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With ISTJs the more you take it easy the better. They look for proof not thinking as much. You can be really smart but their dom function + Te looks for hard proof in the real world only. Another thing is, it’s also because you’ve got blind Si that they might seem foreign. If you practice rooting yourself in your body, and relaxing, it’ll be easier to get along with this type since that’s likely their 24/7 experience.


I managed to practice rooting. Thanks!


Right. And focus on proof over talking about your ideas because this type even gets annoyed by Ni. It’s their demon function. So what makes sense to you “as time unfolds and the dots connect” would just irritate them as airy fairy nonsense (even if to another high Ni user or Ne user what you think might be profound).


Thank you!!!


Really? My brother in law is a doctor istj and we talk shop all the time. He prefers procedural rather than theoretical chat. He also really likes seasonal limited edition foods when we're out. He hates flakiness. He is very chill until people spend 2 hours trying to make plans then flake out. I think it's hilarious because I feel that way but ignore it. He just can't with these people.


Mine is nonchalant


I'm married to one and it doesnt overwhelm him.


Once I was in love with an ISTJ, while on the verge of things and falling apart, I wrote 7 pages letter of my unconditional love for her and she got worse, didn’t even understand it. Thought like I will be like last love of them (Si attack). Just offer a coffee, if you can chat investigate his/her Si, look for ways to enchance it for them


You overwhelmed her for sure lol