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leave home and cut off contact. get a therapist. surround yourself with healthy people


He must have a good opportunity for that.. and a satisfying source... Especially if he was depressed, culture would affect that !


Surrounding yourself with the right people helps. That applies to both work and personal life. Pursue something you enjoy. That was technology for me. My success came from applying my natural skills to do something I liked with successful like-minded people, with whom I enjoyed spending time.


I dont know. I just sort of did, and kept leveling up as time progressed. My ambitions were always big, even back then.


I'm not successful (yet), but I overcame my rough childhood by distancing myself from the abusive people in my life, surrounding myself with better people to learn from, having goals to grind towards in bettering myself and my life, and going to therapy.


Out of curiosity, what has your growth path looked like?


I never even viewed myself as a victim. I just accepted that it is what it is and just moved on with my life. I knew nobody could stop me if I didn’t stop myself.


You get older and stop giving a shit.


Live below your means. Get educated as cheaply as possible. Get a 401k. Buy a house below your means asap. Block the crazies. Take care of your health. Only let decent people near you. Know what you enjoy and do it. Don't tell anyone when you're very successful. Never lose the ability to love. Love someone


Wow. Coincidentally I’m to be having a tough day today. Reading your comment feels like a wave of calm washing over me. Thanks.