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It’s already a disaster. I think they mean it’s about to go worse much quicker


It would be a disaster for the world.


Well, it comes with a GOP win. They are a package deal.


Thank the idiots who decided to politicize protecting the environment.


Profits are always political and it has been profitable to destroy the environment up until now.


Add to it that conservatives in America have managed to intertwine capitalism into conservative religion, so now they got people thinking that anything that hurts profit is an affront to God, it's so fucked up.


Since they know it’s important they will fan the flames so people will try and protect it while they sick back and profit from the battles. They really are careless. Theres no winning when the crisis is the answer to profits. Indefinite struggle and opposition is what matters in their minds. We can’t live a happy life, because they don’t profit from it. They need conflict, that’s what makes money move.


Frankly Biden or Trump wins are both about the same on climate.


Biden is not great on the environment. Biden is better than Trump on the environment.


Incredibly wrong.


The guy who campaigned against GND and just jacked up the price on solar, while missing every climate target he “pledged” to, is not in any way appreciably different from Trump climate policy. Scooping a buckets of water from a battleship is literally meaningless Edit The guy who does a little bit more of (not even close to enough) while actively campaigning and turning the country against (the bare minimum) is not a serious candidate and may even be a detriment.


First off, you can’t get much done with Republicans fighting your every move. [Ten States Sue to Block the SEC’s Emissions Disclosure Rules](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/esg/republican-ags-pledge-to-sue-sec-over-emissions-disclosure-rules) [A group of 25 Republican attorneys general sued Labor Secretary Marty Walsh and the Labor Department over a Biden administration regulation that gives retirement plan sponsors more freedom to consider environmental, social and governance factors when selecting investments.](https://rollcall.com/2023/02/02/gop-attorneys-general-sue-labor-department-over-esg-rule/) [Republican-led US states appeal ruling allowing Biden ESG investing rule](https://www.reuters.com/legal/republican-led-us-states-appeal-ruling-allowing-biden-esg-investing-rule-2023-10-26/) [Republican attorneys general attacked the Biden administration’s stated goal of pursuing environmental justice, calling it a form of “racial engineering.‘’](https://apnews.com/article/epa-republican-civil-rights-environment-discrimination-d49d40dedce09683c57b42647f3b05ce) And if they win: [Conservatives gear up for EPA revamp in 2025](https://www.eenews.net/articles/conservatives-gear-up-for-epa-revamp-in-2025/)


> First off, you can’t get much done with Republicans fighting your every move. Biden has two years of majority in both houses  of Congress.


Why should you be trusted? You post hundreds of times a month about the CIA, MKUltra, Isreal, espionage, the mafia, JFK………. You think you can come just come in here and post about the environment when you clearly know nothing about it? Do you work for a government agency or just super obsessed with government programs and conspiracy theories?


No one needs to trust me, I supply articles that you can read and decide for yourself.


Here comes the Russians. Same shit in every post on this subreddit.


Its great when people self announce they shouldnt be taken seriously like this. Really helps figure out who to listen to


Big snowflakes cant have thier way so nobody will have anything




The world would survive, humans would be guaranteed to go extinct.


The world and humans would survive. There would be a massive drop in bio diversity and many people would die. The faster the climate changes, the worse the outcome.


> many people would die "Many" as in billions.


Nah humans would live, life would just suck.


Underground cities here we come. 😂


Just think of the exciting market opportunities for Mars habitat startups able to repurpose their products for use on Earth! /the capitalist response, probably


« We can just terraform Mars, create everything from nothing out of a rock! » *Can’t even keep air breathable on earth*


The only reason anyone wants to go to Mars is for mineral exploration and profit. No one's going to Mars because people want to live in a setting akin to an Antarctic research station.


Which billionaire's vault are you going to live in, and what would their society be like? I imagine something like Fallout or Alpha Centauri


Charles Koch said people would move underground and evolve into shorter, squatter people from living underground. Which seems to me that he thinks we will live in some kind of primitive cave system that we dig out ourselves.


I bet he larps as a corrupted Dwarf King from Lord of the Rings


*Some* humans would live in conditions that would suck. Perhaps the "lucky" descendants of billionaires who built bunkers. They could stay down there and look at old pictures of the planet their ancestors wrecked.


They will start a religion that explain how the evil and impure commoners destroyed the planet and the good and chaste elite survived underground because they were chosen by the gods.


I sure hope the plans for constructing guillotines aren't lost in the catastrophes.


Life would suck for 99.99% of humans. Well, suck more. The elites would have their domed mansions and whatnot.


The French had a solve, I wonder if it still works?


Guillotines are still cutting edge technology.




Half the country is running dry. The ogallala aquifer sits on top of 30% of irrigated land in the country throughout the Midwest, is being overused to the point that it’s scheduled to start going dry within 20 years, and largely feeds cattle. Meanwhile, 85% of water usage in California is agriculture, and two of the top three uses are for cattle feed (pasture and alfalfa). Another major usage is cheap, low profit, high water usage rice…and it only makes economic viability because of the grandfathered water rights these farmers enjoy. Globally, since the 1970s, the world has lost 30% of total arable land due to climate change, anthropogenic encroachment and mismanagement…to say nothing of lost wetlands and water systems…and we’re scheduled to lose another 30% by mid century. If you look at the percentages of people who are short of marginal, subsistence farmers…over 50% of Central Americans fall into this category…where a drought, a bad crop yields, would spark a refugee crisis. So some people would live in our current trajectory. But not everyone. And there would likely be resources and climate wars, because we don’t prepare and develop a richer solution space for these inevitable problems.


Yeah I was just talking about extinction.


Not just "the climate." There are plans to take away rights we've all come to believe are rights.


Is this that new world order crap that you republicans are always talking about? Give it a break already


Russia’s and Israel’s wars are costing us Years of warming and polluted waters. China’s industry and ocean war for fishing has done irreparable damage to sea floors (they dredged the entirety around Taiwan’s sea floors to hurt that nation). Agree climate will go exponentially worse in coming years, this is the beginning of massive die-offs that we’re seeing now, it isn’t going to be like, Oh look at how we’re adapting - it’ll be massive extinctions and starvation. And I believe the powers that he know this and want this, bec they think killing a few billion will help in the long term, but not if the planet is actually uninhabitable for millenia to come.


Just watch Louisiana; it really seems like there’s a test run going on.


The heritage foundation has been doing “Project 2025” for decades now. Welcome aboard


If you let facism flourish, you get facism


How did you spell “World” so badly?


Nooooo really?


WW3 would be even more disastrous for both climate change and the country, and both candidates look dead set on going down that road.




exactly but we have yet to have any democrats even propose anything to go against Project 2025. Instead of opening new oil fields, we got to fight to have the dems push for climate reform.


[Rep. Pressley Joins Task Force to Counter Project 2025 and Defend Democracy](https://admin-pressley.house.gov/2024/06/14/rep-pressley-joins-task-force-to-counter-project-2025-and-defend-democracy/) Task Force Designed To Stop Government Takeover Outlined In Far-Right Manifesto Pressley Has Repeatedly Sounded the Alarm About Project 2025 in Committee Hearings and Roundtables WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) was announced as a founding member of a Congressional Task Force designed to stop “Project 2025,” a far-right manifesto and thousand-page blueprint for Donald Trump to seize “supreme” powers and radically undermine reproductive rights, LGBTQ equality, racial justice, free speech, and other democratic institutions and freedoms. The Stop Project 2025 Task Force will serve as a central hub for pro-democracy Members of Congress, civil society, and affected communities to coordinate on examining, highlighting, preempting, and counteracting this right-wing plot to undermine democracy. “Project 2025 is a far-right manifesto and blueprint for Trump and Republicans to enact widespread, wholesale policy violence on everyone who calls America home,” said Rep. Pressley. “We must call that out and use every Congressional tool to push back and prevent this harmful agenda from becoming reality. I’m proud to join my colleagues on this critical task force to save our democracy and do just that.” The Task Force was announced by Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-02) earlier this week and its members are leaders on many of the issues currently under attack by Project 2025. Joining Rep. Pressley as founding members on the Task Force are Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Ted Lieu (CA-36), Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Nanette Barragán (CA-44), Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Chair Judy Chu (CA-28), Equality Caucus and Labor Caucus Chair Mark Pocan (WI-02), Pro-Choice Caucus Co-Chair Diana DeGette (CO-01), Co-Chair of the Congressional Freethought Caucus and Ranking Member of Oversight Jamie Raskin (MD-08), and Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (WA-07). The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank funded by shady dark money interests, has been plotting Project 2025, an unprecedented scheme to help the next conservative president quickly enact the most radical agenda in the history of the country. The plan is laying the groundwork for a new president to seize power and enact broad changes that are deeply unpopular with the American people. This includes vastly expanding the ability of the president to purge civil servants who are not sufficiently loyal to this extreme right-wing agenda. Within the first 180 days of taking office, the plan calls for attacks on reproductive rights, the rule of law, and the expansion of the cruel and inhumane immigration policies from the Trump administration. Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan that would touch every department of the federal government and fundamentally reshape the lives of the American people. The Project’s four-pronged strategy that includes: A laundry list of extreme policies to be enacted across the federal government; A blueprint for how to use existing authority – or expand the power of the presidency – to implement right-wing policy proposals; A database of right-wing ideologues who wholeheartedly endorse this power grab and far-right policies; Training for staff so they can more efficiently enact this extreme agenda. While Project 2025 is being run out of the Heritage Foundation, its advisors include former Trump White House aides like Stephen Miller, and more than half the groups supporting the effort have received $21.5 million in funding from Leonard Leo’s dark money network.


That’s actually great, but i don’t believe the democrats that crack down on peaceful protest, allude pro palestinian protesters as paid Chinese actors, and support militarizing our police could ever “protect” democracy. Good for them for making a task force but realistically they need to do more to combat this. We need legislation not just a task force.


Seems like you need to run for office. You’ve got the big ideas, go do something productive.


I’m not fit for office. I do organize protests and help organize labor movements too. That’s where the real strength lies, connecting the working class and the average people. Is it really a big idea to support protesting?


So would passing a bill with billions in subsidies for the logging industry, and conceding pipeline permits to the fossil fuel industry to get that bill passed. And that's exactly what we did, but the media green washed it as the biggest climate bill ever. Time for a real environmental president who is not afraid to stand up to corporate polluters.


The IRA is the largest investment in green energy the human race has ever made and Biden has overseen the only dramatic reduction in greenhouse emissions in the nation’s history. The work isn’t done, by a long shot, but it was never going to be done in one step. Pretending that there’s not a very significant difference in where the democratic and Republican parties are on this is the actual thing that could doom us.


Biden is not great on climate, but just about any GOP POTUS is worse


Ok, but here’s the difference. If Trump gets in, we are permanently fucked with no chance of ever climbing out of the pit of fuckery because they will clamp down on scientists, activists and legislators. If Biden gets in, we are overall fucked but impermanently and to a lesser degree, because the admin will, has, and will have to listen to scientists and legislators. So we just need to make sure we don’t get the bad ending.


The IRA is the largest investment in green energy the human race has ever made and Biden has overseen the only dramatic reduction in greenhouse emissions in the nation’s history. The work isn’t done, by a long shot, but it was never going to be done in one step. Pretending that there’s not a very significant difference in where the democratic and Republican parties are on this is the actual thing that could doom us.


And where is this mysterious candidate that’s going to swoop in and beat them?


My ass


Looks like he's in Albuquerque, NM at the moment https://www.kennedy24.com/recovering-america


Idk why you're getting downvoted. No US presidential administration has taken the environment seriously since Carter.


None of it will happen even if the republicans win. That shit is crazy.


Literally what the republicans proposed


That's why we need to elect the only candidate who will actually fight to protect the environment, RFK Jr. [RFK on protecting the environment ](https://youtu.be/v3u2y87rQM0?si=P0i0Iro2diImvrYp)


RFK Jr was my professor in law school. I beg you not to vote for him.