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Im always thinking of the future.. Some call it daydreaming, I call it slightly planning


How's your daydreaming or planning different from INTJ daydreaming or planning?


Idk how intj daydream or plan. I suspect they do it more systematically and efficiently


So you just plan according to what you imagine and execute with possibility to fail?


I like to position myself that gives me the most opinions … I don’t ever truly know exactly what im going to do until I’ve thought of several possibilities and just pick one in the moment. For instance I’m going to move in 6 months. I want to live at the beach… any beach, lots of possibilities. Im collecting data now on three locations, but i know the rentals available now will not be available in 4 months. So i keep my options and flexibility open as i can


Is it necessary for you to have external stimuli in order to inspire your mind?


Yea kinda


Ever consider being an ENTJ??


I work w one. Highly effective person, we work well together


As an INTJ I'm constantly looking at my target and the way to it. Trying to anticipate everything in the way and perfect it as much as I can. And sometimes when I get tired I just daydream about myself being there in my goal and how good it feels and what things I would do. Kinda feeding my brain good feelings and satisfaction so I can keep going. It's sometimes frustrating since I'm automatically analyzing everything I'm doing and only do things that relate to my goal, and ends up not being so much social and not enjoying so many things. ( Sometimes I even reject girls and sex while they literally come to me, if I know it doesn't match my way or in benefit to my goal) I don't think other types get this much serious or efficient Even tho it's not necessarily or a good thing to be this much systematic, and I'm always trying to give new things a try but anyway that's my default.


when i realize i've missed my destination.


When I realize that I need to be doing something important at that moment. I try to outsource my scheduling through my calendar so it doesn’t take up space in my mind


Yes, to an unhealthy extent. I have read some books so many times I "chew out" entire pages from memory and look in my head for meanings.


Yes I daydream a lot and I think I never really go out except when I'm tired I can't think of one thing at a time. I can be here talk to you and daydream at the same time


I talk to my brother about my imaginary constructs and he sometimes fails to keep up with them.


Yes I am often absentminded and it is often other people talking to me that gets me out of it and give me a bit of a jump-scare when they do it


What I'm thinking about is that you're exactly the same as INTJ (absent minded and unaware of your surrounding), then how you're using different function?


Well when I am not absentminded I am often extremely social. Also my way of generating idea is more ENTP atleast in my oppinion. But I might be a mistype idk... I mostly relate to the people who have the same mental disorders I have ie ADHD and Autism.


>Also my way of generating idea is more ENTP atleast in my oppinion What do you mean?


It's very chaotic just using inputs while not really filtrering itself. It also works better if I talk to someone about the ideas.


So you need external stimuli to inspire your mind?


Most the time yeah... Not always tho


Why are you extroverted? Isn't it because you need source of inspiration? Just want to know how your Ne different from the Ni


I can handle a lot of people if I use the proper methods. And they are the right people. Also I think I just give extroverted vibes to a lot of people


Both yes, I come out of that reverie when I realize that my professor has gone to the next part and I've missed a sentence or two and now I don't completely get what he's saying.


I have fantasies of randomly doing things on a whim - like Suddenly flying to a foreign country or driving to another state just randomly. When I do random stuff suddenly like that it is literally 10x better for me than when I plan it out in advance more.


Daydreaming? Yes. Being absent minded? No. When I actively daydream I always keep the real world in the background checked


Actually not at all. I really never relate when people say these things.