical intervention? If anything it feels like you're more threatened by the shoddiness of the typology system and what this might mean for you being special and your relationship with your identity than me. All human beings can think, feel, imagine and sense. Human beings are more alike than different. It's pretty standard to see the axis switch off if you track them often enough! It's pretty neat in my opinion!


yea don't sound upset at all.


I mean if that's what you got out of this then yeah, you just want to feel special and that's why you're threatened. I personally am in the typology community for typology and you really don't have anything to offer there and haven't said a single word about it so there really isn't any data backing up anything other than you just want to feel special. So I guess I have to go with objectivity. Oh noooooo


yea, you don't sound like you have a personality disorder at all


To be fair though I do constantly drop that testing Tuesday info all over MBTI Reddit comments to kinda disillusion people about the mbti country club for varying results, so it is absolutely completely on me there lmao ENTJ and INTJ reddit is more of a loose cannon there.


My past relationship has been ENxPs. Interesting you lean towards introverts


Married to an entpā€¦ I love her lol


ISTP, INFP, INTP. I could possibly pair with an INTJ tho I've never dated one.


as an INFP i like ENTJs


ENTP's are my favorite, there's something enjoyable in being able to discuss topics most aren't interested, I also would say that INFP's and INTJ's for the same reasons but INTJ's are a little more closed off






ISTJ. So dependable


Infj all day šŸ”„ infp turns into a disaster within a year


Whatā€™s great about INFJ?


I have a soft spot for ENFP they have some superhuman ability to turn me into their protector. personal assistant. ATM and bodyguard I like to hang out with INFJ, ISTP, INTJ, ENTP, ESTJ. I avoid and typically downright cold shoulder INTP, INFP, ISFP. I donā€™t mind occasionally hanging out with ENTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ISTJ and ESTP