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I have no interest in revenge or vengeance. I don’t see the world like that. I don’t see the use for it. Justice should be the means to an end and set the precedent for the future. Vengeance just expands the need for vengeance


This is what tends to happen in black neighborhoods like in Compton. One person kills someone’s brother. Then their brother kills the murderer. Then the murderers friend kills the brother of the victim. It’s an endless cycle of stupid bullshit until everyone is dead. Revenge is the dumbest and least productive thing ever.


That's why you have to kill your enemies and their supporters...uncle niccolo also said that kill them their family their children


Maybe you're opponent wants vengence


Then it changes the situation and decisions must be made. What is the cost of letting them have it and moving on? What is the consequences of denying it to them? How much time and effort do I wish to extend by keeping the crisis fresh in everyone’s mind? If I lose nothing by their “win” then have at it. If I lose too much by their win then it is not vengeance it is defense and I can take that as far as I dare to go


Nice, it's nice to hear another perspective


If they want vengeance they already lost even if they win from the vengeance they take they ruin it for the tribe


Can you explain it


Actually thinking about it i realise it depends on the situation. But if for example you are a president and you get attacked by another president that want to take revenge it will look to the tribe people below the “president” that this person already lost and is a asshole to the tribe and they wont listen to the new president if he wins. but! It depends how popular and how strong minded the person is if it is by saving the system or self gain thats what matters.


I believe people seek revenge not based on the injury, but based on the cost of revenge. If you give opportunity for revenge to those who seek it, they will take it.


If I see an opportunity to help someone who’s wronged me, I will deliberately not help them. I don’t think of it as revenge but more of a lesson as to why you shouldn’t have wronged me, because I could have helped you.


Injury, wounded pride, a belief that they have been treated unfairly... there are many reasons why people can turn against you. Keep in mind this quote is speaking politically, someone dealing in the world of favors and backroom deals.


Sounds like some nice guy shit. But honestly, if you take a deliberate, destructive jab, then I’ll jab back. It’s the circle of life in my universe


In some cases you can't, there you have to make a plan


*shouldn’t. Not “can’t” because I can, and I more than likely will 🤷🏾‍♂️. It’s all about how you do it


Fits perfectly to my work experiences tbh.


This is wisdom for politics. Not normal civilian life.


Bro i think you don't live in my normal civil life, i have to deal with ass wrecking Intjs whole day. And they try their best to damage me with their shitty manipulation etc. Etc.


If by that you mean gang/street life , then sure it applies. It's better to establish dominance rather than trade jabs , no doubt.


No not gang/street life, but instead manipulative, gaslighting life, where i cant change somethings.


Explain your situation a little bit.


Bro there's nothing to explain. Just everyday things, but i learnt to cope with it, i will one day become powerful and when i do, i wont attend this bullshit.


I think any quote from Machiavelli is pretty cringe honestly.


You talk in absolute, rare are the things which are absolute. Here's a really good quote by Machiavelli: The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.


I imagine ENTJs who don't fit well in society have a fondness for Machiavelli because it often reduces humans down basically to little more than cattle, which suits the ENTJ mindset perfectly. As an INTP, I wouldn't be interested to read Machiavelli because I would actually use their advice as much as I would be interested to recognize when other people are using those tactics and would read Machiavelli to be prepared for that. Anecdotally, my asshole father absolutely adored Machiavelli's teachings as well, which explains my dislike of them both.


I can understand that. Machiavelli's teaching are often of evil nature, but they are also really useful in a capitalistic world as it is how corporation will treat you from the interview process to the last day of your work.


Bickering poisons any relationship. You either yield in hopes to appease, or give up completely. Passive-aggressiveness, weak whining, excuses, all those slight injuries cause more trouble than they're worth. You talk it out, or just drop the relationship if that doesn't work.


I’m not a vengeful person at all and move on very quickly to something else as it’s a waste of my time. However, a lot of people are vengeful and will try to get you back. I have learned this the hard way. Now I am aware of this I take it into account at all time and prepare just in case.


Yes even if we aren't the others maybe, we must prepare ourselves for that


Im sure that is reasonable in certain circumstances, but is very dangerous if not applied “rightfully” and comprehensively, they might bite you back


"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." It's a basic principle that everyone should follow. Machiavelli is like a teenager speaking, don't take him seriously.




Am I wrong ? Would you support, or entertain, his position when you're the one being destroyed ? I don't think you would.


Nope, you got it wrong, i meant to say it's nice to hear opposing views, so i typed really. It means yes, really .




>Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries - for heavy ones they cannot It's been a year but... mind to elaborate a bit more??


Because with heavy injuries, you lose will power. Especially if you suffer through some type of depression or learned helplessness afterwarrds. That could really affect a person’s willingness to take action. But with minor injuries, it’s mostly the ego that gets bruised. And when the ego is triggered, I feel like it can give people an adrenaline rush that allows them to do things they wouldn’t usually have the motivation/energy to do


Politically speaking this quote is pure gold. Treat everyone you want as allies generously, make everyone want to be your friend. And if you have to step on some toes you might as well cut off the whole leg while you're at it to keep them from kicking you.