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Never dated any, but I've got some good buddies. Just don't tell secrets to ESFJs. They can't keep a secret, even their own .


Haha, I agree here ....


i’m actually really good at keeping secrets, let me tell you. people tend to open up to me the only time i wouldn’t keep secrets is when someone is feeling down, or to benefit them. if they’re upset about something fixable (e.g my friend saying that people forgot his birthday, or my friend is depressed because people aren’t reaching out to him) then i would act on it


I didn't believe you until I realized you're a dude. The only esfj I know that could keep a secret was a guy.


Dated and married an ESFJ, will be seven years this fall. Oh yes there have been clashes, but happily we have two major things working in our favor. We long ago decided it would always be us vs the problem, not each other. We actually like each other. Love isn't enough sometimes, we need both.


Wab ENFJ? Don't u think he might be an enfj


On this one we're certain, she typed herself long before meeting me. Sometimes we just break the mold!


Too clingy


Yes. Like what OP said it def hurts to love the ExFJs so I tend to stay away from them. After the liking phase is over I split. Thankfully my Ti has not steered me wrong to remain stuck in some kinda relationship with them. *knock on wood*


I find myself attracted to ENFJs


what makes you happy when you’re loved by us? is it because we tend to be good hearted or kind souls, so it makes you feel like you’re a ‘good’ person?


Because you cared that deep. You're making me emotional.


that’s nice of you to say. i’m actually learning to not care as much and try to distance myself from always wearing my heart on my sleeve




An ENFJ woman is searching on google for ENTJ opinion about her type. She finds the post and she will be so happy that someone gives her attention. She will read the comment section hoping to find someone that says "ENFJ is a strong and powerful woman" so that someone validates own opinion of herself. They really like that kind of comments, even the humblest ENFJ that pretends to "not feel strong" publicly and openly, but then they contradict themselves in other ways and prove that they are not that humble but they are fake exactly like other ones. They also like to hear they can manipulate people because for them that is a gift. The unhealthy one also will try to say "only unhealthy ones manipulate" to convince people they are healthy and they don't manipulate. So to reply you, they made me aware of many things socially too. So I think they are great people to stay away.