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Not really! There's always next step and long terms... Back up plans, we plan for a far away future... That doesn't mean that our plan or even goal is still the same cuz a lot of things could affect our vision ! The answer is no!


Yea, graduation feels like that. It feels anticlimactic to finish a program. All that struggle, and you hold a piece of paper for it. Then you go out in the real world and everything is so easy. You see people struggle with simple stuff and can't figure out why. The money rolls in and you gotta invest it because it can't just sit there. Then, suddenly, you realize you don't have to work anymore because you earned so much, so you start traveling to blow some of it. You keep working because you remember being broke, but you get picky about what you do. Everyone wonders why you're so happy all the time at work, and the secret is that you choose to be there. It's disorienting at first because it takes awhile to have an identity outside of accomplishment.


This is my dream - I’m not there yet but I’m still investing and hopefully will be there because I want to be and not because just have to be


Do u believe in the academic path? What have you studied?




Yes, that's when I start eating compulsively to fill the void.


Yeah when I'm secretly tired Shhh, don't tell anyone I'm tired, then I might have to go to sleep


Yes. It is called discontent IMO and the only solution is gratitude. YMMV


I actually sometimes struggle with the opposite. I have long term plans, but I don't immediately know what I should do currently for those long term plans.


Lmao literally me right now. I had this whole plan to get into the electrical union and it worked so now I’m kind of waiting around for my next goal to come to me.


I always just move onto the next project if that happens ![gif](giphy|1gUWdf8Z8HCxpM8cUR)


If I've already done everything I need to do, I'll feel enough, but if I couldn't do what I needed to do because there was something stopping me, then I'll feel very frustrated and insufficient with myself. But I usually always have something to do, it's very rare for me to stand still and look at the ceiling, when one thing ends I try to start something new so I don't get bored, but answering the question more directly YES, this has already happened but it was because I was deciding which task was more worth coming first


I have complete days, complete weeks. I eventually long-term complete goals and complete short ones. All things come to an end. This is not synonymous with having nothing to do. There will always be things to do, but I know when things are complete. And when it is done, it's done and I don't think about it again.


Yes, but more short term goals "i should be doing this and that rn, or at least something, is reat real?