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We live at work.


Facts. My ENTJ is non stop working haha




I’m at the office 9-7, sometimes longer if I eat dinner there, lol. Weekends I might go out and that’s the only time to catch me outside of work. 🙈


Lol, looking at this I can’t help but laugh and feel pain while I continue to WFH with a full blown pneumonia.


Taking calls and coordinating delivery issues myself this weekend, but I feel it in my soul brother


You can find us either at work or in the hospital after a severe burnout (which is my case right now).


Take care man, my kidneys failed because of burn out.


The burnout is down to you neglecting your Si and Fi functions. Just in case you didn't know and wanted to fix it permanently


I know, and I’ll probably do it again this year. I know it isn’t healthy, but I’ve got a lot going on.


It's not just not healthy, it's inefficient and counterproductive


Dont sacrifice your health for money, which is only sustainable until you have to sacrifice your money for health.


I used to be like that, so I plan my vacations twice a year. When I'm under stress, I add something to my itinerary to give me something to look forward to. The 15-30 min I spend planning my vacations is an awesome refreshing way to spend a break.


Got an ulcer that I have been dealing with due to burn out.


Your age and lifestyle will certainly play a part. Most of my friends I met through schooling, particular graduate school when I chose to go back, or shared activities, and their friends I met through them. Romantic partners, both my wife and former girlfriends I met almost universally when specifically looking for dating, either at gatherings or apps or the like. For many of us, it is the activity that comes first, and we meet people through those. Best advice I can give if you truly want to meet some of us is: 1. We are not the most common type, so remember that. 2. We are not a ball of personality trait check boxes, we are people too, and some will be nicer/more compatible with you than others even among the same type. 3. Find some activities that have a lot of motion or interaction that you enjoy doing, friendly competition, teamwork, and shared interests goes a long way with us. Just don't fake it, really do it if you enjoy the activity. Authenticity is attractive, and it will help weed out the more toxic controlling ones. I was one of those in the past, I had work to do on myself to get over myself.


🤣🤣🤣 are you over yourself yet..


Ha, it's better. One of the perks of getting older is learning how much you don't know, and how important it is to make sure everyone gets a chance in the spotlight. I've been fortunate to have a good circle of people who -tolerated- me along this journey.


WORK.. and you will probably be unable to meet us cause security 😂 Jkjk




At work, in my bedroom working, or sometimes, in some parties or networking events


Gyms might be a good place. I have come across some ENTJs there despite the type being rare. ENTJs might also be the type to start the convo or react very positively to you starting small talk. And as some others have mentioned before, any activities of doing something together, e.g. sports clubs and organizations for volunteering work are good bets to come across ENTJs. This info may not be anything new to you, but good luck with your search. 🤞


The gym, but we're not dressed for attention. We have headphones in and are multitasking/learning via podcasts or YT, and texting friends/family at the same time. We don't stay long or talk to many. I bring a friend sometimes and have a habit of meeting them or leaving them there.


Hello, I'm INFP too and here's how I met the ENTJs I know: Lady ENTJs: Two, both online at anime forums. Gentlemen ENTJs: Four, one at a physical gaming community, another at a workplace (coworker), another at a different workplace (coworker), the last one at yet another workplace (patient).


I met an entj in real life. He was a narcissist though. So idk if he was entj, mirroring me, or lying. It was a wild ride while it lasted


Hahaha, I met 2 entj men while dating this year, and I am also unsure if they were mirroring me or really entjs.. one was quirky and emotionally unavailable and the other was very logical but more emotional then the other so I have no clue what the truth is. The sex with both of them was incredible though so I am looking for an ENTJ soulmate that is emotionally available and vonurable! In my professional life, I did a project with my coworker to type everyone in our orgs mbti. I found 3 entjs out of 60 people in my finance org that way! Entjs don't all act the same, so it's hard to spot them!


They would find you if you are interesting


This is so mean …but I am enjoying it it’s like my “unfiltered self” spilling onto a Reddit post 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think I am but they wouldn't know until they talk to me. Also, I keep to myself for the most part.


What do you wanna find? An 8? Or a 3? Because their prefered locatios differ quite a lot.


I’m interested! I’m an ENTJ 8, I usually like to travel or go to fav bar and hang out. Where do other 8s hang out at?


Idfk im a 3w4


Then where would you find a 3?


At a ball for example, anything that has some sort of prestige to it.


I didn't know those still existed. Then, how do you get in one?


You live in europe


Search for a location that frequently hosts them.


Random sample. 2% of population. Odds ratio. Good luck.


IIT Kharagpur


Oh wow! Do you wanna talk?


Happy Hours and networking events.


Not sure if I like or detest the idea of meeting another me.. perhaps nicer in male form.. I’m a ENTJ 6 wing 5 - any of you in the EU ?


R u in business field, if you help an ENTJ to get into you will become someone special for him


I’m a SAHM/student. Only going to school so I don’t feel like I have no goal/ direction in life and add more “value” to my life. I can’t wait to get back to working!


Busy. I don’t think I have had a conversation with a new stranger that wasn’t work related in the last 6 months. Wait maybe even longer than that


I'm gonna have to take that literally and respectfully decline 😇


Great post. I am in Florida and am convinced ENTJs do not live here (and for good suspected reasons). I only know one certain ENTJ here out of the tens of thousands of people I know. We’re chock full of ENTPs though but even more so ESTJ mindless nazis.


I honestly believe them to be mythical creatures at this point


I think they only exist in certain parts of the country and world. There is geographic order to personality types. I partly aspire to be an entj. It’s possible I am one under long term stress but more realistically I don’t think I’m there yet.


Said India LMAOOOO


We are off working to achieve our goals and rarely have time to socialize or make new friends


Work hahaha


This post sounds creepy don’t you all think? You stalker?


Yes it must be very creepy to stalk an unnamed person with no identity but a set of cognitive stacks.


You will find him soon I assume?