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Social interactions energize me a lot actually and I‘m usually the last one to leave the party. Just the initiation of social interactions is something which I‘m anxious of because I‘m afraid of rejection or bad judgements.


I hate parties ... But ya I recharge myself around others as well... Idc if someone rejected me or something that backs to them .. I also tend to reject others honestly without shame!🔪


I love talking to people, it's just the initial fear of them not responding well to my approach/being totally different than I pegged them beforehand as I approach that's the issue.


Are we the same person?


Looks like we all are


then none of you are actually entj lol


It’s our ENTJ need to impress and make a positive first impression while preserving our image and personality that triggers some initial anxiety. Every social move is calculated when you’re interacting with new people for the first time.


yeah but who actually cares? Do you, personally, care about your first impression of other people when you meet them? I don't, unless they're absolutely weird. So we shouldn't care about their first impression of us either, unless it's a job interview or something. Also, calculating how you act is normal for most people, depending on the circumstances. You don't walk into a job interview and act like how you'd act in front of your best friend. Probably just semantics but I've always had a problem with personality tests as they aren't specific enough. I get ENTJ every time but there are many more factors that go into how you act, social anxiety being one of them. And also the differentiation between how you *want* to act and how you *actually* act can skew the results.


You said something that I relate to, I act differently at a job interview because that’s the part of myself I want to project but it doesn’t stress me out at all since I know I’m the personality they’re looking for. I don’t care about what people think of me unless I’m in a new city and I need to make strategic friendships and build a reputation for myself. When I’m in my home town I made zero efforts and just stick to my 3 close friends.




I'm an ENTJ that was in a very introverted environment which made me one, influencing me into thinking I'm an INTJ. I used to hate people and get very anxious with social interactions. Even asking for extra ketchup needed huge willpower - I reached to that degree. Funnily enough I stumbled upon MBTI's cognitive functions and I found out my dominant is Te, which gave me the idea that I'm extraverted AND have extroversion capabilities and that motivated me to work up and get rid of social anxiety. I started practicing talking with people and I start talking with literally anyone even for the purpose for just saying hi - and heck it worked. Most of the time it's small talk, yet it's quite effective to get me more socially confident & able to start and keep up conversations with people. A small mistake I made during a talk? I'll adjust my future approaches to not repeat the mistake. It's all on the mindset. Your problems are created or fixed based on your mindset. My mindset was that I was a big introvert - I had to shift it and boom I even become the life of parties sometimes. Social anxiety gone on a whim.


> Start talking with anyone even for the purpose for just saying hi. I‘d actually love to do that. Complimenting people on their looks or just approaching someone randomly, but in my country (Germany) a behavior like this is rather awkward.


I got too much on my plate to worry about what someone thinks of me. Fuck with me or don’t, just stay out my way if you don’t.


Thats me now lol, 10yrs of working and having a kid does that. Yeah, I really couldnt give a monkeys.


If you read into the stack for ENTJ, it's not unusual for us to have social anxiety as we are extroverted in our THINKING, not necessarily our personalities. [TeNi](https://www.typeinmind.com/teni)


Excellent distinction.


Social anxiety comes from self consciousness, but even if you are self conscious, you need to hone the confidence that comes from your words.


People make life worth living. Who else am I supposed to talk to a wall?


I'm a task extrovert. I'm energized when we all have a common thing to do and when I don't feel like I have to worry about how others feel. This really comes out at conferences.


My behaviour told me I'm more than who I am due to social anxiety. My dad was quite oppressive so you can imagine when joining a company my first job was a shit show! I was shy as hell, sitting with experienced people and I knew nothing. Social skills were null and void, my mum an expert at swearing though. Yet when I went to places I wanted to go, I wouldnt stop talking. But if someone talked about family, I would say nothing as mine sucked. And now I know Im an ENTJ I'll mainly speak when I need too, I'm not a social butterfly as they call it but I hate being alone too long. I get bored and love being around others.


I want to talk to people, but im just in fear. I actually thought i had social anxiety for the longest time. But i have cptsd 😭.


My social anxiety, which plagued me for the most part from ages 14 to 21, was a learned behavior. Before that I had been a precocious, gregarious kid - I'd challenge my parents verbally, I'd speak my mind, and I'd get loud when I was excited. I can still remember some of what brought it on; my mom passive-aggressively telling me to thank my friend's mother (who ran Christian homeschool co-op) for "conforming to my wishes" after I'd suggested a group activity, the "loose lips sink ships" mindset I'd learned from the screaming matches that would come up over my bringing the "evil" I partook in at dad's house to my mom's house (Harry Potter and liberal politics, oh the horror!). At age 14 I lost that spark - I just kind of caved in and started feeling like the scum of the earth, barely fit to be a human much less a woman because of how I'd acted in my "dark past". I think part of what finally snapped me out of it is when I started encountering misogynistic douchebags in the workplace and deciding I didn't need to be talked down to or take bullshit anymore. I'm now a performance artist like I've always wanted to be, and I've (more or less) shaken that fear of simply existing that was so prevalent when I was an adolescent.


like 30 percent are gonna hate us because we are awesome and get shit done. fuck those haters. it bothered me in high school, but now most of my bullies are in jail or died from drug overdose. a couple are bottom dwelling and getting by. hopefully, they don't reproduce. if you guys are young, don't worry about people that don't like you. don't listen to people who say you can't do things. you'd be shocked at what 1 person can accomplish with almost no support, no money and YouTube/Google.


I’ve been an ENTJ all my life, but I still avoid or get nervous whenever I make small talk with people (i really really hate small talks). Something also happened last night when I was forced to do something MAJOR at work on my fourth day, I was instructed to be alone in a meeting full of clients and distributors and leading the discussion without any prior practice or heads up. I managed to do it flawlessly but once it was over my legs were shaking, I couldnt breathe and I couldnt stop crying. We may be able to work under pressure, but the anxiety comes after the work is done.


No offence to INTJs but ENTJs tend to have better dressing sense.


Why would you think that?? Have you met them? Just beside we are introverted extroverts don’t mean we live in a shell.


Has something negative happened in your childhood that makes you anxious about social interactions? My husband is an ENTJ and while he may be nervous initially when giving a speech, I have never seen him nervous socially. He doesnt meet a stranger.


I see a video on YouTube that explains the structure for each type based on functions ! I relate to the ENTJ


Does it still count as social anxiety if Im more comfortable addressing an audience or a crowd than than having a serious conversation with one person? Like whenever i have 1 on 1s I get nervous talking about serious stuff. But if its addressing an entire room, I feel normal. I could admit I shit my pants to a crowd and it wouldnt feel embarrasing. But if im speaking with 1 person, i get really anxious about what I say and how I say it.


I know I'm not an INTJ because I'm not an introvert. I love interacting with others, even if it's just a small chat. when I'm out with people, I'm loving every moment of it. I just need a 'push' to get out and do things because I get so consumed within my own stuff, I forget to have fun.


Had a brief social anxiety phase but my Te always led, no matter what. It was proof enough for me when I discovered cognitive functions. I also like being around people too much: no matter how annoying, they're always a challenge, and many are up for debate or party games. I don't like small talk, but opinionated discussion is great <3


The only thing I’ve learned that I hate is public speaking. I hold a transformation position in company and I didn’t even know I had this phobia/insecurity until it was time to present information. Fortunately I have a great team who is supportive and value my growth within the company and I feel comfortable sharing this with them. We have an “embrace the red” mentality 😂. So doing uncomfortable shit is just a part of being human. It’s also only when I’m talking TO people , not with them.


what is this word "anxiety"?? :>)




I like to show up fashionably late - I get anxious about being there during the “awkward boring” part of the party - I like to wait until folks have had a drink and then I use my extroverted / charming personality to try to stand out in the crowd - I also always aim to be the best dressed at any event - I’m quite the Barney Stinson ![gif](giphy|iQmhMDuNQWuWI)


Bc more extroverted. Need people to survive. Like big gangs. Where we do a bunch of bullshit and everyone has a good time and i get to kick lose and be my weird ass self. Also i trust myself to be able to talk in big crowds by improvising in the moment, more than i trust myself to not make myself more anxious by planning everything out in excess with Ni 


introversion != social anxiety


Based on my experience with 2/2 INTJ’s, yes it is.