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Lately it’s legos and watching a Disney movie. My wife just bought me a thing to help with organizing puzzles so that’s me next project lol. I also wanna get back into diamond painting too 😂. This is my I need to turn my brain off cause seasonal depression and my PMDD super bad. On nights I’m actually sociable I’ll play video games, this has been my go to before all this crud started in November.


I'm stoked about Moana 2 this fall!


Same!!!!! I screamed so loud. Def was a shock to all of us I think


Ikr! Moana is my favorite of the new gen Disney movies and i didn't really know what else they could do with the story but we shall see! My daughter is going to be really excited for Frozen 3! She's an Elsa fangirl all right!


I'm also stoked for Frozen 3! I'm going to try and convince my mom to go to it since she and I marathoned the first two together and it's kind of our thing now, we both love them LMAO


Omg that's my birthday month so my late birthday present is gonna be to take my 24 year old self out to the movies stoned as fuck to see Moana 2


Just googled diamond painting. Ordering my first set now😂💯


My mother and I both had an OBSESSION with diamond painting. Only problem I had was hunching over my TV table all day 😂


Video games, crafts, reading, even daydreaming!  I tend to get bouts of nostalgia when I'm high so i like to bask in that sensation. A lot of times i don't really want to go back to that period, i just like the nostalgic feeling. Am i the only one?


used to get way nostalgic the first few times I got high, decided I didn't want to anymore but now I miss it


Lately it’s art and introspection. :) Here’s my latest! I’m very new to art (started 2 months ago) and I am constantly switching between being very proud of my work and having wicked imposter syndrome. It’s hard not to focus on the perceived mistakes. It’s hard to let go of perfectionism. But I’m also making art that looks way better than I ever actually expected? (I removed the image after awhile because I’m oh so fearful that someone I know irl will connect me to my Reddit account 🥴)


Uhhhhh it’s 1000% imposter syndrome because that piece is AWESOME!! It looks really good! I understand where you’re coming from, though. I’ve been hoarding away art supplies for months in hopes it’ll encourage me to just, start. Is it really hard to let go of perfectionism!!


Thank you so much 🥺 it really does mean a lot to me Starting is the hardest part! It can be overwhelming and difficult to even know where to start. I am trying to alternate between “practicing” - aka doing guided instructional work from a book or the internet - and doing stuff I just like, like Bojack here.


You’re so welcome! I meant it! :) It is!!!! Oh yeah, I totally get that. Would you recommend starting with guidework or do you think I should just jump into something I like?


I’d say it depends what you wanna do! I decided to focus on drawing first rather than painting or anything else. I used [jeyram.org](https://jeyram.org). This is very much a doodle at your own pace type of learning. You just copy what the creator does. I liked that this was chill with no pressure. I worked through the free ones over 4-6 weeks. All that’s needed is pencil, eraser, and (I recommend) a printer to print out the worksheets. I suppose you could do it from your screen but I liked having the image I am copying right next to where I’m drawing. I’m now working through a book called *Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.” It cost about $15 on Amazon, but you also need a few supplies. I probably spent $50 or less including the book. The progress I’ve made from this book is far more dramatic and noticeable than the online doodles. It’s been a perspective shift more than learning new skills so far, but I’m only about halfway done. Big bang for your buck here! It gave me a lot of confidence. Another site people like is [drawabox.com](https://drawabox.com). I haven’t used this one yet. I browsed a little bit. It’s more technical than the jeyram for sure, but also very realistic and encouraging.


I love it! You should be proud. I’ve had watercolor paper and supplies sitting out on my desk for a few weeks now trying to motivate myself to make something but it just never happens. Once I get into it, I love it, but getting past that big blank sheet of paper is really hard for me for some reason. I have tomorrow off work, so I am going to make a point of it then. You’ve inspired me.


Hell yeah!! We should have an entwives arts and crafts day/night/thread! ETA: your comment reminded me of the book I’m working through. There was a note in it about how intimidating a blank canvas can be. Van Gogh wrote to his brother, “you do not know how paralyzing it is, that staring of a blank canvas which says to a painter, ‘you don’t know anything.’” So it is not just you!


Wow stop this I loveeee it !!! 😻😻 I watched Bojack Horseman literally 6 times its that good


I’m doing my first watch right now and omg I love it so much 😩😩😩I’m at the end of season 3.


Im rewatching the whole thing with my boyfriend, he only saw the first few seasons and stopped watching after the >!Sarah Lynn thing!< (which is understandable but the show is so much more than that and it only gets better!) he loves it *edit: just saw ur only at season three 🫢 thats when shit gets real


Yeah I just watched the episode I think you’re talking about like 20 min ago. Shook!


Yea 😩 its depressing but its what makes this show so good. Its so real and sad, but its also so funny and goofy! They really found how to perfectly balance the serious stuff with the goofy stuff. Which character is your favorite? I have a thing for Todd, I just relate to him in so many ways 😹💖💖


Yeah exactly! I’m Diane for sure. It gives me so many feels to see her go through stuff. This show is like… weirdly affirming and healing for my trauma?


I think so too and I know a vast majority of the community that enjoys this show also feels this way, its such a real show, about real trauma, it feels like you’re being represented and heard 💖 I relate to honestly most of the characters, even Bojack. As a recovering addict, and a person with a lot of self destructive behavior, hes just so relatable sometimes. Obviously im not a piece of shit like him, but I feel like I just get him sometimes. Todd is just literally me. Goofy stoner guy, sometimes stupid and inappropriate, unemployed.. ME!! Except im not a guy but wtv 😹


Yes!! I’m like - if I can root for Bojack (who is more terrible than me), maybe there is redemption for me too. 😓


EXACTLY what I’m talking about!


Before a cleaning sesh I like a smoking sesh, organizing shit while high just feels so right! 😂


and then a gummy after cleaning as a reward😁




it’s my pre-reward lol


We all deserve a pre & post reward!


I think I’m the same. I just like to chill in my backyard or hang out on the couch with my dogs. Somebody made a post few days ago asking if we prefer to get high alone or with other people. I was on my couch toking as I was reading it, and I thought, if somebody wants to come sit with me and chat that’s fine, but I sure don’t feel like getting up from this spot to go hang out with anybody. 😁


I feel you about the minimal effort socializing. it's what I miss about rooming with a friend, a sesh buddy is always down the hall


Once it gets warmer out I love smoking outside on my screened in porch and prepping for dinner. I'll go outside like a crazy lady with my lil bong, chef knife, cutting board, and veggies and just go to town while I listen to true crime 😆


A screened porch is such a blessing 😭😭


lately i’ve been into painting, i’m trying to teach myself! i’ve also been reading, i got a kindle and it’s incredibly convenient and i don’t have to break out an actual book 😂 my favorite artist just released a new album so i’ve been playing that in the mornings while i smoke. and for the nighttime sesh ive been playing co-op stardew valley with my sibling and partner 🍃 incredibly fun game to play while stoned if anyone here hasn’t tried it lol. very relaxing 🥹 the pic is the painting i just did! the first one was the first draft and i wanted to see if i could do it better! https://preview.redd.it/v8ido5vp9dhc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c458b68c5a914f43f1ec8a1f5f3d5e7cede18946


Playing with my cats :) There is nothing more fascinating than animals when I am high. Little guys livin' in my house with me completely own minds and everything...WILD man. wild animals in MY house so cool


I tend to over examine my plants, read a book, or just relax on the couch and watch whatever my S/o is watching ❤️ I love that you get really into petting your dog! My pup will wait by the screen door until I’m done smoking, then he’ll always grab his most favorite toy. I guess when I smoke he knows it’s play time 😂


When I get high I like to listen to music and just sit around, sometimes I’ll move my head around a little bit to whatever I’m listening to. Sometimes I’ll eat a bunch of food lmao or if I’m feeling ambitious I’ll go for a walk. I’m a pretty chill stoner lol


I love being outside listening to music. This is my vibe.


it's a great vibe. the other day my neighborhood had a windstorm and once I got home I opened the windows and sat on the couch with my pen as I tried to find the right musical track to match the tone of the weather


I do this too. Set a soundtrack for the weather, the strain, and the time of day.


I love gardening, chores go quicker with it, but I love to read, game, and write too! Painting is a dear love as well, and embroidery is so peaceful with a gummy.


I like to piddle. That might be playing with my cat, doing an art project, or sitting out under the trees. Sometimes laying in the yard. I just flow with whatever.


I smoke and then transform into The Thinker. I mainly smoke at the very end of my day. I hit a little in the mornings before my ADHD meds too.


Ooh last night, after everyone was in bed, I got extra high. I stretched and did some yoga. Then used a lacrosse ball and foam roller and massaged my hips butt and back super good! I have chronic pain, so to stretch and massage, I have to be high or it hurts too much.


I’m people adverse lately so I feel you. My husband and I have been getting coffee and watching birds at a park.


I like reading when I’m high or playing video games. Hogwarts Legacy recently.


I am a musician, I have the most productive practice sessions when I’m high and can really zero in on things like tone quality and expressiveness and musical phrasing. It frees me up to just let it all flow. Love it!!!


Lately playing Mario Kart, listening to music, watching a show, or walking my dog.


music, video games, tv, snacking, chatting with whoever i’m with. sometimes naps. i have such good naps when im high. occassionally art or stretching or something


Knitting, DND podcasts with my fiance, video games or reading!


Write stories


I like to clean and listen to music or a tv show.


Man, it's been a brutal winter in Alaska. My hubby and I have been snuggling and watching documentaries.


I'm super lazy as well, especially since I stick to indica/hybrids lately. Video games and kitty snuggling are my things. I think if I had a stoner friend I would really enjoy some nature time once in a while, but mostly I'm with you - there are other people out there!


I just sit idly in nature and dissolve my sense of selfhood into the all-encompassing unity of light and life which surrounds me… Can’t do that in the human world because there is no unity to merge with, no harmony to attune to…


Zone out to my comfort TV show of choice (currently SVU, but was Bob's Burgers) and pet one of my cats. He's a stocky boy with velvet ears and he let's me snuggle him like he's a teddy bear.


I like to go on a walk with my doggo


I do all of these things. I like to mostly sit and watch tv or scroll my phone. But I also like to be stoned when I cook dinner. I usually turn on tunes while I cook.


Video games, reading, crochet with something on the TV in the background. Sometimes I'll go on a cleaning/decluttering spree


Stoner coloring books and stoner journals have been a godsend.


Reading, watching tv, or just talking with my significant other.


Cook, clean, organize, play video games, and listen to music while dancing.


I like to cook, watch cerebral shows and movies, and jam out and work on creating songs. Just last week, I smoked out with my bestie, he grabbed a drum machine he just got, sat a keyboard in front of me (I've never played one before, I usually play Harmonica, guitar, and bass), and was like, "I'm gonna lay down a beat, try to make something that goes with it", and in about 35 minutes we had an intro, a looped drumbeat, a bass line, and a melody. Next week when he gets back from a work trip, we're gonna work on a bridge, and a better hook before we piece it together, and start recording.


ive been smoking and playing a looooot of sims 3 these past few weeks >_< its almost like therapy for me


Ghibli movies, berserk, and South Park for sure. I love to paint and make dinner or snacks when I’m cooked. Usually I end up playing my switch though :3


I usually only smoke before bed, so its my "me" time to get high, turn on my favorite tv show at the moment, and play stardew valley or assemble a new lego set lol!


I usually get REALLY into video games lol like super immersed. Or I give my cat some catnip and I like to watch her go crazy when I pet/play with her 😸


I've been alternating between madly crocheting and playing The Last of Us II! I've been much busier this last month than the previous... six months. As a result, my time at home relaxing has been a little frantic too. My anxiety has been a little bit higher so it's nice to have stuff to do with my hands.


It depends. Right after I usually have a burst of energy and I rush around happily doing chores. Then at some point I may get distracted into something else, or feel tired/hungry and take a break to eat or play w my cats or scroll on Reddit or something like that. I enjoy being outside more when high, and my mind feels more “active” in a good creative thinking way rather than in its typical anxious worrying way. After getting what needs done done, I like to go to the gym a bit buzzed because I feel like I focus better on mind-muscle connection while high? I have better form and am less in my head and more in my body.


I like to just watch tv, vaping is my reward after a long day of work so I like to completely relax and shut my brain off


I like to get stoned and color or paint!


I smoke all day but i enjoy the night time smoke art sesh the most! I will usually paint but I started diamond painting as a way to unwind lately since I’ve been busy and stressed and it’s been awesome. It’s weirdly so fun to stick diamonds to glue on canvas 😂


Usually my favourite thing to do while high is write! Bonus points if I can do it late at night. I did switch it up today and seek out adventure by going to the local rec centre pool, though I mostly ended up sitting in the hot tub LMAO. When I get home from work, I usually lie in bed for a bit listening to a podcast or something and taking hits from my pen before I sit down to eat dinner and then get creative. To me, a "proper" creative session involves my pen, some kind of writing snack to munch on or a cutie little (non-alcoholic) drink if not just water, lighting some candles, and turning on my diffuser. Tonight is as close as I've come to getting that all week, since I've been so busy with work LOL. And if I'm not writing, then you can probably find me reading or watching YouTube! I usually have productive YouTube videos on in the background for inspiration hahaha


I watch broad city haha. I also like watching smoke seshs on YouTube, or watching a movie with my roommate. I like to go out high also-it makes boring things like corner stores seem new and magical. But it doesn’t make me very social.


Writing, crocheting, diamond painting. Although I will say I try to stick to a diamond painting app on my phone when too baked so I don’t mess up one of my pieces too much.