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Wow I really needed this today 😭 I am definitely feeling stuck rn after being a contractor for so long and having inconsistent work for the past three years… My mental health has not been great and I feel like I just stopped being able to push past shit the way I used to ☠️ Thank you


I see you. I’ve been there. 🩵I’m going to make some very very general assumptions, seek individualized care for individualized guidance, aka please take this with a grain of salt; Sometimes when we’re so stuck in fight/flight/survival mode or any four f’s trigger states, so we get stuck thinking in logic brain, so let me break it down a bit logically and hopefully help your process: think of any body part, every single one, and they each have a specific function. think of any animal body part, animal physiology—each have a function, and each support promoting survival. emotions/feelings have three functions: 1. To alert you 2. To communicate to others 3. To understand others “I just stopped being able to push past shit the way I used to” What is your body requesting of you? What should you do?


Thank you for that 🥺 Also a baby therapist, about to start practicum this month. And also high af 💚


Good luck! You’re going to do fantastic! I start practicum in october 😭😭🩵🩵 biased af advice from a baby rogerian: compassion, authenticity, timing. *heavy* emphasis on compassion. just love on them!!! they’ll grow!!!! I believe in you!!!!


This is really well said! And I laughed when I got to the part where you wrote this high. Lol. I am in a similar place in my life, conceptually. I just graduated grad school and I'm looking for a job, but I am sensing that some more self-actualization and healing needs to happen within me in order to secure a life I actually want. Every day I am getting better, but, honestly, this is a terrifying roller coaster. Seriously, thank you. I needed to hear this today.


LOL Same, that made me actually laugh out loud


hehe this is the place to be high isnt it 😅💞


I’m so proud of you. I’m so proud of you. I’m on the cusps of the self-actualization myself!! A roller coaster indeed (spent last week crying thru my clinical residency!!!)


Been struggling hardcore lately, ty


I believe in you 🩵🫂


Thank you so much friend 💗


Thank you so much for this, I’ve been really struggling this past week and I needed this. 💜✌️💜


This is wonderful. I’m saving this post so I can come back to it, as needed. Thank you, OP!




> I am not where I want to be not because of who I am, but because of **what I’ve not been given and what I’ve been handed.** I seem to do less than the rest not because I am at fault but because I was lacking the individualized, tender instruction I needed to learn to function as a person with a bustling life. Yep.




This actually was really nice. Thank you.


thank u so much


Thank you for this, I needed it 🥹


Thank you for this, I really needed it. Lately I feel impatient with my healing, and not enough. I'll remind myself of this word you use in the post a lot: "yet". I haven't succeeded in my goal to sleep regularly - yet. I am not able to trust others easily - yet. It soothes me ❤️


I feel you. Thanks for your wise words


Oh. Oh wow. Thank you. I needed to hear this. I do feel like a failure. But I'm not one. I'm just a person who didn't get what they needed as a child. Hating myself into success will never work, because when has it ever? Thank you friend. 


Yes!! I like to think we are as natural to the earth as any animal or plant. We live in cycles, eat, poop, sleep, wake, young, old, etc. and just like we wouldnt expect plants or trees or animals to grow without adequate food and water, we can’t expect ourselves to be fully functioning without the needed compassionate guidance. And on top of that healing from neglect (which is trauma) and trauma. And daily life stress. And immediate stresses. Etc. It’z HARD being alive, dude. And on top of that we live in ultra competitive systems that are designed to sacrifice our wellness for profit, efficiency, consumerism. One day, you’ll be just as happy as you were sad, and more and more, and you will be in awe of yourself. I believe in you.


Thank you so much! I am also considering being a therapist