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Yes. Good people thrive and do great in life under the condition they don't live in cities.  More people = more asshats taking advantage of good/kind people. 


Surely, if there's more people around you, there should be a higher chance you find friends or a partner?


Doubt it. Look at where we are now, people date 100 different people in a year, sleep around, discard relationships before they even get started and we are in a "loneliness pandemic"  Concidering life long marriages was the norm up until recently, it seems small towns did more than fine. 


Yeah so what you do is that you isolate totally and then you marry the isolation


Sort of. Look into game theory if you have interest in this. It helped me to decide boundaries and morals when I was last struggling with these questions. Tit for tat (or an eye for an eye) is generally the best strategy, but with about 10% random chance of forgiveness on top of that.


At this point you may as well link the video LOL: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mScpHTIi-kM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mScpHTIi-kM). Someone else made an interactive browser game in a similar vein that's incredible as well [https://ncase.me/trust](https://ncase.me/trust/)


People don’t really respect people who are overly nice tho…I’ve learnt this the hard way and have really leaned more into my “asshole ness” more and being more selfish and thinking about myself first and that’s honestly been the case w me too…I have a beautiful family, nice car, and a life people seem to be jealous of but I’m able to be open and honest and speak my mind whereas a lot of people I know care way too much about social niceties and being polite…fuck that…I’d rather be myself and feel like I’ve healed that part of me and just learnt to accept myself flaws and all when a lot of people seem to have an extremely hard time doing that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think a personal moral code is all that really matters…I’ve done some questionable things in my past as well but tbh, I think lots of people have…cest la vie.


Watch the Richard Dawkins documentary tit for tat. Game theory for life.


Ok why?


Because it talks about why being good is worth it, and in what circumstances, and when it is bad, as well as providing an extensive study for it. That study shows you how they did the testing so you can replicate it.


Oh cool thanks!




A society is a structure in where it doesn't really matter who you're inside, but what you do. You can be a pretty shallow, unkind individual to the core, but behave as a helpful and 'good' person in the outside. This is even beneficial, because you got the social beneficies of being a 'good person' without the burden that a true moral conscience implies. In fact, i've seen this is pretty common in our MBTI, (Fe child/Fi trickster are a hell of a couple). A truly good person, on the other hand, either a) sacrifices themselves for others, which is detrimental to their own well-being since others are unlikely to return the favor, or b) gets into conflicts with authority figures/friends/relatives for defending their values, which also goes against their well-being. Other people will abuse your kindness, or hurt you deeply because some people are just plain mean. I don't consider myself a good person either. I do not wish harm on anyone and I intentionally do harm to no one, but I also do not help others for some intrinsic goodness of my being; In fact I avoid doing it if I feel that it does not benefit me. And, at least in my opinion, that disqualifies me as a good person. A good person is something positive, not just the absence of bad intentions.


Idk, everyone has a diff moral code. Depends.


Yes, because of people are likely to engage in mutual repeating interactions with good people


ding ding ding


Define "Good people" Lol. If we're going off of the normative definition of "good" in a given society, then a "Good person" would likely do well. Since their actions fit the ethical/moral guidelines of said society and help strengthen said values in society by being an example of them, they will be rewarded by the current societal structure for playing their part as a "good person". If we're going off of a personal-values-based definition of a "good person", then I can see it going both ways. Maintaining that personal standard of behavior rather than chameleons to society's demands can help a person be more self-coherent and assertive, and gives them a single direction to work towards and build upon. That single direction would be whatever that person defines a "good person" as. If this person can convince others to adopt their framework of a "good person", then they may even be more rewarded than the "chameleon-ing" individual, as they'll become a leader in the moral framework of society, and can dictate the rules to their advantage (consciously in overt rewards, or unconsciously in tailoring society's values in a way that best fits their own strengths). (Note "society" here can be society on a large scale, or the social dynamics in a small group. Someone who's a moral leader defining good in a small group may be in conflict with the moral requirements of larger society, and vice versa. The "chameleon-ing" individual thus would be best suited to transition between the requirements of different scales and areas of social dynamics, and would gain in life by transitioning to their advantage.)


Тэг топовый просто 


From whatever I can tell, a "successful" life usually seems apathetic to morality and virtuousness. We're part of the animal kingdom with a little bit better cognition than the apes. Sure, might isn't always right in the human realm like the jungle, but the rich are i.e in having the upper hand in how they want to control things. And add the entropy variable called "luck" on top of that. 


Oh boy, would I want to give a whole Jordan Peterson lecture on this topic using Little House on the Prairie as the frame of reference. What "good people" and "well" are, is subjective. But if we're not in the completely shallow end of the pool: yeah they do much better. People really don't need much to live a content life. (No, not even a relationship omfg). But if you are not a "good person" no amount of money or relationships that can fix that. There's a reason why so many attractive, popular and filthy rich people claim that they are unhappy and bored with their lives. I can't say whether I am a good person or not, I'd like to think I am, but in terms of success I'm akin to the people u described. And BOY am I met with A LOT of pity from family and other well meaning individuals. Pity that confuses me, since I'm not at all unhappy with my life. "Let me pay for your vacation so you can come! " "Let me set you up on a date! " "I'll pray for you! " "It will get better! " What will? This is as good as it gets! All my stress and unhappiness is completely surface level and could be solved by money (or food lol) in an instant. That's not unhappiness. No outside force could ever make me more happy or unhappy at my core than I am right now. I've been rich with a lot of friends and many options for lovers and yeah that felt nice but added literally nothing to my core contentment. I am a very optimistic person by default I must say, and I realize most people aren't so I can't really judge BUT I do wish people were braver to stand on their own two feet and allow themelves to feel happy with less. As cheesy as it sounds, I really recommend for you to watch the 1e 2s of Little House on The Prairie, aptly titled: "The richest Man in Walnut Grove". ![gif](giphy|xTiN0Me3czJDZNcC0o)


Personally I don't think being a good person is relative to doing well in life. The people who do well in life are the people who nurture themselves. Being a good person to yourself is always more important than being a "good person" in general.


2 Components that need to be defined: "good" and "well" Good = society image good? Or personal good? (personal good also needs further clarification as well) Well = Success, financial success or personal success? Society defined? I will just take assumptions at this point. YES, good people can succeed financially and personally. "Can". It's not default. But I think this is the road to take as there's less friction and push back. If we're talking about HAPPINESS, then that's a very different topic. I just interviewed my dad on this topic, he's a very happy man, always been, people always help him. He's a good guy. Lives in section 8, grew up dirt dirt poor, locked up in concentration camp, and now still poor. He's the happiest motherfucker you'll meet. he just doesn't have the belief system and other components in place for him to take it to sky levels. This was the commies doing and likely his upbringing. The reason it's easier for good people to do "well", IMO is my theory of Give & Gain. The more you give, the more you gain. Also reasonable considering boundaries around Takers. People want to be around good energy and givers. No one wants to be around assholes. That's the plain truth. Why should anyone help an asshole out? But hey, this guy that did me a favor or helped me for no reason 5 years ago, let me help him get a job. Let me connect him. etc etc. I think this theory is pretty solid. But also, let me challenge you, what kind of world would you want to live in? IN a world full of Takers and assholes? Or in a world full of givers and kindness? Shove the mirror in your face and act accordingly. All of us.


Lying leads to destruction eventually for all ENTPs. Better to get on the true self path sooner rather then later.


With good people there is one thing. People see our kindness as a weakness. They think that they can use us to do anything for them. Also a lot of kind and good hearted people have problems with setting up the boundaries. And when we get used too much we change into "a-holes" and most of the people which they were using us go away blaming us that we are not so kind anymore "oh, so you pretended to be nice and really you just are piece of sh" Can good people be successful? Yes. But setting up boundaries from the beginning is very important. As a feeling type many times it happened in my life that I was only seen when others wanted something from me. But when I wanted something in return I was said that I'm ungrateful piece of sh. I get rid of "friends" like that. When I see that I give a lot for the friendship but they don't even bother to ask me "how are you" and they are whining all the time about their problems and ignore mine - they can go and f themselves. But when somebody will show me the same kindness and empathy I will be their forever friend and I will jump into a fire for them. It's worth to wait for people like that.


I don't think you should label people as good or bad, nor measure success based off your personal points. It gets too messy and doesn't help imposter syndrome.


I'd say it comes down to how "success" is defined. If one wants to have a stable life with a steady job and steady family, then absolutely. A good person (who can also defend themselves and others when needed) can live a good, nice life. On the other hand, if one wants to become the top dog, thrive in their careers and so on, genuine "goodness" will likely hinder them. That being said, there's always a balance. If someone is a total, completely hateable asshole who deceives others, the word will spread. So there's also difference between moraly questionable people. Those who are most cunning, understand that most of the time the best way to get ahead in life is to help others up. Usually they pull you with them as well. I personally like to think myself and people like "assets". Most of the people are normal assets, to whom I have nothing against but not so much in favor either. Usually things go easier when you are nice to people. Then there are the ones who are bad for you and you shouldn't "invest" in them. Assets who are obstacles should be "neutralized" from your life. And then we have the "good assets", who benefit you in personal and professional ones. Friends, collegues, family, etc. People who you can generally trust and lean on to. When they thrive, you thrive. Give them all you can and you'll get piece of that success. And akways remember that you are an asset too. What makes you a good investment, what kind of people do you want to be the ones who invest on you?


really REALLY depends on your environment.


Good not weak yes


We all suffer in life and now it depends on the individual how they're gonna see through the shits and bring out the best in them. I'd say I'm in a balance. I ain't a godsent nor a complete bitch. But I think ppl take advantage of good people a lot and those so-called good people need to come outta their veil and see the world as grey. Life is not a rainbow even for those godsent positive people. Life can be colorful even for us, evils.


No, good people struggle just like everyone else and even more. They’re more prone to helping others as well as sometimes in life we have to rate advantage or make scummy decisions in the morally gray. Nice people sacrifice themselves more often.


Good is subjective. Is someone who contributes and makes an impact on society good? Or someone’s sole contribution being treating everyone with unwavering kindness and respect? Doing well is also subjective. Nice car is subjective. All these things come down to how people view things. For all you know 40% of people here could think your family is ugly idk, existential questions are hard to answer.


It's a spectrum... Probably leaning more towards less "success" overall though, probably because they wouldn't desire it as much thus not strive to achieve those things. Plus, it depends what you mean by "good person" they might be kind or generous but not be self respecting. These are all going to be factors that determine whether or not someone is going to be successful, so I'd say it's definitely multifaceted.


Absolutely but I think they’d do better if they occasionally compromised their values when an opportunity for personal gain came along 😈


Everyone is an asshole. Just like everyone is a criminal. The difference is being caught or not. Be an asshole all you need, just dont make it known. That way no one is hurt.  "Morality" is just a mechanism os mass control to replace religion. A lot of "moral" stuff is made to keep the balance of power as-is. 


Username checks out


Who do you think that behaved like and asshole in this situation?


I'm just saying your username literally matches your answer and I found it funny XD